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All events take place at the Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk, Philadelphia (U of P).
Wednesday, 12/1
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 10-11:00 AM in Room 202: English 125.306 with J.C. Hallman (JCHallman1@aol.com)
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in Room 202: English 006.301 with Claire Satlof (csatlof@sas.upenn.edu)
- 2-5:00 PM in Room 202: English 155.301 with Paul Hendrickson (phendric@english.upenn.edu)
- 2-5:00 PM in Room 209: English 010.302 with Jennifer Snead (jsnead@writing.upenn.edu)
- 6:00 PM in Room 209: Word.Doc meeting. For more information, please email Kerry Cooperman at kerryc@sas.upenn.edu.
- 7:00 PM in Room 202: Reality Writes, a workshop dedicated to creative nonfiction. For more information email Mary Hale Meyer at MaryHale.Meyer@jevs.org.
Thursday, 12/2
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 9-10:30 AM in Room 202: English 016.401 with Amparo Padilla (amparo@sas.upenn.edu
- 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM in Room 202: English 135.303 with Valerie Ross (vross@writing.upenn.edu)
- 12-1:30 PM in Room 202: English 003.301 with Lydia Fisher (lydiaf@sas.upenn.edu)
- 1:30-4:30 PM in Room 202: English 117.301 with Anthony DeCurtis (adecurtis@aol.com)
- 1:30-4:30 PM in Room 209: English 135.301 with Max Apple (maxapple@dept.english.upenn.edu)
- 1:30-3:00 PM in the Arts Café: English 088 with Al Filreis (afilreis@writing.upenn.edu)
- 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 202: Write On!/Penn Alexander Coaches' Meeting. For more information contact Danielle Rosenblatt at dmrosenb@sas.upenn.edu or Jamie Alter at jalter@sas.upenn.edu.
- 9-10:30 PM in Room 202: The Compass meeting
Friday, 12/3
- 1:00-4:00 PM in Room 202: The Ethnographic Writing Workshop Series, in collaboration with the Critical Writing Program and the Kelly Writers House, presents "In the Realm of the Senses: Evocation, Interiority, and the Fate of the Object in Ethnographic Writing," with Katherine Young. For more information or to register, contact Veronica Aplenc at vaplenc@sas.upenn.edu.
Katharine Young is an independent scholar and writer in Berkeley, CA. Out of her training in folklore and philosophy, she has developed analyses of narrative in Taleworlds and Storyrealms: The Phenomenology of Narrative (Martinus Nijhoff, 1986), of the body in her edited collection, Bodylore (University of Tennessee, 1993), of medicine in Presence in the Flesh: The Body in Medicine (Harvard, 1996), and of gestures in her current research on somatic psychology. She has taught writing in both the Anthropology and Rhetoric Departments at the University of California, Berkeley.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 10-11:00 AM in Room 202: English 125.306 with J.C. Hallman (JCHallman1@aol.com)
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in Room 202: English 006.301 with Claire Satlof (csatlof@sas.upenn.edu)
- 2:30-4:00 PM in Room 209: A meeting of Critical Writing Instructors to discuss pedagogy.
Saturday, 12/4
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Sunday, 12/5
- 4-6:00 PM: A Memorial Service for Ann Davidon -- editor, educator, and peace activist.
- 6:00 PM in the Arts Cafe: A READ-OFF by the students of Paul Hendrickson's Advanced Non-Fiction and Documentary Writing workshops.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Monday, 12/6
- 5:30 PM: Writers House Planning Committee ("Hub") Meeting and Gathering. (For more information about the "hub" or to RSVP, write to wh@writing.upenn.edu.)
- 8:30 PM in the Arts Cafe: English 88 with Al Filreis
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 10-11:00 AM in Room 202: English 125.306 with J.C. Hallman (JCHallman1@aol.com)
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in Room 202: English 006.301 with Claire Satlof (csatlof@sas.upenn.edu)
- 2-5:00 PM in Room 202: English 116.301 with Marc Lapadula (lapadula@dept.english.upenn.edu)
- 2-5:00 PM in Room 209: English 115.301 with Karen Rile (krile@dept.english.upenn.edu)
- 5:30-7:30 PM in Room 202: Penn and Pencil Club. For more information, or to join, contact John Shea at john.shea@uphs.upenn.edu.
