PennSound Italiana
Edited by Jennifer Scappettone — read her critical introduction to the collection on Jacket2
Pacfica Radio, KPFK Los Angeles
Radio broadcast produced by Paul Vangelisti in the 1970s and 80s
Digitized by Joe Gallucci and the staff of the Pacifica Radio Archive
Adriano Spatola’s poetry performance on Part One of “Europe Mounting The Black Tower,” a four-part radio series produced by the Los Angeles KPFK station. Poems later published in Spatola’s anthology Majakovskiiiiiiij by Red Hill Press in 1975. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Paul Vangelisti. October 1975.
complete recording (41:35): MP3
Paul Vangelisti interviews Pietro Terminelli, Nicola Di Maio, Nat Scammacca, Crescenzio Cane, and Ignazio Apolloni, the poets of the Sicilian AntiGruppo in Sicily, Italy, broadcasted on Part Two of “Europe Mounting The Black Tower,” a four-part radio series produced by the Los Angeles KPFK station. October 1975.
complete recording (55:52): MP3
The Sicilian AntiGruppo’ poetry performance on Part Three of “Europe Mounting The Black Tower,” a four-part radio series produced in Palermo, Trapani, and Los Angeles by the KPFK station. Poems by Crescenzio Cane, Ignazio Apolloni, Pietro Terminelli, Nicola Di Maio, Nat Scammacca, Rolando Certa, Gianni Diecidue. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Paul Vangelisti. October, 1975.
complete recording (1:06:11): MP3
Adriano Spatola and Guilia Niccolai’s poetry performance on Part Four of “Europe Mounting The Black Tower,” a four-part radio series produced by the Los Angeles KPFK station. Poems later published in Costa’s anthology Our Positions and Niccolai’s anthology Substitutions by Red Hill Press in 1975. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Paul Vangelisti. October 1975.
complete recording (40:53): MP3
Antonio Porta’s poetry performance on Part Five of “Europe Mounting The Black Tower,” a four-part radio series produced by the Los Angeles KPFK station. Poems later published in Porta’s anthology As If It Were a Rhythm by Red Hill Press in 1977. Introduction, translation, and commentary by Paul Vangelisti. October 1975.
complete recording (46:21): MP3
Volume One of “BreathingSpace 79,” a two-volume audio cassette anthology of international sound poetry edited and produced by Paul Vangelisti. Cassette published by Black Box, Washington, D.C. in 1979.
complete recording (56:45): MP3
Tracks appeared in this volume:
- Introduction to the program by Paul Vangelisti (0:00-1:07)
- Arrigo Lora-Totino (Italy), “To be or not to be” (1:08-5:00)
- Carl Stone (Los Angeles), “A Tip” (5:01-8:55)
- Jim Roche (Florida), “Cadillac” (8:56-14:48)
- Larry Wendt (Berkeley), “Elegy For F.T. Marinetti” (14:49-20:04)
- Co-Accident (Baltimore), “Weather maps” (20:05-26:41)
- Paul Vangelisti (Los Angeles), “Unrestricted Immigration” (26:42-28:34)
- Adriano Spatola & F. Tiziano (Italy), “Al Capone Poem” (28:35-37:33)
- Dominic Alleluia (San Francisco), “Dab” (37:34-40:17)
- A Futurist Octet Sampler (San Francisco), 1910-1920, by Audio Players (40:18-50:11)
- Marina La Palma (San Francisco), “Insect Grammar” (50:12-54:13)
- Bob Davis (England), “Tam Lin” (54:14-55:44)
- Outro by Paul Vangelisti (55:45-56:46)
Volume Two of “BreathingSpace 79,” a two-volume audio cassette anthology of international sound poetry edited and produced by Paul Vangelisti. Cassette published by Black Box, Washington, D.C. in 1979.
