Sunday, November 19, 2006

The most important
postwar painting

that is not in a museum”
changes hands
for a mere
$137.5 mil


If Kevin Smith, Matt Groening or Michael Moore
were writing a parody
of neocon poetry perspectives,
this interview
is what they’d write

(My favorite part
is the description of FSG
as ” an imprint of
 Georg von Holtzbrinck

a phrase more poetic
than the cliché-ridden
poem “The Hearth”
with its “plastic coffee cup…
uncertain what to do”)


Further question:
why do neocon poets
always compare themselves
to the avant
poets of the past,

why not compare
C.K. Williams
to Edward Arlington Robinson,
instead of to a poet
like Whitman
antithetical to his project?


The New York
Art Book


Charles Olson
in Persian


R&B great
Ruth Brown
has left the building