April May 2007 June
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All events take place at the Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk, Philadelphia (U of P).
Tuesday, 5/1
- 6:00 PM in the Arts Cafe: Rhymes and Misdemeanors IV.
This is the fourth annual reading of prose and poetry by two Writers House groups, the Penn & Pencil Club (a writing workshop for Penn employees) and Suppose An Eyes poetry group. Readers will include: Helen Sewell Johnson, Dan Johnson, Sharon Black, Laura Spagnoli, Jody Kolodzey, Matt Sutin, Minna Duchovnay, Tamara Oakman, Melanie Miller, Steve Shelly, George McDermott, Pat Green, Linda White, Wendy Washburn, Luellen Fletcher, Bev Meyers, Christine Otis, John Shea, Karen Murphy, and Andrew McGhie. A reception will be held after the reading. For information contact John Shea (john.shea@uphs.upenn.edu) or Pat Green (patricia78@aol.com).
Listen to a recording of the event.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Wednesday, 5/2
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM in Room 209: Steak, a ficition group. For more information, contact Moira Moody at momoody@gmail.com.
Thursday, 5/3
- 6 PM in the Dining Room: Art Gallery reception: "Stoyko Sakaliev: Interpreting the Stage, 1985-2005". Co-curated by Peter Schwarz and Liliana Milkova, co-sponsored by Theatre Arts. For more information, contact Peter Schwarz at hschwarz@sas.upenn.edu
Stoyko Sakaliev: Interpreting the Stage, 1985-2005 presents posters from a wide range of theater productions by both Bulgarian authors such as Iordan Radichkov and Stefan Tsanev, two of Bulgaria's most prominent writers, and foreign playwrights such as Josiane Balasko, Dario Fo, Nikolai Gogol, Harold Pinter, Luigi Pirandello, Tennessee Williams, and Eugene O'Neil. A group of posters from 1988-89, the time just before the end of the communist regime in the country, represents plays with controversial�from the official point of view�content. For instance, Sakaliev's poster for Alexei Dudarev's And Then It Was Day exposes in the most lucid and striking way the impossibility of the person/ puppet to escape the hand/ strings of the communist system, which has conditioned his or her entire existence to such an extent that even if they attempted to free themselves, they would simply cause their own destruction.
Stoyko Sakaliev is one of Bulgaria's most notable artists and graphic designers. He was born in 1956 in the Black Sea town of Bourgas, Bulgaria. He graduated in 1985 from the National Academy of Art in Sofia with a Master's Degree in graphic design. Since then, he has worked as a full-time poster designer for the Adriana Budevska Theater in Bourgas. Today he is the only state-hired and state-paid poster designer in the country, which testifies to his most significant contribution to the Budevska Theater in particular and the development of Bulgarian theater poster design in general. Sakaliev has participated in numerous national and international poster exhibitions, biennials, and triennials in Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia, and Slovenia.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Friday, 5/4
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Saturday, 5/5
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Sunday, 5/6
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Monday, 5/7
- 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM in the Arts Cafe and Dining Room: Critical Writing Instructor Spring Training.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
- 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM in Room 202: Reality Writes meeting. For more information contact Mary Hale Meyer (mhmeyer65@earthlink.net).
Tuesday, 5/8
- 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM in the Arts Cafe and Dining Room: Critical Writing Instructor Spring Training.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Wednesday, 5/9
- 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM in the Arts Cafe and Dining Room: Critical Writing Instructor Spring Training.
- 10 AM - 11:45 AM: Meeting of the Kelly Writers House Advisory Board. This meeting was held in the dining room of 3805 Locust in conjunction with Penn's annual "Arts Day" (newly named "Penn Arts Leadership Conference").
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Thursday, 5/10
- 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM in the Arts Cafe and Dining Room: Critical Writing Instructor Spring Training.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Friday, 5/11
- 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM in the Arts Cafe and Dining Room: Critical Writing Instructor Spring Training.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Saturday, 5/12
- 10:00 AM in the Dining Room: What Can Great Writing Do For You?, a seminar for the Class of '62. This event is open to members of the class of '62 only. For information or to RSVP contact Lyn Carroll (lynnc@upenn.edu).