complete recording (58:25): MP3
Tracks appeared in this volume:
- Introduction to the program by Paul Vangelisti (0:00-1:09)
- Lily Greenham (England), “7 Consonants in space” (1:10-4:47)
- Donna Henes (New York), “Roll'Em on, Honey” (4:48-13:04)
- Lawrence Kucharz (New York), “Canal Street” (13:05-18:38)
- Giulia Niccolai (Italy), “Airport terminal conversations” (18:39-23:56)
- Audio Players (San Francisco), “5 to 7 minutes” (23:57-29:31)
- Tony Gnazzo (Berkeley), “Begin again” (29:32-37:04)
- Co-Accident (Baltimore), “Click Poem” (37:05-41:04)
- Milli Graffi (Italy), “Sun and Sounds” (41:05-42:57)
- Julien Blaine (France), “Instruments Buccaux” (42:58-45:35)
- William Moylan (Washington, D.C.), “Celan Translation” (45:36-53:57)
- Larry Wendt (Berkeley), “Instant memory for Giordana Bruno” (53:58-57:25)
- Outro by Paul Vangelisti (57:26-58:26)
Paul Vangelisti, Julien Blaine, Adriano Spatola, and F. Tiziano perform “Toward a Total Poetry” at Beyond Baroque Foundation in Venice, CA in April 1980. Program aired on the KPFK station in May 1980. Introduction by Paul Vangelisti.
complete recording (57:30): MP3
The Los Angeles Theatre of the Ear presents The Window by Ireneusz Iredynski and The Dodo Or the School For Night by Corrado Costa on the KPFK station, translated by Marek Englender and Paul Vangelisti.
complete recording (47:34): MP3
Program breakdown:
- Introduction by Paul Vangelisti (start at 0:00)
- The Window by Ireneusz Iredynski (start at 0:42)
- The Dodo Or The School For Night by Corrado Costa (start at 14:16)
- Outro by Paul Vangelisti (start at 45:52)
The Los Angeles Theatre of the Ear presents Part One of Six Characters in Search of an Author by Luigi Pirandello on the KPFK station, translated and adapted for radio by Paul Vangelisti.
complete recording (39:23): MP3
The Los Angeles Theatre of the Ear presents Part Two of Six Characters in Search of an Author by Luigi Pirandello on the KPFK station, translated and adapted for radio by Paul Vangelisti.
complete recording (42:27): MP3
The Los Angeles Theatre of the Ear presents Author actor autore attore auteur acteur on the KPFK station, directed by Paul Vangelisti.
complete recording (59:32): MP3
Program breakdown:
- Introduction by Paul Vangelisti (start at 0:00)
- “Radio” by Paul Vangelisti (start at 0:47)
- “Los Angeles Bridge” by F. Tiziano (start at 5:27)
- “Franco-American Poem” by Julien Blaine (start at 16:27)
- “Brookinbrook” by Adriano Spatola (start at 28:33)
- Outro by Paul Vangelisti (start at 35:28)
Poesia Ultima/Italian Poetry Now: Chicago Public Radio. Recorded May 29, 2009 at ThinkArt Salon, Chicago, IL
With Maria Attanasio, Marco Giovenale, Milli Graffi, Giovanna Frene, and Jennifer Scappettone
complete recording (59:32): MP3
Gian Maria Annovi
From Italics (Turin: Argano, 2013)
- 1 La Gloriola (0:48): MP3
- 2 La Gloriola (1:27): MP3
- 3 La Gloriola (0:47): MP3
- 4 La Gloriola (1:03): MP3
- 1 Rapture (0:23): MP3
- 2 Rapture (0:23): MP3
- 3 Rapture (0:36): MP3
- 1 Self-Eater (0:41): MP3
- 7 Self-Eater (0:35): MP3
Testo (per Gaetano Testa): Reading for the Gruppo 63’s 50th anniversary. Genoa, October 15, 2013
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Reading From La scolta (Rome: Nottetempo, 2013) at Altroquando Bookstore, Rome. December 12, 2013
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Mariasole Ariot
Simmetrie Degli Spazi Vuoti, 2014
Complete Recording (3:42): MP3
Simmetrie Degli Spazi Vuoti, Trento, 2015
Complete Recording (8:46): MP3
Maria Attanasio
From Amnesia del movimento delle nuvole, 2004, recorded 2014
Translations by Carla Billitteri, from Amnesia of the Movement of Clouds, Litmus, 2014
- In fuga a branchi (00:17): MP3
In flight (0:23): MP3
- Nel mondo delle epoche (00:31): MP3
In the world (0:41): MP3
- Odiavo l'inverno (00:30): MP3
I hated winters (0:39): MP3
