Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tom Beckett
on three books
using the same cover photo


Saving books from the flood
in Iowa City


the “Poetry of the 1970s” conference
Orono, Maine

Tom Orange’s photos (195 of them)

Ben Friedlander’s photos (75)

Kaplan Harris’s photos (37)

A 2-minute video of Clark Coolidge reading

Kit Robinson reading from Ted Greenwald’s You Bet


The Nonconceptualist Manifesto

A note on boundaries


Rae Armantrout, Charles Bernstein,
A.R. Ammons & Charlie Simic
in the new issue of Poetry


Jerry Rothenberg’s blog


Where bloggers face arrest


Talking with Patricia Smith


Iman Bakry,
an Egyptian poet
with a sense of politics & puns


The end of the sentence


If there are 2 million professional artists
in the
how many are poets?


Craig Dworkin’s The Consequence of Innovation


Robert Vasquez’ Braille for the Heart


Talking with Li-Young Lee


Patrick Lovelace
on the archaeology of
Bill Pearlman’s Inzorbital


Stephen Vincent
tracing Charles Olson’s
Mayan footsteps


Nearly 3 years after being destroyed
by Hurricane Katrina,
the Afro-American Book Stop is back


Nashville’s one gay bookstore
is for sale


looks past the closure of
Yankee Paperback
(just 3 dozen indies left
in the state of


A profile of North Oakland’s
Book Zoo


Beth Kanell
against prose on the MTA


Robert Duncan in DailyKos


Befriending stingrays
where poetry is a virus


Kerouac’s typewriter


Ihechukwu Madubuike,
a major African literary critic


Ben Jonson’s elegies for his children


Lucinda Williams & her dad


The Jerry Seinfeld of American poetry


David Trinidad’s The Late Show


Verbal art & linguistic science:
building on an idea of Kent Johnson’s (PDF)


John Godfrey in The Nation
(subscription required)


Mary Rudge,
Poet Laureate of


Talking with Eva Salzman


Johanna Skibsrud’s
Late Nights with Wild Cowboys


Karen Houle, Allesandro Porco,
Jordan Scott & R.M. Vaughan


What the UK) poet laureate needs

But women are baling right & left


Joyce Brinkman’s tenure
Indiana’s poet laureate


The Dylan Thomas trail

& Homer’s


Blogging, public intellectuals
& the academy

Public intellectuals, 2.0 (DOC)


William Logan’s “Valentine’s Day Massacre”


Poets as crime novelists


How much money does a writer need?


Language is physical


in the “Complete Works”
of Shakespeare


C.K. Williams on his father


Djelloul Marbrook’s
Far from


A Village Award for the Poetry Project


A discussion with Asa Boxer


Rawi Hage beats the big names
for the Impac Award


A profile of Punjabi poet, Surjit Patar


Remembering Faiz Ahmed Faiz


Talking with Bharathi Devi


Talking with Lauren Best


Talking with Gore Vidal


Reconsidering R.S. Thomas


Talking with Raymond McDaniel


James Reaney has died


Who cares about book reviews?


The “golden age” of book ads


Some books you could buy today
but only at Christie’s


Mike Barnes, Mark Clement & Jenny Bryan


Poetry & travel


A profile of Billy Collins


More on “the world’s worst poet


The enduring influence of Edward Thomas


Mary Karr on poems about fathers


The bridge is down


A profile of Bucky Fuller


DIY fonts


Variety teaches the Hollywood set
how to read a book


They serve other purposes too:
Beautify with books


Electronic records preservation


Hell for Adorno


Will the left ever learn
how to communicate
across generations?


How the ‘60s
energized the right


Staying smart in the new dark ages


Singing Baudelaire

Gerard Souzay
singing Duparc’s
”La invitation au voyage


The latest in


Blek le Rat
& the roots of Banksy


The street art of Seyed Alavi


How to control the art world


Kenneth Baker on
Frida Kahlo at SF MoMA

My review of the same show


Jess at Tibor de Nagy




A collection of essays
that shows
why it’s been a disaster
for 30 film critics
to quit or lose their jobs

in the last two years