Sunday, July 24, 2011



Recommendations from our Audio Video Library

Robert Creeley
December 4, 1963

Description: Creeley’s 1963 appearance in Tucson for the Poetry Center’s Fall reading series is our earliest recorded reading. In it, the legendary poet reads from For LoveThe Gold Diggers, and Words. Listen to Creeley’s performance of “I Know a Man” for the poet’s fascinating commentary on the meaning of this, arguably his most famous poem.



::Listen to the reading::

We also recommend:

Robert Creeley
December 4, 2002

Robert Creeley returns to the Poetry Center,
39 years to the day after his 1963 reading,
to read from his recently published Chax Press chapbook, Yesterdays.

::Listen to the reading::

*Photograph by LaVerne Harrell Clark

The Poetry Center's Audio Video Library features recordings from the Center's long-running Reading Series and other readings presented under the auspices of the Center. The AVL includes multiple recordings of poets who have read for the Poetry Center numerous times over the years. Many of these recordings are accompanied by photographs from our archive. As we continue to digitize our recordings, these materials as well as new readings will be added to the AVL, so make sure you continue to visit us at

Description: University of ArizonaDescription: University of Arizona College of Humanities