- Di colpo la parola smarrimento (1:03): MP3
Suddenly the word (1:19): MP3
- Sentivo ogni giorno (00:37): MP3
I felt (0:44): MP3
- Un attimo uno solo (00:21): MP3
A moment (0:29): MP3
Luigi Ballerini
A Collection of Ballerini's Poems (05:51:58): MP3
- eccettera e (0:00)
- Che figurato muore (15:08)
- Che oror l’orient (25:55)
- Il terse gode (The Cadence of a Neighboring Tribe) (31:54)
- Stacci Shakespeariani (Shakespeherian Rags) (1:01:58)
- Uno monta la luna (1:22:52)
- Cefalonia, 1943-2001 (1:46:06)
- Se il tempo e’ matto (3:56:09)
- Poetry Workshop at The Accademia di Brera (4:13:29)
- Ballerini legge Pagliarani (Ballerini Reads Pagliarani) (5:44:29)
Gherardo Bortolotti
Quando Arrivarono Gli Alieni, 2014 (04:59): MP3
Franco Buffoni
Reading Noi e loro (Italy: Donzelli Poesia), recorded December 2, 2008, in Rome
Noi e loro (9:31): MP3
Reading Nell’acqua degli occhi, in “Quaderni della Fenice” (Milan: Guanda Editore, 1979)
Nell’acqua degli occhi (9:53): MP3
Interview with Giorgio Van Straten for Radio3 Passioni, broadcast May 18, 2014
Interview with Giorgio Van Straten (27:38): MP3
Interview with Maurizio Cucchi for Radio Svizzera Italiana, broadcast in 1990
Interview with Maurizio Cucchi (3:09): MP3
On Ezra Pound, for WIKIRADIO, broadcast in 2014
On Ezra Pound (29:54): MP3
On P.B. Shelley, for Radio3 WIKIRADIO, broadcast in 2013
On P.B. Shelley (28:43): MP3
Maria Grazia Calandrone
- Ma il Mio Amore (00:40): MP3
- Roma all'Improvviso (1:10): MP3
La macchina responsabile: "Dal burrone di Babi Yar"
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"La Chiara Circostanza", Sulla bocca di tutti, Tempio di Adriano, 2010
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Alessandra Cava
From rsvp (home recording, Bologna, 2011)
- In Sorellanza (00:38): MP3
- La Casa (00:37): MP3
- In Memoria (00:36): MP3
- Fossi il Limite (00:44): MP3
- Amore Durissimo (00:50): MP3
- Se Posso (2:01): MP3
C'est quoi ça? (3:08): MP3
Super (home recording, Paris, 2014)
Super (4:37): MP3
Laura Cingolani
Trombofonemi Series, Roma, November 2014
- Se io ti dicessi (06:15): MP3
- Melodica per MP5 (05:39): MP3
Other Sound Poems
- Tutti lo sanno, 2007 (01:02): MP3
- Outsight Insight into Chiara Susanna Crespi, 2014 (07:22): MP3
Sonata n. 2 per Graphemium, Roma, 2009
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Videolettera, Roma, 2006
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Corrado Costa
Il Fiume, recorded in Parma and Brescia (Italy) in 1981 and published posthumously in the periodical Baobab: Informazioni fonetiche di Poesia edited by Adriano Spatola (Reggio Emilia, Pubbliart), n. 21, 1992, titled Italia 1990-91.
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Retro, recorded in Parma and Brescia (Italy) in 1981 and published posthumously in the periodical Baobab: Informazioni fonetiche di Poesia edited by Adriano Spatola (Reggio Emilia, Pubbliart), n. 21, 1992, titled Italia 1990-91.
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Scrivere a una sacerdotessa della luna, recorded in Parma (Italy) in 1981 and published posthumously in the periodical Baobab: Informazioni fonetiche di Poesia edited by Adriano Spatola (Reggio Emilia, Pubbliart), n. 21, 1992, titled Italia 1990-91.
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Canta una ninna nanna secondo lo stile arapojas, recorded at the Baobab Festival (July 6/7, 1989, Reggio Emilia, Italy) and published posthumously in the periodical Baobab: Informazioni fonetiche di Poesia edited by Adriano Spatola (Reggio Emilia, Pubbliart), n. 19, 1989.
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The Complete Films, recorded in Parma (Italy) in 1981 and published posthumously in the periodical Baobab: Informazioni fonetiche di Poesia edited by Adriano Spatola (Reggio Emilia, Pubbliart), n. 21, 1992, titled Italia.
