Sunday, December 10, 2006

One museum opens
in a new location
while another
is perilously close
to flickering out


A review
Boston’s ICA
that the architecture
the art

(You’re not alone,


Bruce Langhorne,
one of the great musicians
of the last half century
needs your help
(a note from Jonathan Demme)


What Gerard Van der Luen
was doing
in December
26 years ago

(with an odd sighting
of old NY School poet
Jonathon Cott)


Look who wants
to extend


George W. Bush
announced on Friday
that William Safire
will be honored
with the
National Medal of Freedom
polishing the language
which raises the question:
how would Bush know?


No fan of
Project Runway
can fail
to note the passing
of fashion genius
Van Smith


Jack Krick
has been adding
new pages
to the
Electronic Poetry Center’s
roster of contemporary poets
(322 to date)

Some recent additions:
Charles North
Jimmy Schuyler
Lorenzo Thomas
George Oppen


A new collective blog
worth noting is the
International Exchange for Poetic Invention
(Charles Bernstein & Ton van 't
Hof, proprietors)



For all of the great books
by living authors
Green Integer
has published,
it would appear
that just one of its
best sellers
is by or about
a living writer