Close Listening
Charles Bernstein, producer and host
Recordings at Clocktower Radio, the University of Pennsylvania, and in Brooklyn. All
conversations with Charles Bernstein unless otherwise indicated. Produced in association with Clocktower Radio (formally WPS1.Org and Art International Radio)
Be sure to check out LINEbreak
the related series of poetry radio interview and readings, hosted by Charles Bernstein:
Bruce Andrews
Paul Auster
Robert Creeley
Raymond Federman
Ben Friedlande
Madeline Gins
Loss Pequeno Glazier
Barbara Guest
Carla Harryman
Lyn Hejinian
Susan Howe,
Karen Mac Cormack
Jackason Mac Low
Steve McCaffery
Lance Olsen
Jena Osman
Ted Pierson
Jerome Rothenberg
Leslie Scalapino
Ken Sherwood
Ron Silliman
Peter Straub
Lucy Tapahanso
Dennis Tedlock
Fiona Templeton
Cecelia Vicuna
Hannah Weiner
Ben Yarmolnksy
- Etel Adan: Brooklyn Rail NSE Reading and conversartion — Dec. 12, 2020
- Will Alexander: Reading and conversation — October 19, 2016
- David Antin: Reading and conversation with Penn students — March 16, 2004
- Paul Auster Burning Boy launch (video); Oct. 26, 2021
- Rae Armantrout: Reading and conversation — May 10, 2006
- John Ashbery: Reading and conversation — March 18, 2016
- Khin Aung Aye and James Byrne: Reading and conversation — May 6, 2013
- Charles Bernstein interviewed by Jay Sanders — June 11, 2015
- Caroline Bergvall: Reading and conversation with Penn students — April 6, 2005
- Bill Berkson: Conversation — February 10, 2015
- Mei-mei Berssenbrugge: Reading and conversation — April 28, 2006
- Christian Bok: Reading and conversation with Penn students — April 20, 2005
- Régis Bonvicino: Reading and conversation — October 13, 2009
- Lee Ann Brown: Reading and conversation (with Bernadette Mayer) — September 13, 2007
- Colin Browne: Conversation — March 8, 2017 MP3
- Phong Bui: Conversation — May 30, 2007
- Stanley Cavell: Conversation — Dec. 10, 2012
- Miles Champion: Reading and conversation — June 25, 2014
- Amit Chadhuri Sojourn launch, Sept. 6, 2022: mp3
- Abigail Chlld: Reading and conversation — May 30, 2007
- Steve Clay: Conversation, May 17, 2021: (60 minutes): MP3
- Wystan Curnow: Reading and conversation — April 7, 2009
- Michael Davidson: Reading and conversation — March 6, 2009
- Alan Davies: Reading and conversation — January 5, 2007
- Samuel R. Delany: Conversation — April 11, 2014
- Dubravka Djuric: Reading and conversation 2007 and 2019
- Arkadii Dragomoshchenko: Reading and conversation — November 3, 2010
- Johanna Drucker: Reading and conversation — March 14, 2011
- Rachel DuPlessis: Reading and conversation — April 27, 2005
- Clayton Eshleman: Reading and conversation with Penn students — October 19, 2005
- Eduardo Espina: Reading and conversation — April 10, 2018
- Al Filreis: Conversation — March 4, 2008:
- Norman Fischer: Reading and conversation — January 5, 2007
- Allen Fisher: Conversation — November 29, 2019
- Richard Foreman: Reading and conversation — May 10, 2006
- Dominique Fourcade: Reading and conversation — March 24, 2009
- Tonya Foster: Reading and conversation — June 18, 2013
- Sergei Gandlevsky: Reading and conversation — March 21, 2007
- Jorgen Gassilewiski: Reading and conversation — October 6, 2010
- Ernie Gehr: Conversation — January 21, 2008
- Peter Gizzi: Reading and conversation — March 17, 2008
- Kenneth Goldsmith: Reading and conversation with Penn students — April 13, 2004
- Dmitry Golynko: Reading and Conversation — November 10, 2009
- Ted Greenwald: Reading — June 20, 2005
- Robert Grenier: Reading and conversation with Charles Bernstein
- Mimi Gross: Conversation — Oct. 22, 2006
- Anna Hallberg: Reading and conversation — October 6, 2010
- Henry Hills: Conversation — January 10, 2008
- Erica Hunt: Reading and conversation — June 20, 2005
- Yunte Huang: conversations on Chinese Echos and Charie Chan</a>
- Peter Inman: Reading and conversation — March 23, 2005
- Ken Jacobs: Reading and conversation — August 4, 2009
- Patricia Spears Jones: Reading and conversation — April 21, 2016
- Pierre Joris: Reading and conversation — June 20, 2005
- Lawrence Joseph: Reading and conversation — July 7, 2008
- Douglas Kearney: Reading and conversation — October 22, 2018
