First Writers House planning committee
Writers House listserv collage, by Al Filreis

The following individuals began meeting in early November, 1995, forming the seed of what became the Writers House Planning Committee. If at any time you would like to see a list of who is presently on the Planning Committee, either go back to the Planning Committee Page, or send a message to, use no Subject line, and type who hub as the body of your message. You will receive a note listing all members of the Planning Committee.
Matt Bixler: Spacial Design and Architectural Advice
Information Systems & Computing
Data Communications and Computing Systems
Deb Burnham: Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; also a great gardener
Lorene Cary: English (Fiction Writing); liaison with West Philadelphia Library and book stores
Michael Crow: Trustee/SAS Board of Overseers
Dave Deifer: Senior Network Specialist
Network Operations/Installations
Information Systems & Computing
Data Communications & Computing Services
(3401 Market Street, 435A)
Greg Djanikian: Director of Creative Writing; liaison with affiliates
Alex Edelman: College '97; Technology -- WWW, PennMOO
Al Filreis: Writers House Pilot Project Director
Chair of Undergraduate English
Van Pelt Resident Faculty
Sarah Giulian: CAS '97; Producer, WXPN Live! at Writers House; liaison with affiliates;
Laura Henderson: CAS '97; Community Service Partnerships (Penn and Ink); interior decorating
Marc Leader: CAS '97, Editorial editor of The Red and Blue; Community Service Partnerships
Bob Lucid: Director, 21st Century Project (ex officio)
Mike Magee: Graduate Student, English; graduate student involvement
Kim Morrison: Provost's Office/21st Century Project (ex officio)
Bob Perelman: Chair of Creative Writing
Joshua Schuster: CAS '98; publicity, furniture, cyberslams (PennMOO), Resident Reading Series
Karina Sliwinski: CAS '98, co-editor of Voyage Out; liason with affiliates
Shawn Walker: CAS '96; Resident Coordinator of Writers House Pilot Project, WWW page
Elliott Witney: CAS '97; publicity, liaison with affiliates