| note for AIll the Whiskey in Heaven | short CV
pdf of this c.v (7/25/22)

commentary page @Jacket2

detail, Susan Bee, Detour, 2011

About: Reviews and Criticism
Academic Appointments
Anthologies: poetry | criticism
Archives (Yale, UCSD)
Audio / tape works / video
Books | Translations | Editor
Collections and Exhibitions
Dissertation / Tenure Committees
Editorial Boards
Ephemera/Archival (on-line exhibit)
Forewords, Introductions, Miscellany
Job History (nonacadmic)
Lectures, Talks and Conferences
Letters (published)

In translation

Prizes, Fellowshiips Memberships and Honors

Reviews and Criticism (about Bernstein)
>>>Books/special issue
>>> Discussion in ariticles
>>>Reviews of Books

Radio appearances | Radio production
Teaching Residencies
TV & Film
Visual/Conceptual/Digital Works (on-line exhibit)


The Kinds of Poetry I Want: Essays & Comedies (University of Chicago Press, Nov. 2024)
Pitch of Poetry (University of Chicago Press, 2016)
Attack of the Difficult Poems: Essays and Inventions (University of Chicago Press, 2011)
My Way: Speeches and Poems (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999)
A Poetics (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992)
Content’s Dream: Essays 1975-1984 (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1986; rpt. Sun & Moon Classics, 1994; rpt. Northwestern University Press, 2001)
Three Compositions on Philosophy and Literature [Three Steins] (1972) [Asylum’s Press Digital Edition, 2012]
The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Letters: Selected 1970s Correspondence of Bruce Andrews, Ron Silliman, and Charles Bernstei, edited by Matthew Hofer and Michael Golston (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2019); see also interview from the book and more on the series here.
A Conversation with David Antin  (New York: Granary Books, 2002) [EPC Digital Edn]
Doubletalking the Homophonic Sublime: Comedy, Appropriation, and the Sounds of One Hand Clapping (Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press, 2021)


Full-length collections
Topsy-Turvy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021)
The Course,
with Ted Greenwald (New York; Roof Books, 2020)
Near/Miss (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018)
Recalculating (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013)
All the Whiskey in Heaven: Selected Poems (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010; Salt Publishing, UK, 2012)
Girly Man
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006)
With Strings
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001)
Republics of Reality: 1975-1995 (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 2000)
Dark City (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1994) [link to Digital edn]
Rough Trades (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1991) [link to EPC Digital Edn]
The Sophist (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1987; rpt. Salt Publishing 2004
Islets/Irritations (New York: Jordan Davies, 1983; rpt. New York: Roof Books, 1992)
Controlling Interests (New York: Roof Books, 1980, rpt. 2005) [link is to Digital Edn]
Poetic Justice [1975-77] (Baltimore: Pod Books, 1979) [link is to Eclipse Digital Edn]
Shade (College Park, MD: Sun & Moon Press, 1978) [link to Eclipse Digital Edn]
Parsing (New York: Asylum’s Press, 1976) [link is to Eclipse Digital Edn]
Asylums (New York: Asylums Press, 1975) [link is to Eclipse Digital Edn and to Text-Works edn of tilte poem aligned to source text]

Blind Witness: Three American Operas (Queens, NY: Factory School, 2008)
Shadowtime (Los Angeles, Green Integer, 2005)

Pamphlets & Chapbooks
Echologs, after Virgil, with Richard Tuttle (Cambridge: Art and Letters, 2020) (pdf)
95 Theses
(Calgary: No Press, 2016)
[Philosophical Fragment of Caudio Amerbiam] (Calgary: No Press, 2016)
(e-pamphlet), in English, French (tr. Abigail Lang), and Italian (tr. Milli Graffi) (Italy: HGH 2013 via
Last Words from ‘Sentences My Father Used’
(Calgary: No Press, 2012)
(e-pamphlet) (Molossus World Poertry Portfolio #38, 2011)
(Tucson; Chax Press, 2010)
Three Works (
pdf), from /ubu, Publishing the Unpublishable (2008)
Warrant (New Delhi: Aark Arts / Contemporary World Poetry), 2005
World on Fire
(Vancouver: Nomados, 2004)
Let’s Just Say (Tucson: Chax Press, 2003)
Café Buffé [libretto] (Slope E-Chapbook #2, 2002)
The Subject [libretto] (Buffalo: Meow Press, 1995)
The Absent Father in Dumbo (Canary Islands: Zasterle, 1990)
Four Poems (Tucson: Chax Press, 1988)
Artifice of Absorption (Philadlphia: Paper Air, 1987) [EPC Digital Edition of A Poetics version]
Veil (Madison, WI: Xexoxial Editions, 1987; ms 1976) [EPC digital edn]; also pdf of Xexoxial Edition and Scrbd edn
Resistance (Windsor, VT: Awede Press, 1983) [EPC Digital edn]
Stigma (Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press, 1981)
Disfrutes (Boston: Potes and Poets Press, 1981; ms 1974) [EPC Digital Edition]
Senses of Responsibility (Berkeley: Tuumba Press, 1979; rpt. Providence: Paradigm Press, 1989) [Eclipse Digital Edition]



Donald T. Regan Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Pennsylvania (2003 -2019) (Emeritus as of July 1, 2019)

State University of New York, Buffalo (1990-2003):
David Gray Professor of Poetry and Letters, Department of English
Director and Co-founder, Poetics Program (founded 1991)
Associate Member, Program in Comparative Literature
SUNY Distinguished Professor (appointed to this rank in 2002, subsequently Emeritus)
Poetics Program, SUNY-Buffalo: founding documents

Syllabi (1990-2018)

Bain-Swigett Visiitng Profressor of Poetry and English, Princeton University (Fall 2011
Visiting Professor, Central China Normal Univesity, Wuhan (2011-2013)
Visiting Distinguished Writer, Paul McGhee Division, New York University (2007)
Visiting professor, Columbia University (2002)
Visiting professor, City College of the City of New York, CUNY (1998)
Butler Chair Professor (Visiting), Department of English, State University of New York at Buffalo (1989)
Lecturer, Creative Writing Program, Princeton University (1989, 1990)
Visiting faculty /series coordinator, Wolfson Center for National Affairs, New School for Social Research (1988)
Visiting professor, Department of English, Queens College of the City University of New York (1988)
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Literature, University of California, San Diego (1987)

Consultant and Poet-Errant, Mestrado em Escrita Criativa (Masters in Creative Writing), University of Coimbra (2021- )
Advisor to the Faculty, Transdisciplinary PhD Program on "Discourses: Culture, History, Society," Faculty of Arts & Sciences, University of Coimbra (2005- )


Visual/Verbal Collaborations

Poetry Collaborations

The Course with Ted Greenwald (New York: Roof Books, 2020)
Short Course(Victoria, TX: Chax Press, 2016)
In the Course
[pdf] (NP: TFH [twentyfourhours] #20 (2017)

Legend with Bruce Andrews, Charles Bernstein, Ray DiPalma, Steve McCaffery, and Ron Silliman (L=A=N=G=U=A-G=E / Segue, 1980 : Eclipse Digital Edn / Pdf from EPC.
New edition, with new 5-way collaboration, ed. Matt Hofer and Michael Golston (University of New Mexico Press, 2020)

The history of my collaborations with Leevi Lehto

Poetry Has No Future Unless It Comes to an End: Poems of Artificial Intellgence, with Davide Balula,(Nero Editions, 2023): info and soud files here

"Steps to a Lime's Ballet" with Jack Collum (1982)

Technology/Art: 20 Brief Proposals with James Sherry, Bruce Andrews for Seminars on Art & Technology(Meow Press, 1995)


Pataquerical Ballad, two vols: translation of "The Pataquerical Imagaination: The Promise of Bent Stiudies" and commentary / performative extenstion by Runa Bandyopadhyay: English and Bengali volumes (Kolkata: Sopan, 2024)

Zeno's Way: Selected Poems with Russian translation by Ian Probstein, bilingual (New York: Tiptop Street, 2023)

Eco/Echo, ed. Carla Buranello with Italian translations by Buranello,, Gherardo Bortolotti, Luigi Ballerini, Marco Giovenale, and Milli Graffi (Milan: Il Verri, 2022)

L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E , le livre, French translation by Amélie Ducroux (Collection To: Presses universitaire de Rouen ed du Havre [PURH]), Sept. 2021

Świat w ogniu: wiersze i przemowy [World on Fire: Poems and Speeches), tr. Kacper Bartczak (Poland: Biuro Literackie, 2020)

Sign Under Test: Selected Poems and Essays, edited by Ian Probstein, with poems translated by Probstein and essays translated by Arakadi Dragomoshchenko, Patrick Henry, Alexi Parshchikov, Mark Shatunovsky, and Probstein (Moscow: Russian Gulliver, 2020)

Izabrane pjesme (Selected Poems). ed. and tr. Petar Opačić (Split, Croatia: Naklada Boskovic, 2020)

Renflouer la poésie, tr., with an introduction by, Abigail Lang (Nantes, France: Joca Sera, 2019)

Pour ainsi dire (So to Speak), tr. Habib Tengour, introduction by Pierre Joris (Algeria: La Collection Poems du Monde, Apic Éditions, 2019)

Echopoetics, tr. Liu Zhaohui (刘朝晖, 《回音诗学》), Jinan University Press, 2018

Charles Bernstein, Karl Elektric, Gedichte und Übersetzen, Bd. 1.2, tr. Versatorium (Malta, Oslo, Vienna: Quintano, 2017)

Teške Pesme (Difficult Poems) by Carls Bernstin [selected poems], ed & tr. Dubravka Djuric (Montenegro: d.o.o. OKF Cetinje) 2016

Sign Under Test, tr. Ian Probstein (Textonica Media LLC: 2017): selected poems, bilingual, with audio recordings in England and Russian for each poem.

•Denken dat ik denk dat ik denk: Een introductie tot zijn poëzie, tr. Ton van ‘t Hof, Sarah Posman, Samuel Vriezen (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Stanza, 2016)

Beomlott mondatok. tr. (Hungarian), with an afterword, Eniko Bollobás et al. (Budapest: Pen Club, Plurilica, 2015)

•Tutto il whiskey in cielo / Tutto il meraviglioso in terra: Trilingual English/Italian/Hungarian (Milan: Cassa dell Poesi and Budapest: Pen Club Hungary & Janus Pannonius Foundation, 2015). Janus Pannonius Grand Prize Poetry publication.

•Angriff der Schwiergen Gedichte. tr. (German) Tobias Amslinger , Norbert Lange, Léonce W. Lupette and Mathias Traxler. Germany: Lux Books, 2014.
•Gedichte und Übersetzen, tr. (German) Versatorium and Peter Waterhouse, Vienna: Edition Korrespondenzen,, 2013 (catalog)
Verteidigung der schwierigen Gedichte: Preis der Stadt Münster für Internationale Poesie 2015 an Charles Bernstein an das VERSATORIUM und an Tobias Amslinger - Norbert Lange - Léonce W. Lupette - Mathias Traxlerund seine Übersetzer ins Deutsche Hg. Hermann Wallmann und Kulturamt der Stadt Münster (Daedalus Verlag Münster, 2015)|

Enrique Winter translations (Spanish) ––

Blanco inmóvil
Fondo de Animal Editores (Quimera tr. series; Guayaquil, Ecuador, 2013); preface and selection at Transtierros
Kriller 71 Ediciones (Barcelona, Spain, 2014)
Expanded edition: Ediciones Uniandes (Bogotá, Colombia, 2018)

Abuso de sustancias (expanded edition of Blanco inmóvil):
Santiago, Chile: Alquimia Ediciones, 2014
Grandes éxitos, Guadalajara, Mexico: Mantis Editores, 2014

•L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E ¡CONTRAATACA! Poéticas selectas (1975-2011), ed./tr. Heriberto Yépez, et al., intro. Eduardo Espina (Mexico, Mex: Aldus, 2013); auotbiographical interview; "Poetics of the Americas"; pdf of full Aldus book from Academia.EDU; Spanish edn: Varasek Ediciones, 2023
cf: El artificio de la absorción (Santiago: Bisto 10, 2022)

•Pied bot [Shade & The Occurence of Tune]] tr. Martin Richet . Collection Américaine, Editions Joca Seria, Nantes, France. 2012. Afterword by Jean-Marie Gleize.

•Shadowtime, tr. Juliette Valery (Droit de Cités, 2011)
•Selected Poems, tr. Nie Zhenzhao and Luo Lianggong (first edition: Nanjing, China: Yilin Press, 2010; second edition: Wuhan, China: Central China Normal University Press, September 2011)

•L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E POETICS (selected essays), tr. Luo Lianggong, et al. (Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, Feb 2013)

•Parsing / Jäsentäen, tr. Leevi Lehto (Helsinki: Natamo, 2009)
Charles Bernstein: Interviews and Writings, tr. Zeyar Lynn (Rangoon/Yangon, Burma/Myamar: The Eras’ Publishing House, July 2009). Edn 500. Interviews: Manuel Brito, Eric Denut , Hannah Mockel-Rieke, and Tom Beckett; extracts of ’The Value of Sulfur,’ ’The Revenge of the Poet-Critic,’ and ’Three or Four Things I Know About Him.

*’"Artifice of Absorption", tr. into Russian by Patrick Henry, Alexei Parshchikov and Mark Shatunovsky (Moscow: Stella Art Foundation / Poetry Club, 2008). (Also published  in Contemporary Poetry (Sovremennaia Poeziia); issue 2 (1 June 2007) and issue 3 (1 September 2007): intro by Parshchikov, part one (no Archive.Org capture), part two [via ]

Histórias Da Guerra: Poema de Charles Bernstein [Portuguese], tr. Regis Bonvicino (Sao Paulo: Martins Editoria, 2008); new and expanded edition, with introduction by Ronald Polite (Sao Paulo: e-galáxia, 2015); video realization of "War Stories"
•De svåra dikterna anfaller, eller Högtspel i tropi-kerna: Dikter, essäer, samtal i urval, översättning & montage
[The Attack of the Difficult Poems: A Tropics of High Stakes], ed. & tr. Anders Lundberg, Jonas (J) Magnusson, Jesper Olsson ( Stockholm: OEI, 2008)
•Runouden puolustus. Esseit ja runoja kahdelta vuosituhannelta   (A Defence of Poetry. Essays and Poems From Two Millennia
) [Finnish], tr./ed. Leevi Lehto (Helsinki: Ntamo, Fall 2006)
•La política de la forma poética [The Politics of Poetic Form,
Spanish translation], Néstor Cabrera, tr. (Habana, 2006; Editorial Thélema, Mexico, 2007)

FRASI = SENTENCES = PHRASES, Italian tr. of sections of Parsing by Gherardo Bortolotti with Alessia Folcio (Gamm, 2006): pdf
•Un Test de Poésie
, tr. collectively at Royaumont (Marseille: Un Bureau sur L’Atlantique 1995)
Asile, tr. Paol Keineg (Marseille: Un Bureau sur L’Atlantique 1998

Blind Witness trilogy written for composer Ben Yarmolinksy; libretti collected for Factory School book:
Blind Witness News — libretto for an opera with composer Ben Yarmolinsky: American Opera Projects, Blue Door Studios (NY), December 3-4, 1990; libretto published in Ploughshares (1991). Revival at Cantiamo Opera Theater, New York, December 2005.
The Subject — libretto for an opera with Yarmolinsky, excerpts performed at "Friends & Enemies of Music", Greenwich House, NY, Nov. 1991 & Feb. 1992; full reading Feb. 1992; libretto published by Meow Press (1995).
The Lenny Paschen Show — libretto for an opera with composer Ben Yarmolinsky American, Opera Projects, Blue Door Studios (NY), Nov. 1992; libretto published as Abacus #86, 1994

Café Buffe
[mp3/text]— libretto commissioned for composer Dean Drummond’s New Band Tour; "My Data's Gone" and "It Must Be Time" premiered at Washington Square Church, 6/4/99. Libretto published as Slope e-book. New Band unstaged perormance of full opera on 9/10/09 at The John J. Cali School of Music, Montclair State University (NJ).

: libretto for Brian Ferneyhough (1998-2005). The complete libretto is published by Green Integer.
Co-producers: Munich Biennale – International Festival of New Music Theatre; RuhrTriennale 2005; Festival d’Automne à Paris; Lincoln Center Festival New York. In association with Sadler’s Wells Theatre, London.  Commissioners: Score and libretto;commissioned by the City of Munich for the Munich Biennale. Additional commissions for the score: Carnegie Hall Corporation, Flanders Festival & Ian Pace,Musée d’Orsay & Ensemble InterContemporain, Françoise et Jean-Philippe Billarant for Ircam
Performances: Munich Biennale at the Prinzregententheater, Munich: 25, 27 & 28 May 04; Festival d’Automne at the Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers, Paris: 26 & 27 Oct 04; Lincoln Center Festival, New York, 21 & 22 July 04, RuhrTriennale at the Jahrhunderthalle, Bochum: 20 Sept, 1 & 2 Oct 05

Breathtails for Anne LeBaron (2009-2011), commsioned by Thomas Buchner. Premiere: Roulette, NY on March 10, 2013; Four Seasons Arts, Oakland, March 2, 2014 (Regents Theatre at Holy Names University, Oakland); REDCAT/CalArts, LA, April 13, 2014. LeBaron on Breathtails & libretto (also collected in Recalculating)

Leonard Lehrman, "Caston Oil" ("I Went Looking for My Soul'), premiered at NYU Jan. 3, 2000.

George Lewis seting of Last Words (2013), for chorus. premiered at the Walden School, Dublin, New Hampshire, August 2, 2013 (5 min.)

"RoundUp Ready," song with mix of "1-100" by Leslie Winer (2021)


  • LINEbreak, poetry interviews, host/co-producer. Twenty-six 30-minute programs, dist. Public Radio Satellite Program and on the internet (1995-96)
  • Close Listening,readings and conversations, on WPS1 (PS1/Museum of Modern Art) , Art International Radio (, and PennSound (2005-2022)


Jerome Rothenberg at 80: A Celebration (2011) (with Pierre Joris), CUNY Graduate Center and Center for the Hamanities
Dialog on Poetry and Poetics: 1st CAAP (Chinese/American poetry) conference (2011), China Central Normal University (organizing committee)
North of Invention: A Canadian Poetry Festival (2011) (with Sarah Dowling), Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania
Louis Zukofsky Centennial, Columbia/Barnard (2004) (with Serge Gavronsky and Michael Golston)
Post-Invasion Poetics (2004), (with Susan Stewart and Bob Perelman), Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania
"Poetry Plastique", Marianne Boesky Gallery (2001) (with Jay Sanders)
Wednesdays at 4 Plus: Readings and Lectures (@ PennSound), SUNY-Buffalo (1990-2003): posters
St. Mark’s Talks, The Poetry Project, New York (1984-86)
New York Talk (talks/lecture series), Segue Foundation (1984)
Jackson Mac Low Sixtieth Birthday Tribute. With Anne Tardos. (1982)
Segue Book Distributing Service (1981--1986)
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Distribution Service (c. 1978)
Ear Inn Poetry Reading Series, New York, Co-founder (1978--79)
Asylum’s Press (Publisher) (1976--1980)
"With Words: An Assembling of Visual Work from New York", Mercato del Salle Gallery, Milan (1978)
Vice-President and co-founder, Chinese/American Association for Poetry and Poetics (CAAP) [University of Pennsylvania / China Centra Normal University, Wuhan]. CAAP formed in 2011 after the July 2007 first International Conference on 20th Century American poetry, (Wuhan)

Editorial and Advisory Boards of Publications

boundary 2
Poets & Critics series, l’Institut Universitaire de France, les universités Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée, Paris 7 Denis Diderot & Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint DenisParis
Ugly Duckling Presse
(board of directors from founding, c. 1995, to 2012)
Il Verri(Milan)
Foreign Literature Studies
[Wai Guo Wen Xue Yan Jiu] (Wuhan, China)
International Journal of Poetry and Poetics (CAAP) (Wuhan)
International Studies of Literature (Hong Kong)
Arizona Quarterly Review (Tucson)
Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry
Futurepoem Books (advsiory) (New York)
University of Edinburgh Press Avant-Garde series
The International Literary Quarterly
Journal of English Language and Literature (JELL) (English Language and Literature Assocation of Korea)
English Poetry Studies Association (EPSA) and China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese
Buzdokuz Poetry Theory Criticism Magazine (Turkey)

Penn: Chair, Personnel Committee (2007-2008)

Executive Committee, MLA Discussion Group for the Bibliography and Textual Studies (2004-2009).
Executive Committee, Poetry Division, Modern Language Association (1998-2002)

Correspondent, Sulfur (Los Angeles: 1985--2000)

Boards and Advisory Boards (past service): Ontological Hysteric Theatre, Kenning Foundation, Cosmanuts Avenue, Jounral of Poetic Research, Chain, The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poetry, Gertrude Stein Awards (Los Angeles); Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses (Tenerife), Syntax Project for the Arts (Pengrove, CA); Poems for the Millennium: The University of California Book of Modern and Postmodern Poetry, ed. Jerome Rothenberg and Pierre Joris; Boxkite (Australia); New York City Poetry Calendar; Postwar American Poetry, ABES (Annotated Bibliography of English Studies); Macdowell Colony (2003-04); New Works panel (literature and criticism), Massachusettes Council on the Arts (1987), Zooglossia (2020-2023)

Author's archive at UCSD Mandeville Special Collections (2000)
Author's archive at the Beinicke, Yale (2013, 2019)
Chapbook, periodical , & monograh collections at University of Pennsylvania (see list in left frame (2003)
Monographs &c at Emory University

Red, Green, and Black by Olivier Cadiot (Hartford: Potes & Poets, 1990) [EPC Digital Edition]
"The Maternal Drape" or the Restitution. by Claude Royet--Journoud (Windsor, VT: Awede Press, 1984)


Charles Bernstein: The Poetry of Idiomatic Insistences,ed. Paul Bove (Duke University Press / boundary 2, Fall 2021: Interview with Natalia Fedorova (Russia), Interview with Ali Calderon (Mexico);+ " Cento: Voices Around the World, interviews": Romina Freschi (Argentina), Versatorium, Der Standard (Austria), Philip Davenport (England), Maurizio Medo (Peru), Alcir Pecora and Régis Bonvicino (Brazil), Paata Shamugia (Georgia), Runa Bandyopadhyay (W. Bengal), Habib Tengour (Algeria/Paris), Mariano Peyrou, El Mundo  (Spain)

With Vladimir Koshelev, Flags, tr. Milena Stepanyan (Russia, 2025)
With Atakan Yavuz, Buzdokuz 24 (Turkey, 2024)
With Luis Marcio Silva (Brazil) on Poetry Will Have No Fture Unless It Comes to an End, Piparote (2024): bilingual
With Paul Bové and Thomas Fink on "Clouds After Rain (Topsy-Turvy): Dichtung Yammer (Sept. 3, 2023)
Poesia, prima persona plurale / 2: Charles Bernstein, a cura di Lorenzo Mari e Gianluca Rizzo: Le Parole e Le Cose (2023)
With Sepideh Jodeyri, Farsi, Vaznedonya 24 (Female Revolution) (2023)
With Feng Yi, "Chinese Zen-Taoism and Echopoetics," in Foreign Language Studies (FLN), Wuhan, China (2022): Chinese translation here
With Habibe Tengour, and including Pierre Joris, in El Watan (2021)
With Thomas Fink on Topsy Turvy at Dichtung Yammer (2021)
With Juan Ignacio Chavez and Braulio Paz in Pesapalabra 6 (Peru) in Spanish tr.
The Arts Section, on Ted Greenwald collaboration, with two poems (9/2020)
Kacper Bartczakfor Biblioteka (Biuro Literackie) (Sept. 10, 2020)
Mariano Peyrou in EL Mundo, Feb. 20, 2020 (interview)
Ian Probstein, interview on liberalism: Russian, English (Jan. 31, 2020)
Robert Wood, "Groucho and Me: an Interview with Robert Wood, "Los Angeles Review of Books Blog, July 4, 2019
Daniel Askt, "Charles Bernstein Versus Verse," Penn Gazette 117:5 (May/June 2019)
Runa Bandyopadhyay (West Bengal), conversation, Kitaab, March 8, 2019 (excerpted by Harriet)
Kourish Ziabari, "Poetry in Solidarity with the Iranian People," Fair Observer,March 15, 2019
Matthew Hofer and Michael Golston, L= interview for Language Letters, with Bruce Andrews: Jacket2
Postmodern American Poetry (Η μεταμοντέρνα αμερικανική ποίηση), Yannis Livadas, ed., tr. to Greek (Athens: Koukoutsi publications, 2018);
Fredrik Hertzberg "The Shimmering of the Transitory: An Interview with Charles Bernstein" (2001) with an Introduction by Lauri Ramey, Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures 2:2 (December 2018): pdf
Penn Current on Near/Miss (Louisa Shepard), Oct. 14, 2018
Andrés Osorio Guillott in El Espectador, Colombia, Oct. 23, 2018: pdf
Thomas Fink exchange in Dichtung Hammmer (Feb. 2018)
Alí Calderón conversa con Charles Bernstein, Círculo de poesía(Jan. 2018)
Andrew David King, “Too Philosophical for a Poet”: A Conversation with Charles Bernstein, boundary 2 (44:3, 2017)
Two Belgrade newspaper interviews (2016): pdf
Pobjeta (Montengro) 12-22-16: pdf
The Dark Would: An Anthology of Language Art, vol. 2. ed. Philip Davenport (UK: Apple Pie Editions, 2016); as republished in Synapse; note: also in Poetry of Idiomatic Insistence / boundary 2.
Looking at Zion, interview (2016)
Ian Probstein, "Truth in the Body of Falsehood": A Conversation with Charles Bernstein on 9/11 and the Poetics of Politics, Sept. 11 2015 in & in English at Arcade (2015)
"Why Write and What For" with Spanish tr. in Periodic de Poesia, Feb. 2015
Sibila interview
(includes English)
Interview with David Wilk, Feb. 2014, for WritersCast (April 2014)
Journal of Poetics Research, with Penelope Galey-Sacks: "Poetry’s club-foot: process, faktura, intensification" (2014): pdf
Labor Day interview (2013) with Frank Guan (Prelude, 2014)
"Undone Business: Charles Bernstein on the 1963 Vancouver Poetry Conference," with Robert McVarish, Capilano Review, vol 3. #21 (2013)
Sibila interview
Volta (Eveing Will Come) forum (2013)
With Stephen Ross in Wolf (2013)
With Enzo Minarelli on voice and performance, Cordite #43 (2013)
A conversation with Elizaeth Burns on Recalculating (Vol. 18 No. 2, summer 2013, #70)
With Natalia Federova, "The School of Language," Translit #13 (May 2013) and in the Translation/English issue (& susequently online) (2015) & Cosmanuts Avenue, 1:1 (2014)
"Experimental Poetries in the 21st Century" by Larissa Shmailo at Drunken Boat (2012)

"Poetry’s club foot: process, faktura, intensification"; interviewed by Penelope Galey-Sacks: Études anglaises (vol. 65 #2, 2012; pp. 135 - 148); reprinted in Journal of Poetics Research, #1, 2014.
Sonnet L'Abbé, "North of Invention: Interview with Charles Bernstein and Sarah Dowling," Canadian Literature 210-211 (2011)
#30, with Grace Cavaleri (Dec. 2011)
The Capilano Review
(pdf) (3:12, 2010): interview with Susan Bee on British Columbia period (html)
Thomas Donovan, 2 parts, The Poetry Fundation’s Harriet (April 2010): one, two
Alan Gilbert, FSG Poetry blog (April 2010)
Bomb interview with Jay Sanders (collected in Pitch of Poetry) (Spring 2010)
Chicago Reader interview with Daniel Benjamin (Feb. 18, 2010) (collected in Pitch of Poetry
With Levi Lehto, et al., “On The Origins, State, and Future Perspectives of Finno-Saxon” (2004).  The Conversant (2012)
12 or 20 Questions from Rob McLennan (2009)
Interview with Nie Zhenzhao, Convolution: Journal for Critical Experiment, No. 1 (2011)
Interview with Yubraj Aryal, The Humanities at Work: International Exchange of Ideas in Aesthetics, Philosophy and Literature (Kathmandu: Philosophical Society of Nepal, 2008)
Interview by Nie Zhenzhao, Foreign Literature Studies [Wai Guo Wen Xue Yan Jiu], Wuhan, China, Vol. 29, No. 2 April 2007.
Interview with  Aryanil Mukherjee, Kaurab 105 Feb. 2008; in Kaurab on-line
Poetry Society of America, Red, White, and Blue (politci) feaure; Inrerview plus "In Utopia" (2008)
A Conversation with Henry Hills (from 1985), Midway#1 (2006)
Interview by Romina Freschi, Plabella #6 (Buenos Aries) (translated into Spanish); English version: Green Integer Review #1; repinted, Healing Matrix (2006)
Conversation with Solange Rebuzzi, Croniópios (Brazil, 2006)
Interview with Eric Denut, Musica Falsa (Paris) (2004) & in English, The Argoist Online and All About Jewish Theatre (2005)
Fulcrum interview (2005)
Interview with Omar Barada, Lettres françaises (Paris) (2004)
Chicago Modern Poetry (on-line) (2004)
"Conversation with Marjorie Perloff", Fulcrum #2 (2003)
"Conversation with David Caplan" (on Prosody), Antioch Review 62:1 (Winter, 2003)
Monitor, interview with Aleksandar Becanovic, Montenegro (in Montenegrin), Monitor, 24 May 2002 (Godina XIII, Broj 605), pp. 44-46
With James Shivers, interviewing Susan Bee and CB on collaborations, Artkrush (2002)
With Jeff Hansen, Rain Taxi, Vol. 7, No. 1 (2002)
With Regis Bonvincino: Sibila #3 (2002: Sao Paulo) and, together with essay and translation, "Sabado", Sao Paulo, jornal de tarde, August 19, 2000, p. 3
"Conversation with Mei-mei Berssenbrugge," Conjunctions (#35, 2000: American Poetry: States of the Art)
Susan Bee & Charles Bernstein in conversation with James Shivers -- on their collaborations, from Artkrush (2000)
Contemporary Literature interview with Allison Cummings and Rocco Marinaccio (vol. 41, no 1, Spring 2000)
r e a d . m e, issue #1, 1999
The Front Table, SemCoop (Seminary Co-op) Bookstore, February/March 1999
New York City Poetry Calendar on Close Listening Feb. 1999 (vol. 23, no. 2)
"What Sharp Ears You Have": two-part interview, Writer on Line, with Dana Luther, 1998
"Pour une critique de l'ordinarie," etudes Françaises (University of Guelph, Quebec), 33:2, 1997
"On Poetry, Language, and Teaching: A Conversation with Charles Bernstein" with Paul Bove, Stephen Heath, Lynn Emmanuel, David Bartholmae, boundary 2 (23:3; Fall, 1996)
Conversation with J. Monroe, A. Lauterbach, B. Perelman: Diacritics (26: 3/4, 1996)
Neil Gladstone, "20 Questions for Charles Bernstein", Philadelphia City Paper (Oct. 24, 1997)
Autobiographical Interview with Loss Glazier: boundary 2 (23:3; Fall, 1996); Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series, Gale Research, 1996; reprinted in My Way
Rodrigo Garcia Lopes, Vozes e Visões: Panorma da Arte e Cultura Norte-Americans Hoje (São Paolo: Illuminuras, 1996); also printed in OccaM: Jornal da Fundação Cultural de Curitiba, Curitiba (Brazil), #1, May 1996.
Interview with Hannah Möckel-Rieke: Amerikastudien/American Studies (Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag), vol. 40, 1995, pp. 59-67; reprinted in My Way.
Interview with Manuel Brito, A Suite of Poetic Voices, ed. Manuel Brito (Santa Brigida, Spain: Kaddle Books, 1994); reprinted in My Way.
Interview with Jefferson Hansen: Poetic Briefs , 1993
Interview with Scott Fennessey, "M=I=X=I=N=G Genres", The Book Press (Ithaca, NY) Vol. 2, No. 2, March 1992
"A Conversation with Henry Hills": Abacus #27, 1987
Interview with Douglas Messerli and CB by Nina Zivancevic: Sagetrieb, Winter 1984, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 63-78.
Interview with Vicki Hudspith, Poetry Project Newsletter #75 June/July 1980
Interview with Bruce Andrews and CB by Susan Howe, WBAI--FM----Pacifica Radio, NY (1979); printed in L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Supp. #3, 1980
Three Interviews with Tom Beckett, in Content's Dream, A Poetics, My Way


