Monday, July 13, 2009


Recently Received

Books (Poetry)

Kathleen Sheeder Bonano, Slamming Open the Door, Alice James Books, Farmington, ME 2009

Juliet Cook, Mondo Crampo, Dusie Press, Zurich 2008

Cheryl Dumesnil, In Praise of Falling, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh 2009

Alison Hawthorne Deming, Rope, Penguin, New York / London 2009

Amy Gerstler, Dearest Creature, Penguin, New York / London 2009

Judith Goldman, The Dispossessions, Atticus / Finch, Oakland 2009

Jim Harrison, In Search of Small Gods, Copper Canyon, Port Townsend 2009

Margo Klass & Frank Soos, Double Moon: Constructions & Conversations, Boreal Books, Fairbanks, Alaska 2009

Jenn McCreary, : ab ovo :, Dusie Press, Zurich 2009

Hoa Nguyen, Hecate Lochia, Hot Whiskey Press, Prague 2009

Nathaniel Siegel, Tony, Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, Brooklyn, #107 of 200 but year not filled in on © page.

Suzanne Stein, Hole in Space, OMG!, no location given (but New Yorkish), 2009

Keith Tuma, The Paris Hilton, Critical Documents, Providence 2009

Arthur Vogelsang, A Planet, Holt, Rinehart, Winston, New York 1983

Arthur Vogelsang, Twentieth Century Women, University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA 1988

Arthur Vogelsang, Cities and Towns, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst 1996

Arthur Vogelsang, Left Wing of a Bird, Sarabande, Louisville 2003



Action Poétique, no. 126, June 2009, Ivry-sur-Siene. Includes Florence Pazzottu, Cozette de Charmoy, Die Wiener Gruppe, Clara Elliott, Alain Lance, Geneviève Huttin, Matthieu Mével, Peter Swanborn, Anibal Cristobo, Bruno Cany, Maria Sabina, Michel Plon, Yves Di Manno, Joseph-Julien Guglielmi, more.

Chicago Review, vol. 54, no. 4, Spring 2009, Chicago. Includes Anne Carson, Saskia Hamilton, Tomaž Šalamun, Jee Young Lee, Rusty Morrison, Elizabeth Willis, Susan Howe, Joshua Kotin, John Beer, Rowan Ricardo Phillips, more.

Zing Magazine, no. 21, New York, 2006/2007. Includes (as curators) Jonas Mekas / James Fuentes, Joseph F. Lovett / Marie Barone, Grace Kim, Janine Gordon, Sari Carel, Tom Sachs, more.


Other Media & Formats

Rob Halpern, Some Speculations Around George Oppen’s Parousia, no location (but we’re guessing SF), date or publisher listed. Broadside on card stock, 4” by 10.5”


Still a big stack of books
waiting to be noted here