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Collocazione dei Nomi, from Le Nostre posizioni (Geiger, 1972), published posthumously in the periodical Baobab: Informazioni fonetiche di Poesia edited by Adriano Spatola (Reggio Emilia, Pubbliart), n. 21, 1992, titled Italia.
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Cosa abbiamo avuto, published posthumously in the periodical Baobab: Informazioni fonetiche di Poesia edited by Adriano Spatola (Reggio Emilia, Pubbliart), n. 21, 1992, titled Italia.
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Aria acqua terra fuoco, published posthumously in the periodical Baobab. Informazioni fonetiche di Poesia edited by Adriano Spatola (Reggio Emilia, Pubbliart), n. 3 [1979?].
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Il vulcano lunatico, tape-recorded in 1985.
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Scrive a una signora che lo respinge in ordine alfabetico, published posthumously in the periodical Baobab: Informazioni fonetiche di Poesia edited by Adriano Spatola (Reggio Emilia, Pubbliart), n. 21, 1992, titled Italia.
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Elisa Davoglio

Roches Figures 1, Rome, 2014
complete recording (8:29): MP3
Milo De Angelis
da Tema dell'addio (2005)
- Milano era asfalto, asfalto liquefatto. Nel deserto (1:08): MP3
Milan was asphalt, liquid asphalt. In the desert (0:44): MP3
- Non è più dato. Il pianto che si trasformava (1:06): MP3
Nothing more can be done. The crying that turned (0:49): MP3
- Tutto era già in cammino. Da allora a qui. Tutto (1:11): MP3
Everything was already on its way. From then to here. All (0:56): MP3
- Quando su un volto desiderato si scorge il segno (0:47): MP3
When on a beloved face you catch a glimpse of the sign (0:34): MP3
da Quell'andarsene nel buio dei cortili (2010)
- Era buio. Il centro di agosto era buio (0:50): MP3
It was dark. August was dark at its center (0:34): MP3
- Ho saputo, amica mia, (0:41): MP3
I found out, my friend (0:33): MP3
- Ecco l'acrobata della notte, il corpo (0:34): MP3
Here is night's acrobat, the body (0:23): MP3
- È tardi (0:52): MP3
It's late (0:38): MP3
da Incontri e agguati (2015) [New translations]
- Vicino alla morte tutto è presente (0:29): MP3
In death's vicinity everything is present (0:25): MP3
- Non puoi immaginare, amico mio, quate cose (0:33): MP3
You can't imagine, my friend, how many things (0:25): MP3
- Morirai invaso dalle domande (0:23): MP3
You will die invaded by questions (0:19): MP3
English translations of poems read by Susan Stewart from Theme of Farewell and After-Poems, edited and translated by Susan Stewart and Patrizio Ceccagnoli, 2014. Reproduced with permission of the University of Chicago Press. Recorded in the Wexler Studio at the Kelly Writers House, June 26, 2015.
Tbilisi International Festival of Literature, May 14, 2018, video by Charles Bernstein
Alessandro De Francesco
Festival La poésie / nuit, Théâtre Les Ateliers, Lyon, 2008
Lavoro di emersione: a reading environment (ambiente di lettura) coproduced by STEIM (25:01): MP3
Ridefinizione, a reading environment (ambiente di lettura) at STEIM, Amsterdam, in collaboration with composer/performer Paolo Ingrosso, 2009
- le sue ventose (0:53): MP3
- ancora discendendo (01:14): MP3
- correvamo nel parco (01:00): MP3
- descrivo (0:59): MP3
- dipende dall'ondeggiamento (01:25): MP3
- entra inaspettatamente (02:37): MP3
- eri nel sottoscala (01:45): MP3
- forse la sacca (01:15): MP3
- hanno parlato (02:20): MP3
- il lento battito (01:12): MP3
- in quel movimento (01:12): MP3
- la natura di questa simbiosi (01:11): MP3
- la ventola deriva (01:26): MP3
- ma altrove (0:50): MP3
- pianure (01:59): MP3
- si riproduce (01:23): MP3
- siamo entrati (0:47): MP3
- viene aperto (01:08): MP3
Video Recording
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Reading environment for Private Flat Contemporary Art #5, Florence, 2009
cercavo fantasie e trovavo solo sassi (15:16): MP3
Poetry, Multidimensionality and Remote Vision, Reading at the European Graduate School, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, 2012
Watch on Media.sas
Augmented Writing, Evening lecture at the European Graduate School, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, 2013
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To view Alessandro De Francesco's visit to the Kelly Writer's House on September 12, 2013, visit this link.