Foreword to Hank Lazer, What Were You Thinking, Essays 2006-2024 (New Orelans: Lanveder, Ink, 2025)

Foreword to Runa Bandyopadhyay and Aspan Banerjee, Recipe of Possibilities( Kolkta: Liberz, 2025)

Foreword to Neeli Cherkovski selected poems (Lithic Press, 2024)

"Go Tell Aunt Rhody," foreword to Dubravka Djuric, The Politics of Hope (Aftr the War): Selected and New Poems (New York: Roof Books, 2023)

Foreword to Reading Experimental Writing, ed. Georgina Colby (Edinburgh University Press, 2019)

Foreword to Reading Poetry at Cambridge: Selected Readings of Modern Chinese Poetry by Li zhimin (China, 2018)

Afterword to Pierre Joris, Canto Diurno, Choix de poèmes 1972-2014 (Paris: Le Castor Astral, 2017)

Foreword to Tracie Morris's Handholding (2016)

Foreword to Cat Painters: An Anthology of Contemporary Serbian Poetry, edited by Biljana Obradovic and Dubravka Djuric (New Orleans: Diálogos Books of Lavender Ink, 2016)

Postface to Vincent Broqua, Récupérer (Les petits matins, 2015)

“And autumnstruck we would not hear the song”: A Preface to Thomas McEvilley’s Arimaspia (McPhearson, 2014)

"After Word" for SEASTRUCK by Heimrad Bäcker, tr. Patrick Greaney (Ugly Ducking Press, 2013)

"Foreword," Audiobooks, Literature, and Sound Studies.ed. Matthew Rubery (Routledge, 2011)

"Preface": Federman’s Fictions: Innovation, Theory, and the Holocaust, ed. Jeffrey DiLeo ( State University of New York Press, 2008)

"Afterword," The Holy Forrest: Collected Poems of Robin Blaser (University of California Press, 2008)

"Preface," Jerome Rothenberg, Triptych (New Directions, 2007)

Introduction, Body of Work by Maggie O’Sullivan (London: Reality Street Editions, 2007)

“Preface” to Jerome Rothenberg, Writing Through: Translations and Variations (Wesleyan Poetry, 2004)

In Parts, written for the catalog for Richard Tuttle, In Parts, 1998-2001, Institute for Contemporary Arts, University of Pennsylvania, catalog poem in collaboration with Tuttle (2002)

"A Conversation with Robert Creeley" in Just in Time: Poems 1975-1994 by Robert Creeley (New York; New Directions, 2001)

Introduction, Prepositions by Louis Zukofsky (Wesleyan, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2001)

"Claymation: A Reader's Guide," preface to When Will the Book Be Done?" on Granary Books (2001)

Unchained Melody (2014), a film by Felix Bernstein
Incident at Wal-Mart, or, Where’s My Daughter (1999) and Unmaking Whoopee, Or, The Text is Thus a Gas (2006), videos by Lara Oddel
The Answer (2003), video by Niels Plenge
Something Wonderful May Happen
, film directed by Lars Movin & Niels Plenge on NY School: interview and reading (Copenhagen, 2001)
Finding Forrester (2000), a film by Gus Van Sant; cameo role of Dr. Jack Simon: clip
Yellow Pages TV commercials (1998), directed by Jeff Preiss, with Jon Lovitz
A New Life (1989/1999), video by Henry Hills
(1981), Radio Adios (1982), and Money (1985), films by Henry Hills


RAI 2022/2033
Talking at Radio Web MACBA, Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art in Fall 2019 (90 min.) (2021)
With Chris Funkhauser at Poet Ray'd Yo, Topsy-Turvy launch, WQXC, April 22, 2021 (60 min)
The Slowdown 246: Tracie K. Smith reads "On Election Day" (Nov. 4. 2019)
On Larry Eigner, conversation with Jennifer Bartlett and Curtis Fox, Poetry off the Page, Poetry Foundation (May 2017)
Poem Talk: on Naomi Replanski, Ezra Pound, Louis Zukfosky, Akilah Oliver (transcript)
Pitching Poetry: Recalculating, Interchange radio interview with Doug Storm of WFNB (Blooingto, IN, May 24, 2016)
Fishko Files, Culture Shock, Ascent of Poetry (full program here)
"Poetica: Charles Bernstein" on Austrailian Broadcasting Company (ABC), Radio National on June 12, 2010.
Tre poeter från New York (Tardos, Goldsmith, Bernstein), Swedish Radio (June 2008)
American Public Media, "Weekend America": reading of "Thank You" (April 7), interview
France Culture, with Omar Berrada, "La nuit la poésie," November 1, 2004
BBC Radio 3, "The Verb" with Ian MacMillan, July 12, 2003
Radio Radio, produced by Martin Spinelli (2003)
NPR - "Morning Edition" and "Studio 360", WNYC, "Poet's Voices," produced by Sara Fishko (2003)
NPR - "All Things Considered," commentary, "Against National Poetry Month as Such", April 2001
 "To the Best of Your Knowledge", Wisconsin Public Radio, April 1995; September 1996 (Program #96-07-14-C: Uses of Radio)
BBC 3 on Pound (5/26/99)
Radio Reading Project, with Ernesto Grosman, c. 1999
BBC Radio: "Soundwaves", April 1995 and October 1996


The Serpent and the Fire: Poetries of the Americas from Origins to Present (University of California Press, 2024) "Thank You for Saying Thank You," "Before You Go" + tr.:, João Cabral de Melo Neto: “Psychology of Composition (VII),” & Paulo Leminski: “Caprichos e Relaxos”

Laurel Review Anthology of Jeiwsh American Poetry (2024): “Jewish Identity Politics (1)" ["Judeopessimism"}, “Jewish Identity Politics (2),” “Mandelstam,” & “Foreigner / For Eigner.” 

Antologija američke eksperimentalne poezije nakon 1970, ed. Dubravka Djuric, tr. Djuric and Ana Gorobinski ( OKF – Otvoreni kulturni forum, Cetinje, Montenego, 2023)

Ingenious Pleasures An Anthology of Punk, Trash, and Camp in Twentieth-Century Poetry, ed. Drew Gardner (University of New Mexico Press, 2023): "Soapy Water," "Clare-in-the-Building," Mao-Tse Tung Word Khakis"

Greening the Earth: A Global Anthology of Poetry, ed. Koyamparambath Satchidanandan and Nishi Chawla (India: Penguin 2023): “Shelter in Place”

The American Sonnet: An Anthology of Poems and Essays, eds. Dora Malech, Laura Smith (University of Iowa Press, 2023): "Questionaire"

Voices Now: World Poetry Today eds. Braja K Sorkar Binay Laha (India: Tristoop Books, 2022): "Affect Theory" "All the Whiskey in Heaven"

Contemporary Surrealist and Magical Realist Poetry, ed Jonas Zdanys (Beaumont, TX: Lamar University Press, 2022): "12-Year Horoscope" "Beyond the Valley of the Sophist" "Chimera" "Mysric Brokerage"

FSG Poetry Anthology
, ed. Jonathon Galassi and Robyn Creswell (New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2021): "Defence of Poetry"

Conceptualisms: The Anthology of Prose, Poetry, Visual, Found, E- & Hybrid Writing as Contemporary Art. ed. Steve Tomasula (U of Alabama Press, 2022): “Amberianum,” “Thank You for Saying You’re Welcome,” “Before Time,” “The Lie of Art,” and “High Tide at Race Point." (& online): Yellow Pages. The Answer

Entre el aliento y el precipicio: poéticas sobre la belleza / Between the Breath and the Abyss: Poetics on Beauty, ed. Keila Vall de la Ville (Editorial Madrid: Amargord, 2021)

Transpoetic Exchange: Haroldo de Campos, Octavio Paz, and Other Multiversal Dialogues, ed. Marília Librandi, Jamille Pinheiro Dias, Tom Winterbottom (Bucknell University Press, 2020): “Amberianum”

"Swan Songs" in Ezra’s Book: Poetry from the Ezra Pound International Conference (Clemson University Press, 2019)

The End of the World Project, ed. Richard Lopez, T.C. Marshall, John Bloomberg-Rissman (Chicago: Moira Books, 2019): "The Bluebird of Happiness"

Short Circuits : Aphorisms, Fragments, and Literary Anomalies,ed. James Lough and Alex Stein (Schaffner Press, 2018): from Amberianum and a preface

Transition: Poems in the Aftermath, ed Michael Broder (Brooklyn: Indolent Books, 2018): "Where You There When They Crucified Our Lord"

Renga for Obama, ed. Major Jackson (Cambridge: Harvard Review Chapbook #1, 2018)

The Other Room Anthology 9, ed. James Davies and Tom Jenks (Manchester, UK, 2017): "Catechresis My Love"

Atlantic Drift: An Anthology of Poetry and Poetics, ed. James Byrne and Richard Sheppard (Arc, 2017): "Dysraphism," "Whose Language,""This Line," "Sunset Sail," "Castor Oile," preface to Pitch of Poetry

PIP Anthology of World Poetry of the 21st Century, vol. 10: Some Contemporary American Poets, ed. Douglas Messerli (Los Angles: Green Integer, 2017): "My Father Would Be a Yarn Salesman

Readings in Contemporary Poetry, ed. Vincent Katz (New York: Dia Art Foundation, 2017): "Two Stones with One Bird"

On Rhyme, ed. David Caplan, Presses Universitaires de Liège (Belgium), 2017: "Fare Thee Well" and "What Makes a Poem a Poem?"

The Canary Island Connection 60 Contemporary American Poets, ed. Manuel Britto (Las Palmasm Canary Islands: Zasterlie, 2016): "Zesterlie"

Un/Translatables: New Maps for Germanic Literatures,, ed. Catriona Macleod and Bethanny Wiggins (Northwestern University Press, 2016): "Laurel’s Eyes"

Palace Hermitage, Pa.LaC.E. Architecture Group (Brooklyn: and Cooperative Editions, 2016): "Thinking I Think I Think"

Imagining the Jewish God, ed. Leonard Kaplan and Ken Koltun-Fromm (Lanhman, MD: Lexington Books, 2016): "Unimagining the Jewish God (Remix)"

Poems: A Concise Anthology, ed. by Elizabeth Renker (Calgary: Broadview Press, 2015): "A Test of Poetry"

Barbaric Vast and Wild: A Gathering of Outside and Subterranean Poetry from Origins to Present, ed. Jerome Rothenberg and John Bloomberg-RIssman (Boston: Black Widow, 2015): translation of Khlebnikov’s "Incanation by Laughter"

The Orbita Group: Hit Parade, ed. Kevin M. F. Platt (New York: Ugly Duckinling Press, 2015), co-tr

The Art of Typewriting, ed Ruth and Marvin Sackner (NY: Thames & Hudson, 2015)

Litscapes: Collected U.S. Writing 2015, ed. Caitlin M. Alvarez & Kass Fleisher (Normal, IL: Steerage Press, 2015): "High Tide at Race Point" and "The Lie of Art"

World English Poetry, ed. Sudeep Sen (Dhaka, Benglasesh: Bengal Publications, 2015): "For M.G.," "Not on My Watch," "What Is It?"

Short Flights: Thirty-Two Modern Writers Share Aphorisms of Insight, Inspiration, and Wit, ed. James Lough and Alex Stein (Schaffner Press, 2017)

Oxford Anthology of Modern and Contemporary American Poetry,
ed. Cary Nelson (Oxford University Press, 2014); "Foreign Body Sensation, "The Kiwi Bird in the Kiwi Tree," "Riddle of the Fat Face Man" & "The Boy Soprano"

ˆBAX: Best of American Experimental Writing 2014, ed. Cole Sweson (Omindawn, 2014): from Duplexities, "Dea%r Fr~ien%d."

Like Musical Instruments: 83 Contemporary American Poets by John Sarsgard (Photographer) (Broadstone Books, 2014) photo and poem, "March"

Hava LaHaba Anthology of 14 Contempoary American Poets, ed. Al Filreis Israel, (2014) (pdf): "Synchronicity All Over Again"

Oh, Sandy! : A Remembrance (Brooklyn: Rail Editions): "If I Were Fire," "Joint Dark Energy Mission" (2015)

Mortals and Immortal for 35th Anniversary of the Burchfield Penney Poetry Series (Buffalo), ed. Don Metz (Buffalo: Blaze Vox): "Buffalo nights,” "The Iron Ring and the Ecstasy," "The Dog is Dead," "Rivulets of the Dead Jew"

Devouring the Green: The Cyborg Lyric Anthology (Poetry in an Era of Catastrophic Change), ed. Sam Witt and Debra Di Blasi (Jaded Ibis Press, 2015): "The Troll".

Norton Anthology of Postmodern Poetry, ed. Paul Hoover, 2d edn. (2013)

Kindergarde: Avant-Garde Poems, Plays, & Stories for Children., ed. Dana Teen Lomax (Black Raddish, 2013): "Emma’s Nursery Rimes"

The Bloomsbury Anthology of Jewish American Poetry, ed. Deborah Ager and M. E. Silverman (2013): "Of TIme and the Line," "Castor Oil," "RIvulets of the Dead Jew"

Breaking The Jaws of Silence – Sixty American Poets speak to the World (University of Arkanasas Press, 2013)

The New Anthoogy of American Poetry
, vol. 3, Postmodernisms 1950-Present ,ed. Stephen Axelorod, Camille Roman, and Thomas Travisano (Rutgers University Press, 2012)

Token Entry, ed Gerald LeFemina (New York: Small’s Press, 2012): "Dear Mr. Fanellli"

The Book of Villanelles, ed. Annie Finch and Marie-Elizabeth Mali (New York: Everyman’s Library / Knopf, 2012): "Sad Girl’s Sad Girl"

Against Expression, edited by Craig Dworkin and Kenneth Goldsmith (Northwestern University Press, 2011)

A Broken Thing: Poets on the Line, ed. Emily Rosko and Anton Vander Zee (University Of Iowa Press, 201l: short poem "3/4/5"

La alteración del silencio: Poesía norteamericana reciente (The Alteration of Silence: Recent North American Poetry), ed. William Allegrezza and Galo Ghigliotto (Chile, 2011)

Visiting Dr. Williams: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of William Carlos Williams, ed. Thom Tammaro and Sheila Coghill (University of Iowa Press, 2011)

Seriously Funny: Poems About Love, God, War, Art, Sex, Madness, and Everything Else
, edited by Barbara Hamby and David Kirby (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2010)

The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization
.(Yale University Press, 2010)

Our Common Sufferings: An Anthology of World Poets in Memoriam 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, ed. by Nie Zhenzhao and Luo Lianggong (Shanghei Foreign Langaguage Press, 2008): “it cuts so deep”: bilingual, tr. Nie

Modernist Archaist: Selected Poems by Osip Mandelstam, edited by Kevin Platt (Miami: Whale and Star Press, 2008)

Creative Writing: Four Genres in Brief, ed. David Starkey (Bedford / St, Martin’s, 2009):

Best American Poetry 2008, ed. Charles Wright (Scribner’s, 2008)

The Broadview Anthology of Poetry, 2nd edn, eds. Herbert Rosengarten and Amanda Goldrick-Jones (Calgary, Alberta: 2008)

The PIP Gertrude Stein Awards for Innovative Poetry in English 2007, ed. Douglas Messerli (Los Angeles: Green Integer, 2008)

The PIP Gertrude Stein Awards for Innovative Poetry in English 2005-2006, ed. Douglas Messerli (Los Angeles: Green Integer, 2007)

A Best of Fence, ed. Rebecca Woolfe (Albany: Fence Books, 2009)

Creative Writing in Four Genres
(Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008)

The Thomson Anthology of American Literature
, Volume
5, ed. Jay Parini (Thompson Heilne, 2008)

Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing,
ed. Laurie G. Kirszner & Stephen R. Mandell - 6th Edition (Heinle / Thomson-Wadswoth, 2007)

The Oxford Book of American Poetry
, ed David Lehman (2006)

The Longman Anthology of Poetry, ed. Averill Curdy and Lynne McMahon (2006)

The Wadsworth Anthology of Poetry, ed Jay Parini (Thompson/South Western, 2006)

The Broadview Anthology of Poetry, 2nd edn, eds. Herbert Rosengarten and Amanda Goldrick-Jones (Calgary, Alberta: 2008)

180 More: Extraordinary Poems for Everyday, ed Billy Collins (New York: Random House, 2005)

Understanding Poetry, ed. Walter Kaladjian (Houghton Mifflin, 2005)

Walt Whitman Hom(m)age 2005/185
5, ed. Éric Athenot & Olivier Brossard (New York / Paris: Turtle Point Press, éditions joca seria, 2005)

Leda Tenório da Motta, ed., Céu Acima: para um ‘tombeau’ de Haroldo de Campos ( São Paulo : Editora Perspectiva, 2005)

The Norton Anthology of Poetry, 5th edition, ed. Margaret Ferguson, Mary Jo Salter, and Jon Stallworthy (New York: W. W. Norton, 2004); plus Shorter 5th Edition.

Best American Poetry 2004, ed. Lyn Hejinian (New York: Scribner's, 2004)

Understanding Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing, ed. Walter Kaladjian, Judith Roof, and Stephen Watt (Houghton Mifflin, 2004)

The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry, 3d edn., ed. Jahan Ramazani, Richard Ellmann, and Robert O'Clair; Vol. 2, Contemporary Poetry (New York: W. W. Norton, 2003)

Great American Prose Poems: From Poe to the Present
, ed. David Lehman (New York: Scribner’s, 2003).

’In the criminal’s cabinet: An nthology of poetry and fiction’
, ed. Todd Swift (UK: nthposition, 2004)

Times New Roman: Poets Oppose 21st Century Empire
, ed. Tod Swift (, 2003)

100 Poets Against the War
, ed. Todd Swift (Cambridge, UK: Salt, 2003)

Enough, an anthology of poetry and writings against the war
, ed. Rick London and Leslie Scalapino (Oakland: O Books, 2003)

Stars & Stripes - Americka poezija postmodernizma ed. Petar Opačić (Split, Slovernia: Naklada Boskovic, 2003).

Best American Poetry 2002, ed. Robert Creeley (New York: Scribner's, 2002)

Short Fuse: The Global Anthology of New Fusion Poetry
, ed. Todd Swift and Phil Norton (New York: Rattapallax Press, 2002)

Poecie Americaine: 1950-2000
(Brussels: Le Cri Editions of In'Hui 56/57, 2002)

Voices in the Gallery
(Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2001)

Amerikansk katalog: Litterature og kunst I det 20. århundrede, ed. Niels Frank, Tue Andersen Nexø og Thomas Thurah (Copenhagen: Forfatterskolen, 2001)

Amerikansk katalog:Litterature og kunst I det 20. århundrede
, ed. Niels Frank, Tue Andersen Nexø og Thomas Thurah (Copenhagen: Forfatterskolen, 2001)

An Exaltation of Forms: Contemporary Poets Celebrate the Diversity of Their Art,
ed. Annie Finch and Kathrine Varnes (section editor and contributor) (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2002): "Nude Formalism" preface; poems by Lee Ann Brown, Jennifer Moxley, Joel Kusazi, Lisa Robertson, Bernstein

pesnicki poredak: Antologija novije americke poezije, ed. Vladimer Kopici & Dubravka Djuric (Novi Sad, Yugoslavia: Oktoh, 2001)

, audio CD, ed. Juliette Valery (Bordeaux: Format Americaine, 2000)

The Norton Anthology of Jewish American Literature
, ed. Jules Chametzky, Hilene S. Flanzbaum, Kathryne Hellerstein, and John Felstiner (2000)

The Body Electric
: The Best Poetry from The American Poetry Review, 1972-1999, ed. Stephen Berg, David Bonanno, and Arthur Vogelsang (New York: W. W. Norton, 2000).

Royaumont, traduction collective (1983-20000)
(Asnieres sur Oise, France: Editions Creaphis, 2000)

Jewish American Poetry: Poems, Commentary, and Reflections
, ed. Eric Selinger and Jonathan Barron (Hanover: University Press of New England, 2000)

Ernst Jandl: Reft and Light
, ed. Rosmarie Waldrop (Providence: Dichten, Burning Deck, 2000)

Poetry Writing: Theme and Variations,
ed. David Starkey (NTC, 1999)

Real Things: An Anthology of Popular Culture in American Poetry
, ed. Jim Elledge and Susan Swartwout (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999)

, ed. John Kinsella (UK: Folio/Salt, 1999)

The Norton Introduction to Literature
, Seventh Edn., ed. by J. Hunter et al, 7th edn, (New York: Norton, 1998); and 8th edn. and "Shorter" (2001); portable/digital (2013): "Of Time and the Line"

The Norton Introduction to Poetry
, Seventh Edn., ed. J. Paul Hunter (New York: Norton, 1999)

Sovremena Amerikanska Poezija, ed. Luj Simpson, Serž Fošro, Bogomil Gjuzel (Skopje, Macedonia: Misla, 1999): “Of Time and the Line,” tr. Gjuzel

The Gertrude Stein Awards in Innovative American Poetry: 1995-1996
, ed. Douglas Messerli (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1998)

Poems for the Millenium: The University of California Book of Modern and Postmodern Poetry
, vol 2, ed. Jerome Rothenberg and Pierre Joris (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998)

Duetos 4 Poetas Norte-Americanos Cantemporaneous, ed. & tr. Regis Bonvivino
(Ponta Grossa, Brazil: Editoria Uepg, 1997)

Glasovi [Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry], ed. & tr. Nina Zivancevic (Novi Sad: KOV Petro Krdu: 1997)

American Poets Say Goodbye the Twentieth Century
, ed. Andrei Codrescu and Laura Rosenthall (New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1996)

Amerikanische Poetologie: Lyriker und Lyrierinnen der USA in Selbstaussagen und Gedichten - Eine zweisprachige Auswahl [American Poetologics: Statements and Poems by U.S. Poets — A Bilingual Edition]
, ed. Helmbrecht Breinig & Kevin Powers (Bamburger Editionen, University of Bamburg Library, Germany, 1996)

Onward: Contemporary Poetry and Poetics
, ed. Peter Baker (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1996)

Experimental-Visual-Concrete:Avant-Garde Poetry Since the 1960s
, ed. David Jackson (Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi Press, 1996)

A Salt Reader
, ed. John Kinsella (Applecross, W. Autralia, Salt #6/7, 1996)

The Best Verse: Ten Years of Poetry
(Williamsburg, VA: Verse, 12:2, 1995)

The Poetry Dictionary
, ed. John Drury (Cincinatti: Story Press, 1996)

The Gertrude Stein Awards in Innovative North American Poetry: 1993
, ed. Douglas Messerli (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1995)

Sam Changed Tense
, ed. William Howe and Raymond Federman (memorial poetry collection for Samuel Beckett (Buffalo: Tailspin Press, 1995)

Jahrbuch der Lyrik 1995/96
, ed. Christoph Buchwald and Joachim Sartorius (Munich: C.H.Beck’sche, 1995)

Poesia Do Mundo: Antologia bilingue
, org. Maria Irene Ramalho de Sousa Sousa (Porto, Portugal: Edicòes Afrontamento, 1995)

Postmodern American Poetry: A Norton Anthology
, ed. Paul Hoover (New York: Norton, 1994)

Fifty: A Celebration of Sun & Moon Classics
, ed. Douglas Messerli (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon Press, 1994)

From the Other Side of the Century: A New American Poetry 1960-1990
, ed. Douglas Messerli (Los Angeles: Sun & Moon, 1994)

Antologija Americke Poezije: 1945-1994
, ed. Srba Mitrovic (Novi Sad, Yugoslavia: Svetovi, 1994)

Selected Language Poetry
, trans. Zhang Ziqing and Yunte Huang (P.R. China: Sichuan Art and Literature Publishing House, 1993)

Olaku Leku Biar or A Leak on His Coffee-Colored Beret: Mistranslations from the Basque, ed. Jack Collom (printed by ed. 1993, same copies reissued by Baksum Books (Boulder, CO, 2015)

The Best American Poetry 1992
, ed. Charles Simic (New York: Collier/Macmillan, 1992)

La Lengua Radical: Antologia de la poesia norteamericana contemporanea
, ed. & trans. Esteban Pujals (Madrid: Gramma, 1992)

Out of The World
, ed. Anne Waldman (New York: Crown/Random House, 1991)

Language Poetry
, ed. Sigi Curnow, intro by Michael Greer, in Meanjin (Melbourne), vol. 1, no. 1, 1991.

Broadway 2
, ed. James Schulyer and Charles North (New York: Hanging Loose, 1989)

Americke Poetike
, ed. Dubravka Duric et al (Beograd: Delo, 1989)

Language Poetries: An Anthology
, ed. Douglas Messerli (New York: New Directions, 1987)

American Poetry Since 1970: Up Late
, ed. Andrei Codrescu (New York: Four Walls/Eight Windows, 1987)

43 Poets
(1984), ed. Bernstein, in boundary 2 (Binghamton, 1987)

New Directions 50: Anniversary Issue
, ed. J. Laughlin, et al. (New York: New Directions, 1986)

21 + 1: American Poetry Today
, ed. E. Hocquard and C. Royet--Journoud (Montepellier Cedex, France: Delta, 1986)

Annual Survey of American Poetry
(Great Neck, NY: Roth, 1987)

In the American Tree: Language, Realism, Poetry
, ed. Ron Silliman (Orono, ME: National Poetry Foundation, 1986)

Alles Und Noch Viel Mehr: Das Poetische ABC
, ed. G.--J. Lischka (Bern: Bentelli, 1985)

Translation: Experiments in
Reading, ed. Don Wellman (Cambridge, MA: O.ARS, 1983)

Realism: An Anthology of "Language Writing"
, ed. Ron Silliman (Tucson, AZ: Ironwood, 1982)

"Language Sampler"
, ed. Bernstein, in Paris Review (New York, 1982)

Views Beside . . .
, ed. Fritz Balthaus (Berlin: Editions Vogelsang, 1982)

, ed. Don Wellman (Cambridge, MA: O.ARS, 1982)

L’espace Amerique
, ed. Jean-Pierre Faye et al. (Paris: Change, 1981)

Rosa disabitata: Poesia transcendentale americana 1960-1980, ed. Luigi Ballerini and Richard Milazzo (Milan: Feltrinelli, 1981)

Elementary Poetry in
U.S.A. East & West, ed. Julien Blaine (Marseille: DOC(K)S, 1981)

Sugar, Alcohol, & Meat
, ed. John Giorno (LP record) (New York: Giorno Systems, 1980)

The Big House
, ed. Michael Slater (New York: Ailanthus, 1978)

America, ed. Michael Gibbs (Amsterdam: Kontexts, 1978)

, ed. Paul Vangelisti (Fairfax, CA: 1980)

, ed. Brita Bergland and Tod Kabza (Windsor, VT: Annex, 1978)

Knock Knock
, ed. V. Hudspith and M. Keller (NY: Bench, 1981)


Translation of Olivier Cadiot in The Yale Anthology of Twnetieth Century Frech Poetry (New Haven: Yale Univerity Press, 2004)


Music with Stanley Cavell in Mind, ed David LaRocca (Bloomsbury, 2024)

Wittgenstein and Performance, ed. Mischa Twithin (Rowan and Littlefield, 2024): "Pataquerulous Wittgenstien"

On Hejinian's My Life in The Difference Is Spreading: Fifty Essays on Modern and Contemporary Poems, ed. Al Filreis and Anna Sttong (Universitty of Pennsylvania Press, 2022)

"#CageFreePoetry," in Evaluations: US Poetry Since 1950, vol. 1 ed. Robert Faggen & Robert von Hallberg (Albuquerque: Univerity of New Mexico Press, 2021)

"Staging Praise / Owning Words" in Inheriting Stanley Cavell Memories, Dreams, Reflections, ed. David LaRoca (New York; Bloomsbury, 2020)

An interview with Bruce Boone, from 1985, in Bruce Boone Dismembered (New York: Nightboat Books, 2020)

Archives sonores de la poésie, ed. Abigail Lang, Michel Murat et Céline Pardo (Dijon, France: Les Presses du Reel, 2020): "Close Listening" (introduction).

