Thursday, January 08, 2009

More books into Braille!


Poetry & capitalism


Jack Spicer’s “Golem”

Spicer celebration at SF Main Library
Saturday, Jan. 10


Richard Seaver has passed away


So has Carol Adair, Kay Ryan’s partner


American Hybrid

Some Hybrid


Partial MLA offsite reading
(85MB, Gordon thru Rothenberg,
available only to Saturday)


Jessa Crispin talking with Clayton Eshleman


Why teach literature?


A profile of the most popular
poetry contest in the world


Anti-war poetry then & now

Among Gaza’s atrocities


Doug Messerli
Emma Bee Bernstein


Editing friends


Francisco Goldman on Roberto Bolaño’s 2666

Natasha Wimmer on Roberto Bolaño’s 2666

Listening to Goldman & Wimmer
on Roberto Bolaño’s 2666


Nazim Hikmet gets his citizenship back
(too bad he’s been dead for 45 years)


When Langpo & flarf are not enough

Is “embarrassment” more important than
”offensiveness” to flarf?


(Re)emerging poets


Talking with Arielle Greenberg


Bashō finds an abandoned infant
& leaves it to die

Response to the video

Bashō: The Complete Haiku


Always on: libraries in a world
of permanent connectivity


Where Barack buys books


Where Tom Hanks gets his


A coup at Borders


Remembering Glenn Goldman


How to kill a bookstore:
raise the rent to $1 million


After 85 years,
Stacey’s to close in SF


The indie bookstores of
Montpelier, Vermont


Making used books pay

A renaissance for used books?


2008: the poetry year in review


Roberta Beary: one-minute poetry reading


Still answering H.L. Hix’ “20 Questions”


Pervasive communication environments


Every book ever published
will end up online


Is captcha poetry hipper than flarf?


Remembering Dave Church


Mark Doty, making it real


Remembering Jason Shinder


Linh Dinh’s Seven Contemporary Italian Poets:
Marco Giovenale
Gherardo Bortolotti


Looking for a laureate


Cuba opens Hemingway e-archives


Shakespeare’s church is becoming unsafe


Writing & fame –
the case of Mishima


Frank Wilson’s likes & dislikes for 2008


Asher Ghaffar & Sue Sinclair

rob mclennan on Asher Ghaffar


Why spell-check sucks


Publishing: the new austerity


The “G” in FSG


Magazine ads are drying up


Readings at rush hour
at the train station!


Talking with Mark Irwin


Work needed for Poet’s Pause


The oldsters turn out for
Poems for the Millennium, vol. 3


Donald Westlake has died

Terry Gross talks to Westlake

Remembering Westlake


Celebrating W.D. Snodgrass


Talking with Mark Gwynne Jones


A poem-a-day for a decade


Talking with Peter Bennet


David Lunde’s Breaking the Willow


The origin of originality


Worst poetry book covers, 2008


Stanley Fish goes to the movies
(he gets Vertigo right)


Quietists who correspond


The fiction lineup for ought nine


Cell-phone novels


Hating all the new Canadian anthologies


The state of the humanities

Humanities Indicators Prototype (HIP)


In this recession, who will support the arts


What happens to the arts
when critics disappear


The Art Instinct


David Denby gets all snarky


Philosophy at (in) the movies


Making MOCA work


Foulds wins a Costa


Matisse’s model speaks


An artsy homeless shelter


The opposite of blockbuster


The man who invented ballet


Terry Teachout’s top 25
classical recordings of all time


Music theory now


The pitch-time continuum


Grateful Dead analysis:
the relationship between
concert & listening behavior


Betty Freeman & the music she commissioned


Ive’s ears


What we can learn from Guitar Hero


Magic may be over for
the Magic Theater


Another at risk
in Beverly, Mass


What will change
E V E R Y T H I N G ?