Antonella Doria
Video Recording of MetroPólis (Letture 11)
Watch on Media.sas
- Letture 2 (2:13): MP3
- Letture 3 (1:00): MP3
- Letture 4 (0:45): MP3
- Letture 6 (2:46): MP3
- Letture 7 (3:10): MP3
- Letture 9 (2:41): MP3
- Letture 10 (2:00): MP3
- Letture 11(4:03): MP3
- Letture 13 (3:57): MP3
- Letture 14 (3:10): MP3
Florinda Fusco
Testo tratto dal poemetto inedito Quaranta giorni (2013-2015) (2:39): MP3
Samir Galal Mohamed
From Fino a che sangue non separi, in “Poesia Contemporanea. XII Quaderno Italiano” (Milan: Marcos Y Marcos, 2015), home recorded in Urbin (Italy) February 11, 2016
- Effetto Bellezza (A Dario Bellezza) (0:14): MP3
- Ti riscaldi con le parole dei poveri… (0:18): MP3
- …vorrei (solo) conoscere il Tutto… (0:35): MP3
- Lascerei il mio corpo per un corpo (0:33): MP3
Marco Giovenale
- CDK, Tir Aux Pigeons, Bainbridge Island, 2009 (2:43): MP3
- from Erano In Pericolo (3:40): MP3
- poetry from La Casa Esposta (4:49): MP3
- prose from La Casa Esposta (6:31): MP3
- book, from Anachromisms, Ahsahta, 2014 (0:59): MP3
- -zoon, from Il paziente crede di essere, at Koob Bookshop, Rome, March 29, 2016 (0:35): MP3
- Fila, from Il paziente crede di essere, at Koob Bookshop, Rome, March 29, 2016 (0:20): MP3
- senza titolo, from Il paziente crede di essere, at Koob Bookshop, Rome, March 29, 2016 (1:32): MP3
- Interni, from Il paziente crede di essere, at Koob Bookshop, Rome, March 29, 2016 (0:26): MP3
Reading at PoetItaly, September 6, 2014
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Reading at EX.IT - Materiali fuori contesto, April 13, 2013
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Reading at The Text Festival, April 30th, 2011
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Reading of "LIE LIE," 2011
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Reading at RicercaBo, 2009
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Linh Dinh reads Marco Giovenale's "De finesse" at Chapterhouse Café, July 14, 2007
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Milli Graffi
Salnitro, a sound poem created in Rome, at RAI studios, for the program Audiobox, directed by Pinotto Fava, 1976
complete recording (17:53): MP3
Mariangela Guatteri
Il Secondo Nome, from. Albinea, Località Montericco, RE, Italy; October 30, 2013
- A Numero Uguale Corrisponde Uguale Nome (05:36): MP3
- Atlante (05:04): MP3
- Erbario (03:23): MP3
Moulin Rouge, Verberie, département de l'Oise, France; July 19, 2014
Casino Conolly (08:27): MP3
Giulio Marzaioli
Da Moduli Di Prima Fase
- Moduli 1-8 (05:13): MP3
- Modules 1-8 (05:13): MP3
Da Arco Rovescio, 2014
- Arco Rovescio (05:13): MP3
- Inverted Arch (05:01): MP3
Andrea Inglese
From Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Petrolio (Italy: Mondadori, 2005), recorded and performed by Andrea Inglese in Paris 2016, curated by dj criticism
- Extracts from Petrolio (2:17): MP3
From Quello che si vede (Italy: Arcipelago, Milan, 2007), recorded in Milan 2007, curated by Gianluca Codeghini
Non hai confinato la tua mente al frammento... (3:20): MP3
From Le Circostanze della frase in “Lettere alla Reinserzione Culturale del Disoccupato” (Italy: Italic Pequod Edizioni, Ancona, 2013), recorded in Milan 2007, curated by Stefano Delle Monache
- È passato molto tempo (1:50): MP3
- La piccola zona nostra (1:11): MP3
From Lettere alla Reinserzione Culturale del Disoccupato (Italy: Italic Pequod Edizioni, Ancona, 2013), recorded and perfomered by friends, acquaintances and strangers in Paris, Milan, Berlin, Champjgny, Verberie, Venezia (June - October 2014), curated by Stefano Delle Monache
- Cara Reinserzione Culturale del Disoccupato 1, 2, 3, 4 … (6:40): MP3
- Cara Reinserzione Culturale del Disoccupato 1, 2, 3, 4 … (15:50): MP3
- Cara Reinserzione Culturale del Disoccupato 1, 2, 3, 4 … (7:43): MP3
Eva Macali
GAR (released July 18, 2018)
A project about the Proto-Indo-European languages theory (PIE) inspired by the semiology research of Zoltán Ludwig Kruse: the majority of languages spoken today have a common ancestor language. Its seed-words can be found in today's spoken languages with similar meanings. Gar , which means 'circle', is one of these seed-words. Upcoming is new piece, in development, about the seed-word el.