Counterclaims: Poets and Poetries, Talking Back, ed. H. L. Hix (Dalkey Archive)

"Doubletalking the Homophonic Sublime: Comedy, Appropriation, and the Sounds of One Hand Clapping" in Sound / Writing: On Homophonic Translation, ed. Vincent Broqua and Dirk Weissmann (Paris:  Éditions des archives contemporaines, 2019): pdf

Up Against Storytelling" (on Antin +, 2018): Obeig (Poland): audio and holographs; Speaking and Listening & En Parlant, En Ecoutant (La Criée centre d’art contempora), bilingual French/English); & at Literary Activism (2022)

The Body in Language: An Anthology, ed. Edwin Torres (Denver: Counterpath, 2019), "Disfluency" and "Passing" from "The Patquerical Imagination" in Pitch of Poetry.

Warren Motte and Jeffrey DiLeo, Experimental Literature: A Collection of Statements (JEFF Books, 2018): "Indigo"

Jeffrey DiLeo, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Literary and Cultural Theory (Bloomsbury, 2008): "Poetics"

Dodie Bellamy & Kevin Killian, eds., Writers Who Love Too Much: New Narrative Writing 1977-1997(New York: Nighboat Books, 2017): excerpt from interview with Bruce Boone

A Sulfur Anthology, ed. Clayton Eshleman (Wesleyan University Press, 2016): "The Academy in Peril: William Carlos Williams Meets the MLA"

Poetry: The Basics, ed. Jeffrey Wainwright (Routledge, 2015): from Experiments list.

John Ashbery in Poetry Criticism, ed. Mark Silverberg (Gale/Cengage, 2014).

Enzo Minarelli, ed., ll Movente della Voce: Interviste con protagonisti della sperimentazione fonica nel XX secolo (Milan: Bonomo Editore, 2017). Published first as AS RAZÕES DA VOZ: entrevistas com protagonistas da poesia sonora do século XX,EDUEL - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (Brazil): interview (2015)

Alex Davis and Lee M. Jenkins, eds, A History of Modernist Poetry (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015): Stein.

Contemporary Olson
(Manchester: Manchester University press, 2014): On "The Kingfishers"

A Guide to Poetics Journal: Writing in the Expanded Field, 1982–1998 (Middletown, Wesleyan University Press, 2013)

Estimating Emerson An Anthology of Criticism from Carlyle to Cavell, ed. David LaRocca (Bloomsburry, 2013)

Poetry Criticism (Gale): Jackson Mac Low tribute from Bookforum (2013)

The Dark Would: An Anthology of Language Art, ed. Philip Davenport: "Pinky's Rule" (2013)

Catalog for the 2012 Biennial of the Whitney Museum of American Ar: George Kuchar interview from Close Listening

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics: Fourth Edition, 2012, ed. Roland Greene, "Absoprtion" (pdf)

A Poet’s Sourcebook: Writings about Poetry, from the Ancient World to the Present, ed. Dawn Potter (Pittsburgh: Automn House , 2012): from Daniel Benjamin interview from Chicago Weekly.

Routledge Companion to Experimental Literature
, ed. Joe Bray, Alison Gibbons, Brian McHale: "The Expanded Filed of L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E" (2012)

Switching Codes: Thinking through New Technologies in Humaniteis and Art, ed. Thomas Bartscherer and Roderick Coover (University of Chicago Press, 2011)

Radical Poetics and Secular Jewish Practice, ed. Daniel Morris and Stephen Paul Miller (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2010).

The Sound of Poetry / The Poetry of Sound,
ed. Marjorie Perloff, and Craig Dworkin (University of Chiago Press, 2009)

Counting Each Step of the Sun (Malmö: Edition, 2009)

Contemporary Literary Criticism, vol. 266 (Gale, 2009: "Hearing Here: Robert Creeley’s Poetics of Duration")

Poetry and Cultural Studies Reader, Maria Damon & Ira Livingston (University of Illinois Press, 2009)

Teaching Modernist Poetry, ed Peter Middleton and Nicky Marsh (London and New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2010)

The Consequence of Innovation: 21st Century Poetics
, ed. Craig Dworkin (New York; Roof books, 2008)

ed. Emily Abruzzo, Eric Ellingsen, Jonathan D. Solomon (New York: 306090 Books, vol. 11 / Princeton Architectural Press, 2008)

Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literature
, ed. David Nicholls (New York: Modern Language Association, May 2007): "Poetics"; plus; Poetics: Further Reading (a bibliography)

Literature and Its Writers: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama
, ed. Ann Charters and Samuel Charters, 4th and 5th ed. (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009): "The Difficult Poem"

Poetry and Pedagogy: The Challenge of the Contemporary, ed. Joan Retallack and Juliana Spahr (New York: Palgrave, 2006): "The Difficult Poem" and "Creative Wreading: An Introduction"

Dark Horses: Poets on  Lost Poems, ed. Joy Katz and  Kevin Prufer (University of Illinois Press, 2006): On N.H. Pritchard

Contemporary Poetics, ed, Louis Armand (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, in press, Fall 2006: “How Empty Is My Bread Pudding”

Seance, ed. Christine Wertheim and Matias Viegener (Los Angeles: Make Now Press, 2005): "The Art and Practice of the Ordinary"

Towards a Foreign Likeness Bent: Translation, ed. Jerrold Shirmora
(Duration: Poetics, book 1, 2005): "Breaking the Translation Curtain: The Homophonic Sublime"

Poetry in Theory: An Anthology 1900-2000
, ed. Jon Cook (London: Blackwell, 2004)

Jewish in America, ed. Sara Blair and Jonathan Freedman (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004)

Lofty Dogmas; Poets on Poetics, ed. Maxime Kumin and Annie Finch (University of Arkansas Press, 2005)

Ezra Pound, Critical Assessments,
ed.Dorsey Kleitz (East Sussex, UK: Helm Information, 2005)

The Poet’s Bookshelf: Contemporary American poets on the Books that Shaped Their Art, ed. Peter Davis (Selman: Ind.: Barnwood Press.)

Rebound: The American Poetry Book, ed. Michael Hinds and Stephen Matterson (Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi Press, 2004): "Book as Archetecture"

Wild and Whirling Words: A Poetic Conversation, ed. H. L. Hix (Silver Spring, MD: Etruscan Press, 2004)

The Politics of Information,
ed. Marc Bousquet and Katherine Wills (Electronic Book Review, 2003)

The Charm of the Many (pdF), catalog for Mimi Gross's September 2002 show at Salander-O'Reilly Galleries, New York: Essay and poem by Bernstein, Preface by Dominique Fourcade, full chronology/cv, plus 45 color plates.

110 Stories:
New York Writes After September 11, ed. Ulrich Baer (New York: NYU Press. 2002)

Poecie Americaine: 1950-2000
. ed. Jacques Darras (Brussels: Le Cri Editions of In'Hui 56/57, 2002)

The Laugh that Laughs at the Laugh: Writing from and about the Pen Man, Raymond Federman; Federman
LINEbreak interview , Journal of Experimental Fiction
23 / Writers Club Press, 2002

Beyond English, Inc., ed. David Downing, Mark Hurlbert, Paula
Mathieu (Portsmith, NH: Boynton/Cook Heinemann, 2002)

Reimagining Textuality: Textual Studies in the Late Age of Print:, ed. Elizabeth Bergmann Loizeaux and Neil Fraistat (University of Wisconsin Press, 2002)

The Informatics of Resistance, ed. Marc Bousquet and Katherine Wills

Poetry Speaks: Hear the Voice of the Poet from Tennyson to Plath, ed. Elise Paschen and Rebekah Presson Mosby (Chicago: Sourcebooks, Inc., 2001)

Alternative Library Literature, 2001/2001: A Biennial Anthology, ed. Sanford Berman and James P. Danky (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2001)

Manifesto: A Century of Isms, ed. by Mary Ann Caws (University of Nebraska Press, 2001)

M/E/A/N/I/N/G: An Anthology of Artists' Writings, Theory, and Criticism, ed. Susan Bee and Mira Schor (Duke University Press, 2000)

A Book of the Book: Some Works & Projections About the Book & Writing
, ed. Jerome Rothenberg and Steve Clay (New York: Granary Books, 2000)

, edited by Joel Kuszai (New York: Roof Books, 1999)

Leiturs do ciclo
, ed. Ana Luiza Andrade, Maria Lucia de Barros Camargo, and Raul Antelo (Santa Catarina, Brazil: Editoria Grifos for abralic, 1999): "Verso Nao-Reprenentivo", tr. Regis Bonvincino

From Artifice to Indeterminacy: An Anthology of New Poetics
, ed. Christopher Beach (Tuscaloosa, Alabama, University of Alabama Press, 1998)

"Pounding Fascism" in Pisan Cantos by Ezra Pound, tr. Yunte Huang [Poetry of Great Poets] (Guilin, China: Lijiang Publishing House, 1998), pp. 267-275

The Recovery of the Public World: Essays in Honor of Robin Blaser (Vancouver: Talon Boos, 1999)

Federman, from A to X-X-X-X - An Encyclopedia Narrative, ed. Larry McCaffery, Thomas Hartl, and Doug Rice (San Diego: San Diego State Press, 1999): "Some Questions for Ray Federman"

"Riding's Reason": Introduction to Laura (Riding) Jackson and Schuyler Jackson, Rational Meaning: Toward a New Foundation of Words (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1997)

"An Area of Act": Race and
Readings in American Poetry, ed. Aldon Nielsen (University of Illinois Press, 2000): "Poetics of the Americas"

Beauty and the Critic: Aesthetics in an Age of Cultural Studies
, ed. James Soderholm (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1997) "What's Art Got to Do with It" (expanded)

Onward: Contemporary Poetry and Poetics
, ed. Peter Baker (New York: Peter Lang Publishing,
1996): "The Parts Are Greater than the Sum of the Whole"

Experimental-Visual-Concrete:Avant-Garde Poetry Since the 1960s
, ed. David Jackson (Rodopi Press, 1996)
Poetry and the Year 2000, ed. Leslie Davis (Xurban Press)

Amerikanische Poetologie: Lyriker und Lyrierinnen der
USA in Selbstaussagen und Gedichten — Eine zweisprachige Auswahl [American Poetologics: Statements and Poems by U.S. Poets - A Bilingual Edition], ed. Helmbrecht Breinig & Kevin Powers (Bamburger Editionen, University of Bamburg Library, Germany, 1996)

American Literary History Reader
, ed. Gordon Hutner (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995)

Talking the Boundless Book: Art, Language, and the Book Arts
(Minneapolis: Minnesota Center for the Book Arts, 1995)

New Approaches to Social Criticism
, ed. Graca Capinha (University of Coimbra, Portugal 1994) [in translation]

The Tribe of John: John Ashbery and Contemporary Poetry
, ed. Susan Schultz (University of Alabama Press, 1995)

Technology/Art: 20 Brief Proposals
(1984), by C.B., James Sherry and Bruce Andrews (Buffalo: Meow, 1995)

A Suite of Poetic Voices
, ed. Manuel Brito (Santa Brigida, Spain: Kaddle Books, 1994).

The Sun & Moon Guide to Eating Through Literature and Art, ed. Douglas Messerli
"Cooking by Number"

The Practice of Poetry
, ed. R. Behn & C. Twichell (New York: HarperCollins, 1992)

Gertrude Stein Advanced
, ed. Richard Kostelanetz (Jefferson,NC: McFarland & Co, 1990)

Conversant Essays
, ed. James McCorkle (Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Press, 1990)

The Politics of Poetic Form
, ed. Bernstein (New York: Roof, 1990)

The Stiffest of the Corpse
: An Exquisite Corpse Reader, ed. Andrei Codrescu (San Francisco: City Lights, 1989)

"Video Games" catalog essay for the American Museum of the Moving Image (Queens: 1989)

Americke Poetike
, ed. Dubravka Duric et al (Beograd: Delo, 1989)

Contemporary Literary Criticism
, ed. Daniel G. Marowski and Roger Matuz (Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1988)

The Line in Postmodern Poetry
, ed. Robert Frank and Henry Sayre (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988)

Nice to See You----Homage to Ted Berrigan
(Minneapolis: Coffee House Press,1989)

Louis Zukofsky
, ed. Harry Gilonis (London: North and South Press,1988)

Hank Lazer, "What Is a Poet?" (1984) [25th anniverary web site with panel pdf, new introduction, photos], ed. Hank Lazer (Tuscaloosa: Univ. of Alabama Press, 1987)

Robert Creeley: The Poet’s Workshop
, ed. C.F. Terrell (Orono, ME: National Poetry Foundation, 1985)

New Critical Perspectives
, ed. Bruce Boone (San Francisco: Soup, 1985)

, ed. Bob Perelman (Carbondale: Southern Il. Univ. Press, 1984)

Postmoderna Literatura: Recent Trends in American Criticism
, ed. Peter Carrevetta and Paolo Spedicato (Milan: Bompiani, 1984)

The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book
, ed. Bruce Andrews and Bernstein (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984)

Code of Signals
, ed. Michael Palmer (Berkeley: Io, 1983)

A Critical Assembling
, ed. R. Kostelanitz (Brooklyn: Assembling,1979)

A Symposium on Clark Coolidge
, ed. Ron Silliman (Milwaukee: Membrane, 1978)


boundary 2 52:1: "Pre-Owned Poems"; Nu Review: "My Kind of Jewish"

Var (2X), from Poetry Had No Future Unless It Comes to an End (Feb.); Action Spectacle: "Michael Davidson, Archiviste," "Dsiclosure Statement," "Betrayal"; R&R: "TXT," "Short Sonnet," "The Human Abstract," "Truth Eludes, Truthfulness Nearby," and "The Father"; Fence 42: "Epistem" with Traciue Morris; Nu Review (NY): If, I’ve Got No Right to Sing the Blues, Jew Is an Other, Jew Will Not Replace Us, Pesach Homil, Pride, Pork Shoulder

Three Fold (Detroit): Meter Was Wrong, Sleeve of My Sleeve, Uncorrected Proof, Unhinged, Vicarious Atonemnent; Marsh Hawk: Memory of Irregular Line Forms over Time; Brooklyn Rail: "Twelve Poems Beginning with A, B, C" -- Abundance of Caution, After Magritte, America, Animals Are People Too, Apophasis at the P.O., Ashkanaz, Bitter Greens, Capitalism Gaslighted Me, Catch as Catch Could, Chanukah, Corona, Covid Poem; Minute Review (ed. Derek Beaulieu, Bamf); Durgapur Review #1 (India): Being and Nothingness, French Fries at Breakfast, Go Figure; Blackbox Manifold #30, Shefflied (UK): After Huang Fan, Don’t Say I Didn’t Say So, Donna Me Pregnant, Farther, I kiss the bow and arrow

Brooklyn Rail (Dec. 2021 / Jan. 2022): "Denounce, Resists, Change"; Green Integer Review #11: "Diaspora Acknoweldgement" and "Brooklyn Language Acknoweldgement"; Brooklyn Rail (April): "Shorter Russian Poem," "Pathetic Fallacy," "Rye Sense of Humor"; Poem-a-Day, ed. Erica Hunt: "Why Do you Love the Poem?" Austrailan Poetry Review (July): "Poem Beginning"; Manoa 34:2: Passing; Australian Book Review: "Poem Beginning, Almost, with a Line by Duncan"; Minute Review (ed. Derek Beaulieu, Bamf); Fabrique de l'Art #5 (2019-2022) / Fabricate (Fabric of) Art) #5 (Calcutta: Trimukhi Platform) (listed in Near/Miss as issue #3/4 though published in #5) & audio mix;: Aginst Feeling: Against Storytelling, To Gonzolo Rojas, Grief Huants the Spoken, the Pond Off Pamet Road, Don't Tell Me about the Tide, Bluebird of Happiness, Water Under the Bridge, Lacrinae Rerum (from Near/Miss, + 3 tr. of Tarik Hamdan; Micigan Quarterly Review (Fall), "Languages Acknoweldegement"

Café Review: "Near Sleep," "Wanderer's Nightsong," "After Breughel"; Blazing Stadium #14: "Faustina Maratti"; Performing Arts Journal #130: "My De(vices)"; Critical Inquiry: In the Moment: "Ocular Truth and the Irreperable (Veil)., Universtiy of Chicago Blog, for Marjroie Perloff's 90th: "Go Figure"; Conjunctions 77, with Tracie Morris, "Omnipresence."

•• Norman Fischer and Bernsetin, "Where Here Were We" (2020)
Fence (Oct. 2020) : March 25 - April 13 (audio), April 14-16, April 17-18 (audio), Fence: April 19 - 20, April 20 - April 23, May 22- June 5
Mantissa (Sprng 2021) March 21 - March 25
Buzdokuz (Turkish): April 24 – April 30
Big Other: May 1-8:
A-Line: June 24
HA&L (2022): various••

CCAR Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly (Spring): "A Mourner's Kaddish," "After Psalm 23"; Chicago Review: "The Death of Sean Bonney"; The Typescript: "Shelter in Place"; Critical Inquiry: "Covidity" (& print 47:2); A-Line: "Heard Immunity"; Pangyrus: Loose Lips, Freduian Slap, The Gift Outright, True North; Blazing Stadium #3: "Jewish Heaven"; Pratik: "After Leon de Greif, "Likegypt): Knights Passing Out on a Ship," "No There There Then," "After Stephen Ratcliffe"; Fence Portal: from "Where Here Were We," collaboraion with Norman Fischer; The A-Line: "June 24" from from "Where Here Were We," collaboraion with Norman Fischer;

"Against Storytelling," "To Gonzolo Rojas," "Grief Haunts the Spoken," "The Pond Off Pamet Road," "Don't Tell Me about the Tide," "Bluebird of Happiness," "Lachrimae Rerum," Water Under the Bridge"; Swirlett 2 (Israel): "Unconstrained Writing"; PN Review 247: "Procuring Poetry" (translation of Drummond); Australian Book Review: "Karen Carpenter" (#411, May); Boston Compass: "Gosh"; Big Other: "Cardio Theater," "Rime and Raison" from The Course (with Ted Greenwald); Paris Review #230: "Twelve-Year Horoscope," "Clouds after Rain"; Przekroj (Warsaw, Poland): "The Darkness He Called Night" with commentary by Julia Fiedorczuk; The Brooklyn Rail: "Steve Dalachinsky,

Mantissa 3:1 (Chapman Unversity): "Rivulets of the Dead Jew"; Alienist II: "Autobiography of an Ex-"; Hoosac Institute Journal #1: "Erosion Control Area 2," Placards – "A tangle," "I never met"; The A Line #3/4: "Shields Green"; Politics and Letters: "Alphabet of the Tracks"; "A Poet Supreme for Cecil Taylor," liner notes for Winged Serpents: Six Encomiums for Cecil Taylor (Tzadik, 2018); Read On (Austrailia): from The Course (with Ted Greenwald): "Some Nice Moola," "Best Whew," "Spirits Delivery System"

Plume Poetry 5: "Betcha"; Plume #70 (May): "Perfect Air" (with Ted Greenald from The Course); Wallace Stevens Journal (41:1): “Armed Stasis,” “Loneliness in Linden”; In the Moment (Critical Inquiry blog): "Ballad Laid Bare / MLA,"; American Journal of Poetry: from The Course: "Read the Land", "Go To" and "Succor Punch”; Have Your Chil l Pete Spence @ Donnithorne Street Press, Australia: "My Father Would Be a Yarn Salesman"; "Lyric S(h)ame," boundary 2 online (b20);  Thresholds, "Extraneous" from The Course with Ted Greenwald (issue 1); Blackbox Manifold 18, Raworth issue, "Come to Think of It" (from The Course); Frieze: "If Sappho Were a UFO" (John Ashbery tribute); The A Line #1: "Our United Fates"

X-Peri: "How I Became Pre-Human"; Mantissa, I:1, Spring: "Recap For Vincent Broqua’s Recuperer"; Correcciones, ed. Felipe Cussen (Santiago, Chile): vols. 1 and 3; Plume: "80 Words for Rosmiire Waldrop at 80" (June); Merde #2 (NY): Klang, God’s Silence, Each Separate Dying Ember, Contact Western Union, untitled [onion roll], Nude Minimalism, Where My Bread Is Buttered; Journal of Poetics Research: "Concentration"; Supplement (University of Pennsylvania): "Before Time"; Berkeley Poetry Review #43: "Ars Impotens," "Autogiography of an Ex-Kike"; "Sanguinesque," "Blessed," "Rest," from Lucretius (with Richard Tuttttle); Tungsten Press (Amsterdam) broadside: "My Luck"; Café Review: "Anaesthetics"; "An Elegy for David Antin," Information as Material broadside (UK); Transition: Poems in the Aftermath 46: "Were You There?"

For Rosmaire on Her Eightieth: Friends and Admirers of Rosmarie Waldrop (Ugly Duckling Presse); Boston Review (April): "Pinky’s Rule"; APR March/April: "Island of Lost Song"; London Review of Books: "S’i’ Fosse" (Vol. 37 No. 24 · 17 Dec.); Cordite, ed. John Tranter: "87 Words for John Ashbery at 87"; PN Review 221: "Thank You for Saying You’re Welcome"; Table Talk 2: "Better Off Dead," "Doggone Sane," "Truy Unexceptional," "Turnkey," "Warning"; Fell Swoop (New Orleans): "Words Used Five Times in Girly Man"; Ducie: "Song Dynatasy"; Torque #2: (UK): The Act of Reading:"Thank You for Saying Thank You," “Thank You for Saying Your Welcome,” "The100 Most Frequently Used Words in My Way; Jewish Journal (April): "Death Fugue (Echo)"; The Nation: "Sacred Hate" after Cruz e Sousa" (May 18); Caliban #20: "No Re-entry"; Literary Hub (July): a "selfie" with commentary,Dusie: "Song Dynasty"; Êxploring the Juncture of Art and Books (Provincetown, MA: TB Projects at Tim’s Used Books, 2015: "Sunset at Race Point"; Infinite Editions: "Self-Strike Day"; Plume on-line: "Beyond Compare"; Plume V:4: "Confederate Ballte Flag"

Poetry (April): "Me and My Pharaoh"; Jewish Journal: "A Theory’s Evolution" (Jan.) & "Death Fugue" (May); N/A: "They Also Serve Who Wade," "Seldom Splendor," "There was a young lady from New York"; Boston Review (March): "Ides of March"; Journal of Creative Practice: "My Father Would be a Yarn Salesman"; Witness: "Errata," "Riddle", Frieze: "Oopera" (June-Aug. 2014); Negative Capability (Mobile, AL): "Passing"; Unison Active: "On Election Day" (May 24); Buffalo News, Sept. 7, 2014 ("Chimera"); Coldfront (Sept.): "Jatte"; Equalizer 2.15: "Girl with a Pail for a Hat"; Veer Journal 4 (#56), for Will Rowe: "Plan of Action."); Summerstock (UK): "Café Buffe"; ; Noon on the Moon, 12-21-14, Sternberg Press: "Why I Am Not" series (four poems).

Conjunctions: "Elfking," "As If by Moonlight" and from Duplexities: "I’m no more here..." and "If anything ..."; Double Room, issue ed. Tan Lin: "I Used To Be a Plastic Bottle", Golden Handcuffs Peter Quartermain issue: "You Say Insispit" (#17); Kulturen und Werte (Berlin): "Sign Under Test," "How Empty Is My Bread Pudding" "Thank You for Saying Thank You"; The Battersea Review #2: "Catachresis, My Love,""The Lie of Art"; Manor House Quarterly: "H Marks the Spot"; Plume #20: "Armed Stasis"; Mandorla: "And Quiet Flows the Soane," "Double Blind," "Spring," and "Why I am Not a Hippie"; Poetry Daily: "Pompei"; American Poet (Acad. of Am. Poets): "Sea Drift" (vol. 44, Spring); Art in America, June/July: from Duplexities, Cordite: Catullus 85; Spoila #5: "Brush Up Your Chaucer"; OnAndOnScreen, Spring: "The Threshold"; Wave Composition #7: "Dim Lands of Peace," "The Wages of Pascal" & "For Real": Wolf: "The Sixties with Apologies"; Eyewear: "Song" (after Kandinsky)

Hobo Magazine (Vancouver): "The Moment Is You"; Joyland Poetry:"Evaluation"; Rampike (Windsor, Ontario, vol. 21/No.2): "Last Words"; Plume #1 & included in The Plume Anthology of Poetry 2012: "Fold"; Virginia Quarterly Review, special issue ed. David Caplan: "Chimera"; Sentence: "Unready, Unwilling, Unable"; Island (Tasmania): "Misfortune," "Long Before the Rain"; Tick Journal #1: "And Aenigma Was His Name, O!; The O-G vol. 5: DVD with "Pinky’s Rule" including text of the poem; lyric@:"Last Words from ’Sentences My Father Used’"; Plume: "Prose" (tr from Bonvicino) & "Armed Stasis"; Harper’s: "The Jew" (Dec.); Poem-A-Day (Oct. 15) – Academy of American Poets: "High Tide at Race Point"; Poetry Project Newsletter: "Catachresis, My Love" (#233, Dec. 2012 / Jan. 2013); EOAGH: "Also Rises the Sun" (#8)

Conjunctions #56: "Recalculating"; Caliban on-line #3: "It’s Not My Bag," "Sea Drift," "And Quiet Flows the Soane"; 1913: A Journal for Forms:"Poem Loading," "For [Name Redacted]," "Jatte"; Jerusalem Review: "Fold," "Loneliness in Linden," "Saphics," ’ Poetry Trading Cards: "And Aegniga ..."; Half-Circle #1: "Charon’s Boat"; a collaborative genealogy of spirituality: "Flawed Design," "Deathbed Conversation," "Observant Jew";ArtCritical.Com: "Before You Go": PoetsArtists #30: 13 short poems, The Claudius App # 1: "Autospsychographia"

Golden Handcuffs: " "To a Begging Redhead"; International Literary Quarterly: "Incantation by Laughter"; Phoebe: two poems by Regis Bonvicino ("Tatoo" and "Image Impossible"; Esque #1: "Stupid Men, Smart Choices", Geist: "You Never Looked So Simulating"(Summer, #77); Geist #78/79: 20 Year Retrospective: 9/11 post; The Capilano Review (3:12): early poems, Weekday #1: "Poems for Rehab" Suzanne Bocanegra recipe issue of Esopus: "Recipe for Disasater"; Critical Quarterly 52:2: Fold

E.G. Reader, ed Michael Ball (Baltimore):"I Can’t Believe ...," "The Honor of Virtue"; Prairie Schooner: "On Election Day", Coal Hill Review: "Be Drunken"; Oracle (Unv. Southern Alabama, vol. VII): from The Subject; if p then q (UK) & RealPoetik (Aug. 30): "The 100 Most Frequent Words in The Sophist"; Blackbox Manifold #4 (Cambridge Univ.): "The Recluse," Hugo tr. "Tomorrow, Dawn"; Queer Voice, ed. Ingrid Schaefner, ICA (Philadelphia) catalog: "Dea%r Fr~ien%d"

The Nation (Feb.): ""All the Whiskey in Heaven"; West Coast Line (Roy Miki Tribute): "You Never Looked So Simulating"; Conjunctions:: "Won’t You Give Up This Poem to Someone Who Needs It," "Loneliness in Linden," and "Dea%r Fr~ien%d"; Ubu Unpulishable #28: "Letter from Washington," "747 Poem"; Hotel Amerika: "Brush Up Your Chaucer"; Electronic Poetry Review #8: "You Say Insipid, I say Inscripsit," "What makes a Poem a Poem?" and "Up High Down Low Too Slow"; Poetry: "Pomepii" and "Two Stones with One Bird"; Exquisite Corpse: "Work in Progress"; Harper’s (August): "Pompeii", Shofar: Four Mandelstam poems tr. with Kevin Platt; onedit #12: "Morality";Poems & Poetics (Jerome Rothenberg’s blog): Transegmental Drift, The Sixties - with Apologies, Death on a Pale Horse, No Hiding Place; Fulcrum 7: "Talk to Me"; Barrow Street: "Evaluation"; Work #10 (Oakland): "Work in Progress," "No Hiding Place," Cattulus #85, "Irreconcilable Disrepair," "You Never Looked So Stimulating" in #10

Tikkun (May/June): "Every True Religion Is Bound to Fail"; Poetry: "Sad Boy’s Sad Boy," and "Design"; Poetry Daily: "Thank You," Didn’t We"; Absent: "Definitions of Brazil"; MiPoesis (David Trindad issue): "Charmless Vector," "In the Next Issue"; W13: "Words Used Five Times in Giry Man," "Most Freq. Words in With Strings," "Most Freq. Words in The Sophist"; Barrow Street:"Ku-na-hay," "Open Echo"; The Cimarron Review: "Irreconcilable Disrepair", Brooklyn Rail (July/Aug.): "Truth Be Told"; Reconfigurations #1: "Great Moments in Taches Blanches"; Zen Monster #1: "War Stories" ; NO: A Journal of the Arts #6: "The Truth in Pudding"; Boog City: "A Long Time till Yesterday";

Hambone #18 (Santa Cruz, CA): "The Duck Hunters"; Atlas #1 (New Dehli):"Language, Truth and Logic," "Questionnaire," "There’s Beauty ..."; Coconut 4: "Open Echo" & "Further Color Notes"; DCPoetry Antnology/2005: "Window’s End"; MiPoesias: "The Twelve Tribes of Lacan"; Brooklyn Rail (June) & Torch (New York): "Girly Man"; Cordite (Austraila): "Ku(na)hay"; Nthposition: "Theory of Flawed Design"; Rampike (Windsor, Ont.: 14:2): Shaodwtime synopsis; Fulcrum Annual  #5: tr. Baudelaire, Apollinaire, Drummond; Argotist Online: three poems form Girly Man ("Bridges," Nightmare on Elm." "If then") (UK), Green Integer Review #5: "Blue Tile"; Mission Impossible #1 (Paris 2006): "A Particular Thing," "Self-Help"

