Chapter 8 - the "New York School" of poets & the rise of postmodernism
introduction to three "New York Poets"
David Lehman,
excerpt from
The Last Avant-Garde
John Asbhery
John Ashbery,
John Ashbery,
"The Instruction Manual"
Frank O'Hara,
biographical profile
on O'Hara's "Personism" manifesto
Frank O'Hara's energy per
Ron Silliman
Frank O'Hara,
"The Day Lady Died"
Frank O'Hara,
"Why I am Not a Painter"
Billie Holiday
- brief biography
(recorded at Buffalo, 9/25/64; MP3)
John Yau,
"830 Fireplace Road"
"At the Old Place"
per Galway Kinnell
in a review essay of 1958
ut pictura poesis
Ted Berrigan,
sonnet XV from
The Sonnets
Ted Berrigan
's poem "3 Pages"
Ted Berrigan's "3 Pages"
Kenneth Koch,
"Variations on a Theme by William Carlos Williams"
Kenneth Koch,
"Mending Sump"
Al Filreis on three major categories of "New York Poets" verse: (1) anti-narrative, (2) non-narrative, and (3) pastiche or appropriation
[RealAudio file]
same as above
as an
Lytle Shaw,
"The Confessions 2"
Wallace Stevens, "The Snow Man" (
, p. 289
Lytle Shaw
the connectoin between "The Confessions 2" and "The Snow Man"
Lytle Shaw,
"At the Old Place"
Juliana Spahr,
Tom Devaney,
"Fifty Lines for Al Filreis on his 50th Birthday"
(March 2006)
Tom Devaney,
"Poem (to Al Filreis)"
published in
Ars Poetica
(April 2007)
Tom Devaney,
"Poem (for Al Filreis)"
Tom Devaney,
"Trying to Live as if It Were Morning"
Tom Devaney reads
"Trying to Live as if It Were Morning"
(at the Writers House, Feb. 7, 2000)
supplemental/optional readings:
Kenneth Koch at the Writers House
Lyle Shaw
on O'Hara
magazine, 1999)
Ed Dorn's parody of Williams
review of David Lehman's book,
The Last Avant-Garde
Williams redux
William Carlos Williams, "Portrait of a Lady":
as the poem appeared in a 1920 issue of
The Dial
Ashbery: "When one goes at ideas directly, with hammer and tongs as it were, ideas tend to elude one in a poem. I think they only come back in when one pretends not to be paying any attention to them, like a cat that will rub against your leg."
Williams's "Portrait of a Lady," read by Shawn Walker
mp3 audio-only
discussion of "Portrait of a Lady" by Al Filreis & Shawn Walker
The pure products of America / go crazy" or "To Elsie"
Williams reading "To Elsie" in 1958
Williams reading "To Elsie" (with visual dramatization) followed by a commentary on the poem by Allen Ginsberg
audio: Al Filreis on Williams' attraction to the new "mixed" American culture in "To Elsie" (
Robert Creeley, "I Know a Man"
supplemental/optional readings:
James Clifford's introduction to
The Predicament of Culture
in which he interprets "To Elsie" in relation to contemporary cultural anthropology
commentary on
"the white trash" mentioned in "To Elsie"
recording of a live webcast symposium on "To Elsie" led by Al Filreis, Bob Perelman, Kristen Gallagher, and Shawn Walker with thirty far-flung virtual participants from the Kelly Writers House on July 8, 1999
Ashbery and the non-narrative
John Ashbery,
"Some Trees"
An 88er's guess at what these trees look like:
Steven Robinson's paraphrase of "Some Trees"
"What Is Poetry"
Juliana Spahr on
how reading is taught in school
Al Filreis on aspects of the poetry of Ashbery
John Ashbery,
"Hard Times"
John Ashbery,
"Crossroads in the Past"
John Ashbery,
"Novelty Love Trot"
John Ashbery,
"The One Thing That Can Save America"
John Ashbery, interviewed by Al Filreis,
on his anthologized poems and "The One Thing That Can Save America"
John Ashbery,
"The Grapevine"
John Ashbery,
"If you Said You Would Come With Me"
John Ashbery,
Your Name Here
supplemental/optional readings:
student report on
Ashbery's influence on four language poets
recording of a
conversation with John Ashbery
conducted by Al Filreis, March 2002
Gary Soto,
"How Things Work"
Gertrude Stein per John Ashbery
from a 1957 review (W)
Allen Ginsberg,
"Is About"