- 8:00 PM in Room 202: A review session for Chris Hallman writing class.
Tuesday, 12/7
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 9-10:30 AM in Room 202: English 016.401 with Amparo Padilla (amparo@sas.upenn.edu
- 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM in Room 202: English 135.303 with Valerie Ross (vross@writing.upenn.edu)
- 12-1:30 PM in Room 202: English 003.301 with Lydia Fisher (lydiaf@sas.upenn.edu)
- 1:30-4:30 PM in Room 202: English 112.301 with Max Apple (maxapple@dept.english.upenn.edu)
- 1:30-4:30 PM in Room 209: English 010.301 with Tom Devaney (tdevaney@writing.upenn.edu)
- 1:30-3:00 PM in the Arts Café: English 088 with Al Filreis (afilreis@writing.upenn.edu)
- 5-7:00 PM in Room 202: Americanist Group. For more information, please contact Martha Schoolman (meschool@dept.english.upenn.edu).
Wednesday, 12/8
- 12:30-1:30 PM in the Dining Room: CPCW Faculty Roundtable Brown Bag Lunch Meeting
- 4:30 PM in the Arts Cafe: A reading by members of Herman Beavers's English 113 poetry workshop
Download a recording of this event here.
- 8:00 PM: Speakeasy: Poetry, Prose, and Anything Goes, an open mic performance night. All are welcome! For more information, email askspeakeasy@writing.upenn.edu
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 10-11:00 AM in Room 202: English 125.306 with J.C. Hallman (JCHallman1@aol.com)
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in Room 202: English 006.301 with Claire Satlof (csatlof@sas.upenn.edu)
- 2-5:00 PM in Room 202: English 155.301 with Paul Hendrickson (phendric@english.upenn.edu)
- 2-5:00 PM in Room 209: English 010.302 with Jennifer Snead (jsnead@writing.upenn.edu)
- 6:30-8:00 PM in Room 209: Lacan Writing Group meeting. For more information, email Carmen Lamas at lamasc@sas.upenn.edu.
- 7:00 PM in Room 202: Reality Writes, a workshop dedicated to creative nonfiction. For more information email Mary Hale Meyer at MaryHale.Meyer@jevs.org.
Thursday, 12/9
- 7:00 PM in the Arts Cafe: Kenny Goldsmith and Jena Osman in conversation, moderated by Al Filreis and interviewed by the students of English 88, "Modern & Contemporary American Poetry."
Kenneth Goldsmith took a BFA in sculpture, is a visual artist of great range, publishes as an innovative poet and has created and continually edits what is by far the most comprehensive web site of visual, concrete and sound poetry (UbuWeb). Among Goldsmith's books and compact discs include Tizzy Boost, a collaboration with Bruce Andrews (1993); 73 Poems, published by Permanent Press (Brooklyn, NY, 1994) with essays by Robert Mahoney, John Schaefer, and Geoffrey Young; No. 111 2.7.96-19.20.96 (The Figures, 1997); and Fidget (Coach House Books, 2000). Fidget is Goldsmith's transcription of every movement made by his body during thirteen hours on Bloomsday (June 16), 1997. Originally commissioned by the Whitney Museum of American Art as a collaboration with vocalist Theo Bleckmann, Fidget attempts to reduce the body to a catalogue of mechnical movements by a strict act of observation. The online edition of Fidget at www.chbooks.com includes the full text, a self-running Java applet version written by programmer Clem Paulsen, and a selection of RealAudio recordings from Theo Bleckmann's vocal/visual performance at the Whitney on Bloomsday, 1998.