Verse: 25th Anniversary Issue (Athens, Ga.): "Explicit Version Number Required," "In Particular," Make It Snappy ..."; Milk Magazine, Vol 6: "The Ballad of the Girly Man"; EOAGH (#2): "Poem Composed for Jackson Mac Low"; LA Review: "Secrets of a Clear Hand"; Notre Dame Review #19: Yellow Pages ads; Chain: "Likeness"; Dandelion (Calgary): "Warrant."; Shampoo #24: "In Res Robin; Peregrene (Penn: #1): "Let’s Just Say"; Fulcrum: "Warble of the ..."; No (New York): "How Empty Is My Bread Pudding"; DC Annual: "Window’s End"; Cricket OnLine Review I:2: "Bricklayer’s Arms"

Brooklyn Rail: "Self-Help"; Saint Elizabeth Street (New York): "Bridges Freeze before Roads"; Long Shot (Hoboken): "When Well We Weep"; Rattapallax (New York): "The Bricklayer's Arms"; Vallum (Montreal): "A une Mendiate Rousse"; Barrow Street: "Evening Sail with Prawns", ""Blown Wind," and "All  Set"; Modern Poetry Review: "For Bill Charley Bill on Memorial Day"; 88: A Journal of Contemporary American Poetry: "If You Lived Here …"; PomPom: "Pomegranates", Dandelion (Calgary): "Warrant", Call: Review (New York): "In Parts"; OEI (#s18-21, Stockholm): Veil; Drexel Online Journal: "Emma 99", "A Poem Is Not a Weapon", "Action Figure"
Philadelphia Inquirer (3/31/03): "War Stories"; Triquarterly: "Every Lake" (#116, Winter); Verse (copublished with Jacket): "In Particular"; Interim: "Death Fuge (Echo)"; Hotel Amerika (#3): from "World on Fire"; Fulcrum #2: from "World on Fire"; Golden Handcuffs #2, from "World on Fire"; Van Gogh's Ear #2: "Should We Let Patients Write Down Their Own Dreams", Electronic Poetry Review #5: "Slap Me Five, Cleo", The Canary #2 (Eugene, OR): "Jacob’s Ladder" and "A Poem Is Not a Weapon", Chain: "A Test of Poetry" , The Muse Apprentice Guild: "… at Dia"; Golden Handcuffs: from World on Fire, Fulcrum: from World on Fire, Dandelion (#28, vol. 2): "Language, Truth, and Logic"; Barrow Street (Winter): "sorrow where there is no pain"; Columibia Poetry Review 16: "Five for M.P..
Michigan Quarterly Review - Jewish in America: "Sign Under Test" (Fall: XLI:4); Green Mountain Review - Comedy in Contemporary American Poetry: "Warrant" (XV:1&2); Colorado Review: "Castor Oil" (Fall); Teachers & Writers: "Johnny Cake Hollow" and "Empty Biscuits" (33:4, March/April); Washington Square: "Thank You for Saying Thank You" (Spring); Boog City: "Comforting Thoughts (#3, New York); Performance Research: "Seven Tableau Vivant",;Dandelion: "Language, Truth, and Logic" (Vancouver); Trope­_5: "There's Beauty"; The Spook: June: "In Between"; "Memories"; Traffic East (#2: Buffalo): "In Particular"; Boog #3: "Comforting Thoughts; Can We Have Our Ball Back #13: "Pocket in the Hole"; Primary Writing, Dec.: "Jacob's Ladder" (Washington, DC);
As editor: Swedish Poetry and Poetics: A Gathering; boundary 2 - Volume 29, Issue 1
Notre Dame Review (#11); Poetry New Zealand (#22); "Funny Business" issue, The Eastvillage (vol. 11);; Princeton Library Chronicle, Mantis (Stanford), Teachers & Writers (New York), Slope , Drunken Boat, aufgabe #1 (Provincetown), Arc (#15: Tel Aviv). Journal of Literature and Aesthetics (1:1, Kollam, India)
boundary 2, Sulfur (45/46), Salt (vol. 12), The Courtland Review (, West Coast Line (#31 / vol. 34, no. 1), Agni (#52), Boston Review (25:2), Facture (1), Conjunctions (35: American Poetry: States of the Art), Art Issues (#63, Summer: "Haikucriticism"), slope (, "abs TruCt heh GarBagt" CD in Cabinet #1.
New American Writing (Mill Valley, CA: #17), Queen Street Quarterly 3:2 (Toronto), King Log (Internet), Open Letter, Hunger Magazine (#6: Rosendale, NY), Verse (16:3/17:1), Lipstick Eleven , Salt Hill (Syracuse: #7), the Journal (Dublin: #2), "Editor's Picks" WebDelSol.Com (Internet)¸ Barrow Street, Dietsche Warande & Belfort (Alsemberg, Belgium: #4, August; "An Mosaic" on CD-Rom), Fracture (#1), "Proceed with Caution" (from "Today's Not Opposite Day"): Harper's (Oct.), Kiosk (Buffalo)
Fence (New York: 1:2), Sulfur, Synasethetic (New York: 4/5), l’Esprit createur (Lexington, KY: Vol. XXXVIII, No. 4), Passages, Larry Eigner Issue (ezine), Hunger Magazine (Rosendale, NY: I:3), TOOL (Albany: 1), American Letters & Commentary (NY: 10), The End (Sommerville: 1), Kenning (#3), Poetry in Performance (NY: 26)
Sulfur (Ypsilanti: #41), Verse (UK/US: 14:2), Long Shot #19 (Hoboken), Bellingham Review (Bellingham, Wash.: XX:1), Misc. Project (Atlanta: #4); Green Mountains Review: 10th Anniversary: American Poetry at the End of the Millenium (Johnson, VT: IX:2/X:1); Cabso (Quebec), Radical Poetics (Stanmore, Middlesex, UK: #1), Boxkite (NSW, Australia: #1), Together (Sao Paolo), Jacket (Internet, #1, Australia), Salt (Australia/UK: #10, #11), Bathos Journal (#1), non (Internet: #1, SF)
Tinfish (Honolulu: #2), boundary 2 (Pittsburgh: Fall, 23:3), Michigan Quarterly Review (Ann Arbor: XXXV:4, Fall), Diacritics (Ithaca: 26: 3/4), Chloroform (Buffalo), Sulfur (Ypsilanti: #38 and #39), The Iowa Review (Iowa City: 26:2, Sept.), Colorado Review (Denver: XXIII:1, Spring), Big Allis (New York #8) , Talisman (Jersey City: #15), Private Arts (Chicago, #10), Flashpoint (DC: 1:1), New American Writing (Mill Valley, CA: #14), Chain (Buffalo: #3), Salt (Applecross, W. Australia, #6/7, #8), Arras (Rutherford, NJ: #3), River City (Memphis: Winter, 16:1), Capilano Review (Vancouver: 2:17/18), Mudfish (New York), Valentine (New York: special edition), Poetry New York (#8), Prosodia: A Journal of the New College Poetics Program (#6, San Francisco), First Offence (UK, #10), Parataxis (UK, #8/9), Kiosk (Buffalo: 9), Little Magazine (#21b, WWW, Albany), Political Diction (DC, issue 1996), M/E/A/N/I/N/G (New York: #19/20), Sulfur (Ypsilanti: #39)
The Little Review (CD-ROM, Albany: Vol. 21,), Tinfish (Honolulu: #2), Hambone (Santa Cruz, #12), And (London: #9), Lingo (W. Stockbridge), Avec (Pengrove, CA: #10), The Baffler (Chicago: #6), Ribot (Los Angeles,#3), River City (Memphis: Fall/Winter), Poetry Project Newsletter (New York), New American Writing (Chicago, #13), Tongue to Boot (London: #1), A Brief Description of the Whole World (Auckland, NZ: #1), Sulfur (Los Angeles: #36) , Rif/t (Buffalo: #3), 99: Turn of the Century Magazine (New York)
Sulfur (Los Angeles: #34), Conjunctions 23 (New York): tr. & note on Albiach, Postmodern Culture (5:1, Sept.), I Am a Child (Buffalo), Words Worth (Somerset,UK:#4), River City (Memphis: 14:2, Spring), Object Permanence (Glasgow: #3), Kiosk (Buffalo)

Avec (Pengrove,CA:#6), Rif/t (Buffalo:#1), Elephant (Los Angeles: #1), Common Knowledge (Dallas: 2:3, Winter), Mirage/Periodical (San Francisco), Object (New York: #1), Object Permanence(Glasgow: #1), Washington Review (D.C.: XIX:1, June/July), Notus (Ann Arbor), Situation (Buffalo: #4), O.Ars (Weare, NH), The World (New York), Turbulence (Hockessin, Del. :#1), Long News (Brooklyn), No Roses Review (Chicago), River Styx (St. Louis: #39), Wallace Stevens Journal (Potsdam, NY), Texture (Norman,OK)

Talisman (Hoboken), New Madrid , Columbia Poetry Review (Chicago), Lyric & (San Francisco), Uprising (Buffalo), Co-Lingua/NRG (Portland), O.blek (Stockbridge, MA), To (Philadelphia), Generator (Mentor, OH)
Hambone (Santa Cruz, #12), Object Permanence (Glasgow: #4), Hot Bird Mfg (New York), O.blek (Stockbridge,MA), Generator (Mentor, OH), Ploughshares (Boston), Colorado North Review (Boulder), Verse (UK/US), Tyuonyi (Sante Fe): Cadiot tr, Barscheit (Vancouver, #2), Pataphysics (Melbourne), Aerial (Washington, DC), Uprising (Buffalo)
Sulfur (Ypsilanti: #32), Big Allis (New York #3), Conjuctions (New York), Washington Review (D.C.), Talisman (Hoboken), Verse (UK/US), New American Letters and Commentary,(New York), Buffalo Broadsides (Buffalo), Stele (New York), Carrionflower Writ (Melbourne), Contemporanea (New York), 90 (Buffalo), World Letter (Iowa City), Serie D’Ecriture (UK), Screens and Tasted Parallels (Palo Alto)
New American Writing (Chicago), Conjunctions (New York),Object Permanence (Glasgow: #2), O.Ars (Weare, NH), Tailisman (Hoboken), O.blek (Stockbridge,MA), Archeus (London), Epoch (Ithaca), Minnesota Review (Stony Brook), Screens and Tasted Parallels (Palo Alto), Caliban (Ann Arbor), American Poetry Review (Philadelphia), Generator (Mentor,Ohio), American New Writing (Leland, MI), Poetry New York, Writers and Books (Rochester), Oovrah (New York) , Sulfur (Los Angeles)
Poetry Project Newsletter (New York), Conjunctions (New York), Notus (Ann Arbor), Talisman (Hoboken), Tyuonyi (Sante Fe), Caliban (Ann Arbor), Witness (Farmington Hills, MI); Rethinking Marxism 1:4 (Amherst): "Kiwi Bird in the Kiwi Tree," Catabolism," "Forece of Feeling," "The View from Nowhere"; The Newspaper (Westfiled, NJ), Clown War (Brooklyn), Santa Monica Review
New American Writing (Chicago), Notus (Ann Arbor), O.blek,(Stockbridge,MA), Temblor (Los Angeles), Generator (Mentor,Ohio), Central Park (NY), First Offence (London), Talus (London), Raddle Moon (Vancouver), Los Angeles Weekly, Sulfur (Los Angeles), Cheap Review (New York), SMARTS Poetry on the Busses (Santa Monica): "No Way" ("My mind is a steel trap"), Alternative Press book mark (Grindstone City, MI): "Shaker Show."
Orange Export Ltd.(Paris), Notes(Paris), Oink (Chicago), Archive for New Poetry Newsletter (San Diego), Tramen (San Francisco), Sink (San Francisco), Sulfur (Los Angeles), Black Mountain II Review, Human Means (Boulder) (Buffalo), Post Neo (Victoria, Australia), Rampike (Toronto), Writing (Vancouver)

Sulfur (Los Angeles), Poetry Project Newsletter (New York), Tyuonyi (Sante Fe), Temblor (Los Angeles), Tramen (San Francisco), Abacus -- solo issue (Elmwood:CT.), Mandorla/Minetta Review (New York), Southern Humanities Review (Auburn,AL), Aphros (New York), Gandhabba (New York), African Golfer and Popular Poetix and Multiples (Missoula),

Private Arts (Brooklyn), The World (New York), Gandhabba (New York), Splash (New Zealand), Rampike (Toronto), The Brooklyn Review (Brooklyn), Writing (Nelson,BC), Acts (San Francisco), Reality Studios (London), Gallery Works (Bronx), New Wilderness/Wch Way (San Diego, Los Angeles, Albany), Ear (New York), Writing (Vancouver)

Sulfur (Los Angeles) #32, Conjuctions (New York), Washington Review (D.C.), S.5.W (Missoula), Obligatory Hug (Santa Rosa, CA), Important Poetry Press (Santa Cruz), Hills (San Francisco, CA), Boxcar (Los Angeles), Issue (Los Angeles), Sapiens (Millburn, NJ), Parallax (Auckland, New Zealand), Wch Way (Albany and Los Angeles, African Golfer and Popular Poetix and Multiples (Missoula), Los Angeles Weekly;Conjunctions 5: Three poems -- Stunment, Misty, Bluge.

The World (New York), Oink (Chicago), Parallax (Auckland, New Zealand), Paris Review (New York), Paper Air (Blue Bell, PA), Benzene (New York), Oink! (Chicago), QU (Oakland), Credences (Albany), African Golfer and Popular Poetix and Multiples (Missoula), Assassin (New York), Annex (Ithaca), The Difficulties (Kent,OH)

The Difficulties (Kent, OH), Unmuzzled Ox (New York), Sun & Moon (College Park, MD), This (San Francisco), Clown War (Brooklyn), Rocky Ledge (Boulder), Rawz (London), Periodics (Vancouver), Poetry Project Newsletter (New York), Words Worth (Someset, UK: #4)

The World (New York), Benzene (New York), Zone (New York), This (San Francisco), Text (New York), Mag City (New York)
Sun & Moon (College Park, MD), This (San Francisco), Out There (New York), Lost Paper (Barrytown, NY), Ah Noi (N. Bergen, NJ), Periodics (Vancouver), Trumps (Barrytown, NY), Miam (San Francisco), Roof (New York), Paper Air (Blue Bell, PA)
Reality Studios (London), Hills (San Francisco, CA.), Sun & Moon (College Park, MD), Text (New York), DOC(K)S (Marseilles), Blank Tape (Brooklyn), Shuttle (Mamaroneck, NY), Dodgems (New York), E Pod (Baltimore), Telephone (New York), Bezoar (Gloucester), Roof (New York), Flute (New York), Tottel’s (San Francisco), A Hundred Posters (Boston and New York and Boulder)" Three or Four Things I Know about Him): pdf via Eclipse (essay makes up whole issue)
Poetry Project Newsletter (New York), Assembling (Brooklyn), City (New York), EEL (D.C.), Roof (New York), La Bas (College Park,MD), Flute (New York), Shell (Boston), A Hundred Posters (Boston and New York and Boulder), 432 Review (New York)
Washington Review (D.C.: XIX:1, June/July), Tottel’s (San Francisco), A Hundred Posters (Boston and New York and Boulder), Black Box (D.C.), NRG (Portland)
PERIODICALS (Criticism/Essays):
see also interviews and anthologlies

Of note:
Correspondence with Steve McCaffery 1975-76, Line 5 (1985)
Hank Lazer, "What Is a Poet?" (1984): 25th anniverary web site with panel pdf, new introduction, photos.

Memorial for Pierre Joris (adapted from The Kinds of Poetry I Want): b20

"Which Side Are You On," in William Carlos Williams Review 41:1: Spring and All at 100 and “The Academy in Peril: William Carlos Williams meets the MLA” at 40, ed. Elin Käc
On Paul Auster, Frieze, LitHub, The Minute Review (2:12)
On Lyn Hejinian, Paris Review

"NoOnesRose: An Interview with Pierre Joris": boundary 2 50:4
On "Experimental Criticism": ASAP Journal
On Perloff's Infrathin in Common Knowledge 29:1

"Poem-A-Day, Poem-A-Day, Jiggety Zam: The Academy of American Poets Keeps Poetry Safe from Poetry," b20
For recorded talks/lectures/converations, got to PennSound video page

On Peter Gizzi, Salmungundi
Charles Bernstein: The Poetry of Idiomatic Insistences, ed. Paul Bove (Duke University Press/ boundary 2, 2021): Your Brain on Poetry: The Making of the Poetics Program, Introduction to Chinese Anthology of American Poetry
For recorded talks/lectures/converations, got to PennSound video page

Interview of Bruce Pearson, with intro, Bomb; "Poetry Month Will Be a Little Late This Year," University of Chicago Blog; Parænigma (Paradigma), Foreign Language and Literature Research (Wuhan); "The Tugboat and the Quayle," Literary Activism; "Eventuality," Literry ActivismFor recorded talks/lectures/converations, got to PennSound video page

"Save Penn Book Center," Philadelphia Inquirer, May 8 (jpg)
On Whitman's Preface to Leaves of Grasss in Every Atom: Reflections on Whitman at 200
Serbian Architectural Journal (SAJ), issue from the 21st International Congress of Aesthetics, Belgrade, from "Doubletalking the Homophonic Sublime" (Vol. 11 #2); "An Mosaic for Convergence" -- reboot of 1998 hypertext essay at EBR

"The Body of the Poem," Critical Inquiry (44:3, Spring); Obieg No. 8  Art & Literature: A Mongrel’s Guide, edited by The Book Lovers (Joanna Zielińska and David Maroto)": "Against Storytelling / Before Time, For David Antin"; "Figuring Power," the Whiteness Issue, Racial Imaginary Institute; "Finding Cavell," ASAP Journal

On Ashbery: Bomb ("In the Wild"), Postmodern Culture (7:2), Best American Poetry Blog, Library of America; "My Cars" in Politics/Letters (Dec. 28); Countertext, 3:3 (Edinburgh University Press): conversation with Ranjan Ghosh, J. Hillis Miller, Marjorie Perloff: pdf; "Gertrude and Alice in Vichyland," Jacket2.

Arts Everywhere & World Policy blog / American Dream Project; MLA Profession: "95 Theses" (Oct. 4, 2016) and Techne Lab (2017)

In Quire (2/9): forum; “Letter from Poland,” in boundary 2 Review (1/14); Forum for World Literature Studies 17:3: "Pitch of Poetry" in Forum for World Literature Studies (Shanghai); Blackbox Mannifold 15: "Reznikoff’s Nearness" (rpt.); LitHub: Larry Eigner foreward to Selected Poems (April);

Inroduction to Tom McEvilley’s The Arimaspia, in Hyperallergic (collected in Pitthc of Poetry]; "In Unam Pluribus," in International Journal of Poetry and Poetics (Wuhan, China); On Arakawa and Gins, in Hyperallergic [revised for The Kinds of Poetrty I Want]

Critical Inquiry, "Disfiguring Abstraction" (39:3, Spring)

PAJ (Performance Art Journal) 100: on being contemporary; Jacket2: "This Picture Intentionally Left Blank: Rob Fitterman’s 'Holocaust Museum,' Heimrad Backer’s 'Transcript,' Christian Boltanski’s 'To be a Jew in Paris in 1939,' and the documentary poetics of Raul Hilberg"; Espians #2: "In Unum Pluribus: Toward a More Perfect Invention"; Jacket2 : "Ways of reading: Marjorie Perloff and the sublimity of pragmatic criticism."

Harper’s: "Sounding the Word" (March);  Brooklyn Rail: George Kuchar’s Otherworldly Humanity (co-author: Susan Bee); Jacket 2: You Can’t Evit and Idea: The Poetics of Occupy Wall Street (with Jane Malcolm); Jacket2 : "Circumfluent time: Sampling mescal in Malcolm Lowry's Under the Volcano"; " M/E/A/N/I/N/G Online #5:"The Pataque(e)rical Wager"

The Beckett Circle newsletterr (Spring, 33:1): "Answers for Raymond Fedeman"; Proceedings of the International Conference on the 20th Twentieth-Century American Poetry, ed. Nie Zhenzhao and Luo Lianggong (Wuhan: Central China Normal University Press: "The Practice of Poetics"); On Tan Lin, American Book Review 31:3

Poetry: "ManifestAversions"; Parkett (Winter): "Is Art Critisism 50 Years Behind Poetry?";  Critical Inquiry: "Recantorium" (35:2, Winter); Harper’s: "Recantorium" (Jan.); Textual Practice, Volume 23, Issue 6 December: "Making AudioVisible": pdf

American Literry History, 20th Anniversary Issue (20:1/2): "Objectivist Blues"; Textual Practice (22:2): "Fraud’s Phantoms"; "Anythng Goes" (on Filreis’s Counter-Revolution of the Word): Boston Review (33:4, July-Aug); "Tonya’s Place" -- intro to Tonya Foster, American Poet (vol. 35, Fall); Foreign Literature Studies [Wai Guo Wen Xue Yan Jiu] (30:1): "Practice of Poetics" (Wuhan, China); "Poetry Bailout," Harper's (Sept. 28)

Brooklyn Rail (April): Foreword to Jerome Rothenberg’s Triptych; Poetry Project Newsletter Robin Blaser "Afterword" (Jan./Feb.); Conjunctions: "The Meandering Yangtze" (on Ashbery); Brooklyn Rail (Dec. 2006 / Jan 2007): "The Weatherwomen’s Terror"; On Kenneth Goldsmith's Traffic=

Open Letter (12:8 Spring): "The Poet in the University or the Ends of Sinecure: The Task of Poetics, the Fate of Innovation, and the Aesthetics of Criticism"; Text 16: An Interdisciplanry Annual of Textual Studies, ed. W. Speed Hill and Edward M. Burns: "Making Audio Visible" (pdf) ; "Composing Herself (on Barbara Guest), Bookforum Apri/Mayl; "Brooklyn Boy Makes Good" (on Charles Reznikoff), Brooklyn Rail,March;" Zukofsky: An Introduction," Foreign Literature Studies [Wai Guo Wen Xue Yan Jiu] (28:2, April, Wuhan, China) ; Brooklyn Rail: "Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door: Bob Dylan and the Adolescent Sublime"; Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry Volume 2, Issue 6, Winter 2006: "Art of Immemorability"; On Robin Blaser's The Fire: Collected Essays (Web Log)

Milk Magazine vol. 6: "A Letter to Arkadii Dragomoshchenko"; The Brooklyn Rail (May), Golden Handcuffs, Textual Practice, American Poet #28: "Hero of the Local: Robert Creeley and the Persistence of American Poetry"; Ecopoetics: "Maggie O’Sullivan’s Medleyed Verse"; Publishers Weekly (12/19) and Brooklyn Rail (Feb.) on Reznikoff’s Collected; Rail piece expands on PW review; on Mac Low, Bookforum Feb/March; notable books 2005

On Haroldo de Campos (PSA Crossroads, #61, Spring); "Celan's Folds and Veils", Textual Practice;
"The Difficult Poem," Harper's (June); Salt 15 ("For Claude Royet-Journoud); "Electronic Pies in the Poetry Skies," Contexts (Ireland), "How Empty Is My Bread Pudding" (Prague Literary Review; vol. 1 issue 6, December)
"Some of These Daze" (9/11 aftermath): boundary 2 (29:2, Spring 2002); "Report from Liberty Street", University of Chicago web site; Bridge: "Creeley's Eye" (2:1); Sagetrieb: "Our Celan"; Theater (New Haven: 32:2): "Stein’s Legacy in Language"; Hotel Amerika (#1: Ohio University, Athens): Stein Induction Intro.; Kiosk (no. 1: Lauterbach and Notley intros); Pen America: "Conspiracy of Us" (reprint) (#3: New York)
boundary 2 (28:2): "A Conversation with Geoffrey O'Brien"; Salt 14 / Jacket 14 ("Poetry and the Sacred"); The Review of Contemporary Fiction: "A Conversation with David Antin" (Spring, XXI:I): Chase Park (Oakland: 1:1); American Letters & Commentary (NY: 13): Poetry Plastique introduction; Geist: "It's 8:23 in New York" (Vancouver: Vol. 42, Fall)

Toronto Globe and Mail (4/12/99, C1): "Against National Poetry Month as Such"; University of Chicago Press Web Site (4/99): same; Poetry Project Newsletter April/May, #174): e-space and utopias; Shark (New York: #2): "Speed", Dialectical Anthropology (24: 3&4, Dec.), Stand (Leeds, UK: New Series 1:4, Dec.): Zukofsky's Prepositons, "Foreword".
l’Esprit createur (Lexington, KY: Vol. XXXVIII, No. 4): "Breaking the Translation Curtain"; American Literary History (Madison: 10:1): symposium on intellectuals, Imago (10:1, Brisbane): dialog with John Kinsella.
"First Love," Crossroads, Poetry Societry of America,1998)
NOTE: An interview in Mike & Dale's Younger Poets (#9, Spring), attributed to me, is a fabrication of the editors, the fake attribution is repeated by Dale Smith in Among the Neighbors 4 (from the SUNY Buffalo Poetry Collection) in an issue devoted to Skanky Possum Press in 2018);
Edinburgh Review 97 (Scotland), Chloroform (Buffalo), Theater Magazine 28:1 (New Haven), The Poetry Project Newsletter (Dec./Jan.'97-'98, #167), Daedalus 126:4 (Cambridge), Electronic Book Review #6; "Pound & Man at Yale" (1997)
Diacritics 26: 3/4(Ithaca), Modernism/modernity (Chicago: 3:3), Michigan Quarterly Review (Ann Arbor: XXXV:4, Fall), Modern Fiction Studies (MFS) (West Lafayette, Ind.: 42:3, Fall), Arachne (Laurentian University, Ontario: 3:1), Object Lesson (Providence #13, Fall), Collapse (Vancouver: #2, December), Reden: Revista Espanola de Estudios Norteamericanos (Universidad de Alcala, Spain: #11, ano 7), Frank Kuenstler 1928-1990
Modernism/modernity (Chicago: 2:3): review of Johnna Drucker's The Visible Word; Arizona Quarterly Review (Tucson: 51:1,Spring), West Coast Line (Barnaby, B.C.: 29:2, Fall), Review of Contemporary Fiction (XV:3), The Baffler (Chicago:#6), Amerika Studien/American Studies (Munich: 40:1), West Coast Line (Vancouver: #17, 29:2)
College Literature, West Chester, PA: #21.2, June), Witz (Pengrove, CA), Common Knowledge (3:2), Sulfur (Ypsilanti: #35, #34), Conjunctions (New York: #23), M/E/A/N/I/N/G (New York: #s 15 & 16), WORD$WORD$WORD$ (Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Sevilla: Lopen-Cuenca)
Texture (Norman, OK), Sulfur (Los Angeles), Open Letter (London, Ont. and Toronto), Poetic Briefs Interview Issue (Buffalo), American Literary History (Madison: 5:4,Fall)
TDR (New York: Fall v 36 #3 T135) : Interview with Richard Foreman; Harvard Book Review (Cambridge), Aerial (Washington, D.C.), Sulfur (Ypsalanti), Waste Paper (Denver)
Open Letter (London, Ont. and Toronto: 8:1, Fall), Conjunctions (New York), M/E/A/N/I/N/G (New York: #9), Poetics Journal (Berkeley) --" Professing Stein / Stein Professing", "Play It Again, Pac-Man" in Postmodern Culture (Sp & Fall), Sulfur (Yipsalanti), Motion Picture (New York)
Critical Inquiry (Chicago), Notes (Paris), Central Park (New York), InHouse/Poet’s House (New York), Nassau Review (Princeton), intent (Buffalo), Margin (London) , "Leaking Truth: Britsh Poetry in the 1990s": Sulfur (Ypsilanti), M/E/A/N/I/N/G (New York: #7)
Aerial (Washington, D.C.), M/E/A/N/I/N/G (New York: #5), Writing (Vancouver), Harper’s: "Wet Verse at The New Yorker" (Nov., New York), Temblor (Los Angeles), Fiction International (San Diego), Minnesota Review (Stony Brook), The Difficulties (Kent,OH), Poetry Project Newsletter (New York)
Arts (New York), Persona Magazine (Tucson), Caliban (Ypsilanti, MI), Poetry Project Newsletter (New York), Sulfur (Los Angeles), M/E/A/N/I/N/G (New York: #3)
Sulfur (Ypsilanti), Open Letter (London, Ont. and Toronto: 6:9, Fall), Socialist Review (Oakland), Abacus --solo issue (Elmwood, CT), The Difficulties (Kent, OH)
boundary 2 (SUNY, Binghamton), Social Text (New York), The Yale Review (New Haven), American Poetry (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque), Sulfur (Los Angeles), M/E/A/N/I/N/G (New York: #1), XDREAM #1 (Boston): Abigail Child interview
Southern Humanities Review (Auburn University, AL), Ottotole (San Francisco, CA), Credences (SUNY, Buffalo), Jimmy and Lucy’s House of K (Oakland), Poetry Project Newsletter (New York) , Sulfur (Los Angeles: #32), Open Letter (London, Ont. and Toronto), Ironwood (Tucson, AZ),
The Difficulties (Kent, OH), Jimmy and Lucy’s House of K (Oakland), Sagetrieb (University of Maine, Orono), Sulfur (Los Angeles: #32), Exquisite Corpse (Baltimore)
Poetics Journal (Berkeley): "Writing and Method," Sagetrieb (University of Maine, Orono), Washington Review (D.C.), Sulfur (Los Angeles: #32), The Lobby Newsletter (Cambridge, UK)
Open Letter (London, Ont. and Toronto), The Difficulties (Kent, OH), Poetry Project Newsletter (New York), Sagetrieb (University of Maine, Orono), The Paris Review (New York), Wch Way (Albany and Los Angeles), Zone (New York)
boundary 2 (SUNY, Binghamton), Reality Studios (London), L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E (New York)
Sun & Moon (College Park, MD), Small Press Review (Paradise, CA), L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E (New York), Paper Air (Blue Bell, PA)
New Wilderness Letter (San Diego), L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E (New York)
Open Letter (London, Ont. and Toronto), Poetry Project Newsletter (New York), L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E (New York), American Book Review (New Brunswick, NJ), A Hundred Posters (Boston)
Open Letter (London, Ont. and Toronto), Poetry Project Newsletter (New York), Red M (New York)
Stations (Milwaukee)
PERIODICALS/Collections/Anthologies: in translation

