Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mathew Timmons:
The Arachnoids
(world’s largest sound poetry choir)

LaMonte Young’s
Poem for Chairs, Tables,
Benches, Etc. (or other sound sources)”

Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl
on sound poetry

Barrett Watten:
Jackson Mac Low as Reading Machine

Nu Shu:
the secret written language of women

The Whorf Hypothesis:
don’t believe the hype

5 women among 6 finalists
for the Wales Dylan Thomas Prize

Nathalie Stephens & Steve Farmer

Talking with Charles Olson

Steve McCaffery:
Afterword to his selected poems

Tribute to Frank O’Hara

Talking with Jack Gilbert

Ukraine secret police
declassify criminal case archives
of Rose Auslander

Steve Fama on Mark Lamoureux

Lamoureux’s Dance Poems

Habib Tengour:
Surrealism in the Maghreb

Sina Queyras:
Criticality vs. negativity

The 5 meanest book reviews ever

Talking with Orhan Pamuk

Sam Hazo on Pittsburgh:
The Paris of Appalachia

Tackling UK poetry’s ethnic imbalance
with no help from Jeremy Hunt

I missed National Punctuation Day

The high price
of being a grammar Nazi

a Facebook poem

Tom Konyves on videopoetry
(see also the last link below)

Don DeLillo:
Does poetry need paper?

Talking with Don DeLillo

DeLillo wins PEN / Saul Bellow Prize

Small Press Traffic has a new website

Privatizing libraries

features mini-close readings
of works from
Futurepoem books


Rae Armantrout speaks “in splashes”

Bernadette Mayer in The Nation
(subscription required)

Attention Span 2010’s
“commented list” (so far)

Talking with Meena Kanasamy

Poems from Ms. Militancy

David Markson’s library

Goethe’s Faust
all 4½ hours
in a new adaptation
& with Derek Jacoby as God

Chinua Achebe wins $300K Gish Prize

Edwin Denby:
“On the Home Front

Talking with Thom Gunn

On Brian Fawcett’s
“The New American Poetry and Us”

Henry Gould on Latta’s Fawcett

Talking with Hank Lazer
in teeny tiny type

Taking the name off of
The CLR James Library

Abdul Hossain receives
Mazharul Islam Poetry Award

Poetry Africa

Charles Bernstein:
“De Campos Thou Art Translated (Knot)”

The confluence of poetries in Prague

The bard of Haiku, Maui

Milton’s dirty poem

the freedom to read

It’s Banned Book Week!

Mapping censorship

Ten “flashlight worthy” books
most often banned

Can censoring a children’s book
remove its prejudices?

Anti-censorship forces
need just as much passion
as their opposites

11 short tales from Max’s Kansas City

Talking with Antony Di Nardo

Interrogating poetry

Allen Ginsberg, Buddhist Rabbi

Spicer / Davenport

Are Dublin’s literary connections
just accidents of birth?

Talking with Marilyn Hacker

Tom McCarthy &
the future of avant-garde fiction

Ruth Padel on Elaine Feinstein

Net book sales in July in the US

Indie bookshops in Boston

Will you pay to preview content
in the bookstore of the future?

Roeper gives thumbs up
to Chicago’s new poetry center

Late Capitalism & the avant-garde

The poetry of Beatrice Hawley

Chimimanda Ngozi Adichie’s “Birdsong”

Talking with John Ashbery

Poetry vs. violence
at South Philly High

The Pale King is coming

Kafka’s last trial

& Steinbeck’s

Poetry & the jinn

Old poetry illuminate older theology

On Roland Barthes’ Mourning Diary

Wordsworthian poetics
as philosophical method

Writers of the Hudson Valley

Judges throw out
Oregon’s “anti-porn” laws

Why can’t we get it rite?

Heather Christie’s
The Difficult Farm

Ntozake Shange & Ifa Bayeza:
Some Sing, Some Cry

Sisters engage the history of black women

Celebrating Lucille Clifton

The stigma of paperback originals

Stephen Dedalus & Huck Finn
taking a fiction workshop

The NY Times reviews Tao Lin

Tao Lin:
when it’s okay to steal a book

Tao Lin &/or Jonathan Franzen

Poetry Man
wins its seventh film fest prize

Jonathan Franzen on Fresh Air

Franzen in The Guardian

David Brook’s
on Freedom’s agenda

Jonathan Franzen on DC

Reading Freedom on a Kindle

Why there is no Kindle Freedom
in libraries

Franzen’s problem is voice

Franzen: is that all there is?