Join Kelly Professor and Faculty Director of the Kelly Writers House Al Filreis at the Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk, for a stimulating discussion about great writing and its atonishingly practical value. At the same time, see what the Kelly Writers House is and does and meet some of Penn's most talented young writers. Brunch is served in the Writers House dining room starting at 9:45 A.M. Discussion begins at 10 A.M. No prior reading or preparation is necessary, although prospective participants are welcome to write Professor Filreis at afilreis@writing.upenn.edu for further information.
- 4:00 PM in the Arts Café: A Celebration of Young Alumni Fiction Writers. To reserve a seat please RSVP: alumniweekend@writing.upenn.edu. For recordings of this event, go here.
Michael Hyde's debut short story collection What Are You Afraid Of? won the 2005 Katherine
Anne Porter Prize in Short Fiction. A 1995 Penn graduate, he received his M.F.A. from Columbia University where he was a Teaching and Writing Fellow. His stories have appeared in The Best American Mystery Stories, Bloom, Ontario Review, and have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Recipient of a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship in fiction from the Sewanee Writers' Conference and a Fundación Valparaíso artist grant, he lives in New York City.
Courtney Zoffness graduated from Penn in 2000 with a BA cum laude in English, where she founded a nd ran the "Speakeasy" open mic series at the Kelly Writers House. She received an MA from The Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins University, where she held a Teaching Fellowship, and an MFA in fiction from the University of Arizona, where she received the Minnie M. Torrance Scholarship in Creative Writing and the UA Foundation Award. Her nonfiction has appeared in Ladies' Home Journal, the Earth Times, and New York's daily Metro, among others, and she's published fiction in publications such as Redivider, the Pedestal Magazine, Washington Square Review, and the Fish Prize Stories Anthology -- an international contest in which she placed third. Her short fiction was also nominated for inclusion in Best New American Voices 2006. Zoffness held a residency at the Vermont Studio Center and, this past summer, a waiter-scholarship at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. When not teaching creative writing at Penn, she works as a copyeditor at Rolling Stone magazine and as a ghostwriter. She's also at work on a novel of her own.
Laura Dave is the author of the novel London Is the Best City in America (Viking 2006), which is currently being developed as a major motion picture at Universal Studios. Her writing has appeared in Self, Glamour, The New York Observer, and ESPN the Magazine. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and the graduate writing program at The University of Virginia, Laura is the recipient of a Henry Hoyns Fellowship, a Tennessee Williams Scholarship, and an AWP Intro Award in Short Fiction. London is the Best City in America is her first novel. Visit her website at www.lauradave.com.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Sunday, 5/13
- 10:00 AM in the Arts Cafe: Senior Capstone.
It's become Writers House tradition to invite our graduating seniors, their parents, families and friends to this farewell champagne brunch. Come celebrate our own members of the class of 2007 as they share their memories and triumphs. We celebrate Jeff Greenwald, Pia Aliperti, Elaine Braithwaite, Lindsey Rosin, Adam Franklin, Jamie Alter, Sam Donsky (who read his poem "Dance Remix") (who read her poems "Kitchen" and "California"), Ben Crair, Arielle Brousse, and Richard Lawrence. Here is a link to Sam Donsky's speech.
You can hear recordings of this event here.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Monday, 5/14
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Tuesday, 5/15
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Wednesday, 5/16
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Thursday, 5/17
- 12:30 PM in the Arts Cafe: UPenn Professor Emeritus George Economou reads from his translation of the medieval poem Piers Plowman, a 7,000-line alliterative poem for the International Conference on Piers Plowman. For more information, please see http://www.english.upenn.edu/Conferences/PiersPlowman2007/. Co-sponsored by the Department of English.
A complete audio recording of this event is available at PennSound.
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Friday, 5/18
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Saturday, 5/19
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Sunday, 5/20
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Monday, 5/21
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Tuesday, 5/22
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Wednesday, 5/23
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Thursday, 5/24
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Friday, 5/25
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Saturday, 5/26
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Sunday, 5/27
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Monday, 5/28
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Tuesday, 5/29
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Wednesday, 5/30
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
Thursday, 5/31
Please note that some of the discussions and classes listed below are open to the public and some require advance registration or enrollment. Call 215-746-POEM or e-mail wh@writing.upenn.edu for more info.
215-746-POEM, wh@writing.upenn.edu |