See also: "A Test of Poetry" in Five Languages at Jacket 2

Schreibheft 104: Hejinian memorial tr. Norbert Lange

Buzdokuz 21 (Turkey): "Body of the Poem" and "Poetry MoWill Come a Little Late this Year"; Zukofsky LOA introduction, tr. Abigail Lang, in Europe (March, #1139),
Vazn-e Donya( Iran): "War Stories," excerpt from Close Listening introduction and interview on performance and poetry (2024); plus interview and video on Iranian situation (2023), tr. Sepideh Jodeyri: pdf

Poesia: Rivista internazionale di cultura poetica, vol. 18 (Italy): poems tr. and intro, Carla Buranello; Poetry East West: "All Poetry Is Loco" tr. Feng Yi for Chinese New Year's Marathon, Poetry 24H

From “Black Mountain” to “Language Writing”: An Anthology of the New American Poetry, ed. Vladimir Feshchenko and Ian Probstein (St. Petersburg: NLO): Semblance, Mr. Matisse in San Diego, Fold, Two Stones with One Bird, A Theory’s Evolution, High Tide at Race Point, Before Time, Self-strike day, Affect theory, It’s not my bag, Wages of Pascal, Shelter in place, At Pessoa’s Grave, No Then There Then, Go Figure

Zhang Ziqing, Poetry Periodical (China): Anti-Metaphysical Poem, Testament, For Real, Line. Song, Shanty, After Reznikoff, Effigy, Double Blind, You Throw Like a Pearl, If Sappho Were a UFO, Poems of Passion, Riddle, Explanation, Boat Ride of West Lake, Mystic Brokerage, Go Figure, & Poem Beginning, Almost, with a Line by Duncan; Feng Yi, "Pinky’s Rule” , “The Bluebird of Happiness”,”Corrections”,”Catullus 70” and “Song of the Wandering Poet” in Poetry Writing Plan; Feng Yi, poems from Near Miss in Poetry Writing Plan(China); Runa Bandyopdhyay, "In Unis Pluribus" in Interaction # 17 (Jan.) (Nabadwip, Nadia, W. Bengal); Feng YI: All Poetry is Loco”; “The Year As Swatches”; “Castor Oil”; “Autopsychographia”; “The Moment is You”;“Chimera”;“Elfking” in Poetry Construction (China); Yan River #12 (China): "The Body of the Poem"

Ivan Sokolov (Russian): "Twelve-Year Horoscope"in Farjo & "Sean Bonney" "Affect Theory" in Vozdukh; Feng Yi, "Where Here Were We," collaboration with Norman Fischer (Weixin); Feng YI, ekphrastic poems from Near/Miss (Weixin); translations by Enrique Winter in Altazor (Chile), "Let's Just Say," MoeMaKa (Burmese); Feng Yi (Chinese): “Covidity”; “What Makes A Poem A Poem”; “Let’s Just Say”; “On Election Day”;”Wild Turning” and “This Line” in 中国诗刊(China Poetry Journal), June 30; Armas y Lettras, Spanish tr. by Minerva Reynosa: "Some of these Days"; Buzdokuz 7 (Turkey): "Test of Poetry," "Nettlesome Muse", "Pandemania", "Corona", from "Where Here Were We" + Interview + "Dollar Value of Poetry"; Runa Bandyopadhyay (Bengali): 3 from Topsy-Turvy in Irobotee

Ian Probstein from Topsy-Turvy in Flag Publishing: "Sheletr in ``Place," "If Sappho Were a UFO," "Zeno's Way," Ars Poetics," "Beeline," "Riddle," "Screwball Tragedy," "Testament," "Explanation," "For Real," "Intaglio," "Line?." "It's Not My Bag," "Philosophy of Lanugage," "No Then There Then," "They Also Serve Who Wade," "At Pessoa's Grave," "You Throw Like a Pearl," "Buster Keaton's Sleeve," "Where You There Whne They Crucified My Lord," "To Make Matters Worse," "As If By Moonlight," "True North Is Just South of Here," I Know that My Reedemer Liveth," Ars Impotens," "Clouds after Rain," "Anti-Metaphysical Poem," "Heaven Lake," "The Darkness He Called Night," "Turn Off Your Poetrt Blocker," "Affect Theory," "Covidity," "The Wreck of Hope," from Duplexities, Duplexity
+ "Mandelstam" for Probstein, two versions

•Runa Bandyopadhya (Bengali): Patquerical Nightshow: Ongshumali (W. Bengal / Berlin): part one; part two; part three& in English: one, two, three
tr. "Strike!" in Aparjan—Bengali Webzine on Social, Cultural & Literary Issues;
•Feng Yi, "Covidity" (with audio)
•Mariano Peyrou in EL Mundo, Feb. 20, 2020 (interview)
•With Juan Ignacio Chavez and Braulio Paz in Pesapalabra 6 (Peru) in Spanish tr.
•Feng Yi, tr., An'hui Poets(安徽诗人)(Chinese Encyclopedias Publishing House, March), 12 poems, plus interview of Feng by Shuguang Zhang on Language Poetry: “All the Whiskey in Heaven”, “High Tide at Race Point”, “Drambuie” , “Intaglio”, “Seldom Splendor” “Spring”; ”Before Time” “Don’t tell me about the Tide” “I Will not Write Immitative Poem” ”This Poem is Intentionally left Blank” “Lacrimae Rerum" “Catachresis My Love”
•Ian Probstein, “Avant-guarde is a permanent renewal,” in Liberal Mission Foundation: Essay and translated poems (March 3, 2020). Essat + tr. "Asylum," “Autonomy is Jeopardy,” "How Empty is My Bread Pudding," “Why I Am Not a Hippie”, “I Used to Be a Plastic Bottle”, “S’i’ fosse” (after Cecco Angiolieri), “All Poetry is Loco,” Apoplexy, “God’s Silence”, “My Luck,” “Affect Theory,” “Clouds After Rain.”
•"Autonomy Is Jeopardy," from "Dysraphism," and "Mall at Night," tr. Kacper Bartczak, in Biblioteka
Isliada, 20 August 2021: "As if the Trees," "Chimera," "Thank You for Saying Thank You," "In a Restless World Like This Is," "This Line", tr,. César Panza
Errancia 22 -- tr. Panza, Perednick, Grosman, Freschi (pdf)

Preface to Pitch of Poetry, translated into Spanish by Deni Itzel Becerril Figueroa, Circulo de Poesia"; "Mall at Night," "Pompeii," "Won't You Give this Poem to Someone Who Needs It," Polish tr. by Kacper Bartczak in Wiersze (2/2019); Feng Yi translations in Poetry Monthly, No. 3: "You," "Don't Tell Me About the Tide,” "Today Is The Last Day of Your life 'till Now,""My Luck," "Wild Turning," "Fado," "Her Ecstasy was abstract,""Fare Thee Well," "Castor Oil," "Stove's Out," "In This Restless World like This Is," "For Love is Such a Spirit If It Is Portrayed It Dies"; Peter Feng, "High Tide at Race Point" in Poetry Sky (Summer); "Stray Straws and Straw Men" in Dehak #11 (Tel Aviv, June): pdf; 5 poems tr. Feng Yi:  “You”, “Year as Swatches”, “Castor Oil” , “Thank You For Saying Thank you” and “In A Restless World as This Is”; Runa Bandyopadhyay, tr. and commentary on "Thank You for Saying Thank You" and "Thank you for Saying Your're Welcome," in (Kolkata, W. Bengal);

Ian Probstein translations:
Inostrannya Literatura 7 (Foreign Literature) (July: Print 100-110): "Why I don't Meditate." "High Tide at Race Point," "Our United Fates," "Lacrimae Rerum" (from Near/Miss); "Where You There When They Crucified Our Lord," and "Beeline"
Novyj Mir: From Girly Man –– "One More for the Road," "Should we Let Patients Write Down Their Dreams?"; from Near/Miss –– "Why I am Not a Hippie," "I Used to Be a Plastic Bottle," "All Poetry is Loco," "S'i' fosse" " Apoplexy"; + ect Theory Turn off your Poetry Blocker Clouds After Rain"
Seven Arts: From Recalculating –– "Transegmental Drift," "The Truth in Pudding," "Poem Loading," "You Say Insipid, I Say Inscripsit," "Sorrow where there is no pain"; from Near/Miss "Don't Tell Me About the Tide," "Concentration," " Water Under Bridge"; + "Shields Green," "The Wreck of Hope," " My Luck"
Zhurnal POetov 1-2 (81) 2019 [The Journal of Poets] (Print, July): (from Near/Miss) “Confederate Battle Flag”, “At Sunset, after the Plum Blossoms Begin to Fall”, “God’s Silence”, “My Luck”, “Seldom Splendor”

"Arbilit"; K.O.S.H.K.O.N.O.N.G. #14 (Paris): "Your Brain on Poetry: The Making of the Poetics Program One: Called to Buffalo," tr. Martin Richet; Punctum Magazine, 11/16/2018 (Latvia): "Thank You for Saying Thank You," "Dear Mr. Fanelli," and "Questionnaire, tr. Karlis Verdins; Interaction (Kolkata): "The Pataquerical Imagination" tr. Runa Bandyopadhyay (Bengali)

"A Imaginação Pataquérica" (The Patquerical Imagination" from Pitch of Poetry), tr. Aurora Bernadrini in Sibila.
Introduction to Best American Poetry 2017, tr. Sergio Eduardo Cruz, i in Circulo de poesia
Two poems in Spanish tr. by César Panza, Jampster
Seven poems tr. Ivana Hostová, Revue svetovej literatúry (Slovakia): "Asylum,” “Lo disfruto, “ “St. McC.,” “The elephant appears without…,” “Resistance,” “Defence of Poetry,” “Design,” “Further Color Notes,” “Open Echo,” and “Concentration”
"Before Time" with intro. tr. Sepideh Jodeyri in Tableau

Ancient Enmity (Twenty-four Volume Set) International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong 2017 Edited by Bei Dao, Lucas Klein, Chris Song International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong The Chinese University Press: "Pinky's Rule," tr. Li Zhimin

Looking at Zion, interview (Hebrew)
drôles de Valentine, ed. Nathalie Koble (Paris: Heros-Limite): "L’Abstraction Humaine"
Tierra Adentro (Mexico), tr. Minerva Reynoso, poems form Some of These Daze: "It´s 8.23 n New York" and "Aftershock" (forthcoming)
Mamá Dolores Cartonera (chapbook) of Some of These Daze, tr. Minerva Reynoso (forthcoming)
Sarajevske Sveske #49/50 (Sarajevo Notebooks), tr. Dubravka Djuric: "Castor Oil," "Today Is the Last Day of Your Life til Now," "Me and my Pharaoh," "Talk to Me"
Indigo 9, with Paata Shamugia (Tbilisi, Georgia)
gif of "What Makes a Poem a Poem" in Indigo (Tblisi)
Vallejo & Co
: "Expanded Field of L=A=N=G=U=A=E" (Peru, July 7)
Koshkonong n°10 (Paris): "Véritablement inexceptionnel" tr. Martin Richet
Martin Richet pdf series: from Parsing
Arterie 22 (Lodz): Kacper Bartczak, tr. and introduction: Kiwi Bird in the Kiwi Tree, Dysraphism (exceprt), In a Restless World Like This Is, A Theory’s Evolution
Zhurnal POetov 6 (72) 2016 [The Poets’ journal]: 39, Russian tr. Ian Probstein: “Transsegmental Drift”

Escamandro blog: "Doggy Bag" and "Ludwig & Gertrude," tr. into Portuguese with commentary by Adriano Scandolara
Êssayer 1 (Paris: Jacataqua) ee., tr. Martin Richet: "A Particuular Thing" / "Une chose particulière," tr. Martin Richet
Revista literaria la noria (Santiago de Cuba): #8 (2015): "Test of Poetry" tr. Ernesto Livon-Grosman.
Metamorphosen (Berlin): "#11, Solidarity" tr. Tobias Amslinger
Canibaal (Valencia, Spain): "Doggone Sane," tr. Enrique Winter
Letras Libres, Oct. 2015: "Cuando Charles conoció a Diego [Maquieira]" by Enrique Winter
Revista Dossier 27 (Santiago, Chile): "El campo ampliado del L=E=N=G =U=A=J=E," tr. Cristóbal Riego, introduction [archive] by Enrique Winter: archive version
Inknagir, Armenia: "War Stories" tr. to Armenian by Karén Karslyan Ian Probstein tr. into Russian: 9/11, "Poem Loading," Talk to Me," "Dea%r Fr~ien%d," "The Sixties with Apologies," "Sorrow where there is no pain," "Time Served," "Song Dynasty"

Schreibheft 85: "Apoplexy/Apoplexie," with Norbert Lange
Versumonline, Hungary, tr. Gerevich András, "In the Pink, "Endless Destination"

Sibila interview (includes English)
Interview with Maurizio Medo (Peru), editor of Transtierros and Vallejo & Co. (Spanish tr.) & English in Table Talk
Volta (Evening Will Come) inteview/forum, Portuguese tr., Sibila
"Contradiction turn to rivalry ..." tr. Marco Giovenale, Gamm
"Autobiographical Interview" ("Una entrevista autobiográfica"), tr. Hugo García Manríquez in Vallejo & Co (Peru, 2014)
Interview with Maurizio Medo (Peru), editor of Transtierros (2014, Spanish tr.)
"Das schwierige Gedicht" ("The Difficult Poem"), tr. Marlies Peter, Signaturen (2014)
Schreibheft#82: on Haroldo de Campos ("Thou art translated (knot)")
Sie7edesie7e (Spain), tr. Enrique Winter: "Take, Then ...," "Thank You," "Recalcuating"
Sie7edesie7e, tr. Marcos Canteli, “La poesía no es una esencia sino una práctica” (collage de entrevistas)

Ian Probstein, tr. to Russian: (12/21): "Fear of Flipping,” "Memories" “Today’s Not Opposite Day,” “Mr. Matisse in San Diego,” “Self-Help,” “Why I Don’t Mediate,” “Every True Religion is Bound to Fall,” “On Election Day,” “Pompeii,” “Why I am not a Buddhist,” “Drambuie,” “Song of the Wandering Poet ,” “Me and My Pharaoh”
SHO (Kiev, March 6): “A Theory’s Evolution"
45 Parallel 8 (284) [The 45 Parallel 8 (284)] 
“Force of Feeling,” “The Poet from Another  Planet,” “The Beauty of Brevity, the Bananas of Antibes,” “Harsh Light,” “Free Turn” (from Rough Trades, 1991), “The Boy Soprano,” “Your Ad Here,” “I Counted Seven,” “Peanut Butter and Jellyfish,” “Little Orphan Anagram,” “This Us Is Only” (from With Strings, 2001); “Two Stones with One Bird,” “Do not Desensitize,” “Later,” “And Aenigma Was His Name, O!” “Irreconcilable Disrepair,” “Sea Drift,” “There Was a Young Woman of White Church,” “A Long Time Till Yesterday,” “Catullus 85”  (From Recalculating, 2013), “Fare Thee Well” (From new poems, 2013).
Man on Earth: Rowing With One Oar,” “Beyond the Valley of the Sophist,” “A Flame in Your Heart,” “Castor Oil,” “Sign Under Test”, “Manifest Aversions, Conceptual Conundrums, & Implausibly Deniable Links,” Death on a Pale Horse,” “Charon’s Boat,” “Fare Thee Well.” [Man on Earth] 5 (2014): 114-125.Seven arts 12 (58): "This Line,” “Dear Mr. Fanelli,” “Fold,” Blown Wind, Ku(na)hay, The Importance of Being Bob (with “The Source Poem,”), The Moment Is You, Today Is the Last Day of Your Life ’til Now, “Synchronicity All Over Again,” “Trouble Near Me”: “Were You There?”, “Sometimes It Causes Me to Tremble,” “Deep These Wounds & Red,” “Trouble Is Near Me,” “Before You Go,” “In Utopia,” “The Lie of Art,” “Autobiography of an Ex-Kike,” “Fado”
[Minsk School, a literary almanac] 3 (December 4, 2014): “Fold,” “DEA%R FR~IEN%D,” “All Set,” “The Sixties, with Apologies,” “Death on a Pale Horse,” “If You Say Something, See Something” (From Recalculating 2013); “Catachresis, My Love” (From New Poems). Print. 434–448.

Kulturen und Werte (Berlin): "Thank You for Saying Thank You" (tr. Tobias Amslinger); Schreibheft #80: Verstorium: "Test of Poetry" & "Poem" (from Shade) tr. Peter Waterhouse, on Eigner, tr. Julia Dengg, ’Whose He Kidding," tr. Mirjam Paninski and Miriam Rainerplus, plus interview, "Safe Methods of Business" tr. Norbert Lang, "Thank You for Saying Thank You," tr. Tobias Amslinger," "The Influence of Kinship Patterrns" tr. Lang and Mathias Traxler, "Pound and the Poetry of Today," tr. Dennis Buschler-Ulbrich (#80, Feb.);Escamandro blog: "Amphiboles" (from Shadowtime) tr. into Portuguese with commentary by Adriano Scandolara Materiali fuori contesto. ed. Marco Giovenale, Mili Grffi, et. al.: : video
"Recantorium," "Contradiction Turns to Rivalry"; Recantorium, tr. Milli Graffi (Italian) and Abigail Lang (French) as pdf from Gamm.

Ian Probstein translations into Russian:
Netslova 15 August 2013 [Net Word Art]: “The Measure,” “In Place of a Preface a Preface,” “Sunset Sail,” “In a Restless World Like This Is,” “Broken English,” “Lost in Drowned Bliss,” “The Honor of Virtue,” “Unready, Unwilling, Unable”
Oblaka (Clouds) (Talin, Estonia) with note by Ian Probstein
SET ONE: From The Sophist (1987): Why I Am Not a Christian; from With Strings (2001) Total Valor, From Talk Alone You Don’t Get a Poem, The Manufacture of Negative Experience, The Smell of Cheap Cigars, It’s Always Fair Measure, My God Has an Attitude Problem, In Particular
SET TWO: From Girly Man (2005): The Ballad of the Giry Man, Further Color Notes, Questionnaire, Bridges Freeze Before Roads, Fantasy on Nightmare on Elm Street, "And if then...", Likeness, Slap Me Five Cleo Mark’s History.
SET THREE: "All the Whiskey in Heaven" and from Recalculating (2013): Loneliness in Linden, Recalculating

Dubravka ?uri? tr. into Serbian in Agon 24 July-Sept: "For Love Is Such that If It Is Portrayed It Dies" "Sitgma," "Dysrpahism," "Harbor of Illusions," "Being a Statement on Poetics for the Kootenay School of Writing," "Reading the Tree I," "Beyond the Valley of the Sophist"

Il Verri (Milan): "Recantorium" tr. Milli Graffi (Italian); Periodica del Poesia: 4 poems tr. Román Luján (Spanish) ("Gracias por decir gracias," "Cuestionario, cada lago," "Por qué no medito," "Todo el whiskey del cielo"); two poems fromShade, French tr. Martin Richaet in Poezibao (2012); Il Manifesto (Rome) an interview and article by Daniel Daniele & also on news archive; Formes Poétiques Contemporaines, #9 (France), "Semblance" and "A Particular Thing," tr. Martin Richaet and montage tr. Vincent Broqua; 4 poems tr. Abigail Lang in Recours au Poème : "Bobs" & "Puppy is father" (from "Log Rhythms"), "Every Lake," "Rivulets of the Dead Jew," (July 2012); Randnummer – "Whose Language" tr. Norbert Lang (German), "The Dollar Value of Poetry" and "Comedy and the Politics of Poetic Form" tr. Dennis Buscher-Ulbrich (German) in #5: (September); Kaungkin (Burma): "Thank You for Saying Thank You," tr. Ko Ko Thet (who also tr. "Johnny Cake Hollow); Der Hammer (Vienna) "Attack of the Difficult Translations" – 8pg folio. tr. into German Versatorium (Peter Waterhouse et al) (#60, Nov.)

Russian translation by Ian Probstein:
The Journal of POets [Zhurnal POetov]: 3 issues:
No. 4 (36) (2012): Susan Bee painting (p. 9), no Bernstein poem
No. 6 (38) (2012): Suan Bee painting (p. 49) no Bernstein poem
No. 9 (41) (2012): "Chimera" and "Whose Language" (p. 20)
Okno [Window]: "Thank You for Saying Thank you," "Poem," "Verdi and Postmodernism," "Human Abstract" in #10 (November 13)

Longues files de voitures revenant de la plage, tr. Martin Richet, pamphlet, Contrat Maint, Toulouse, O Globo (Brazil): "Questionaire" tr. Luiza Franco Moreira (June 25, 2011); "The Italian Border of the Alps" from Controlling Interests (and All the Whiskey in Heaven) in English and a new German translation by Tobias Amslinger / Norbert Lange / Léonce W. Lupette in Karawa.Net #003; "You Can’t Evict and Idea: The Poetics of Occupy Wall Street" in Jacket2; Tuli & Savu # 62 (Finland): Parsing; Droit de Cités, Paris, Feb. 3): "Loneliness in Linden," "A Flame in Your Heart," "Let’s Just Say," "The Ballad of the GIrly Man." tr. Abigail Lang

Russian translation by Ian Probstein:
Journal of Poets 12 (33, December): "Strike” (14-16)
Innostrannya Literatura [Foreign Literature]: "War Stories," in #6 (June)
New Literary Observer (Novie Literaturnoie Obozreniye) 110 (April): – "Introductory essay by Probstein,
"Introjective Verse," 11 poems: "The Kiwi Bird in the Kiwi Tree," "How to Disappear," "Gertrude and Ludwig’s Bogus Adventure," "Thinking I think I think," "But Pharaoh Did Not Listen to Moses," "The Throat," "Anaffirmation," "Low Regrets," "These Horses Do Not Move Up and Down," "Why We Ask you Not to Touch," and "Make It Snappy & That’s Final."

Polja #461 Jan./Feb. (Novi Sad, Serbia): "The Practice of Poetics"; Multiple German tr. of "Catabolism" in Karawa.Net #1: Hugo Ball issue; New Literary Observer 105 - (Novie Literaturnoie Obozreniye): Dragomochenko tr. of note of Olson’s "The Kingfishers"; Russian Gulliver, Ian Probstein, tr: "Sign Under Test" intro essay early version, "Beyond the Valley of the Sophist," "The Impunity of Garden Flowers," and "Ruminative Ablution"

2009Luigi Ballerini, Gianluca Rizzo, Paul Vangelisti (eds.), Nuova Poesia Americana. New York, Mondadori (Italy).
Nioque #5 (Lyon, France): "Recantorium," tr. Abigail Lang; Revue Grumeaux #1(France): Close Listening intro, PennSound manifesto; Vacarme #49 (Paris, France): "All the Whiskey in Heaven," "The Bricklayer’s Arms," "Lost in Drowned Bliss," and "Stranger in Paradise," tr. Abigail Lang;
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E in I=R=A=N: 2009 Farsi anthology of poetry and poetics introduced by Omid Shams: Dastooor #2 (pdf): Farsi tr. of poems and essays by Omid Shams

2008  issue #1, tr into Icelandic, tr. Eirkur rn Nordahl: "The Revenge of the Poetics-Critic"; Vagant 3 (Bergen), Norweigan by Audun Lindholm: "Our Americas"; New #4, on-line supplement, French tr. Abigail Lang: "Poetry Bailout"; Parmentier (The Netherlands) 17:2, June, dossier with Dutch tr., T=A=A=L, ed. Arnoud van Adrichem.

Contemporary Poetry (Sovremennaia Poeziia), issue 2 (1 June 2007) and issue 3 (1 September 2007): "Artifice of Absorption," tr. into Russian by Patrick Henry, Alexei Parshchikov and Mark Shatunovsky; Mir (Paris, France: #1, pub. IKKO), from Parsing, tr. Martin Richet; 131.839 slög með bilu (anthology), tr. Eirkur rn Nordahl (Iceland), pub. Helsinki:: Ntamo: "Thank You for Saying Thank You"; "The Difficult Poem" tr. Romina Freschi, Plebella #11, Argentina, August, 2007; "Johnny Cake Hollow" tr. Leevi Lehto & Jörgen Gassilewski & "Breaking the Translation Curtain: The Homophonic Sublime" tr. Sigurd Tenningenin in nypoesi1/07; "Introjective Verse" in Sibila #12 (Portuguese); Perché New York, ed.Luigi Ballerini and Federica Santini (Italy: Edizioni Scitture)

"Professing Sten/Stein Professing" tr. Norwegian by Paal Bjelke Andersen & "A Defence of  Poetry, tr Norwegian by Øyvind Berg, in Nypoesi; "Beyond the Valley of the Sophist, tr. Dubravka Djuric in Think Tank #7-8/May-June (Beograd); "Thank You for Saying Thank You," tr. Regis Bonvicino, Folio (Sao Paulo, Folha 13 August) and in Sibila 11. "Use No Flukes," "War Stories," "Definitions of Brazil," (tr. Bonvicino) & "Our Americas" (tr. Odile Cisneros, Sibila 10); Introductory essay by Rita Dahl, tr. Leevi Lehto of "The Throat" in Saro (#3-4, Helskinki)

 "Thank You for Saying Thank You," "Slap Me Five, Cleo," & "Frequently Unasked Questions," tr. into Dutch by Ton van ’t Hof for Poë; "In Particular," "Let’s Just Say," "Gertrude and Ludwig’s Bogus Adventure," & "The Harbor of Illusion," tr. Luigi Ballerini,  Almanacco Odradek (Italy); Experiments list, Tuli & Savu
(Helsinki: #3/2005); Interview with Romina Freschi, plabella #6 (Buenos Aries); "Riding’s Reason," in Laura Riding, Mindscapes: Poemas, Selected, translated into Portuguese, and introduced by Rodrigo Garicia Lopes ( Sao Paulo : Editora Iluminuras , 2004).

from "Artifice of Absorption" tr. Manuel Brito, in La Pagina 58 [XVI:4]; "Solidarity Is the Name" and "Thank You for Saying Thank You": diwan, tr. Dubravka Djuric (Bosnia); Interview with Eric Denut, Musica Falsa #20 (Paris); selection of A Poetics tr. and introduced by Lionel Cuillé, Formule (France); from Artifice of Absorption, tr. Lionel Cuillé, Formes Poétiques Contemporaines, #2 (France); Apparatur 10 (Denmark): "Thank You for Saying Thank You," "Let’s Just Say," "Every Lake"; Vinduet #2 (Oslo) "A Defence of Poetry," tr. translated by Øyvind Berg
Regis Bonvicino interview, el poeta y su trabajo (#14: Mexico); "Dear Mr. Fanelli", tr. Jorge Santiago Perednick in Clarin , Suplementos, Cultura y Nación, June 14 (Buenos Aires); Nypoesi (Norway): "The Only Utopia Is in a Now," "Virtual Reality", and set of short poems from Rough Trades, tr. into Swedish by Jörgen Gassilewski; Lotek64: "Play It Again Pac-Man" (Graz, Austria: Nr. 2, August); Sibila: Interview with Regis Bonvicino (#3: Sao Paulo), Tuli&Savu (#5: March, Helsinki): "A Test of Poetry"; "Manufacture of Negative Experience," tr.Dubrvka Djuric, ProFeminia (33/24 Belgrade, received 2005); "Report from Liberty Street," tr. Daniela Daniele, in (1) Nuovi Argomenti (Rome, Italy: No. 19 - Quinta Serie - September) and in (2) Undici settembre. Contro-narrazioni americane, ed. Daniel (Italy: Einaudi): pdf
Il Verri #20 (Milan) "I blues oggettivisti: la resa del vernacolo nel modernismo americano" ("Objectvist Blues") essay tr. Milli Graffi: pdf; SPF: Rating Paul Wolfowitz (from Radical Society)

