PennSound | EPC | CPCW | KHW Calendar | English Dept.
photo: Tom Raworth, Birbeck, London, 2004Charles Bernstein
Donald T. Regan Professor of English and Comparative Literature. Emeritus, University of PennsylvaniaElectronic Poetry Center author page
Commentaries at Jacket2 | PennSound page
CV with hyperlinked bibliography | bio
Teachng Resources
Wreading Experiments List | Writing Experiments List | Poem Profiler (EZ format)
COURSE SYLLABI (1989-2019)
Fall 2019
English 69: Echopoetics: A Brief History of Poetry from Sappho, Blake, and Baudelaire to Stein, Morris, and Scalapino. Tuesdays at 130
English 795: Blank. Tuesdays at 6.Spring 2018
English 269: Revolution of the Word: Modernist American Poetry 1900-1945, TR 1:30
English 288: Postwar American poetry. TR 3
Fall 2017
589: Aestheticus Extremus: The Politics of Precarious Invention in North American Poetrty and Poetics M 3pm
English 111 Experimental Writing M 6:30pm
Spring 2017
English 253 19th Century American Literature: Mondays at 2pm
English 62 20th century poetry not from the U.S. Mondays at 6pm
Fall 2016: on leave
Spring 2016
English 269: Revolution of the Word: Modernist American Poetry 1900-1945, TR 1:30
English 262: The Expanded Field of L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E: Contemporary Poetry (poetry after 1975), TR 3Fall 2015
English 111 Experimental Writing M 2
English 774 Prose and Its Discontents: The History and Practice of Aversive Prose M 7-10:00 pmSpring 2015
English 62: 20th century poetry not from the U.S. T/Th 1:30pm
English 288: Postwar American poetry. T/Th 3:00pmSpring 2014
English 111 Experimental Writing M 2
English 589: The Pitch of Poetry M 7Fall 2013
English 269: Revolution of the Word: Modernist American Poetry 1900-1945, M/W 2-3:30pm
English 262: The Expanded Field of L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E: Contemporary Poetry (poetry after 1975) M/W 3:30-5Spring 2013
English 62 / Comp List 62: Twentieth Century Poetry (from everywhere but the U.S.) M 6
English 795 – Poetics of Identity M 12Spring 2012
English 288 postwar American Poetry M 6
English 111 Experimental Writing M 2Fall 2011
Bain-Swigget seminar at graduate Princeton: Poetry Ordinary and Extraordinary: The Pataquerics of Everyday Life
Spring 2011
English 111/ CompLit 115: Experimental Writing Seminar: Mondays 2-4:50pm
English / Comp Lit 795: Unsettling the Word: Attack of the Difficult Poems (The Aversive Poetics of Estrangement, Disturbance, Expropriation, Abnormality, and the Pataquerical: Mondays at 6Fall 2010
English 62 / Comp List 62: Twentieth Century Poetry (from everywhere but the U.S.) — an interactive "wreading" workshop (Weds. 2-4:50)
English 262: Contemporary Poetry (poetry after 1975) (Weds., 6-8:50pm)
Spring 2010
English 288: Revolution of the Word: Modernist American Poetry 1900-1945 T/Th, 1:30-2:50pm [Course number subsequently changed to English 269]
English 111: Experimental Writing Seminar: T/Th, 3-4:20pm
Fall 2009
English/Comp Lit 288: Postwar American Poetry T/Th, 1:30-2:50pm
English/Comp Lit 795: Poetry and Ideology: The Aesthetics of Resistance and Complicity Thurs 7-10:00
Spring 2009
English 62 / Comp List 62: Twentieth Century Poetry (from everywhere but the U.S.) — an interactive "wreading" workshop: W 6-8:50pm
English 111: Experimental Writing Seminar: Weds., 2-4:50
Spring 2008
English 111: Experimental Writing Seminar: Weds., 2-4:50
Fall 2007
English 88: American Poetry Modern and Contemporary,: T/Th, 1:30pm
English 589 /Comp Lit 577: "The Minor and the Major: Keynotes of 20th Century Poetry," Tues., 6:30pm. This seminar will be taught in tandem with Rachel DuPlessis's seminar at Temple; both classes will meet together. A Temple-Penn Poetics project.
Spring 2007
English 111: Experimental Writing Seminar: Thurs., 1:30-4:20
English 795/CompLit 795: The Sound of Poetry, the Poetry of Sound; Thursdays, 6:30pmSpring 2006
English 62 / Comp List 62: Twentieth Century Poetry (from everywhere but the U.S.) — an interactive "wreading" workshop: M/W 2pm
English 111: Experimental Writing Seminar: Monday/Wednesdays, 3:30Fall 2005:
Spring 2005:
English 88: American Poetry: Modern and Contemporary;
English 589 / Comp Lit 577: Modern, Modernist, Contemporary: Reading Poetry/Poetry Reading;
English 62 / Comp List 62: Twentieth Century Poetry (from everywhere but the U.S.) --
an interactive "wreading" workshop; Mondays and Wednesdays at 3pm
English 774 / Comp Lit 622: Textual Conditions -- Mondays at 12pm
Spring 2004:
English 285: Close Encouners -- Contemporary Poetry, Poetics, and Prose
English 788: Whose Ordinary: Modernism and Its OthersFall 2003:
English 111: Experimental Writing Seminar
English 288: Revolution of the Word in Context: Modernisms
Graduate Seminars at SUNY-Buffalo:
Investigating Poetry: Topics in 20th Century Poetry & Poetics (Fall 1989) (first UB seminar as visiting professor)
The Peripheral: Reading Askance in Twentieth Century Poetry and Poetics (Fall 1990)
Close Encounters of the Poetic Kind (Fall 1991)
The Politics of Poetic Form: The Peripheral 2 (Spring 1991)
Core Poetics (Fall 1992)
The Dialects of Ideology (Fall 1993)
(or, S/he Do the Police in Voices, Not): Toward a Theory of Ideolect (with special reference to dialogue, the vernacular and the quest for the ordinary)
The Ordinary (Fall 1994)
Resisting Translation (Fall 1996)
Textual Conditions (Fall 1997)
Prose & Its Discontents (Spring 1998)
The Politics of Poetic Form (Fall 1998)
Material Poetics (Fall 1999)
Poetry, Music, Performance (Spring 2000)
Blank (syllabus intentionally left blank) (Fall 2000)
Modernisms (Spring 2001)
Second Wave Modernism (Fall 2001)
Textual Conditions 2002 (Fall 2002)
New American Poetries (Modernisms 3) (Spring 2003)
Undergraduae classes at SUNY-Buffalo
The Modernist Experiment in Context: 1910-1940 (Fall 1989)
Creative Reading Lab/CCNY M.A. Program (Spring 1998)
Undergraduate Class: Creative Wreading (Fall 1999)
Undergraduate Class: Postmodern American Poetry (Fall 2002)
Undergraduate Class: Close Encounters (Spring 2003)
John Reynolds, "Pretty Ugly" (2004); text from Let's Just Say (Chax Press, 2003)