Un bureau sur l'Atlantique

Un bureau sur l'Atlantique Series
(edited by Emmanuel Hocquard;
published by Éditions Créaphis, l'école des filles, F. 26400 Grâne)


Since 1989, Un bureau sur l'Atlantique has edited a series of books, first published with Éditions Royaumont, then with Éditions Créaphis, by contemporary American poets in translation, focusing primarily on texts translated through Royaumont's collective translation seminars.

  • Un bureau sur l'Atlantique Series at Éditions Royaumont (1989-1992)
  • Louis Zukofsky, Un objectif & deux autres essais, translated by Pierre Alferi, 64 p., 1989

    John Taggart, Le poème de la chapelle Rothko, translated by Pierre Alferi & Emmanuel Hocquard, 48 p., 1990.

    Anthology, 49+1 nouveaux poètes américains (selected by Emmanuel Hocquard & Claude Royet-Journoud), 350 p., 1991 (ISBN 2-905271-42-6).

    Ted Pearson, Mnémoniques, translated by Françoise de Laroque, 44 p., 1992.

    In 1993, the publishing program at the Centre de Poésie & Traductions at Fondation Royaumont ceased. Books which result from collective translation seminars (previously Les Cahiers de Royaumont and the Bureau sur l'Atlantique series) are now published by Éditions Créaphis.

  • Un bureau sur l'Atlantique Series at Éditions Créaphis (since 1993) :
  • Tom Raworth, À vide, collective translation at Royaumont, read through by Pierre Alferi, 48 p., 1994 (ISBN 2-907150-47-2).
    Cole Swensen, Numen, collective translation at Royaumont read through by Juliette Valéry, 64 p., 1994 (ISBN 2-907150-46-4).
    Joseph Simas, Pemières leçons de lecture, collective translation at Royaumont read through by Pascale Breton, 64 p., 1996 (ISBN 2-907150-57-X).
    Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Essais - quatre poèmes, collective translation at Royaumont read through by Jean-Paul Auxeméry, 48 p., 1996 (ISBN 2-907150-67-7).
    Keith Waldrop, Aimer par description, translated by Françoise de Laroque, 64 p., 1996 (ISBN 2-907150-56-1).
    Benjamin Hollander, Le livre de qui sont était, collective translation at Royaumont read through by Oscarine Bosquet, 56 p., 1997 (ISBN 2-907150-80-4).
    Laura Moriarty, Symétrie, collective translation at Royaumont read through by Juliette Valéry, 48 p., 1997 (ISBN 2-907150-81-2).
    Norma Cole, Mars, collective translation at Royaumont read through by Denis Dormoy & Juliette Valéry, 56 p., 1997 (ISBN 2-907150-77-4).
    Michael Palmer, À passages, collective translation at Royaumont read through by Emmanuel Hocquard, 48 p., 1997 (ISBN 2-907150-79-0).
    Rosmarie & Keith Waldrop, Tome un, collective translation at Royaumont read through by Juliette Valéry, 48 p., 1997 (ISBN 2-907150-78-2).
  • Forthcoming in 1998: Jackson Mac Low, Les quarantains (extraits); Stacy Doris, Comment aimer; Chet Wiener, Programme d'un soir….

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