Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Recently Received


Books (Poetry)

Mary Jo Bang, Elegy, Graywolf Press, St. Paul 2007

Peg Boyers, Honey with Tobacco, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2007

Maria Mazziotti Gillan, All That Lies Between Us, Guernica, Toronto 2007

Jonathan Greene, Heart Matters, Broadstone Books, Frankfort, KY 2008

Daniel Hall, Under Sleep, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2007

Mike Hauser, Close Gauge Petcock, no publisher, location or date listed

Mark Jarman, Epistles, Sarabande, Louisville 2007

Lisa Jarnot, Night Scenes, Flood Editions, Chicago 2008

Deborah Keenan, Willow Room, Green Door: New and Selected Poems, Milkweed Editions, Minneapolis 2007

David Kirby, The House on Boulevard St., Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge 2007

Bill Knott, Stigmata Errata Etecetera, Saturnalia Books, Philadelphia 2007

John Martone, Ordinary Fool, Dogwood & Honeysuckle, Charleston, IL 2008

John Martone, (seedling/eclipse), Dogwood & Honeysuckle, Charleston, IL 2008

John Martone, Syllables, Dogwood & Honeysuckle, Charleston, IL 2008

John Martone, A Cell, Dogwood & Honeysuckle, Charleston, IL 2008

John Martone, Asarum Canadense, Dogwood & Honeysuckle, Charleston, IL 2008

Karin Randolph, Either She Was, Marsh Hawk Press, New York 2008

James Scully, Donatello’s Version, Curbstone Press, Willamantic CT 2007

R. T. Smith, Outlaw Style, University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville 2007

Sam Truit, Vertical Elegies: Three Works, Ugly Duckling Presse, Brooklyn 2008


Books (Poetry Anthology)

Zachariah Wells, Jailbreaks: 99 Canadian Sonnets, Biblioasis, Emeryville, Ontario 2008. Includes Milton Acorn, Margaret Avison, Ken Babstock, Leonard Cohen, Mary Dalton, Ralph Gustafson, Daryl Hine, Irving Layton, Malcolm Lowry, Gwendolyn MacEwan, John Newlove, Eric Ormsby, Molly Peacock, Stuart Ross, Goran Simić, Raymond Souster, Carmine Starnino, Phyllis Web, Gerry Gilbert, Peter Dale Scott, Richard Outram, more.


Books (Other)

Marci Nelligan & Nicole Mauro, Intersection, Chain/Links, Philadelphia & Oakland 2008. Includes work by Jane Jacobs, Paul Madonna, Claire Porter, William Pope.L, Mitchell Duneier, Melissa Ngo

2007 Pew Fellowships in the Arts, Pew Charitable Trusts, Philadelphia 2008. Includes essays by Melissa Franklin, executive director, Pew Fellowships in the Arts, Joseph Melillo, executive producer, Brooklyn Academy Music, 2007 Panel Chair. 2007 categories: music composition, choreography, craft. Includes work by Charles O. Anderson, King Britt, Nicole Cousineau, Fritz Dietel, Ed Bing Lee, Gerald Levinson, Adelaide Paul, Peter Paulsen, Jamey Robinson, Kate Watson-Wallace, Dorothy Wilkie, Julie York. Includes both CD and a DVD (with 12 films about the artists).



Moonset Literary Newspaper, Spring/Summer 2008, La Pine, OR. Includes Shawn Bowman, Claudette Russell, b’oki, Kala Ramesh, Dawn Bruce, A. Thiagarajan, Chance, Walter Franceschi, “105 Indian Haiku Poets” translated by Angelee Deodhar, more.

Peaches and Bats, 2, 2008, Portland, OR. Includes Elizabeth Robinson, Colin Beattie, Sam Lohmann, Arthur Sze, Jeanne Lohmann, Lindsey Bolt, Robert Kelly, interviews with Kelly and with Dan Beachy-Quick, artwork by Michaela Curtis-Joyce & Lauren Likely.

The Peter F Yacht Club #8, Ottawa, 2007. Edmonton Issue. Includes Stephen Brockwell, Marita Dachsel, Amanda Earl, Jesse Ferguson, Laurie Fuhr, Clare Latremouille, Nicholas Lea, Roland Prevost, Marcus McCann, rob mclennan, Jonathan Meakin, Max Middle, Carla Milo, Paul Pearson, Monty Reid, Sandra Ridley, Christine Stewart

The Peter F Yacht Club #9, Ottawa, 2008. Fredericton Issue. Includes derek beaulieu, Amanda Earl, Jesse Patrick Ferguson, Laurie Fuhr, Nicholas Lea, rob mclennan, Max Middle, Roland Prevost, Monty Reid, Hugh Thomas



Other Media & Formats

John Martone, Peppers, Dogwood & Honeysuckle, Charleston, IL 2008 (folded paper inside envelope)

Withstand, no. 1, Winter 2008, no location given. Includes Michael Scharf, Dan Thomas-Glass, Juliana Spahr, Derek Henderson, Megan Kaminski, Joshua Clover, Ben Lerner, Ange Mlinko, Christopher Nealon, Rodrigo Toscano, Timothy Kreiner (unbound pages held together by bilingual loops of “danger/peligro” tape fastened with duct tape, order determined by assigning stock symbols to contributors names by initials & tracking for a period – Scharf must have been Microsoft).



Still catching up on all items received
since January 11.