- GAR (5:59): MP3
Sound designed by Benjamin Leal, recorded at Tapetenwerk, Leipzig, Germany
- HAR (3:48): MP3
Sound processed by Matteo Polato, recorded at Campus Allegro, Jakobstad Pietarsaari, Finland
The Fire of 'Bu
The Fire of 'Bu is an operetta developed with jazz singer Alice Ricciardi in 2016-2017 and performed in different locations and with different musical arrangements.
- Y'am (6:18): MP3
Live recording performed with jazz orchestra Agus Collective in Rome, June 2017.
- Tip Tap Shoes (6:32): MP3
Live recording performed with Alice Ricciardi at Städlin in Rome, August 2017.
- Savvy Savoy (3:32): MP4
Poetry film of sound poetry Savvy Savoy, performed with jazz singer Alice Ricciardi.
- Text from The Fire of 'Bu: PDF
I Luoghi
- Ustica ha il ritmo suo (5:32): MP3
Live recording performed with jazz drummer Armando Sciommeri and piano player Pietro Lussu.
AL5B5RI, 2018
AL5B5RI is a poetry film produced with Joakim Finholm and installed in the exhibition AL5B5RI at Energiverket in Jakobstad Pietarsaari, Finland.
- AL5B5RI (12:32): MP4
Löyly, like submitted project GAR, is inspired by the Proto-Indo-European languages theory (PIE) through the semiology research of Zoltán Ludwig Kruse.
- Löyly (5:35): MP4
Enzo Minarelli
Reading from Sterzine: poesie 2009-2013 (Le Lettere, 2014) at the Stanza della Poesia of Palazzo Ducale, Genova, May 23, 2015
- Part 1 (8:26): MP3
- Part 2 (9:39): MP3
Tommaso Ottonieri

strade : soundscapes
by Tommaso Ottonieri and electronic musician Maurizio Martusciello (aka Martux-M). Published with Le strade che portano al Fùcino, Le Lettere, 2007
- Nascendo (9:34): MP3
- Salire (6:03): MP3
- La Mappa (5:13): MP3
- Dal Palo Elettrico (34:43): MP3
- Cromakey (8:10): MP3
- La Stele (31:02): MP3
- L'Amante Astrale (7:27): MP3
- Bonus Track: Ulysses 9-11 (9:22): MP3
from Elegia Sanremese, Bompiani, 1998
Elegia Vertigo (7:52): MP3
A project curated by Tommaso Ottonieri
Book Series Director: Luigi Abiusi
Music by: Francesco Giannico
Graphics: Zabar
Book Trailer: Francesco Giannico
Texts from: Elisa Alicudi, Gabriele Belletti, Alessandra Carnaroli, Sara Davidovics, Adriano Padua, Jonida Prifti, Ivan Schiavone.
