Literature of the Holocaust maintained by Al Filreis |
Nazi medical materials used after war - how to cite? Part of a discussion on the Holocaust listserv about the use of Nazi doctors' materials after the war (December 1996):
The issue of the medical atlas is much like that of much of the literature produced by Nazi doctors which was produced before or after the war. These lessons were summed up at the 1989 conference at the University of Minnesota Medical School, chaired by Arthur Kaplan. The main issue stressed by several ethicists (the issue then was Nazi materials from Dachau on hypothermia) was that the work of Nazi doctors continued to be pubished well after the war until the present. The main caveat was not to use sources unless one knew who was the author.A speaker from Toronto (I'll have to look up his name) presented a fascinating lecture with slides showing footnotes in contemporary medical texts which cited the work of Nazi doctors, without noting who they were. The omission was not purposeful, but as many of us tend to use sources as as sources, without really knowing much about the author,there was a suggestion that all researchers can easily fall into that pit of citing works which have immoral or unethical overtones.
Stephen Feinstein
Professor of History
University of Wisconsin
River Falls, WI 54022
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