

American French
19th Century Edgar Allan Poe :
Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827)
Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane and Minor Poems (1829)
Poems (1831)
The Raven and Other Poems (1845)

Walt Whitman :
Leaves of Grass (1856 / 1891)

Aloysius Bertrand :
Gaspard de la nuit (1842)

Charles Baudelaire :
Les Fleurs du mal (1857/1861)
Petits Poëmes en prose (1869)

Paul Verlaine :
Poëmes saturniens (1866)
Fêtes galantes (1869)
La bonne chanson (1870)
Romances sans paroles (1874)
Sagesse (1880)
Jadis et naguère (1884)
Amour (1888)
Parallèlement (1889)

Tristan Corbière :
Les Amours jaunes (1873)

Jules Laforgue :
Les Complaintes (1885)

Stéphane Mallarmé :
Poésies (1899)

René Ghil :
L'Œuvre de René Ghil (1889-1926)

Raymond Roussel :
Œuvres poétiques anthumes complètes :
Mon Âme / L'Âme de Victor Hugo (1897 / 1932)
La Doublure (1897)
La Vue — Le Concert — La Source (1903)
Nouvelles Impressions d'Afrique (1932)
Vers extraits de Comment j'ai écrit certains de mes livres (1935)
20th Century

Ezra Pound :
A lume spento (1908)
Exultations (1909)
Personae (1909)
Ripostes (1912)
Cathay (1915)
Lustra (1916)
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920)
Umbra (1920)
Poems 1918-21 (1921)

William Carlos Williams :
The Tempers (1913)
A Book of Poems : Al que quiere! (1917)
Kora in hell : Improvisations (1920)
Sour Grapes : A Book of Poems (1921)

John Ashbery :
“The Skaters,” from : Rivers and Mountains (1966)
[Genetic edition]

Robert Creeley :
Words (1967)
Pieces (1968)

Charles Bernstein :
“Asylum,” from Asylums (1975)
[Aligned with the Goffman source-text]

Paul Claudel :
Connaissance de l'Est (1900)
Cinq Grandes Odes (1910)
La Cantate à trois voix (1915)
Corona benignitatis anni dei (1915)

Guillaume Apollinaire :
Le Bestiaire ou le cortège d’Orphée (1911)
Alcools (1913)
Calligrammes (1918)

Victor Segalen :
Stèles (1912)

Charles Péguy :
Le Porche du Mystère de la deuxième vertu (1912)
La Tapisserie de Sainte Geneviève et de Jeanne d'Arc (1913)
La Tapisserie de Notre-Dame (1913)
Ève (1913)

Paul-Jean Toulet :
Les Contrerimes (1921)


Poe/Baudelaire/Mallarmé : The Raven/Le Corbeau

Whitman/Laforgue : Poems from Leaves of Grass

About the project

Text/works has the ambition to be the first multilingual online library making available to scholars and general readers collections of French and American Modern poetry (19th, 20th, and 21st Century) in the form of digital critical editions.

The goals of Text/works are multiple.

First, we intend to offer to the general reader authoritative editions of poetic texts and collections, to be read online or downloaded (in XML-TEI and PDF). Contrary to many existing databases, we aim to display the texts we publish with accurate philological care and try to reproduce, as far as possible, their original printed appearance. We will also integrate, whenever possible, genetic data, and collate several editions in cases of variants. For each text, hyperlinked indexes and concordances are to be built, as are various sets of thematic, formal or linguistic annotations.

Moreover, we aim, for the profit of literature scholars, students, and teachers, to develop and make available research tools for text analysis. In a second stage of its development, our library will thus include, for each text, a part-of-speech tagging as well as prosodic and metrical annotations, so as to provide data for searchers interested in a corpus-based approach of modern poetry texts. If the literary text is to offer, in Ponge's words, “à la fois une jouissance et une leçon,” we do hope that our library will, in its modest way, not be completely useless to help the reader delineate a few coordinates of pleasure and enlightenment.

Robin Seguy,

N.B.: Text/works is a personal project, with all the limitations and imperfections this entails. If you wish to offer suggestions, remarks, criticisms or comments, to collaborate, or to help us, please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.