Talking with Geoffrey Gatza
about the NEA assault
on small presses
Ai Weiwei:
cannot defeat the internet
Ai Weiwei’s
streaming video site
gets shut down
On the death of Guillermo Fernández
Free Abdulelah Shaye
Afaa M Weaver:
8 questions for African-American poetry
Antonio Tabucchi has died
Lewis Nordan has died
Edmund Epstein has died
Patricia Smith:
poetry & family
Günter Grass
is banned from Israel
for this poem
Israel accuses
Günter Grass
of anti-Semitism
The Auckland Long Poem Conference:
(1) Lots of short, fast poems
(2) Tuesday morning events
(3) John Tranter’s The Anaglyph
(4) ‘Kill the word before the word kills you’
(5) On the beach
(6) Rachel Blau DuPlessis:
Practice, practise, praxis
(7) The program, with abstracts
Amazon to cut e-book prices
Publishing’s real nemesis
are legal attempts
to stop Amazon(?)
Who do you hate more,
Publishers or book dealers?
Daring to cut off Amazon
Baboons start to read
On tax day
room for poetry
CA Conrad
sits at the center
of Philadelphia’s
poetry scene
(we said that here first)
Tracy K Smith
beats out Forrest Gander & Ron Padgett
for this year’s Pulitzer
This year’s Pulitzer list
snubs fiction
Who loses
when the judges cop out?
The Golden Notebook @ 50
Randall Crouch
on Gabriela Mistral
Robert Kelly’s
Monologues for Orpheus
Steve Benson & Stephen Collis
help Thom Donovan
occupy Harriet
‘Universal grammar is dead’
Sina Queyras:
Destroying the lyric
in order to save it
Testing Sina’s thesis
Kenny G:
the stink of the impure
Catcher in the Rye
Mac Low’s library
Some questions for
Sharon Mesmer
Stephen Burt
on varieties of the post-avant
Large publishers look to India
Where death shaped the Beats
Talking with Dodie Bellamy
William Logan on negativity
Poetweet with the mayor
of NYC
(Is that a poem in your pocket?)
Sci Fi poetry
for National Poetry Month
Does ‘Christian fiction’
hurt Christianity or fiction
‘every scrap of verse’
Philip Larkin ever wrote
So the NY Times
needs to review it twice
A ‘sobering triumph’
The New Criterion
finds Larkin ‘attractive’
Dirda’s Mandelstam
Kevin Young’s The Grey Album
The new ‘golden age’ of poetry
The most underrated poet in America
Borges widow
threatens an Argentinian writer
with 6 years in prison
for employing The Aleph
in a conceptual writing project
(in Spanish)
Kazim Ali:
Is funny valid?
Douglas Kearney: Tell
Diane Di Prima
can use a little help, folks
The digital tsunami
Michael McGriff’s
Home Burial
Philly’s online poetry journals
Before Seamus was famous
Some questions for
Melissa Broder
January G O’Neil:
The State of the State
Talking with
Rachel Shukert
Tyrone Williams:
African American Poetry Now
Working-class heroes
(I’d add any book
Rae Armantrout, Kit Robinson or I
ever wrote to this list)
The blind novelist’s
invisible manuscript
Talking with Toni Morrison
Petrarch & his epigone
William Trowbridge
is the new Missouri laureate
Talking with Sommer Browning
Adam Bradley:
The rap on African American Poetry
Fox Chase’s
recommended reading
for National Poetry Month
Rerouting the rivers
of Robert Hass
as a ‘bag
of microwave popcorn’
Verbs Я Us
Desperately seeking synonyms
Quote the wizard,
Talking with Amy Lawless
Teaching poems
in school
Gary Jackson:
Getting’ a Little Coffee in Your Cream
George Harrison:
The lost guitar solo
Word rocker
Cyndi Dawson
Talking with Levon Helm
How Does it Feel?
The neuroscience of Bob Dylan
The baroness & Monk
Improving (?) Le Corbusier
Trying to love
Diego Rivera
from the right
Zoe Strauss, the book
The early photos
of Arthur Tress
The Swiss Institute channel
on YouTube
Raising Ellsworth Kelly’s
finger at the Barnes
Pollock @ 100
Talking with Werner Herzog
Poe on screen – nevermore!
Reading Capital with David Harvey
Occupy, P2P & Marxism
What is to be done now?
A trend in the Tumblverse
Catch Up
is definitely happening