December 1996
Sunday, 12/1
Writers House Closed for Thanksgiving
Monday, 12/2
4:30 PM: Dr. Barbara Nimri Aziz: "From the Academy to Journalism: One Woman's Transition"
Ms. Aziz is a currently a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She received her Ph.D in 1974 in social anthropology at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London. For eighteen years she did ethnographic research on Asian society and history. She left that career to become a journalist, and has recently focused largely on Iraq. Since 1988, she has spent a total of 26 months living in the Middle East, visiting Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia, The West Bank, Turkey, and Israel. She has been published in the Christian Science Monitor, the Manchester Guardian, the Middle East International, the Detroit Free Press, Natural History, the Bergen Record, and numerous other publications. Since 1989 Aziz has worked on a community radio station in New York; WBAI Pacifica Radio. She works as a commentator and interviewer, and also as a correspondent reporting from the Middle East. She donates a lot of time to non-profit organizations who work for justice in international affairs.
She has been awarded the Fund for Investigative Journalism Grant, the New York State Council of Humanities Public Program Grant, a National Endowment of Humanities Fellowship, an NEH Conference Grant, a National Geographic Research and Exploration Committee Grant, a National Science Foundation Research Grant... among others.
Aziz, with colleague Leila Diab, founded an organization called "Radius of Arab-American Writers" in 1992, which is a network of established and emerging Arab-American fiction and non-fiction writers, essaysists, poets, journalists, photojournalists, and academics.
6:30 PM: Penn and Ink
7 PM: Mosaic Meeting
9-10 PM: Writers Circle
Meetings and classes (may require registration or permission; email for more info)
- 7-10 PM: Writing Advisors available
Tuesday, 12/3
NOON: Brown-bag lunch with Dr. Barbara Nimri Aziz
7:30 PM: Reading by Rosmarie Waldrop (sponsored by UPenn's Creative Writing Department)

8 PM: Cafe 88, Arts Cafe
Meetings and classes (may require registration or permission; email for more info)
- 7-10 PM: Writing Advisors available
Wednesday 12/4
7:30 PM: Theorizing in Particular: Approaches to Cultural Interpretation
Guest: Dr. Steven Z. Levine (Bryn Mawr College, History of Art
"Lacan's Cezanne"
9 PM: Planning Committee
Meetings and classes (may require registration or permission; email for more info)
- 1:15-5:30 PM: Lorene Cary's ENGL 112 (upstairs)
- 7-10 PM: Writing Advisors available
Thursday 12/5
7 PM: Thanksgiving Reading
The English UAB presents readings by Lisa New, Herman Beavers, Christopher Looby, Shawn Lynn Walker and Mike Magee at the Writers House. The theme of these readings will be American with an emphasis on cultural values. The speakers have been asked to pick readings they particularly enjoy, writings that illustrate cultural values that they admire. Refreshments will be served.
7 PM: Punchbowl meeting in Upstairs Seminar Room
Meetings and classes (may require registration or permission; email for more info)
- 7-10 PM: Writing Advisors available
Friday 12/6
3 PM: Grad Poetry Hour (for English Grads)
6 PM: Writers House 1st Anniversary Party for Hub members
Saturday, 12/7
5-8 PM: Alumverse Gathering
From: Conni Bille
Dear Virtual Ones,
Shawn Walker at Writers House is preparing to host us Alumversers on Saturday December 7 from 5:00 until 8:00 PM. It's early so those with little ones can get there, eat, read poems and leave before it gets late. At 9:00 PM Writers House has its normal Saturday Nite poetry reading open mic program so we need to be done and clean up the place in time.
SO if you are planning to come - and I hope you are ( I believe the Filreis family will be there, among others ) - bring a covered dish if you can. If you start arriving around 5:00, we can get the food organized, and start reading around 6:30. I am bringing spaghetti and sauce (and big pots). Anyone who cannot make it, I will be happy to e-mail your pasta. But if I have SOME idea of how many of you plan to come, I'll know about plates, napkins, beverages.
- Conni
9-11 PM: Open Mic. with Featured Reader Major Jackson
Meetings and classes (may require registration or permission; email for more info)
- 7-10 PM: Writing Advisors available
Sunday 12/8
7 PM: ENGL 88 finals study session (upstairs seminar room)
9 PM: ENGL 88 end-of-semester party (upstairs seminar room)
Meetings and classes (may require registration or permission; email for more info)
- 7-10 PM: Writing Advisors available
Monday 12/9
7 PM: Mosaic Meeting
9 PM: Punchbowl Meeting in 1st Floor Seminar Room
9-10 PM: Writers Circle
Meetings and classes (may require registration or permission; email for more info)
- 7-10 PM: Writing Advisors available
Tuesday 12/10
5-7 PM: Engl 401 meeting in Upstairs Front Reading Room
8 PM: Cafe 88, upstairs Seminar Room: finals study session
Meetings and classes (may require registration or permission; email for more info)
- 7-10 PM: Writing Advisors available
Wednesday 12/11
3 PM: Engl 118 Poetry Reading in Front Seminar Room, 1st floor
7 PM: ENGL 88 finals study session, upstairs Seminar Room
7:30-9 PM: English 10: Creative Writing Reading
Come hear the undergraduate creative writing students who survived Leticia's class, read their work. Each student will read two poems. we promise to make you laugh and cry and run home and try to write a poem, or just run home...
- alex yee
- kelly hagan
- andrew butler
- rebecca entel
- keith bush
- rolando cruz
- brian weiss
- christopher cutie
- madeleine lopez
- brian terp
- david freedlander
- leticia hernandez
9 PM: Discussion Group
Meetings and classes (may require registration or permission; email for more info)
- 1:15-5:30 PM: Lorene Cary's ENGL 112 (upstairs)
- 7-10 PM: Writing Advisors available
Thursday 12/12
Meetings and classes (may require registration or permission; email for more info)
- 7-10 PM: Writing Advisors available
Friday 12/13
3 PM: Grad Poetry Hour (for English Grads)
6:30-9:30 PM: Poetry Shabbat with Joan Fishman in 1st Floor Front Room
Come celebrate Shabbat with friends (undergrad and grad), food and poetry. Optional theme: Israel.
Please bring veggie potluck and RSVP so we don't have a trillion desserts! Contact: Joan Fishman
Sponsored by The American Jewish Cultural Project and COACH