The girl with the Franzen tattoo

Who is the top dog?

Why pop fiction?

It’s not e-books vs. brick & mortar:
it’s both

During takeoff,
you don’t turn off a book

Ingram & Macmillan’s new business model

All University of Washington freshmen
must read poetry

Talking with Michel Houellebecq

Essential works of cyberpunk

Touring the South’s literary landmarks

Malayalam, Urdu poets win Jnanpith awards

Vatican Library reopens

The problem with prescriptivists

Derek Walcott at 80

so as to become

Brian Henry’s
Wings Without Birds

Talking with Harold Bloom

Time it took to “destroy”
Dostoevsky’s reputation:
15 days

George Bernard Shaw & Gene Tunney: BFFs

Graham Greene, book collector

A South Dakota poetry anthology

Talking with Raymond Carver

A poem by Tim Burton

Will the Pasternak museum
embody his values?

Seamus Heaney: “I live in panic”

William Logan on Famous Seamus

the poet of our age

The politically inoffensive “titan”

The squat pen rests

Muldoon “mesmerizes” with Maggot

Geoffrey Hill’s the barbarian

Hugh Fox’s Where Sanity Begins

Martha Kapos Wallace Stevens thing

Poetry goes where politicians won’t

Poetry as “divine criminality

On Djelloul Marbrook

Marbrook’s Brushstrokes and Glances

Putting the ale in Salem

What’s in a name?

Indian & French poets
translate one another

Philip Dacey’s Mosquito Operas

Finding inspiration in Tom Cruise’s cocktail

Words shaken and stirred

Take a stand
against the present tense

Dating by the book

Plath’s play is coming to NYC

Hard-boiled Wittgenstein

Wittgenstein’s TV debut?

The house
Wittgenstein built

Illusion & Delusion
in the work of
Laurie Anderson

Lyrics as poetry

Writing the lyrics for Superchunk

Ashbery / Dylan

Bob Dylan & Blind Willie McTell

Hurdy-gurdy for beginners

Derrida interviews Ornette Coleman

Nick Hornby, Ben Folds & Pomplamoose
on the writing life

The girl with colitis goes by

John Lennon at 70

An excellent obit of Irwin Silber

Remembering Doug Sahm

Bruce Springsteen steps into the light

Lesley Flanigan’s sound sculptures

Which comes first,
family or art?

Does your sense of the artist
impact your sense of the work?

Who is Refbatch?

The golden age of comics

Nobody bids on Lehman’s Hirst

The David Park effect

Kevin Killian on
Jason Jägel:
caste & outcast

A new Bruegel

Images from Lee Friedlander’s
America by Car

Stanford Kay:
Gutenberg Variations

Cairo Van Gogh theft
was an inside job

Flarf comics
(mostly in Dutch)

Leo Villareal:
LEDs + math = art

Has the economic downturn
painted Irish artists into a corner?

Roman Signer at Swiss Institute

Barry Schwabsky on crafts
(subscription required)

2 new characters in Archie comics:
Barack & Sarah

A KickStarter page for
Pixel Visions
Michael Koshkin’s documentary
on the PXL-2000

Edie Sedgwick still inspires

The “new, improved” Project Runway

Heidi Klum, Hegel
& the politics of politeness

Bless Me, Ultima
is coming to the screen

A memorial for Peter Orlovsky
as Howl debuts a few blocks away

A review of Howl
by someone who doesn’t know
how to read the poem

a documentary interrupted
by a turbo-charged acid trip”

D.A. Powell:
how a famous poem became
a remarkable movie

The wrong poem
& the wrong star

How James Franco reads “Howl”

Learning from Allen Ginsberg

The Beats “birthed” a social revolution

Will union boycott
halt The Hobbit

“There is no such thing
as intellectual property”

Why the South
will not rise again

Stephen Johnson:
Where do good ideas come from?

Why do so many hate professors?

The United States of Inequality

Martha Gellhorn to Harry Hopkins

Crowd accelerated innovation