- Sunrise: Francesco Giannico - Run (02:00): MP3
- Adriano Padua- Senza titolo, "da Annientamenti" (01:48): MP3
- Gabriele Belletti - Beaujoire I (03:31): MP3
- Sara Davidovics - Cucu I (5:16): MP3
- Ivan Schiavone - Winterreise I, parte prima (02:46): MP3
- Elisa Alicudi (1:16): MP3
- Interlude: Francesco Giannico - No Passage (04:17): MP3
- Alessandra Carnaroli - Anna Matta (02:37): MP3
- Ivan Schiavone - Winterreise I, parte seconda (01:12): MP3
- Sara Davidovics - Cucu II (06:21): MP3
- Gabriele Belletti - Beaujoire II (03:47): MP3
- Jonida Prifti - Ci vuole una bonifica (01:30): MP3
- Eclipse: Francesco Giannico- Subme (02:32): MP3
- Tommaso Ottonieri - Dal bosco di asfodeli (04:14): MP3
Angela Passarello

From Piano Argento, edizioni del verri, 2014
- Pietra (0:39): MP3
- U'Ritipuntu (0:57): MP3
- Catoiu (0:52): MP3
- Mischinedde (0:50): MP3
- la gobba (0:42): MP3
- centro storico (0:39): MP3
- l'amante (0:38): MP3
- signorina Gallo (0:40): MP3
- la valigia (0:37): MP3
- lia (0:41): MP3
- il ferro da stiro (0:41): MP3
- la cucina economica (0:34): MP3
- flashback (1:16): MP3
Jonida Prifti / Stefano Di Trapani a.k.a. Acchiappashpirt
From Sonete te turpshme, (Italy: Ozky e-Sound, 2012), performed in Rome 2012
produced by Acchiappashpirt, Massimo Croce
- Ec-ec (2:48): MP3
- Gramigna (1:09): MP3
From Ajenk (Italy: Transeuropa Edizioni, 2011), performed in Rome 2011
authors: Jonida Prifti and Stefano Di Trapani, produced by Acchiappashpirt, Transeuropa
- Ariola (1:49): MP3
- Sikur (1:59): MP3
- Ottuse Farfalle (2:15): MP3
From Flutura Vs23 (England: My Dance The Skull, 2015), performed in Rome 2014
authors: Jonida Prifti and Stefano Di Trapani, produced by Acchiappashpirt, Marco Cazzella
- Makina (2:11): MP3
- Donahan (4:40): MP3
- Flutur (3:59): MP3
- Polycrik (1:55): MP3
- Sikur (3:47): MP3
- Uccidi se ti va (2:56): MP3
From 100 Release Compilation (Italy, 2015), performed in Rome 2014
authors: Jonida Prifti and Stefano Di Trapani, produced by Acchiappashpirt, Massimo Croce
From Re (Italy: Selvaelettrica, 2014), performed in Rome 2014
authors: Jonida Prifti and Stefano Di Trapani, produced by Acchiappashpirt, Selvaelettrica
Laura Pugno

From Gilgames', a free interpretation from the 12 Akkadian tablets of the Gilgamesh epic
Published by Transeuropa/Inaudita, Massa, 2009
And in La mente paesaggio, for the Innumeri series (edited by Giancarlo Alfano), Giulio Perrone Editore, Rome, 2010
Recorded at La Casa Encendida, Madrid, July 27, 2009
In Italian, original text by Laura Pugno
- Gilgames' (1 of 12) (0:20): MP3
- Gilgames' (2 of 12) (0:08): MP3
- Gilgames' (3 of 12) (0:15): MP3
- Gilgames' (4 of 12) (0:16): MP3
- Gilgames' (5 of 12) (0:09): MP3
- Gilgames' (6 of 12) (0:17): MP3
- Gilgames' (7 of 12) (0:12): MP3
- Gilgames' (8 of 12) (0:15): MP3
- Gilgames' (9 of 12) (0:14): MP3
- Gilgames' (10 of 12) (0:11): MP3
- Gilgames' (11 of 12) (0:20): MP3
- Gilgames' (12 of 12) (0:28): MP3
In French, translated by Michele Zaffarano
- Gilgames' (1 of 12) (0:18): MP3
- Gilgames' (2 of 12) (0:08): MP3
- Gilgames' (3 of 12) (0:12): MP3
- Gilgames' (4 of 12) (0:14): MP3
- Gilgames' (5 of 12) (0:08): MP3
- Gilgames' (6 of 12) (0:14): MP3
- Gilgames' (7 of 12) (0:09): MP3
- Gilgames' (8 of 12) (0:16): MP3
- Gilgames' (9 of 12) (0:13): MP3
- Gilgames' (10 of 12) (0:09): MP3
- Gilgames' (11 of 12) (0:17): MP3
- Gilgames' (12 of 12) (0:22): MP3
In Spanish, translated by Beatriz Castellary and Carolina Castellary