Jena Osman is a poet and scholar who teaches poetry workshops to graduate students in the Creative Writing Program, poetry and playwriting workshops to undergraduates, and literature classes in contemporary poetry. She is also the faculty advisor for the undergraduate literary magazine, Hyphen. Osman’s books of poetry include Essay in Asterisks (Roof, 2004), The Character (Beacon, 1999 and winner of the 1998 Barnard New Women Poets Prize) and Amblyopia (Avenue B, 1993). Chapbooks include Jury (Meow Press,1996), Balance (Leave Books, 1992), Underwater Dive: Version One (Paradigm Press, 1990) and Twelve Parts of Her (Burning Deck Press, 1989). Her work has appeared in The Best American Poetry of 2002 (selected by Robert Creeley), and many other anthologies and literary magazines such as Conjunctions, XCP: Cross Cultural Poetics, and Verse. Her poems have been translated into French, Swedish, and Serbo-Croatian. With Juliana Spahr, she is the editor of the award-winning and internationally recognized literary magazine Chain. She has received grants for her poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York Foundation for the Arts, and the Fund for Poetry. She has been a writing fellow at the MacDowell Colony, the Blue Mountain Center, the Djerassi Foundation, and Chateau de la Napoule. Osman received an M.A. in poetry and playwriting from Brown University in 1987 and a Ph.D. in English from the Poetics Program at the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1998.
This program was recorded and is available through PENNsound
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 9-10:30 AM in Room 202: English 016.401 with Amparo Padilla (amparo@sas.upenn.edu
- 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM in Room 202: English 135.303 with Valerie Ross (vross@writing.upenn.edu)
- 12-1:30 PM in Room 202: English 003.301 with Lydia Fisher (lydiaf@sas.upenn.edu)
- 1:30-4:30 PM in Room 202: English 117.301 with Anthony DeCurtis (adecurtis@aol.com)
- 1:30-4:30 PM in Room 209: English 135.301 with Max Apple (maxapple@dept.english.upenn.edu)
- 1:30-3:00 PM in the Arts Café: English 088 with Al Filreis (afilreis@writing.upenn.edu)
- 4:30 PM in Room 202: The Modernist Studies group will meet to discuss Jess Allred's paper "Moving Violations: Stasis and Mobility in James Agee's and Walker Evans's Let Us Now Praise Famous Men." For more information, contact Damien Keane at dkeane@english.upenn.edu.
- 9-10:30 PM in Room 202: The Compass meeting
Friday, 12/10
- Last Day of Classes
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 10-11:00 AM in Room 202: English 125.306 with J.C. Hallman (JCHallman1@aol.com)
- 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM in Room 202: English 006.301 with Claire Satlof (csatlof@sas.upenn.edu)
- 2:00 PM in Room 209: Talk Poets meeting
Saturday, 12/11
- Reading Days
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Sunday, 12/12
- Reading Days
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Monday, 12/13
- Reading Days
- 8:00 PM in the Arts Cafe: LIVE at the Writers House, "Writers at Work at Penn," will tape in the Arts Cafe. Featuring Peter Nichols, John Prendergast, Valerie Ross, Ingrid Schaffner, John Shea and Like Moving Insects.
Peter Nichols has worked at Penn for nearly 23 years. Currently, he is the editor of Penn Arts & Sciences Magazine, the alumni publication of the School of Arts and Sciences. Before that, he was a staff writer for Penn's Institute for Research on Higher Education, where he wrote reports for the Pew Higher Education Roundtable as well as case studies, proposals, and other materials. Peter is a Penn alumnus and earned his degree from the College of General Studies, taking advantage of the university's tuition benefit while working full time at Biddle Law Library. He is also a freelance writer--not to mention a husband and a dad of two boys.
John Prendergast has published a novel, JUMP, and has had stories in magazines including Glimmer Train, The Bridge, The Ledge, and The Painted Bride Quarterly. As a journalist, he has written and/or edited articles on hunting dogs for the American Kennel Club's newspaper; on business and management issues for Pennsylvania Outlook and the Wharton Magazine; and on the environment, transportation, bridges and buildings, and other engineering-related subjects for Civil Engineering Magazine. He is currently editor of The Pennsylvania Gazette, the alumni magazine of the Üniversity of Pennsylvania.
Valerie Ross is Director of the Critical Writing Program and teaches in the Department of English, specializing in biography. Prior to becoming a professor, Ross was a senior management consultant and business writer, an editor at Esquire and Wall Street Publications, an Editor-in-Chief of the Cream City Review literary quarterly, and a co-founder of JazzSchool. Her singular publication is her beautiful eight-year-old son, Domenic.