Sibila: Revista de Poesia e Cultura #o (Ganja Viana, Cotia, SP, Brazil): from Parsing, tr. Regis Bonvincion; Legenda #2 (Denmark): "Stray Straws and Straw Men"; Kulttuurivihkot (#5 Finland): "At the Reading" 1-3, tr. Leevi Lehto; sebastião (Brazil): "Me Tranform, O!"; Nuorivoima 4-5 (Helskinki): "Mao-Tsung Wore Khakis", "Salute", "Harbor of Illusion"; Aujourd'hui Pome #24 (Dec. 2001, Paris): "Of Course" (from Shade); "
"Reznikoff's Nearness" (excerpts), if (Marseille: #16); "Experiments" list, Chung Wai Literary Monthly, vol. 29, no. 1 (National Taiwan University)
je te continue ma lecture: Melanges pour Claude Royet-Journoud (Paris: P.O.L, 1999) (web version); "Warning—Poetry Area", Ord&Bild (Gteborg, Sweden: #1 and #2); "Defence of Poetry" and "Artifice of Absorption", OEI (#1, Göteborg); "From and Ongoing Interivew", tr. R. Federman, quaderno (Nante, France: #4, Automne); "Warning—Poetry Area", kultura: Review for the Theory and Sociology of Culture and Media (Beograd: #99); "Introjective Verse", Nerter, tr. John Amador Bedford (#1, La Laguna, Tenerife); "Pounding Fascism", obaje (Yugolsavia), "In the Middle of Modernism", in Poesis, tr. Lia Zougrou and Panos Stogianos, issue #13, pp.63-80 (Greece).
Regis Bonvicino, Me tranformo ou O filho de Sémel (Sao Paolo: Tigre de Espelho): incorporates CB's homophonic translation of RB's poem
Cult: Revista Brasileira De Literatura, "Poetics of the Americas" (Sao Paulo: Ano II, 17), Ord&Bild, tr. Jörgen Gassilewski (Göteborg, Sweden: # 1-2), Monturo , "Unrepresentative Verse" (Sao Paulo: #2)
Revista Critica de Ciéncias SociasI, tr. Graa Capinha and Maria Irene Ramahlo (Coimbra, Portugal, Feb. 1997, #47), Ord&Bild, tr. Jörgen Gassilewski (Göteborg, Sweden: #5)
Revue Generale de Literature, "Introjective Verse" tr. Jean-Paul Auxemary and Pierre Alferi (Paris); Pro-Femina, "Professing Stein", tr. Ana Gorobinski (Beograd); Gendai-Shisou, Arakawa/Gins issue ("revue de la pensèe aujourd'hui) (Tokyo: vol. 24-10), Cult (Sao Paolo: #3, Oct. 1997)
Xul , "The Conspiracy of `Us'", tr. Jorge Santiago Perednick (Buenos Aires: #11, Sept.); Japanese Poetry Review, tr. Toshi Ishihara; Contemporary World Literature, "State of the Art" (Seoul); Transkatalog , "Poetics of the Americas" (Novi Sad, Yugoslavia: Broj 2/3, Leto); Mandorla, "Dysraphism" tr. Ernesto Grosman (Mexico City: #4)
Le Discours Psychoanalytique (Paris, #12, Oct.); Portti, tr. Leevi Lehto (Tampere, Finland, 4)
Nuori Voima (Helsinki), TXT (Le Mans, France and Brussels, #31), Helsingen Sanomat (Helsinki)
Vendredi 13 (Paris); Nuovi Argomenti, Milan, tr. Edward Lynch: #40 (Oct.-Dec): “Sensi di responsabilità” (pdf) & #43 (July-Sept.): "L'influenza di strutture di parentela sull percezione di uno stimolo ambiguo" (pdf); Obaje (Yugoslavia), Osvit (Yugoslavia), Gradina (Novi Sad, Yugoslavia)
Syntaxis (Spain), Polja (Novi Sad, Yugoslavia)
Republika (Zagreb), Quorum (Zagreb), Notes (Paris), La Pagina (Tenerife, Canary Islands)
Revista canaria de estudios inglesses (Canary Islands), Delo (Belgrade), Digraphe (Paris), AGRIPPA/Fifth International Poetry Festival in Tarascon (Le Reveste-les-Eaux, France)
Polja (Novi Sad, Yugoslavia), Gendaishi Techo (Tokyo), ZUK (Paris), Poetic Function (Leningrad)
II Cobald (Genoa, Italy), Per Approssimazione (Palermo, Italy)
Per Approssimazione (Palermo, Italy)
Change (Paris)
With Steve McCaffery, 1976-1977, Line 5 (Simon Fraser University, BC: 1985)
Harvard College----Farnsworth Poetry Room, The Poetry Project of St. Mark’s Church (1976 with Mike Sappol; 1979 with Stratis Havarias +++), The Poetry Center of San Francisco State University, University of California at San Diego, Beyond Baroque Foundation (Venice, CA), The Public Theater of the New York Shakespeare Festival, Temple University, Sonoma State University (CA), Painted Bride Arts Center (Philadelphia), Anthology Film Archive (NY), Corcoran Gallery of Arts (DC), Institute for Arts and Urban Resources at PS 1 (NY), WBAI--FM----Pacifica Radio (NY), KPFT--FM----Pacifica Radio (Houston), 12th International Sound Poetry Festival (NY), Ear Inn (NY), Grand Piano (San Francisco), 80 Langton Street (San Francisco), Droll--Kolbert Gallery (NY), Viridian Gallery (NY), Columbia College (Chicago), Russian River Series at Copperfields (Sebastapol, CA), Desire Productions (Baltimore), 10 Leonard Street (NY), Ithaca Poetry Festival at the Arts Cooperative (NY), El Centro (NY), Greenwich Books (NY),Locale (NY), The Placecenter (NY), City University of New York Graduate Center Auditorium, Folio Books (D.C.), McGlinchey’s (Philadelphia), State University of New York at Binghamton, State University of New York at Buffalo, Detroit Institute of the Arts, University of Southern California (Los Angeles), California Institute of Technology (Pasadena), California Institute of the Arts (Los Angeles), The Village Gate (NY), Woodland Pattern Book Center (Milwaukee), Victoria University (Wellington, NZ), University of Auckland (Auckland, NZ), The Glue Pot (Auckland, NZ), The Cable Gallery (NY), Salute at Michael Bennet Gallery (NY), School of the Art Institute of Chicago, The Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival (Waterloo, NJ), State University of New York at Oneonta, Queens College of C.U.N.Y., Canessa Park (San Francisco), Bookworks/Pannikan (San Diego), San Diego State University, Poetry Center of the University of Arizona (Tucson), Writer’s Center at S.U.N.Y. at Albany, Art on the Beach (Creative Time, Hunter’s Point, Queens), Pallson’s (New York), Brown University (Providence), University of New Mexico (Albuquerque), Eastern Michigan University (Ypsilanti), PEN American Center (NY), Fifth International Festival of Contemporary Poetry (Tarascon, France), New School for Social Research (NY), Spoken on the Tongue----WKCR radio (NY), Kootenay School of Writing (Vacouver, BC); Radiofree Rainforest on Co--op Radio (Vancouver), City University of New York Academy of the Humanities and Sciences/Graduate English Department, ARC at the Museum of Modern Art of the City of Paris, FNAC (Marseille), Red Flannel Reading Series at Central Park Grill (Buffalo), Arts District Bookstore (Tucson), Gallery Lelong (New York), UC--Riverside, Pomander Bookshop (New York), The Living Theater (New York), The University of Rochester, Club Lower Links (Chicago)
Ear Inn, The Naropa Institute (Boulder), MilanoPoecia (Milan), Alte Schmeide (Vienna), Serbian Literary Society (Beograd), Novi Sad (Yugloslavia) Public Library, Beograd Public Library, Canterbury Books (Calgary), Birchfield Art Center (Buffalo), EWG Poetry Series at Gallery 101 (Ottawa)
Rhode Island School of Design (Providence), Ear Inn (New York), Litterisches Colloqium (Berlin), University of Coimbra International Poetry Festival (Portugal); Books, Books, Books (WBFO, Buffalo), Northeast Modern Language Association (Buffalo), Aerial Benefit at The Poetry Project (New York), Bard College (Annandale), La Libraire Village Voice (Paris); Radical Jewish Culture Festival at the Knitting Factory (New York)
The Poetry Center of the 92nd Street Y (New York); Ear Inn (TO magazine benefit); Earwitness/Poet’s League of Greater Cleveland at Spaces (Cleveland); University of Manoa / Hawaii Literary Society (Honolulu); University of Laguna (Tenerife, Canary Islands); University of Maine (Orono); (Eigner Tribute at University Art Museum (Berkeley); New Langton Arts (San Francisco); Binghamton Community Poets "Big Horror" series, Amsterdam Tavern (Binghamton); Nordic Poetry Festival (NY)
University of Southampton (UK), Subvoicive series and Poets and Writers series (London), The Academy of American Poets at Alliance Francaise, Miami University of Ohio, Center for Book Arts (Minneapolis), Kootenay School of Writing (Vancouver), Geoff Young Gallery (Gt Barrington, Mass.), University of Virginia (Charlottesville), University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University.
University of California, Berkeley; 20th Century Literature Conference, Keynote Poet, University of Kentucky, Louisville; Stanford University; The Poetry Project of St. Mark’s Church, New York; Writer’s Center of Indianapolis; UB Literature Society Atmosphere Benefit Reading, Unitarian Church, Buffalo; Yale University, "The End of Language: Experimental, Visual, Concrete Poetry since 1960"; Poets for Choice at Ceres Gallery, New York; Bumbershoot: The Seattle Arts Festival, Featured Performer; University of Chicago ; Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago)
University of Pittsburgh, University of Wisconsin — Madison, University of New Hampshire ("Assembling Alternatives" conference), Pennsylvania State University, Ear Inn (NYC), Ichor Gallery (NYC), Bridge Books (D.C.), The Poetry Project "Poems for the Millenium" Reading (NYC), Just Buffalo Literary Center, Segue Space (NYC)

University of Western Ontario (London), University of Southern Florida, Posman Books (NYC), Word of Mouth (Waltham, Mass.), DIA Art Foundation (NYC), University of Oregon, Temple Gallery - Temple University, University of South Carolina, Here (NYC), DIA Center for the Arts


Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA), Contemporary Arts Education Project (Los Angeles), University of Oregon (Eugene), Small Press Traffic at New College (San Francisco), University of California - San Diego, University of Alabama, York University (Toronto), (Toronto), Livraria DUAS CIDADES (Sao Paolo), KGB (NY)


Bridge Street Books (DC), 57th Street Books (Chicago), Columbia College (Chicago), The Tucson Poetry Festival, UCSD: Pearce Prize Reading, Postmodern Piracy Conference (Salem, Ohio), Just Buffalo Literary Center, Poets for Choice/Ceres Gallery (NYC), Walt Whitman Cultural Art Center (Camden), New School Graduate Writing Program (NYC), Notre Dame University, Geoff Young Gallery (Gt Barrington, Mass.), Museum for Franco-American Relations (France)


College of William and Mary, Southeast Oklahoma State University, Southern Christian University (Ft. Worth), Writer's Garret (Dallas), The Poetry Project/St. Marks Church (NYC), Butler University, Damien College (Amherst, NY), Goddard College (Plainfield, Vermont), NEMLA Conference (Buffalo), University of Pennsylvania, De Montfort University, UK


Harvard University (Woodbery Poetry Room), New York University (The Fales Library), University of Georgia, Double Happiness (NY), Ceres Gallery (NY), "Bad Language"—University of Auckland, NZ (teleconference), Glyptothek museum (Copenhagen), Helsinki arts center, University of Colorado—Denver, University of Denver, Brown University


Subvoicive (London), Royal Holloway (UK), LitCity (New Orleans), Berks Poetry Festival (Pennyslvania), Oglethorpe University (Atlanta), University of Southampton (UK), Drawing Center (NYC), New School University , Georgetown University, Cartier Foundation (Paris)


The Tower (Havana), Birchfield-Penny Art Center (Buffalo), Segue@Bowery Poetry Club (NY), People's Poetry Gathering (NY), University of Calgary, Arts & Ideas: 8th International Festival of Arts & Ideas (New Haven), University of Virginia, Kelly Writers House (University of Pennsylvania), Prague International Poetry Festival


Zinc Bar (New York), Casper Jones (Brooklyn), Green Integer Salon (Los Angeles), Chapman University (Orange, CA), University of Minnesota (Minneapolis), Blake School (Minneaplois), Prague International Poetry Festival, Fifth International Meeting of Poets --University of Coimbra (Portugal), Birbeck College -- London University (UK), Helsinki International Poetry Festival, Analogous series (Cambridge, Mass.), Pete’s Big Salmon (Brooklyn), University of California -- Davis, Mills College (Oakland), Discete Reading Series (Chicago), Notre Dame University, Double Change series at Gallerie Eof (Paris), Seance in Experimental Writing -- Cal Arts (Los Angeles), George Mason Univerity -- Fall for the Book Festval.

POG readng series (Tucson), La Tazza (Philadelphia), University of Western Ontario (Frank Davey Poetics conference), Naropa University, Casa Carriego -- Casa de la poesia de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (with translations by Ernesto Grosman), Cork Interantional Poetry Festival (Ireland), Irish Writers’s Centre (Dublin), Ohio Wesleyan

Whitney Museum of American Art ("I Love Poets": reading in honor of Richard Tuttle); Smith College; Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Eastern Michigan University; Temple University; Café Engel , Helsinki, OEI Reading at Gallery Milliken, Stockholm; Renaissance Society and Poem Present at the University of Chicago; Columbia University; Galapagos: Benefit for Blatt (Brooklyn); University of Coimbra (Portugal); Espaço Cultural CPFL (Capinhas, Brazil), Martins Editorio (Sao Paulo), Bridge Street Books (DC), EG (Baltimore)      

Bienecke Library--Yale, CUE art Foundation (NY), Virginia Commonwealth University, Texas A & M, Segue/Bowery Poietry Club (NYC), Poetry Project at St. Marks Church (NYC), Tazza Reading Series (Providence, RI), New York University McGhee Division, Zinc Bar (NY), Bard College (Ashbery 80th), CHINA: Beijing Language and Culture University, Northwest Normal University (Lanzhou), Sichuan Foreign Studies University (Chongqing), Central China Normal University (Wuhan)

Columbia University (NY), New College (Sarasota, FL), Sussex University (UK), Openned at the Old Foundry (London), Weld for OEI Stockholm, Medicine Show (NY), University of Arizona Poetry Center (Tucson), Center for Book Arts (NY), American Academy of Poets / New School, Double Change (Paris), Ecole Normale Superiore (Lyon), University of Southern Alabama (Mobile), Federman 80th at Medaille (Buffalo)Lyceum Theater / Rod Smith event (Alexandria, MD)
Tryptich (NY), MoMA (Futurist Manifesto event), CUNY, Segue / Bowery Poetry Club, Cambridge University Judith E. Wilson reading/lecture (UK), New Reading Series at 20 Grand (Oalkand), Oslo Poetry Festival (Oslo Poesifestival), Copenhagen Writer’s Academey; Futurist reading, Museum of Modern Art

University of Washington (Bothel), Henry Art Gallery (Seattle), Kootenay School of Writing (Vancouver); Interventions Conference Banff Art Center, Performa 09 (at Museum of Chinese in  America), Tucson Book Fare, Philadelphia Free Library Book Fare, Zinc Bar (NYC), International Festival of Poets (Coimbra, Portugal), San Francisco State Poetry Center, Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center (Auburn, NY), Bard MFA Program, Sixth Street Synagogue (NY: Jewish Art for the New Millennium: Avant-Garde Poetry and Music), Toronto New School of Writing, University of Iowa Writing Program, Washington College (Delaware), Bridge Street Books (DC), Fall for the Book at George Mason University, Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea) & related reading in Seoul, Dia Art Foundation (New York)

University of Copenhagen, University of California Los Angeles, Boise State University MFA Program, La Maison de la Poésie (Paris), Stockholm/OEI, Poetry Foundation / Chicago Humanities Festival (2011), Central China Normal University, Xiangyang Univerity (China), University of Pennsylvania German dept. "Un/translatables" conference (read entire Shadowtime), the Poetry Project of St. Marks Church (NY)

Alte Schmiede (Vienna), Lyric Kabinett (Munich), Pomona Uninversity, UCSD, Xavier University, University of Louisville, Gallerie Eof (Paris), La passerelle de Marcel (Nantes), SUNY-Buffalo, Sixth Street Synagogue (Radical Culture series), Univeristy of Maine at Orono Poetry of the 1980s conference (keynote), Concordia University (Montreal), Berlin Literature Festival, Lettrétage (Berlin), Lettrétage (Berlin), Ephemeropterae at Thyssen Bornemisza Art Contemporary (Vienna), Portland State University, Hatchett Job at Public Assembly (Brooklyn), Whitney Museum of American Art, Zinc (NYC)

Poetics versus philosophy symposium at Texas A & M University (keynote), Bridge Street Books, Kelly Writers House, Ear Inn, McNally Jackson Books (NY), Zinc/Segue (NY), Queens Tavern, Queens Museum, Eterniday "Panorama" reading (and curator) at Queen Museum, Museum of Modern Art (Disfiguring Abstraction performance for poetry in the galleries)
N.B.: "Carotgraphiies of Flight" -- with Marty Ehrlich jazz/poetry performance at Tribeca Arts Center (NY)

Woodbery Poetry Room, Harvard; Pete’s Candy Story (Brooklyn), The Stone (NY), Copula at Wendy’s Subway (Brooklyn); Poland, China, Birchfield-Penny Arts Center (Buffalo), Universidad del Desarrollo (Santiago, Chile), Literaturhaus (Berlin), Dom Literatury (Lodz), The Stone (with John Zorn as part of Improvisation benefit)

Poets Out Load (Fordham), Bowery Poetry Club, "Birds of Metal in Flight" -- St. John the Divine Cathedral reading for Xu Bing, Festival Internacional Poesía en Voz Alta.15 (Mexico City), Perdu (Amsterdam), Münster prize reading (Münster, Germany), Proust WÖRTER + TÖNE (Essen), Literaturforum, Deutschen Hygiene-Museum (Dresden), Literatur Werkstatt (Berlin), Bowery Poetry, Desembarco Poético in Guyaquil, Ecuador

University of Houston-Victoria (Texas) American Book Review series; Chaim and Renee Gross Foundation (NY); University of Hamburg / Hamburg American Center; The Other Room, Manchester (UK); Storm and Golden Skey, Caledonia, Liverpool (UK); Poetics Centre, Birbeck, University of London; Glasgow Poetry Club, Glasgow; Paris: Goethe House and ; Double Change at Atelier Michael Woolworth, Beograd

Champman University; Murray State University; “New Holland: Cultural Urbanization,” St. Petersburg and Moscow Garage Museum; Tel Aviv University; 291 Gallery (NY); International Poetry Nights, Hong Kong; boundary 2, University of Pittsburg; Social Surfaces at Artists Space (NY); Tel Aviv Univversity; Artspace Gallery, Jerusalem

Segue at Zinc Bar (NY); Berlin Poetry Festival (& review); Tbilisi International Festival of Literature (& article in Georgia Today); Medellín Fiesta del Libro y La Cultura (Festival of Books and Culture) (Colombia); Bogatá book launch at Universidad de los Andes; McNally Jackson Books (NY), Bools Are Magic!, and Penn Book Center -- Near/Miss launches.

57th Street Books Near/Miss (Chicago); Graham Foundation (Chicago); Reina Sophia (Madrid); Barcelona; UC-Berkeley
. 50th Rotterdam International Poetry Festival & Samuel  Vriezen intro; Double Change, Atelier Michael Woolworth, Paris (with Pierre Joris and Habibe Tengour); Reina Sofia (Madrid), with Susan Bee and Ron Silliman; Barcelona: Arts Santa Monica with Mónica Caldeiro and at Saliva arts space; Ecrivains en bord de mer, La Baulle, France; University College, Dublin (with Catherine Walsh); Double Change, Atelier Michael Woolworth, Paris (with Abigail Lang and Olivier Cadiot)

on-line: Biuro Literackie (Poland), Poland, POG (Tucson), Enclave, Festival Interantional de Poecia Chile (Santiago)

Kenneth A. Lohf poetry reading at the Morgan Library (NY), Segue Series at Arists Space (NY)
see also zoom readings on PennSound

Royal Holloway (London center), Centre Internationale de Poecie Marseille, Red Wheelbarow (Paris), l’ours et la vieille grille (Paris), Ohio Wesleyan University, Kenyon College, Chapman University, Keny9n College, PRB (Los Angeles); Milan Book City; Studio Campo Boario (Rome), Univeristy of Catania

Network for NY School Symposium in London; 'T'-Space (Rhineback, NY); Beyond Baroque at Gagosian Gallery at Marciano Art Foundation (Los Angeles); Resnick-Pasloff Foundation (NY); POG (Tucson); Russian Samovar (NY); Gagosian Gallery at Marciano Foundation (LA); Giorno Poetry Systems, Viseu / Poetry Will Have No Future

Giorno Poetry Systems (NY): The Kinds of Poetry I Want: launch; Milon Mancha (Mumbai); Flow Chart Foundation at Hudson Hall (Hudson, NY): neo-Benshi: "It Happened One Night"; University of Haifa (online)

Segue / Artists Space ; Texas A&M; Anton Kern Galllery (Kinds of Poetry reading)

Yael Levin Writer in Residence, Tel Aviv University (2017)
University of Guangzhouu (2014)
Ida Beam Visiting Professor, University of Iowa Writing Program (2010)
Visiting Poet, Milton Avery Graduate School of Art, Bard College (1992, 2010)
Distinguished Visiting Poet, New York University’s Summer Intensive in Creative Writing (McGhee Division) (2007)
Poetics Seminars, University of Coimbra, Portugal (2006)
"Aversive Identities: The Performance of Poetic Politics", Penn State Summer Seminar in Theory and Culture: Performative Identities: Agents, Bodies, Identities (1996)
"Cosmopolitan Workshop", Foundation Royaumont International Summer Program (France, 1995)
Visiting Professor, Universidad de la Laguna, Tenerife, Spain (1993)
Visiting Poet, Naropa Institute Poetics Program, Boulder (1991, 2005)
Poet-in-Residence, Kootenay School of Writing, Vancouver (1989)
Visiting Writer, Graduate Creative Writing Program, Temple University (1988)
Writer--in--Residence, Graduate Writing Program, Brown University (1988)
Visiting Lecturer, Department of English, University of Auckland, New Zealand (1986)
Writing Workshop Leader, The Poetry Project, St. Mark’s Church (1980--81)


Mike Alcott, "1922: Nomadic Ethics and Novelesque Aesthetics" (Committee, Henry Sussman, Chair, Buffalo,1998)

Christopher Alexander, “The logic of earth: Nineteenth-century Precursors to the Poetics of Robert Duncan” (Director, Buffalo, 2008)

Avi Alpert, "Practices of the Global Self: Idealism, Transcendentalism, and Buddhist Modernism in the Era of Colonization" (Committee, Jean-Michel Rabaté, Director, 2014, Penn)

Joel Bettridge, "Reading Consequences: Ethics, Belief, and the Reader in America’s Postwar Avant-Garde" (Director, Buffalo, 2002)

Carla Billitteri, "Substantial Logic and Referential Desire: Realism in the Works of Laura (Riding) Jackson, Charles Olson, and Language Writing" (Director, Buffalo, 2001)

Julia Bloch, "Lyric After Epic: Gender and the Postwar Long Poem" (Committee, Bob Perelman, Director, 2011, Penn)

Elizabeth Burns, "Around and About Elizabeth Bishop: Subversion and Stance" (Committee, Joseph Conte, Director, Buffalo, 1993)

Aliki Caloyeras, "Maternal Modernism: The Politics and Poetics of H.D.’S Birthing Bodies" (Committee, Bob Perelman, Director, 2012)

Ashley Chang, "Sensing Sounding: Close Listening to Experimental Asian American Poetry" (Director, Penn, 2016)

Eung-Gwi Chung, "How to Form: Exploring Poetry as Praxis of Everyday Life, America as Landscape of Language" (Director, Buffalo, 2005)

Alicia Cohen, "Seeing Seeing: Vision and Epistemology in the work of Emily Dickinson, Robert Duncan, Jack Spicer, and Leslie Scalapino" (Director, Buffalo, 2003)

Barbara Cole, “No There There: Gertrude Stein’s Poetics of Negation” (Director, Buffalo, 2006)

Nese Davenot, "Altered States/Other Worlds: Romanticism, Nitrous Oxide, and the Literary Prehistory of Psychedelia" (Director, with Michael Gamer, Penn, 2015)

Thom Donovan, "Sublime responsibilities: Form as ethic" (Director, with Myung Mi Kim, Buffalo, 2009)

Sarah Dowling, “Remote Intimacies: Multilingualism in Contemporary Poetry” (Director, Penn, 2012)

Patrick Durgin, "Indeterminacies and the Poetics of Critical Values" (Director, Buffalo, 2004)

Shonni Enelow, "Method Acting and the Limits of Identity in the Mid-century America" (Director, Penn, 2012)

Logan Esdale, "Paper Routes: Epistolarity and Modern American Poetry" (Director, Buffalo, 2003)

Jonathon Fedors, “Modern American Poetry and the Protestant Establishment,” (Committee, Bob Perelman, Director, 2013)

Tom Fisher, "Poetry’s Forfeiture: The Case of Laura Riding and George Oppen" (Committee, Joseph  Conte, Director, Buffalo, 2000)

Gayle Fornataro, Beyond Utopia: An exploration of Gendered Textual Spaces and Political Ideals (Committee, Raymond Federman, Director, Buffalo, 1997)

Kristen Gallagher, "No goal; Or, Potentiality in the Life Writing of Emily Dickinson and Susan Howe" (Committee, Myung Mi Kim, Director, Buffalo, 2005)

Peter Gizzi, "The Collected Lectures of Jack Spicer" (Director, Buffalo, 1996)

Loss Pequeno Glazier: "The Electronic Poetry Center: A Poetics of the Web" (Director, Buffalo, 1996)

Peter Grieco, "Dreams Old and Nascent: Conflict, Continuity, and Change in Working Class Poetry" (Committee, Art Effron, Director, Buffalo, 1993)

Jefferson Hansen, "The edge of the Local Pragmatist Aesthetics and Objectivist Poetry" (Director, Buffalo, 1993)

Fredrik Hertzberg, "Materialities in Translation: Gunnar Bjorling’s Poetry in English" (Director, Buffalo, 2001)

Bruce Holsapple, "The Birth of Imagination: William Carlos Williams" (Committee, Buffalo, Robert Creeley, Director, 1991)

William Howe, "How to Read: or a Collection of Praxical Possibilities" (Director, Buffalo, 2002)

Yunte Huang, "The Poetics of Displacement: Ethnology, Translation, and Intertextual Travel in Twentieth Century American Literature" (Committee, Buffalo, Dennis Tedlock, Director, 1999)

Toshiko Ishihara, Ran’s notebook and drawing book: Speculations by a Japanese woman on Cultural Differences (Committee, Mark Shechner, Director, Buffalo, 1993)

Sarah Kerman “Speaking for Americans: Modernist Voices and Political Representation, 1910-1940” (Director, Penn, Comparative Literature, 2010)

Benjamin Kahan, "Modern American Celibacies, 1886-1969" (Committee, Jean-Michel Rabaté, Director, Penn, 2008)

Gregory Kinzer, "Catalysis: Experimental Poetry and the Sciences" (Committee, Joseph Conte, Director, Buffalo, 2006)

Joel Kuszai, "Facing Reality or Utopian Dreaming: Editorial Collectives as Work-Around for the Boredom of the University" (Director, Buffalo, 2004)

Seunghyeok Kweon, "The Typewriter and Modernist Poetry" (Committee, Joseph Conte, Director, Buffalo, 2002)

Jane Malcolm: “Hard Women, Hard Modernism: Gendering Modernist Difficulty” (Director, Penn, 2009)

Douglas Manson, "Pre-Poetic Precursors: Blake, Patchen, Nichol and the Materials & Ethics of Verbal-Visual Poetry" (Director, Buffalo, 2003)

Steve McCaffery, "Prior to Meaning: The Protosemantic and Poetry" (Director, Buffalo, 1997)

Chris Mustazza, "“Speech Labs: Language Experiments, Early Poetry Audio Archives, and the Poetic Record” (Director, Penn, 2019)

Todd Nothstein, "The Civic Self: The Self-Made Man and Citizenship from Franklin to Faulkner" (Committee, Robert Daly, Director, Buffalo, 2005)

Jena Osman: "‘The Inanimate Animate’: Brecht and Contemporary Poetry” (Director, Buffalo, 1997)

Amy Paeth, "State Verse Culture: American Poets Laureate, 1945-2015" (Committee, Penn, Bob Perelman, Director, 2015)

Vaclav Paris, "Everyday Epic: Evolution, Sexuality, And Modernist Narrative" (Committee, Penn, Jean-Michael Rabaté, Director, 2014)

Mark Peters, "Freewriting and Unfreewriting: Using Innovative Writing To Make New Meanings In Composition" (Director, Buffalo, 2002)

Scott Pound, "Textualism: Literary Theory and the Depreciation of Poetry" (Director, Buffalo, 2001)

Katie Price, "‘The Tangential Point’: Pataphysical Practice in Postwar Poetry" (Director, Penn 2014)

Peter Ramos, "Pushing Limits of Language: Ethics and American Literature" (Committee, Buffalo, Irving Massey, Director, 2003)

Ariel Resnikoff, "Home Tongue Earthquake: The Radical Afterlives of Yiddishland" (Director, Penn, 2019)

Linda Russo, "Becoming-Poetic: Women, Gender and Poetic Innovation in `New'American Poetry" (Director, Buffalo, 2004)

Kathy Lou Schultz, “'In the Modern Vein': Afro-Modernist Poetry and Literary History” (Committee, Penn, Bob Perelman, Director, 2006)

Robin Seguy, "Prolegomena to the Automated Analysis of a Bilingual Poetry Corpus, with Particular Reference to an Annotated Edition of The Cantos of Ezra Pound" (Director, Penn, 2016)

Tim Shaner, "Working Form: The Poetics of Writing Work" (Committee, Joseph Conte, Director, Buffalo, 2005)

Chiaki Sekiguchi, "In Touch with the World: Marianne Moore, Objects, Fantasy, and Fashion" (Committee, Stacy Hubbard, Director, Buffalo, 2003)

Rebecca Sheehan, "Totality and the Infinite: Paradoxes of the Visual, Figural, and Linguistic" (Director, Penn, 2008)

Ken Sherwood, "The Audible Word: Sounding the Range of 20th-Century Poetry" (Director, Buffalo, 2001)

Jonathan Skinner, "Ecopoetics: Outsider Poetries of the Twentieth Century" (Director, Buffalo, 2004)

Danny Snelson, "Variable Format: Media Poetics and the Little Database” (Director, Penn, 2015)

Juliana Spahr: "Re Letter and Read Her: The Reader Centered Text in American Literature" (Director, Buffalo, 1995)

Martin Spinelli: "Communication Technology and Literary Community: From Utopia to Paralogy" (Director, Buffalo, 1998)

Eleni Stecopoulos, "Visceral Poetics: Language, Energy, and the Chronic Syndrome of the West" (Director, Buffalo, 2004)

Greg Steirer, “‘Raise the Black Flag’: The Dystopian Aesthetic in 1970s Britain” (Director, with James English, Penn, 2010)

Michelle Strizever, “Visible Texture: Artists’ Books, 1960-2010" (Director, Penn, 2010)

Orchid Tierney, "Materials Poetics: Landfills and Waste Management in Contemporary Literature and Media" (Director, Penn, 2019)

William Tuttle, "The ’Never Resting Mind': The Meditative Mode in Twentieth Century American Poetry [Stein, Stevens, Ashbery]" (Director, Buffalo, 1996)

