Chapter 7 - Breaking Fifties' Conformity: Beatitude & the Beats
beats, spoken word, Spicer
in revery, during a performance of the sort that helped later give rise to the spoken-word movement
Clellon Holmes, "This is
the Beat Generation"
on beat journalism
Allen Ginsberg,
A page from the typescript of Ginsberg's Howl
David Antin on the response to Ginsberg in the cold war
- namely that his writing was "anti-poetry," "unliterary"
Allen Ginsberg and his psychiatrist
portion of a letter to John Clellon Holmes written from the "madhouse" in 1949
Anne Waldman,
"Number Song"
Anne Waldman,
Anne Waldman,
"Notes for a Rally (Speech)"
Anne Waldman,
"Rogue State"
(performed at the Writers House, April 15, 2003)
Lawrence Ferlinghetti,
Ferlinghetti reads "Dog"
Lawrence Felinghetti,
"Sometime During Eternity"
Lawrence Ferlinghetti,
"Baseball Canto"
Felinghetti reading his "Baseball Canto"
Jack Kerouac,
"Essentials of Spontaneous Prose"
, and
"Belief & Technique for Modern Prose"
Kerouac's spontaneous method,
three samples from
Book of Dreams
Old Angel Midnight
Jack Kerouac,
"trying to think of a rule..."
(.au audio file)
Jack Kerouac,
"Charlie Parker Looked Like Buddha"
(performed on the Steve Allen Show)
Kerouac, example of his
babble flow
(sound writing)
Jack Kerouac, excerpt from
On the Road
Herbert Gold
's review of Kerouac and commentary on the beatnik "movement" (1957)
video: Amiri Baraka,
(need ID and password)
William Burroughs,
"The cut up method"
Burroughs and Gysin cut-ups
: "Open Letter to
Magazine" from
Minutes to Go
Clark Coolidge on Kerouac's sound writing
Elise Cowen
, biography and two poems (from
Women of the Beat Generation
supplemental/optional readings:
Robert Creeley on
the sentence
Kerouac wore khakis - Gap ad
Gary Snyder
- basic materials for the counterculture
Allen Ginsberg and Elise Cowen
Jack Kerouac -
more audio files
Gregory Corso,
"The Mad Yak"
and brief bio (P208)
June Jordan, "Poem about My Rights" (
, p. 1470-73
"beat chick" interviewed
Allen Ginsberg's FBI file
summarized by Herbert Mitgang in
Dangerous Dossiers
spoken word
Maggie Estep,
short bio
spoken word
MTV's "Spoken Word"
reviewed by Caryn James in the
New York Times
Maggie Estep,
"Sex Goddess of the Western Hemisphere"
Maggie Estep performing "That Stupid Jerk I'm Obsessed with"
Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe
Edwin Torres,
"All Colors Not White"
"A Wutherance of E"
Edwin Torres bio
Edwin Torres in performance, December 11, 1999, at the Kelly Writers House
Gil Scott-Heron
"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"
readings in Jack Spicer