- Gilgames' (1 of 12) (0:20): MP3
- Gilgames' (2 of 12) (0:08): MP3
- Gilgames' (3 of 12) (0:13): MP3
- Gilgames' (4 of 12) (0:14): MP3
- Gilgames' (5 of 12) (0:10): MP3
- Gilgames' (6 of 12) (0:16): MP3
- Gilgames' (7 of 12) (0:12): MP3
- Gilgames' (8 of 12) (0:16): MP3
- Gilgames' (9 of 12) (0:14): MP3
- Gilgames' (10 of 12) (0:09): MP3
- Gilgames' (11 of 12) (0:21): MP3
- Gilgames' (12 of 12) (0:24): MP3
Andrea Raos
"Le avventure dell'Allegro Leprotto," Home Recording, Chicago, August 31, 2014
complete recording (2:01): MP3
"Aspettami, dice," Home Recording, Chicago, September 7, 2014
- Storia di una storia (01:50): MP3
- Carola d'acqua (04:34): MP3
- Dobbiamo distruggere o creare? (00:55): MP3
- Quanto all'amare (01:02): MP3
- Quando da fuori (00:31): MP3
- È quel bisogno che ho di esistere (00:22): MP3
- Getto via tempo (00:32): MP3
- La donna che amo non ama la vita (00:37): MP3
- Luna velata (00:37): MP3
- Luna velata, remix (00:37): MP3
"I cani dello Chott el-Jerid," Home recording, Chicago, September 21, 2014
complete recording (14:33): MP3
Le api migratori, Home recording, Chicago, September 27-28, 2014
- Dialogo dello sciame e del vento (04:37): MP3
- Cammini disegnati di calcare (02:53): MP3
- Madre, ombra (5:12): MP3
- La favola delle api (05:59): MP3
- Finale 1-2 (03:42): MP3
- Lettere nere (08:43): MP3
Marilena Renda
From "Ruggine," 2012
- Bambina di Cenere (00:37): MP3
- Può Fiorire Anche La Ruggine (00:53): MP3
- C'è Un Respiro Di Tregua (00:51): MP3
- Se Porti La Parola (00:37): MP3
- L'Urna Vuota del Giorno che Dicemmo (00:53): MP3
From "La Sottrazione," 2015
- Cosa Posso Regalarti (00:37): MP3
- Se Mi Tagli In Due (00:37): MP3
Lidia Riviello
From Sonnologie (Italy: editrice Zona, 2016)
- I clienti si spingono oltre il sonno… (1:17): MP3
- Guarda l’effetto dalla torre di babele… (1:19): MP3
- Sentirsi opinion leader… (1:23): MP3
Amelia Rosselli
Andrea Cortellessa narrating Amelia Rosselli, March 28, 2013
complete recording (10:15): MP3
Reading Impromptu, 1981
Watch on Media.sas
"Con l'ascia dietro le spalle: 10 anni senza Amelia Rosselli"
curated by Andrea Cortellessa, and broadcast on RAI 3
- Broadcast #1 (February 6, 2006): "I libri, la poesia," with guest Alfonso Belardinelli" (19:37): MP3
- Broadcast #2 (February 8, 2006): "Le lingue, la voce," with guest Antonella Anedda (21:00): MP3
- Broadcast #3 (February 9, 2006): "La musica, la metrica," with guests Stefano Giovannuzzi and Emmanuela Tandello (19:55): MP3
- Broadcast #4 (February 10, 2006): "La storia, la tragedia," with guests Lucia Re and Alessandro Baldacci (20:06): MP3
- Broadcast #5 (February 11, 2006): "Il male, la morte" (20:58): MP3
Rosaria Lo Russo

I piatti della bilancia (produced in collaboration with composer Mauro Cardi, Florence, 2006)
complete recording (5:11): MP3
Musa a me stessa (studio recording edited by Massimo Liverani, produced by Giovanni Giovanetti, Florence, 1998)
complete recording (17:24): MP3
Nastro (studio recording edited by Massimo Liverani, produced by Giovanni Giovanetti, Florence, 1996)
complete recording (14:39): MP3
Andrea Zanzotto
From La Beltà, (Milan: Mondadori, 1986), recorded for “Ritratto d’autore: Andrea Zanzotto,” 1975
Al Mondo (1:28): MP3
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only.
© 2014 all participating authors. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Distributed by PennSound.