Mark Wallace: "The End of Time: The Gothic Universe in Bowles and Burroughs" (Director, Buffalo, 1994)

Marta Werner, "Quires of light. Emily Dickinson: Scenes of reading, surfaces of writing" (Committee, Buffalo, Susan Howe, Director, 1993)

Ellen Whittier: "Concentrated Ground: The Body as Poetic Playspace in Shakespeare, Byron, Chaplin, and Hugo" (Director, Buffalo, 1999)

Elizabeth Willis: "Jael’s Hammer: Pre-Raphaelite Vision and the Apocalypse" (Director, Buffalo, 1993)

Caroline Whitbeck, "The Palinodic Strain," (Director, Penn, 2013)

Robert Zamsky, "Keeping Time: Music. Lyric, and Temporality in the Work of Gertrude Stein and Nathaniel Mackey" (Committee, Buffalo, Dennis Tedlock, Director, 2002)

Jason Zuzga: "Uncanny World: Envisioning Nature in Documentary" (Director, Penn, 2016)

MA Thesis Director
Buffalo: Brent Cunningham, Amy King, Vincent Gregory, Wendy Kramer, Chandler Lewis, Richard Roundy; committee: Terry Cuddy. Penn: Matt Landis (2007)
SSRC Postdoc AdviserBuffalo: Christian Bök and Peter Jaeger; Penn: Eric Schmaltz
Fulbright / China Research Council (partial): Li Zhimin, Luo Lianggong

Outside Dissertation Reader:
Eugenia Tsai (1994, Columbia University)
Peter Jaeger (1997, University of Western Ontario)
Kent Lewis (1997, University of Victoria )
Ann Vickery (1997, University of Melbourne)
Andrew Mossin (Temple University)
Christian Bok (1998, York University)
Jeff Derksen (2000, University of Calgary)
Christine Stewart (2005, University of British Columbia)
Astrid Lorange (2013, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)
Nathaniel Farrell (2013, Columbia University)
Sarah Arkebauer (2019, Columbia) 


Ashbery "Self-Portrait" at 50: Yale, April 4, 2025
1st International Congress on Phonetics and Poetics: "Speed Listening: Reading Machines and Audio Fantasy" Nov. 14, 2024, Zoom: MP4
Friend and Enemies of Wallace Stvents annual lecture, Nov. 2, Hartford: "Ocular Truth and the Actuarial Imagination: Wallace Stevens's Not So Plain Senses of Things": MP4
CAAP Comference, Wuhan, China (video): "Wanderer's Swand Song" (2023)
University of Arizona, Tucson: "The Kinds of Poetry I Want" (2023)
American Center Rome (2022): pdf of poster
University of Catania, Sicily (2022)
Conversation with Claudia Rankine, with Lyn Hejinian, poetry movements, NYU CW program (2022)
The L= Bk in French: a conference, University of Rouen, France (2022)
Rothenberg/Mottram –– on Rothenberg with Maggie O'Sullivan, King's College (London) (2022)
"Poetry Plasdtique at 21," with Poetry and Sculpture conference, Henrry Moor Foundation, Zoom (2022)
In conversartion with Michael Palmer for Tbilisi Internatonal Poetry Festival, hosted by Paata Shamugia: MP4**see also PennSound video plage for virtual events, including b2 and Topsy-Turvy launches and conversations with Bengali and Turkish poets.**
"King's Underground": on Baraka, Creeley, Guest, Rothenberg, O'Sullivan, Howe, Mottram: Kings College (London) (2019)
Distinguished Zhu Kezhen / WenQin Yao Lecture at Zhejiang University: "Aesthetic Justice" and “J0ker: Poetry, Irony, Solidarity" (2019)
"Sound of One Hand Clapping," CAAP, Hangzhou (2019)
"The Poetics of Framing: Goffman, Lakoff, L=A=G=U=A=G=E," International Association of Ethical Literary Criticism, Hangzhou (2019)
Inaugural lecture for the Doctoral Porgrams, Center for Social Sciences, University of Coimbra (2019) ["Doubletalking the Homophonic Sublime: Comedy, Appropriation, and the Sounds of One Hand Clapping")
Little Orphan Anagram: The Collaborations of Susan Bee and Charles Bernstein,”PhD Programme in Materialities of Literature and the PhD Programme in Discourses: Culture, History, and Society, University of Coimbra (2019)
Seminario Euraca, Madrid (2019) (announcement)
"Homophonic Aesthetics," plenary, 21st International Conference of Aeshetics, Belgrade (July 2019)
"Sound/Writing: Homophonic Translation, Performance, and the Pataquerical Imagination," UC-Berkeley, March 20, 2019
"A Personal History of CAAP: Translation & Friendship." CAAP, Wuhan, Dec. 8, 2018
“Sound/Writing: Homophonic Translation, Performance, and the Pataquerical Imagination” at the "Beyond Metrical Poetry" conference, Berlin, 2018 and UC-Berkeley, March 2019
"Against Storytelling / For Daivd Antin," Artists Space, NY, 2018
"Against Storytelling / Before Time (for David Antin), India International Center and Ashoka University, "Against Storytelling" symposium, New Delhi (Feb. 24, 2018) (& video)
PoeticCitizenshipToday.MP3, CUNY Center for the Humanities (2017)
"Radio Free Poetry: PennSound," at Knowledge by the Slice series, Penn SAS (2017)
Talk/reading of Brazillian poetry for the Mira Schendel show, Hauser and Wirth (NY) (2017)
New PoeticCitizenshipToday.mp3Holland: Cultural Urbanization,” St. Petersburg and Moscow, May 2017
"Poetry Plastique and the Sick Rose of Originality," The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA (Los Angeles), April 30, 2017
"Ballad of the MLA," MLA Annual Convention, Philadelphia (2017)
"Radio Free Poetry: PennSound@13," Recordings in Progress confererence, Maison de la Recherche de Paris-Sorbonne (2016)
"Double Talking the Homophonic Sublime: Sid Caesar, Benny Lava, and Me," Sound/Writing: On Homophonic Translaiton conference, Paris (2016)
"Stein Troubles," La Société Européenne Gertrude Stein, Paris (2016)
"Lives of the Toll Takers," CAAP, LA (20016)
Collaboratons, Birbeck, University of London (2016)
"Outside In /Inside Out," Glasgow (2016)
"95 Theses," Aversive Prose panel, UPenn, Kelly Writers House (2916)
Pitch of Poetry launch and lecture, The Poetry Project and Bridge Street Books (DC) (2016)
Buffalo Poetics, Poetics Program the Next 25 Years, conference, SUNY-Buffalo (2016)
"Close and Distant Listening" and "The Pitch of Poetry" at the MLA Annual Convention, Austin (2015)
Poetics conversation [El Telegrapho] Desembarco Poetry Fesitival, Guayaquil, Ecuador; another article in Expresso (alt. lin) (2015)
On Ezra Pound: birthday events, Poetry and Literature Center, Library of Congress (2015): video
"Pitch of Poetry," boundary 2 conference, Dartmouth (2015): video
Listening to PennSound, Issue Project Room / Goethe House, Wendys’ Subway (2015)
"Too Philosophical for a Poet," Philadelphia Avant-Garde Sympoisum (2015)
"Acoustic Materialities" UNAM, Mexico City (2015)
In conversation with Jerome Rothenberg, Poesia en Voz Alta 15, Mexico City (2015)
Keynote, CAAP conference, Shanghai (2014)
Keynote, Elthical Literarture conference, Shanghai (2014)
Lecure/seminars: Shanghai University, Southeast China Normal University (Wuhan), Guangzhou Univerity
"The Patate(e)rical Imagination," Institute for English Studies, University of Lodz: (2014)
"The Pitch of Poetry: Moral Perfectionism, Occupy Wall Street, and the Poetics of Holocaust Representation," American Studies Center, University of Warsaw (2014)
"The Expanded Field of L=A=N=G=U=A-G=E," Universidad Diego Portales (Santiago, Chile) (2014)
Conversation Pontificia Universidad Católica (Valparaisso, Chile) (2014)
"The Pataque(e)rical Wager," EPC 20th Anniversary, SUNY-Buffalo, Sept. 11, 2014
"Experience as Experiment," Rutgers, April 10, 2014
Translation, Harvard, April 2014
"Pitch of Poetry," Yale English Department Lecture series (Feb. 27, 2014); seminar on Recalculating, Yale Working Group in Contemporary Poetry, Yale (Feb. 28)
Gallery talk on Amy Sillman, ICA Boston (November 2013)
"Disfiguring Abstraction: the sound figures," Museum of Modern Art (NY), part of Kenneth Goldsmith Guerrilla readings series, April 3, 2013
Poetics versus philosophy symposium at Texas A & M University (keynote) (April 2013)
The Pataqu(e)rical Imperative," The Lahey Lecture, Concordia University (Montreal) (Oct. 25, 2012)
"The Pitch of Poetry," Convergence Poetics, University of Washington, Boethel (Sept. 27, 2012)
Poetry and performance, NEH humanities seminar, Amherst College (June 6, 2012)
"The Pitch of Poetry," Poiesis & Techne: Princeton comparative poetics colloquium, Princeton (May 5)
Poets and Critics seminar on Charles Bernstein, Université Paris Est Créteil (March 22 & 23, 2012)
"The Politics of Poetic Form," Atheneum, Claremont College (2012)
"Johnny Cake Hollow": Seminar, University of Vienna (2012)
"The Present of the Word," Ropes Lecture, University of Cincinatti; and seminar with Kenneth Goldsmith, "Adventures in the Digital Trade: Collecting & Distributing the Unpopular Arts, with Special Reference to the Strange Attractors Ubuweb, PennSound, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace the Web, Baby!" (2012)
"After Tender Buttons, "The Artist’s Institute," New York (2012)
"La poétique, l’écriture de la poésie et l’invention du modernisme," with Dominique Fourcade, at the Grand Palais, Paris, as part of the Stein Family Collection show (2011)
Resondent, Trilling Lecture, Susan Howe’s Spontaneous Particulars, Columbia (2011): pdf
"In Unum Pluribis: Toward a More Perfect Invention CAAP Inaugural Address, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China (2011)
Central China Normal University: "Artifice of Absorption" bilingual (2011)
Jianhan Univ, Wuham, China: "Expanded Field of L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E," "The Practice of Poetics"
The Present of the Word at the "Litereature in the Expanded Field" Conference, Copenhagen (2011)
Two poetics talks, University of Iowa (2010)
Collaboratons, Poets and Artists collaboration confernece, University of Caen (France) (2011)
"Your Language, My Ear: Russian-American Poetry at Close Quaters" (Penn) (2011)
Penn State"
Preliminary pataque(e)rics, Rethinking Poetics, Columbia University (June 11, 2010)
"Attack of the Difficult Poems: Toward a More Perfect Invention (From Poe, Emerson and Dickinson to Stein, Zukofsky, and Creeley & Beyond": Keynote, American Studies Association of Korea (ASAK) 45th Annual International Conference; related lectures at Yonsei, Dongguk, Korea, and Seoul National Universities (2010)
Attack of the Difficult Poems: Close Encounters with Poetics (Say, Do You Have a Poetics?), Toronto New School of Writing (2010)
Secular Jewish Poetics (with Norman Fischer): San Francisco Jewish Community Center and Jewish Meditation Center of Brooklyn (2010)
PennSound: Hearing Voices in Poetry’s Coming Digital Present, “Novas Poéticas de Resistência,” University of Coimbra (2010)
Midrashic Antinomianism and Pataqueerical Inquiry: The Authority of Bent Studies, Tendencies series, CUNY Graduate Center, Tendencies (2010)
"Sound Tools for Sound Living," Simon Fraser (Burnaby, BC) (2010)
Attack of the Difficult Poems, University of Washington (Bothel) (2010)
Radical Jewish Poetics, MLA Annual Convention (2009)
Audio Ontologies, University of Århus (Aarhus), Denmark "
Poetry Today: A Seminar on Critical
Approaches to and New Tendencies within the Study of Poetry," in conjunction with Verbale Puppiler (Oct. 20-21, 2009)
Judith E. Wilson Poetry Lecture, Cambridge University (UK); part of a conference on the work of Charles Bernstein (2009)
Debate: with Frank Bidart, Lowell, Mass. Poetry Festival (2008)
Small Press: A Personal History, Community College of Philadephia Literary Magazine conference (2008)
"Recantroium," Poetry Center, University of Arizona (Tucson)
Poetry Rules!: The Concept of Poetry, New College (Sarasota) (2008)
"Living in a Digital World," WALTIC Conference ( Stockholm) (2008)
"Fraud’s Phantoms," Keynote, Long Poem Conference, Sussex University ( UK) (2008)
"Poetics," Southampton (2008)
“The Sound of Poetry/The Poetry of Sound,” Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, December 28, 2007
"The Meandering Yangtze," John Ashbery 80th birthday celebration, Bard (2007)

Lectures in China July 2007:
Beijing Language and Culture University
Northwest Normal University (Lanzhou)
Xi’an International Studies University
Zhejiang University (Hangzhou)
Sichuan Foreign Studies University (Chongqing)
China Three Gorges University (
Central China Normal University (Wuhan): American Poetry Conference, keynote
"Americas: Still in Progress," Texas A&M (2007)
"Blogging the Humanities," NEH panel, Virginia Commonwealth Univeristy (2007)
Ward Phillips Lectures: "The Attack of the Difficult Poems," (three lectures), Notre Dame University (2006)
Poem Present Lecture, University of Chicago (2006)
Guest Lecture, Univeristy of Helsinki (2006)
Seminário no âmbito do Programa de Doutoramento Transdisciplinar FLUC/FEUC/CES "Linguagens, Identidade e Mundialização" [The Task of Poetics, the Fate of Innovation, and the Aesthetics of Criticism] at University of Coimbra, Portugal (2006)
"Poets on Poetry": Louis Zukofsky, Academy of American Poets, at NYU (2006)
"Wedding the Word and the World," panel, Poetry Society of America / New School (2005)
Lincoln Center Festival: panel on Shadowtime and Ferneyhough’s music; organizer/moderator, panel on Walter Benjamin with Marjorie Perloff, Jean-Michel Rabate (2005)
"Objectivist Blues: Scoring Speech in Second Wave Modernist Poetry and Lyrics," Naropa University (2005)
"Poetics of the Americas," Ciclo de Poesia, at La Blanquiada, Buenos Aires (2005)
"The Poet in the University or the Ends of Sinecure: The Task of Poetics, the Fate of Innovation, and the Aesthetics of Criticism.," Poetics and Public Culture in Canada: A Conference in Honour of Frank Davey; University of Western Ontario, keynote(2005)
"How Empty Is My Bread Pudding," Arizona Quartely Symposium on American Literarture and Culture (2005)
"Text-Sounds: A Mini-Conference", Notre Dame University (2004)
"Sound Tools for Sound Listening: Poetry’s Coming Digital Presence," MLA Annual Convention (2004)
On Stevens, MLA Annual Convention (2004)
Talk, Seance in Experimental Writing -- Cal Arts (Los Angeles) (2004)
"Radical Jewish Culture / Secular Jewish Practice," panel curator, Center for Jewish History, NY (2004)
On PennSound, Collation, University of Pennsylvania (2004)
"Sound Tools for Sound Listening: Poetry’s Coming Digital Present," Keynote, Brunel University Conference on Writing Environments (UK) (2004)
"Making Audio Visible", University of California, Santa Barbara (2004)
"Poetic Invention's Objectivist Blues: Second Wave Modernism and the Fate of Criticism", University of Virginia (2003)
"Recantorium" (adpated): AWP convention, Boston, 2003 (panel organized by David Caplan and with Adam Kirsch)

"The Art & Practice of Immmemmmorabilllllity in the Coming Digital Present", Performance Poetry Conference, University of Bath Spa (UK) (2003)
"This Is Not a Biotext , (K)not!, Alley, Alley Out and Free (Fred Wah conference), University of Calgray (2003)
"Making Audio Visible: The Lessons of Visual Language for the Textualization of Sound", Society for Textual Scholarship, Plenary, New York (2003) (pdf)
"Poetry’s Coming Digital Present: the Audio Archive and the Textualization of Sound", Bath Spa University, UK, Keynote, "International Conference on the Writing and Practice and Performance Poetry" (2003)
"Americas Still in Progress," UNEAC, Havana (2003); panel, Bibleotecca National
"The Internet and the Epic," People's Poetry Gathering, Poets House, New York (2003)
"Objectivist Blues: Scoring Speech in Second Wave Modernist Poetry and Lyrics", Harvard University Humanities Center, Modernism Seminar (2002), MLA (2002)
"Poetic Invention and the Fate of Criticism," MLA (2002)
"Is There a Poem in This Play?: Poetry’s Secret Battle to Liberate Theater", Barnard College Poetry and Performance festival (2002)
"Shadowtime", Opening Program, Humanities and Arts Research Centre, Royal Holloway (UK) (2002)
"Electronic Pies in the Poetry Skies", Wesleyan Humanities Center (2002)
"Poetry and Oppositionality", Georgetown University
"Partly Writing", Dartington College for the Arts (UK) (2002)
"Poetic Invention and the Art of Immemorability", University of Pennsylvania (2001), Columbia University (2002)
"The Art of Collaboration", Poetry Society of America, New York (2002)
"Writing Lives" conference, New School University (2001)
"Stein and Relativity", Gertrude Stein Symposium, NYU (2002)
"Electronic Pies in the Poetry Skies", CUNY Graduate Center (2001)
"Stein's literary significance", Gertrude Stein induction in American Poets' Corner, St. John the Divine Cathedral (2001)
Workshop for On-line Poetry Classroom Summer Institute of the Academy of American Poets , New York (2001)
Card talk, Copenhagen Kafcafeen
Talk with Richard Tuttle, Yale Summer Art Program, Norfolk, Conn. (2001)
"The Art of Immemorability", SUNY-Albany (2001)
"Electronic Pies in the Poetry Skies", E-Poetry 2001 (SUNY-Buffalo)
"Poetry and Performance", "Poetics of the Book", People's Poetry Festival, NY (2001)
"Book of the Book" panel at MLA (DC), organized and introduced (2000)
"Poetry and Performance: Conversation with Steve McCaffery", De Montfort Univesrity, UK (2000)
"Reading through Walter Benjamin", Modernist Studies Association, Univ. of Philadelphia (2000)
"Reviewing Poetry", Univ. of Penn. (2000)
"Poetics Consciousness", Poets House, NYC (2000)
"Poetry and the Performed Word", Poetry Society of America, NYC (2000)
"Popular Culture/Unpopular Poetry" Southeast Texas State University (2000)
"Poetics of the Americas", MLA Annual Convention, Chicago (1999)
"The Poetics of Fraud", MLA Annual Convention, Chicago (1999)
"The Past 50 Years of America Poetry," Keynote, University of Picardy (Amiens, France)
"Popular Culture / Unpopular Poetry", University of Waterloo (1999) and Southeast Oklahoma State (2000). At Waterloo, keynote of "Extra/Ordinary: Popular Delusions: Discourse and the Social", 1999 LEXIS Graduate Student Conference.
"Translation/Trancreation", Haroldo de Campos celebration, Yale (1999)
"Art of Immemorability", "Globalization of Greek Aesthetics conference": University of Missouri, St. Louis (1999) and "Beyond Babel", University of California San Diego (1999)
"Talk to Me: Poetry in/as Dialog", Whitney Museum of American Art at Philip Morris, "Impulsive Behavior" series (1999)
Conversation with Lyn Hejinian, "Innovations and Experimentation in Contemporary Women's Poetry", Barnard (1999)
Panel, "The Future of Poetry Publishing", Poets House (NYC) (1999)
"Collaborations with Susan Bee", University of Pennsylvania, Book Seminar, Annenberg Special Collections (1999)
"American and European Avant Garde Workshop", U Chicago
"Poetry and the Sacred", Tuscon Poetry Festival (1999)
"Between the Lines: The Future of Poetry and the Visual", Museum of Contemporary Arts, Chicago (1998)
"Speed", Keywords meeting, The Rockefeller Foundation, New York (1998)
"Still Unrepresentative Verse", ABRALIC Congress, Brazil (1998)
"The Parts Are Greater than the Sum of the Whole", University of Oregon and University of Alabama (1998)
"Le Gam", Centre de Poecie & Traductions", Fondation Royaumont, France (1997)
"Unrepresentative Verse", Keynote panel, Poetry & the Public Sphere, Rutgers University (1997)
"Meaning and Nonsense", Panel on Richard Foreman, Booth Awards, CUNY Graduate Center (1997)
"The Academic Profession", American Academy of Arts and Letters, Daedalus, Cambridge (1997)
"Riding's Reason", MLA Annual Convention, 1996
"French and American Poetry", panel chair/curator, 10th International Translation Conference, Barnard College (1996)
"The Homophonic Sublime: Imploding the Translation Curtain", International Association of Philosophy and Literary, George Mason University (1996)
"Respondent", University of New Hampshire "Alternative Poetries" conference (1996)
"The Dialectics of Ideology", University of Pittsburgh (1996)
"An Hypertext for the Present of Poetry", The Poetry Project (NYC), 1996
"S/he Do Standard English in Voices (Knot)", University of Wisconsin, Madison and Penn State (1996)
"The Revenge of the Poet-Critic (2)", MLA Annual Convention, Chicago (1995)
"Robin at Home", Opening Address, "The Recovery of the Public World", Robin Blaser conference, Vancouver (1995)
Radio Interviews/programs: "To the Best of Your Knowledge", Wisconsin Public Radio (1995, 1996); "Soundwaves", BBC (April 1995); "Lyrikmagasineti I USA: Poery is a show me-/business", Sweedish Public Radio (P 1 Riks), produced by Jan Olov Ullen (3/17/97)
"Warning — Poetry Area: Publics Under Construction", 20th Century Literature Conference, Plenary Panel, University of Louisville (1995)
"An Mosaic for Convergence", The Convergence of Science and the Humanities, University at Buffalo (1995)
"A Defense of Poetry", 1994 Peter Rushton Lectures in Contemporary Literature, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
"The Revenge of the Poetic Critic", The Reinvention of the Poet-Critic, Miami University (Ohio) Institute for Literary History (1994); Stanford University (1995)
"Poetries, Communities, Movements", Cornell Univsersity (1994)
"Questions of History", Writing at the Limits conference, Department of English and the Center for Language and Cultural Theory, University of Southampton (UK) (1994)
"The Art Object in an Age of Electronic Technology," symposium, Parsons School of Design, at the New School (1994)
"Philosophy within the Limits of Poetry Alone", International Association of Philosophy and Literature, Edmonton (1994)
"Art & Language: Rereading the Boundless Book", Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis (1994)
"Poetics of the Americas", New York University (1994)
"Provisional Institutions: Alternative Presses and Poetic Innovation", MLA Convention, Toronto (1993)
"Reznikoff’s Nearness", "Poets of the 1930s Generation" Conference, University of Maine, Orono (1993)
"The Local", University of Hawaii at Manoa (1992)
"Frame Lock", MLA Annual Convention, New York (1992)
"What’s Art Got to Do with It", Keynote, NEMLA Annual Meeting in Bufffalo (1992)
Respondant, "The Disappearing Pheasant: Italian Poetry Today," Casa Italiana, NYU (1991)
Panel, "The Space of Poetry", Cooper Union, NY (1991)
"A Poetics", Transparency Machine Series, Ottawa (1991)
"Interventing the Text" symposium, University of Calgary (1991)
"Second War and Postmodern Memory", New School for Social Research and MLA Annual Convention (1990)
"Visual Language", MLA Annual Convention (1990)
"The State of American Poetry", PEN American Center, with Amy Clampitt, Donald Hall, Martin Espada, Molly Peacock (NY) (1990)
"The State of The Art", Poetry Project Symposium (NY) (1990)
"Optimism, Comedy & The Politics of Poetics", Chax Press Book Residency, Tucson (1990)
"On Charles Reznikoff" Centre Litteraire, Foundation Royaumont (France, 1989) at the Objectivist Conference; part of a two--week French tour for "An Office on the Atlantic"; also presented at Poets House (New York, 1990) [Jacket2 post with audio and transcription with Pierre Alferi's translation.]
"Professing Stein, Stein Professing", MLA Convention (Washington, DC: 1989); Poetry Project’s "Stein Saturday" (NY: 1989)
"Tripletalk", SUNY Buffalo (1989)
"Words, Money, Imagination", Rethinking Marxism Conference (Amherst:1989)
"Optimism and Critical Excess (Process)", Kootenay Schoool of Writing (Vancouver, 1989)
Summary Address, Radical Poetries/Critical Address, SUNY Buffalo (1988)
"Comedy and the Poetics of Political Form", New School (1988)
"Absorption, Repellence, and Poetic Excess", Magritte Sessions, Tucson, AZ (1988)
"Performing Language", SUNY Binghamton Performance Conf. (1988)
"What Is Poetics?", Brown University (1988), Temple Univ. (1988)
"Poetry and Liberation", moderator, Poetry Project of St. Mark’s Church 1988 Symposium
"The Value of Sulfur", PEN American Center, NY (1988)
"In the Middle of Modernism, in the Middle of Capitalism, on the Outskirts of New York",
Socialist Scholars Conference, NY (1987);
"Poetry and Postmoderism", Poetry Project 20th Year Symposium, NY (1987)
"The Newer American Poetry", PEN American Center, NY (1986)
"Interpretation, Translation, Performance", University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (1986)
"Poetry and the Peripheries", Australian and New Zealand American Studies Biennial Conference, University of Auckland (1986)
"Words and Pictures", Art History Dept., Univ. of Auckland (1986); Barnard College, NY (1986)   
"Language Politics", SUNY-Oneonto (1986); Creative Writing Program, Columbia University, NY (1986)
"Fin de Siecle: Theirs and Ours," MLA Annual Convention, Chicago (1985)
"Pound and the Poetry of Today", Yale University Pound Centennial (1985)
"L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E", SUNY Buffalo [Gray Chair] (1985)
"Artifice and Absorption," New Poetics Colloquium, Kootenay School of Writing, Vancouver (1985)
"Pound and Fascism" ("Pounding Fascism"), Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC (1984)
"Living Tissue/Dead Ideas", The Humanities Institute, U.C. Berkeley (1984)
"What Is a Poet?" (1984) [25th anniverary web site with panel pdf, new introduction, photos]:11th Alabama Symposium on English and American Literature, University of Alabama (1984)
"Part to Whole: The Poetics of the Long Poem", Long Poem Conference, "Longliners",York University, Toronto (1983)
"Poets Centennial Tribute to W. C. Williams" ("The Academy in Peril: Wilam Carlos Williams Meets the MLA"), Modern Language Association Annual Convention, New York (1983)
Writer--in--Residence, 80 Langton Street, San Francisco (1983)
Participant, "The Humanities and the Moving Image Media" ("Play It Again, Pac-Man"), Astoria Motion Picture and Television Foundation (1983)
"Image Talks" ("Living Tissue / Dead Ideas"), Collective for Living Cinema, New York (1982)
"Politics and Language," The Institute for Policy Studies, DC (1982)
"Poetry and Philosophy," with Edmund Leites, 4 sessions at The Poetry Project (1981) and Queens College of C.U.N.Y. (1981)
Respondent, "The Favorite Malice: Italian Contemporary Poetry", New York University (1979)
Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Visual and Concrete Poetry
Whitney Museum of American Art


Finite Eyes: An evening of sound, performance, and moving image,” curated by anorak & Ora Clementi at Anorak, Berlin: “1-100” (audio recording) (2023)
"Summer Reading," Center for Book Arts, The Introvet (with Jill Moser) (2021)
Jenny Holzer installation Comcast Technology Center, Philadelphia, includes poems from Girly Man: “Didn’t We," “Likeness,” and “The Beauty of Useless Things: A Kantian Tale” (2019)
"Pinky’s Rule" (with Amy Silliman), "Inhabiting Words," Concord Center of the Visual Arts, June-July 2017
"Misguided (after Frank O’Hara’s ’Second Avenue," video, London ICA, July 24, 2016
"Down to Write You This Poem Sat," Oakville Gallery, Oakville, Canada (June 2016): curated selections for PennSound.
Nick Thurston’s overaly of "1-100," Conceptual Poetics, National Poetry Library, Southbank Centre, London (May 2016)
"Non-Text: An Exhibition of Test as Image," Eastern Michigan U and Eastern Illinois U (2013/14)
"Pinky’s Rule" with Amy Sillman; Sikkema Jenkins (2012)
Shreiner-Concord Cemetery, Lancaster PA, grave of Thaddeus Stevens: "Not on My Watch" (2011)
"Au Plaisir du Livre," Collectif Génération artists books show, Librairie Auguste Blaizot, Paris (2011)
"Between Language and Form," Yale University Art Gallery, 2002
"Poetry Plastique", Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York, Feb. 2001
"The Next Word", curated by Johanna Drucker, Neuberger Museum of Art, September 20, 1998 to January 31, 1999
A Secret Location of the Lower East Side: Adventures in Writing 1960-1980 (Berg Collection, New York Public Library)
PoArtics (NY: BACA, 1987)
Works in Concrete (New York: Pompeii Gallery, 1984)
Destination Paris (Paris: Lara Vincy Gallery, 1979)
With Words (Mercato Del Salle, Milan, 1979)