Ingrid Schaffner is Senior Curator at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, where she is currently working on "Accumulated Vision, Barry Le Va," a survey of the Post-minimalist artist's work of the past 40 years (January 2005). Past exhibitions at ICA include "The Big Nothing," "Sarah McEneaney," "Polly Apfelbaum," "The Photogenic" and "Richard Tuttle, In Parts, 1998-2001." Working independently, she is also the curator of "Gloria: Another Look at Feminist Art of the 1970s," "Deep Storage," "Julien Levy: Portrait of an Art Gallery," and "The Return of the Cadavre Exquis." Her most recent book is Salvador Dalí's Dream of Venus: The Surrealist Funhouse at the 1939 World's Fair (Princeton Architectural Press, Fall 2002).
John Shea has been an editor and writer at the University since 1985. He currently edits Penn Medicine, the medical school's alumni magazine. His stories have appeared in Partisan Review, The Twilight Zone Magazine, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, and Columbia, the magazine of Columbia University. In 2002, his poem "The Anxious Poem" won the poetry competition of Philadelphia City Paper. "Taking Leave," his one-act play, was produced on campus by a Penn student group.
Like Moving Insects pollinate their musical experience within an encompassing mixture of unique disciplines. Marrying soul, folk, digital blips, analog hiss, math rock, lullabies, torch songs and just about anything else tuneful or otherwise, L.M.I. attempts to offer an alternative to the multitudes of over-amplified bar bands, trying to re-sensitize its listeners with textures and timbres of horns & strings, bow & slide, wood & wire.
At present, Like Moving Insects are based in Philadelphia, PA and are continually traveling to introduce their songs into all welcoming venues. They offer an early demo CD, downloadable, free of charge from their website, www.likemovinginsects.com. In the near future LMI plans on releasing a home recorded collection of popular songs concerning bad weather, as well as beginning the recording to follow up their debut “Musical Album.” The band is made up of Joshua Marcus (guitars, vocals, Todd Starlin (trumpet, keyboards, vocals), Tom Bendel (percussion, vocals), Jon Francis (bowed banjo, strings, vocals) & Noam Levy (lap steel, bass).
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 6-8:00 PM in Room 202: 34th Street Poets Meeting
- 2-5:00 PM in Room 209: Make-up class for English 111.301 with Karen Rile
Tuesday, 12/14
- Reading Days
- 5:00 PM in the Arts Cafe: A poetry reading by Greg Djanikian's English 118 class.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 7:30-9:00 PM in the Arts Cafe: English 88 review session
- 6:30 - 8:00 PM in Room 202: Write On! Coaches Planning Meeting
- 6-8:00 PM in Room 209: Suppose An Eyes, a poetry workshop. Any interested in writing poetry is welcome to attend. For more information, please contact Pat Green (patgreen@vet.upenn.edu).
Wednesday, 12/15
- Final Exams
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 7:00 PM in Room 202: Reality Writes, a workshop dedicated to creative nonfiction. For more information email Mary Hale Meyer at MaryHale.Meyer@jevs.org.
Thursday, 12/16
- Final Exams
- 9:00 PM: LIVE at the Writers House, "Writers at Work at Penn," airs on WXPN 88.5-FM.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 5:15-7:00 PM in Room 202: The Eighteenth Century Reading Group. For more information contact Dahlia Porter at dporter@english.upenn.edu or Jared Richman at richman@english.upenn.edu.
- 7:30 PM in Room 202: Manuck!Manuck!, a group that meets one Wednesday per month throughout the semester to share and discuss fiction written by its members. Contact Fred Ollinger at follinge@piconap.com for more information.
- 9-10:30 PM in Room 202: The Compass meeting
Friday, 12/17
- Final Exams
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Saturday, 12/18
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Sunday, 12/19
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Monday, 12/20
- Final Exams
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Tuesday, 12/21
- Final Exams
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Wednesday, 12/22
- Final Exams
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Thursday, 12/23
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Friday, 12/24
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Saturday, 12/25
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Sunday, 12/26
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Monday, 12/27
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Tuesday, 12/28
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Wednesday, 12/29
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Thursday, 12/30
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Friday, 12/31
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
215-746-POEM, wh@writing.upenn.edu ![]()