- Myung Mi Kim: Reading and conversation with Penn students — March 15, 2007
- George Kuchar: Reading and conversation — August 13, 2009
- Joel Kuszai: Reading and conversation — September 12, 2011
- Gerritt Lansing: Reading and conversation — December 9, 2012
- Norbert Lange: Reading and conversation — October 30, 2018
- Ann Lauterbach: Reading and conversation — December 4, 2006
- Hank Lazer: Reading and conversation — March 18, 2009
- Tan Lin: Reading and conversation — May 23, 2005
- Alan Loney: Reading and conversation — March 7, 2009
- Zeyar Lynn: Reading and conversation — May 6, 2013 and October 7, 2013
- Nathaniel Mackey: Reading and conversation — February 1, 2011
- Daphne Marlatt: Conversation — March 8, 2017 MP3
- Bernadette Mayer: Reading and conversation with Lee Ann Brown — September 13, 2007
- Thomas McEvilley: Reading and conversation — April 28, 2006
- Jerome McGann: Reading and conversation — April 4, 2011
- Douglas Messerli: Reading and conversation — January 21, 2008
- Peter Middleton: Reading — October 21, 2003
- Drew Milne: Reading and conversation — April 7, 2006
- W.J.T. Mithcell conversation Jan. 22, 2021 for Brooklyn Rail's New Social Environment: YouTube
- Tracie Morris: Reading and conversation — May 23, 2005
- Erin Mouré: Reading and conversation — February 21, 2010
- Eileen Myles: Reading and conversation — May 24, 2009
- Redell Olsen: Reading and conversation — April 7, 2006
- Maggie O'Sullivan: Reading and conversation — October 11, 2007
- Michael Palmer: Reading and Conversation March 13, 2018
- Julie Patton: Reading and conversation with Charles Bernstein — February 16, 2016
- Bruce Pearson: Conversation — August 4, 2009
- Ted Pearson: Reading and conversation — 1995
- Bob Perelman: Reading and conversation with Penn students — January 27, 2004
- Marjorie Perloff: Reading and conversation — November 11, 2009
- Nick Piombino: Conversation — May 23, 2005
- Jean-Michel Rabaté: Conversation — April 7, 2009 (26:55): MP3
- Tom Raworth: Reading and conversation — March 13, 2006
- Naomi Replansky: Reading and conversation — April 1, 2016
- Joan Retallack: Reading and conversation — February 26, 2011
- Cia Rinne: Reading and conversation — March 6, 2009
- Lisa Robertson: Reading and Conversation — October 20, 2016
- Kit Robinson: Conversation — October 6, 2019:
- Claude Royet-Journoud: Conversation — November 28, 2019
- Jay Sanders — June 11, 2015:
Sanders reads "Mood Elevators and Changing Shapes" (on Guy de Cointet), originally published in Artforum, July 2007. (12:13): MP3
Bernstein interviews Sanders on Close Listening (36:26): MP3
- Mira Schor — Aug. 23, 2009:
Program 1, reading "Figure/Ground" from Wet and "Email to a Young Artist," "Recipe Art," and "Modest Painting" from A Decade of Negative Thinking, (24:46): MP3
Program 2, conversation (27:55) MP3 &: text of conversation
- Harold Schimmel reading and conversation, June 11, 2017 [direct links: reading, conversation]
- Alexander Skidan: Reading and conversation — February 27, 2015
- Susan Stewart: Reading and conversation with Penn Students — April 20, 2004
- Peter Straub: Reading and conversation with Penn students — February 24, 2004
- ko ko thett: Reading and conversation — January 23, 2017
- Mónica de la Torre: Reading and conversation — August 4, 2009
- John Tranter: Reading and conversation — April 3, 2008
- Richard Tuttle: Reading and conversation — Dec. 4, 2006
- Tyrone Williams: Reading and conversation — February 7, 2017
- Elizabeth Willis: Reading and conversation — March 17, 2008
- Keith Waldrop: Reading and conversation — November 5, 2009
- Rosmarie Waldrop: Reading and conversation — November 5, 2009
- Fred Wah: Reading and conversation — February 21, 2010
- Matvei Yankelevich: Reading and conversation — June 8, 2012
Studio 111 programs (with interviews with Penn Students) are recorded at the Center for
Programs in Contemporary Writing. Close Listening programs are produced in cooperation with
ArtRadio WPS1 (PS1/Museum of Modern Art) and recorded at
the Clocktower studios in New York.
All programs are available for noncommercial and educational use, including broadcast. Contact
PennSound for additional information:
Copyright (C) 2004-2017 the authors and producer.