  • Åsa Arketeg, An Aesthetics of Reistance: The Open-Ended Practice of Language Writing. Upsala University, 2007
  • Ingrid Destray Becker, Socio/Poetics (section of "Questionaire"), UC-Berkeley, 2019
  • Mark Cantrell, Poetical investigations: Philosophical thought as enactive process in twentieth-century American experimental poetry (Gertrude Stein, John Cage, Joan Retallack, Charles Bernstein), University of Michigan, 2005
  • Ronald E. Day, "Beyond Epistemology’s "Thesis of the Precedence of Method": Language Writing As Postmodernism," Ph.D. thesis, SUNY-Binghamton (1990)
  • Solveig Daugaard, Collaborating with Gertrude Stein: Media ecologies, reception, poetics, Linköping University, 2018
  • Cameron Fuller, Engaging Language: The productive interactions between lyricism and experimentation in a post-Language poetry context," University of South Austraila (2011)
  • Carlos Gallego. "The (post) modern spectacle: A study in ideological fantasy and 20th century American culture" (Wallace Stevens, Charles Bernstein), Stanford, 2003.
  • Daniel Thomas Glass, "Politaxis: Cognitive Maps of New York City in Grandmaster Flash and Charles Bernstein," ch. 3 in Total Noise: Language Poetry, Hip-Hop, and Urban Collapse, UC-Irvine, c. 2010
  • Ursula Göricke: "Poetry as Epistemological Inquiry: Reading Bernstein Reading Cavell Reading Wittgenstein", Rheinisch-Westfülischen Technischen Hochschule, Aachen, Germany,  2003
  • Colin Herd, Is all Greek, grief to me” Ancient Greek sophistry and the poetics of Charles Bernstein," University of Edinburgh, 2014
  • Megan Jewell, A Poetics of Scholarly Inquiry: Susan Howe, Charles Bernstein, and Rachel Blau DuPlessis (Dusquesne University, PhD Dissertation, 2006
  • Jack Massie, “Language Poetry and Ecopoetry: A Shared Pragmatic Work in A.R. Ammons, Charles Bernstein, Susan Howe, and W.S. Merwin” (PhD Dissertation, University of East Anglia School of American Studies, August 2018): pdf
  • Stefan Mônke, "Charles Bernstein’s Response to the Postmodern Condition," Faculdade de Letras de Universidae de Coimbra, May 2011 (MA Thesis): link to pdf
  • Nagy Mohamed Fahim Eweis Rashwan, "Lyn Hejinian's and Charles Bernstein's Language Poetics: A Postmodern Conceptual Grammar," DeMontfort University, UK (2002): link to pdf
  • Inez Okulska Rozprawa, Tumacz wobec Innego: tropy i sygnatury, Poland, 2015:
  • Matthew Pfaff, "Strange New Canons: The Aesthetics of Classical Reception in 20th Century American Experimental Poetics," University of Michigan (2013); also see – Metatexts: classical reception without the classics in the poetics of Charles Bernstein" in Oxford Classical Receptions Journal, 2015
  • Sarah Ponichtera, Chapter 5: "The Critical Turn" in Yiddish and the Avant-Garde in American Jewish Poetry (Columiba University, 2012)
  • Matthew Richardson, "Rhetroical Hybridity: Ashbery, Bernstein and the Poetics of Citation," Ohio State, 2001
  • Michael Roberstson, "After Language Writing: In Defense of a Provisional Poetics" (sections on "Defence of Poetry" and "Playing with a full Deck" and Paris Review "Language Sampler"), Calgary, 2015: pdf
  • Nandini Ramesh Sanka, "Poetics of Difficulty in Postmodern Poetry," Cornell, 2012.
  • James Shivers, "Charles Bernstein: American Innovator," Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, 2002
  • Mahmoud Moawad Soker, "The Rearrangement of the Text, Images, and Symbols in the Visual Poetry of Bob Cobbing, Mary Ellen Solt, and Charles Bernstein: A Theoretical, Thematic, and Technical Study," MA, Banha University, Egypt (2016)
  • Paul Stephens, Beyond the creative/critical divide: The metapoetics of innovative American writing (Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 2005)
  • William Walsh, "Not Measured in Numbers’: Politics, Audience, and Language Poetry’s Utopianisms" in Loose Talk and Literary History: Language Poetry, New Formalism, and the Construction of Taste in Contemporary American Poetry, Ph.D. dissertation, Miami University (Ohio), 1994; extended discussion of     "Kiwi Bird in Kiwi Tree"
  • Mehdi Abasi Zohan, "Postmodern Trends in Bernstein’s and [Reza] Baraheni’s Poetics and Poetry: A Comparative Reading," M.A. thesis, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran (2013)

    Special issues / books:

Charles Bernstein: The Poetry of Idiomatic Insistences, ed. Paul Bove (Duke University Press/ boundary 2, 2021), 48:4, Oct. 2021:
Paul A. Bové / Editor’s Note
Charles Bernstein / Gertrude and Ludwig’s Bogus Adventure
Luigi Ballerini / Gertrude and Ludwig’s Italian Adventure
Bernstein & Various Voices / Cento: Voices Around the World
Bernstein / Interview with Natalia Fedorova (Russia)
Bernstein / Interview with Ali Calderon (Mexico)
Bernstein / Introduction to Chinese Anthology of American Poetry
Marjorie Perloff / Introduction to Charles Bernstein’s Distinguished WenQin Yao Lectures at
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
Pierre Joris / The Well-Hung & Well-Stretched Language-Tongues of New York
Leevi Lehto / Charles Bernstein: Against the Idea of Poetry
Leevi Lehto / In the Un-American Tree; The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poetries and Their
Aftermath, with a Special Reference to Charles Bernstein Translated
Dennis Büscher-Ulbrich / “Nothing tires a vision more than sundry attacks / in the manner of
enclosure”: An Afterword to Angriff der Schwierigen Gedichte
Enrique Winter / Exordium
Abigail Lang / Bail Out Poetry
Jean-Marie Gleize / Afterword to Pied bot
Susan Howe / Remarks at the Retirement Celebration for Charles Bernstein
Charles Bernstein / Your Brain on Poetry: The Making of the Poetics Program
Yi Feng / The Epiphany of Language: The Connotation of Zen-Taoism in Charles Bernstein’s
Ariel Resnikoff / A Source Which Is Also a Translation: Toward an Expanded-Yiddish Poetics,
with Special Reference to Charles Bernstein
Ian Probstein / Charles Bernstein: Avant-Garde Is a Constant Renewal
Runa Bandyopadhyay / Pataquericalism: Quantum Coherence Between the East and West
Yunte Huang / Ten Plus Ways of Reading Charles Bernstein: Improvisations on Aphoristic
Brian Stefans / This Working Title Will Be Replaced: Charles Bernstein’s Forever Forthcoming
(on Topsy-Turvy)
N.B. Cento: Voices Around the World, interviews:
Romina Freschi (Argentina)
Versatorium, Der Standard (Austria)
Philip Davenport (England)
Maurizio Medo (Peru)
Alcir Pecora and Régis Bonvicino (Brazil)
Paata Shamugia (Georgia)
Runa Bandyopadhyay (W. Bengal)
Habib Tengour (Algeria/Paris)
Mariano Peyrou, El Mundo  (Spain)
PLUS (supplement): LI Zhimin and Daniel Braun — "The Linking Matters: An International Poetics of Sense-Making and Innovation" in b2o, 2022

Kelly Writers House Retirement celebration, April 4, 2019,
auido/video, including Mixtape tribute book (pdf)

The Salt Companion to Charles Bernstein, ed. William Allegrezza (Salt Publishing, 2012)
Caroline Bergvall, “Charles Bernstein or an Insistence to Communicate”
Tim Peterson, “Either You’re With Us And Against Us: Charles Bernstein’s Girly Man, 9–11, and the Brechtian Figure of the Reader”
Michael Eng, “The Metaphysical Mouth and the Asylum of the Everyday: Charles Bernstein and Contemporary Continental Philosophy ff Language”
Kimberly Lamm, “Girly Men Ballads: (Il) Legible Identities in Charles Bernstein And Gertrude Stein”
Steven Salmoni ,“Spectres of Benjamin”: (Re)Presentation And (Re) Semblance in Charles Bernstein’s Shadowtime
Megan Swihart Jewell, "Taking on The Official Voice: Charles Bernstein’s Poetic Sophistry and Post-Process Writing Pedagogy”
Paul Stephens, “Beyond The Valley of The Sophist: Charles Bernstein, Irony, and Solidarity”
Jason Lagapa , “To Think Figuratively, Tropically: Charles Bernstein’s Post-9/11 Grammar And Pragmatist Lessons in the Age of Baudrillard”
Peter Monacell , “Charles Bernstein’s Anti-Suburban Poetry”
Carlos Gallego , “From A Philosophy Of Poetry To Poetry As Philosophy: The Dialectical Poetics of Charles Bernstein”
Michael Angelo Tata, “Content’s Profusion: Noise, Interruption And Reverse Peristalsis in the Poetics of Charles Bernstein”
Kristen Gallagher, “Charles Bernstein In Buffalo 1999–2004”
Thomas Fink, “Charles Bernstein’s Catalogue Poetry”
Allen Fisher, “Readdressing Constructivism and Conceptual Art: Aspects of Work Factured”
James Shivers, “Visual Strategies: A Line, A Verse, Something On Paper”
Michael S. Hennessey, “A Life, Spliced: On the Early Tapeworks of Charles Bernstein”

James Shivers, Charles Bernstein /  American Innovator –– More Numerous of: A Kinetic Approach  (37 Blue Editions: digital edition, 2019): pdf

Tom Beckett, ed., "Charles Bernstein Issue", The Difficulties (1982):
Beckett, "Note" and "Interview"
James Sherry, letter and "Method of the Self"
Nick Piombino, "Writing Identity and the Self"
Peter Seaton, "Frey’s Landing"
Jackson Mac Low, "Charles Bernstein and his Shade"
Alan Davies, "The Difficulty of Writing Charles Bernstein"
Michael Gottlieb, "Algernon Charles Bernstein"
Diane Ward, "Tentativity"
Ronald Johnson, "Blurb for an Imaginary Book of Charles Bernstein’s"
John Perlman, "Reading Controlling Interests"
Robert Creeley, "Pages for C.B."
Ralph La Charity, "Consortium Medley"
Craig Watson, "Fluid Islands"
Bob Perelman, "A Note on `Sentences My Father Used’"
Rafael Lorenzo, "Fragments of a Refusal"
Barrett Watten, Controlling Interests
Ron Silliman, "For Charles Bernstein Has Such a Spirit..."; reprinted in The New Sentence (New York: Roof Books, 1987)


Dubravka Đurić, "American Poetry in Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Poetic Cultures" in Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies, 35: 1-2, 2024

Chris Mustazza, "It Do the Poets in Different Voices: Generative AI Voices, the Uncanny, and the Poetry Audio Archive" on Poetry Had No Future Unless It Comes to an End" in Iperstoria 24 (2024) (pdf)

Enikő Bollobás,"Self and Form: The Radicalization of American Poetry from Emily Dickinson to Charles Bernstein," HJEAS: Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 30:2 (2024)

Tomasz Cieślak-Sokołowski, "International Language Poetry: Radical Poetics in Charles Bernstein and Andrzej Sosnowski," Text Matters 14 (Lodz: 2024) (pdf)

William Carlos Williams Review 41:1 (2024): Spring and All at 100 and “The Academy in Peril: William Carlos Williams meets the MLA” at 40, ed. Elin Käc: essays by Bob Perelman, Juliana Spahr, Christopher MacGowan, Hazel Smith in reponse.

Ron Silliman, Flow Chart Foundation Zoom discussion of "All the Whiskey in Heaven": Vimeo

Kacper Bartczak, "Language and Post-Language Poets" in Robert Lowell In Context, ed. Thomas Austenfeld and Grzegorz Kość (Cambridge University Press, 2024)

Abeer Aser Alrawashdeh, "Deconstructing the Language Poetry in Some Selected Poems of Charles Bernstein From a Derridaian Perspective'" in Mutah Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 39:1 (Jordan: 2024): pdf

Michael Hennessey, on Ben Yarlmolinksy collaborations (Blind Witness), PennSound Daily (2023)

Floriana Puglisi, "Connessioni verbo-visive nelle collaborazioni interartistiche
di Charles Bernstein" (Tuttle, Bee) in Performare/Trasformare Testo Immagine Azione, ed. Puglisi (Pisa: Edizioni Ets, 2023): pdf

Feng Yi, "Ekphastic Triangle" — On Poetry, Painting and Readers in Charles Bernstein's Works" in Foreign Literature Trend Studies [in Chinese] (2003)

Daniele Daniel, on Eco/Echo, with interview, Il Mannifesto / Alias, March 12, 2023 Charles Bernstein, "il senso si fa strada fra gli spazi tremolanti della punteggiatura": pdf tear sheet, html

Nathan Spoon, "The Sonnet As: Neuroqueerness in the American Sonnet" on "Questionnaire" in The American Sonnet: An Anthology of Poems and Essays, ed. Dora Malech and Laura Smith (University of Iowa Press, 2023)

"Close Readings in a Virtual Space," Flow Chart Foundation, video discussion of "Report from Libertry Street" led by Jennifer Bartlett (2023): Vimeo

Imaad Majeed on "In a Restless World Like This Is" in The Difference Is Spreading: Fifty Essays on Modern and Contemporary Poems, ed. Al Filreis and Anna Sttong Safford (Universitty of Pennsylvania Press, 2022)

Robert Zamsky, “Ezra Pound and Charles Bernstein: Opera, Poetics, and the Fate of Humanism,” in Texas Studies in Language and Literature (55:1; 2013), revised for Orphic Bend (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2022)

ModPo/PoemTalk discussion of "In a Restless World Like This Is":
PoemTalk (2009) & ModPO: 2014 & 2022

Goutam Karmakar and Nisarga Bhattacharjee, "Of Poetry and Nationalism: Articulating Charles Bernstein’s Poetics of the Americas and the Democratic Space of Poetry" in Global Perspectives on Nationalism: Political and Literary Discourses, ed. Debajyoti Biswas, Panos Eliopoulos (Routledge, 2023)

Marjroie Perloff, "Context is all: the language games of Charles Bernstein." Gragoatá, Niterói, v.27 (Brazil, 2022): pdf
--earlier version –– “'Funny Ha-Ha or Funny Peculiar?' Recalculating Charles Bernstein’s Poetry" in Evaluations of US Poetry since 1950, Volume 1, ed. Hallberg, Robert von, and Robert Faggen (University of Arizon Press, 2021).

Rudra Kingshook, "Charles Bernstein's New Poetics," Bhubandanga, Bengali (2022)

Feng Yi, "反抗命名,声音与意义的多元性构建 ——近三十年来国内美国语言派诗歌研究聚焦" ("Rebelling against Naming and the pluralistic Construction of Sounds and Meanings") [on reception of Languge Poetry in China], "Jianghan Academic 41:5 (2022): pdf

Floriana Puglisi, "From Page and Print to Voice and Computer Screen: Charles Bernstein and the Performance(s) of the Poem" in Performing/Transforming. Transgressions and Hybridizations Across Texts, Media, Bodies (Torino: Otto editore, 2021): abstract; pdf

Dubravka Djuric, "Between Poetry and Theory: Charles Bernstien's Poetics" in Manu (N. Macedonia): pdf (English) 2021

Marjroie Perloff, "A Wave of Detours" [on Asbery, Armantrout, and Bernstein] in Infrathin (University of Chicago, 2021)

Daniel Braun, introduction for online Chinese course (in English). video: micro lesson 2

Luo Lianggong, "Ideolectical Writing in Contemporary Jewish American Poetry" in Foreign Literature Studies 2021 Issue 6

Shawn Normandin, "The Task of the Chinese Translator: Charles Bernstein’s “A Test of Poetry'Poetry'” in ANQ, Sept 7, 2021

Feng Yi "The Unique Tonality of Language: The Acoustic Aesthetics in Charles Bernstein’s Poetry Feng Y, in Foreign Literary Studies 43:3 (Wuhan, China), in Chinese with English abstract: pdf

Karl Wolfgang Flender, "LiftOff – das Protokoll einer Korrektur," in Korrigieren – eine Kulturtechnik / Correcting: A Cultural Techniqu, ed.Iuditha Balint, Janneke Eggert and Thomas Ernstn (de Gruyter, 2022)

Vladimir Feshchenko. Charles Bernstein's Experimental Semiotics: Language Poetry Between Russian and American Traditions [Владимир Фещенко Испытательная семиотика Ч. Бернстина. Поэзия языка между русской и американской традициями}, NLO 168:2, 2021 & in English at Jacket2.

“Discourse as Literary Innovation (Charles Bernstein),” ch. 2, A New Philosophy of Discourse by Joshua Kates (NY: Bloomsbury, 2021) (discussion of "This Poem Intentionally Left Blank" with reference to Content's Dream.

Runa Bandyopadhyay:
On Utopia in Susan Bee, Regis Bonviciono, and Bernstein: Aparjan Feb. 2021 (W. Bengal), in Bengali; see English summary
On Elizabeth Willis and Bernstein on Blake's "Human Abstract," Interaction #20 (Nabawip, W. Bengal, Jan. 2020)
"Be(a)ware of the As": On/extending "Twelve-Year Universal Horoscope": Sybil (2020)
"Bernstein’s Jewish Dharmma: An Upanishadic Quantum Poetics," Jacket 2 (2020)
"Welcome to the Pataquerical Night Show," (W. Bengal / Berlin) (June 2020) Ongshumali: Bengali part one; part two, part three, part four & in English: one, two, three, four, five
"Pataquericalism," Dumdum Junction (W. Bengal), 2019" pdf

Charles Alexander, introduction to Bernstein and Mei-mei Berssenbrugge (2020)

Tomasz Cieślak-Sokołowski, review of World on Fire, Polish translation, in Biuroliterackie & Łukasz Żurek in (Poland, 2020)

Tonya Foster, erica kaufman, and Tracie Morris discuss "There's a Hole in My Pocket" with Al Filries (ModPo): YouTube (2020)

Hazel Smith, “Pitching the Poem-essay: Subversive Argument in the Work of Charles Bernstein,” Electronic Book Review (June 7, 2020)

PoemTalk on "As if the Trees Had Hold of Us" (Senses of Responsibility), discussion with Marjorie Perloff, Danny Snelson, and Tracie Morris (2019)

Peter Jaeger, "Charles Bernstein’s Walter Benjamin, Among Other Things," in Reading Experimental Writing, ed. Georgina Colby (Edinburgh University Press, 2019)

Ian Probstein, “Avant-guard is a permanent renewal,” in Liberal Mission Foundation: Essay and translated poems (March 3, 2020). Essat + tr. "Asylum," “Autonomy is Jeopardy,” "How Empty is My Bread Pudding," “Why I Am Not a Hippie”, “I Used to Be a Plastic Bottle”, “S’i’ fosse” (after Cecco Angiolieri), “All Poetry is Loco,” Apoplexy, “God’s Silence”, “My Luck,” “Affect Theory,” “Clouds After Rain.”

Mahmoud Moawad Sokar, "Three Visual Poets: Bob Cobbing, Mary Ellen Solt, and Charles Bernstein (Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2020) and 2d edn, 2023, French and German from OrellFuessli

Przekroj (Warsaw): "The Darkness He Called Night" with commentary by Julia Fiedorczuk (2019)

John Gery: "Resisting Apollo: The Legacy of Ezra Pound in late 20th Century American Poetry" in Literature of the Americas, Pound issue (Moscow, #7, 2019): pdf

Sophie Seita, "Proto-Language and New Narrative Magazines as Theoretial Impelemnts," in Provisional Avant-Gardes: Little Magazine Communities from Dada to Digital (Stanford University Press, 2019)

Hélène Aji, " 'Louis Zukofsky: Selected Poems by Charles Bernstein': Selection, Absorption, Projection" in Jennifer Kilgore-Caradec, Selected Poems: From Modernism to Now, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012: pdf

Feng Yi, "The Epiphany of Language:The Connotation of Taoism-Zen in Charles Bernstein’s Echopoetics," in Chinese, Foreign Literary Studies 41:3 (June, 2019): pdf

Feng Yi, "The Negative Economy of Nothingness in Charles Bernstein’s Poetics," International Comparative Literature, 2:2 (2019): pdf

Lauri Ramey, introduction to Frederick Hertzberg Bernstein interview. Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures 2:2 (December 2018): pdf

Feng YI, Bernstein's Echopoetics (with special attention of Recalculating and Pitch of Poetry), Chinese, Jianghan University Academic Journal, 34:4 (2018): PDF. See also Feng's 2019 article on her residency at Penn, written for Zhaohui’s Echopoetics translation.

Zhang Ziqing, A History of 20th Century American Poetry, (Nankai University Press, Tianjin: 2018)

Hazel Smith, "Experimental Confessionalism: The Personal Turn in American Post-conceptual Poetry," with special reference to the title poem in Recalculating, at Cordite Poetry Reivew #87 (2018)

Inez Okulska, “Douglas Robinson, Charles Bernstein, VERSATORIUM and Metonymic Repetition: Tropes as a Practical Tool for Translation Criticism” in Przekładaniec: A Journal of Translation Studies #34 English (Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Poland): pdf

Marjorie Perloff and Al Filreis discuss "Today Is the Last Day of Your Life ’til Now" (Recalculating), video for ModPo (2018); Al Filries and Laynie Brown on "The Honor of Virtue" (video): ModPoMinute#4

Enrique Winter, on translating, in Spanish, at Club de Traductores Literarios Debaires, July 27, 2018

Penn News article on English 111: pdf (2018)

Luo Bin, on attending Penn classes (Chinese) (2018)

Sama Khosravi Ooryad, "A Comparative Minoritarian Study of Language Poetry of Iran and the United States," CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 19:3 (2017)

Gerald Bruns, "Paratactics (Pataquerics) of the Ordinary: The Course of the Comic in Charles Bernstein’s Poetry," boundary 2 44:3 (2017), collected in Interruptions: The Fragmentary Aesthetic in Modern Literature (University of Alabama Press, 2018)

Don Bialostosky, "Attack of the Difficult Poems," in How to Play a Poem (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017)

Li Zhimin, "Reflections of Charles Bernstein's Avant-garde Poetics on Basis of Pitch of Poetry," Foreign Language Studies 39:3, April, 2017 (Wuhan China): pdf

Tommi Kotonen, “Witnessing Language: Charles Bernstein and 9/11” in Art as a Political Witness, ed. Kia Lindroos and Frank Möller (Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2017) (open access)

Jason Lagapa, “Leave Us the World: Apophasis, Dissent and the Pluralist Politics of Charles Bernstein’s Poetry” in Negative Theology and Utopian Thought in Contemporary American Poetry Determined Negations (Palgrave, 2017)

Tommi Kotenen, "Witnessing Language: Charles Bernstein and 9/11" in Art as a Political Witness, ed. Frank Moller and Kia Lindroos (Germany: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2017)

Ian Probstein, "Of Time and the Line" in Arcade (Standford), Nov. 12, 2015; collected as final chapter of The River of Time: Time-Space, History, and Language in Avant-Garde, Modernist, and Contemporary Russian and Anglo-American Poetry. NY: Academic Studies Press, 2017

Maxwell Clark, "Father Bernstein": pdf

Dubravka Djuric, "Bernstin i transformacije poezije u globalizovanom svetu" in Sarajevske Sveske #49/50 (Sarajevo Notebooks, 2016)

Katja Stuckatz, on Jandl and Bernstein in Ernst Jandl und Die Internationale Avantgarde : Über Einen Beitrag Zur Modernen Weltdichtung (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2016), pp. 320-326

Mirko Raduševi, “Charles Bernstein: O politice a poezii,” Literární Noviny (Czech), Dec. 7, 2015: pdf

Jakwang Gu, “A Study on Charles Bernstein’s (anti)poetics” in The Criticism and Theory Society of Korea, 09/2016, Volume 21, Issue 3 (113-150)

Kacper Bartczak, Arterie 22 (Lodz): intoduction (2016)

Charles Alexander, introduction to reading at University of Houston -- Victoria in Vicotria Advocate (April 28, 2016)

Ana Franco Ortuño, "Poéticas de la negatividad: Charles Bernstein" in Periodico Poesia (UNM, Mex.), March 2016

Eniko Bollobas, "Imploded Sentences: On Charles Bernstein’s Poetic Attentions," in Arcade (Stanford), Nov. 12, 2015

"How to Read: Charles Bernstein," Poetxt (c. Nov. 2015)

David Bergman, The Poetry of Disturbance The Discomforts of Postwar American Poetry (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015): discussion of Artifice of Absorption and "Reznikoff’s Nearness"

Richard Gray, History of American Poetry (Wiley/Balckwell, 2015)

Laurent Milesi, "CounterTexting One Another: Conceptual Poetics, Flarf, and Derridean Countersignature," CounterText 1.2 (2015): 207–231

Maureen Nappi, "Indubitable Hybrity" on Pinky’s Rule (Millenium Film Journal #62, Fall 2015): pdf

Antoine Cazé, “Charles Bernstein: De/Signs, Or Severe Typo’s Ambiguity” in The Art of Collaboration, ed. Anca Cristofovici & Barbara Montefalcone (Victoria, Texas: Cuneiform Press, 2015)

Ex.It (2014), Renata Morresi, "3 americani in ~ fuori contesto": pdf

Anca Cristofoviciin, "Charles Bernstein & Richard Tuttle: Reading Red: User’s Note" in The Art of Collaboration, ed. Cristofovici & Barbara Montefalcone (Victoria, Texas: Cuneiform Press, 2015)

Heriberto Yépez, Rothenberg and Bernstein in Mexio, Milenio (2015)

Cao Shanke and Ma Jian, "Coigto Ergo Sum": Understanding Bernstein’s Poetry through Cartesian Perspective," Interntional Journal of Poetry and Poetics (Seoul, vol. 1, issue 1, Nov. 2014)

Yang Liu and Yi Diandian, "Defamiliarization in Selected Poems of Charles Bernstein," Foreign Literary Studies [Wai Guo Wen Xue Yan Jiu] 36:4 (Wuhan, China, 2014)

Brian Brodeur on "Johnny Cake Hollow" in Best American Poetry: part 1 (8/14), part 2 (8/14)

David Kaufmann, "Two or Three Things I Know About Charles Bernstein" in Shofar 32:2 (2014)

Stephen Paul Miller, "Articulating a Radical and Secular Jewish Poetics: Walter Benjamin, Charles Bernstein and the Weak Messiah as Girly Man," in Reading the Difficulties: Dialogs with Contemporary American Innovative Poetry, ed. Thomas Fink and Judith Halden-Sullivan (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2014): pdf

Matthew Menachem Feuer, “On Theatricality” and Doing Poetic Stand-Up," Schlemiel Theory (May 16, 2014)

Al Filreis, "Anti-ordination in the visualization of the poem’s sound Bernstein chants 73 through 75 in ’1 to 100’ (1969)" in Jacket 2 (Feb. 2014)

Anne LeBaron, on composing "Breathtails," published with the libretto, Current Musicology, No. 95 (Spring 2013): pdf  

Lianggang Luo, "On Charles Bernstein's Poetics," Jiangxi Social Sciences (2013 #5)

Gearld Bruns, What Are Poets For?: Studies in Contemporary Poetry and Poetics: "Should Poetry Be Ethical or Otherwise?," University of Iowa Pres (2011): pdf; originally published in SubStance, issue 120 (Volume 38, Number 3), 2009

Brian Kim Stefans intro at UCLA, May 2011 (

Romana Huk, on Girly Man in ballad chapter in Blackwell Companion to Poetic Genres (2011)

Robert Shepaprd, "Charles Bernstein, Allen Fisher and the poetic thinking that results" (on "Artifice of Asborption" and Necessary Business), Pages, 2013.

Lianggong Luo, “Introduction to Charles Bernstein’s Poetics.” Jiangxi Social Science, vol. 34, no. 5, May 2013, pp. 93-98.]

William Allegrezza, “Charles Bernstein’s Disruptive Praxis,” presented at the Poetry & Revolution conference at Birbeck, UK, May 2012

Jacob Edmond, "Charles Bernstein and Broken English" in A Common Strangeness: Contemporary Poetry, Cross-Cultural Encounter, Contemporary Literature (Fordham University Press, 2012).

David Micah Greenberg, "When This Becomes That," Boston Review. July/August 2011: responses to this article by Bernstein, Perloff, Susan Stewart and others: March 7, 2012

Manuel Brito, “Interactions Of Practice And Theory In Charles Bernstein’s “Artifice Of Absorption:Trancendentalist Accessibility and Challenge,” Graat on-line issue 8, August 2010

Eun-Gwi Chung, "From 'The Falling Man' to Girly Man: American Poetry after 9/11 and the Logic of Mourning," Inha University, c. 2010: pdf

Marjorie Perloff, "Writing through Walter Benjamin: Charles Bernstein’s ’Poem Including History’"[on Shadowtime], in Unoriginal Genius (University of Chicago Press, 2010); earlier version, "Constraint, Concrete, Citation: Refiguring History in Charles Bernstein's Shadowtime" in Poetics Today 30:4 (2009).

Cambridge University (UK): a conference on the work of Charles Bernstein (2009)

Ming-Qian Ma, "From Innovation to Renovation: Formal Practice and the Politics of Absorption in American Language Poetry" (Formes Poerique Contemporarine [FPC] 7, 2010): PDF

Marjorie Perloff, Leevi Lehto, and Nie Zhenzhao in Proceedings of the International Conference on the 20th Twentieth-Century American Poetry, ed. Nie Zhenzhao and Luo Lianggong (Wuhan: Central China Normal University Press, 2010)

Isabelle Alfandary on "Recantorium," Revue Française d’Etude Américaine, No. 121, Fall 2009 (in French): pdf

Alan Golding, "Charles Bernstein and Professional Avant-Gardism" (Talisman, 36/37, 2008/2009)

Christian Bok on The Nude Formalism, Poetry Foundation (2008)

Nerys Williams, Reading Error: The Lyric and Contemporary Poetry (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2007): Two chaps.: "Language Writing and the Lyric Error, Malapropisms, ’Ideolects’ and ’Knowing’ a Language in Charles Bernstein’s Dark City and Rough Trades" and " Whose Language: Charles Bernstein Reading Cavell, Reading Wittgenstein

Joel Bettridge, Charles Bernstein’ Shadowtime and Faithful Interpretation," Textual Practice 21(4): 737–760 (2007); collected in Reading as Belief: Language Writing, Poetics, Faith (New York: Palgrave, 2009)

Nie Zhenzhao, "An Interpretation of Charles Bernstein’s ’My God Has an Attitude Problem,’" Foreign Literature Studies / Wai Guo Wen Xue Yan Jiu, 2008, Volume 30, Issue 1 (CAJ file)

Leevi Lehto, "In the Un-American Tree; The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poetries and Their Aftermath, with a Special Reference to Charles Bernstein Translated," presented at the Wuhan American poetry conference (2007)

Michael Hennessey on "From Text to Tongue to Tape: Notes on Charles Bernstein’s ’1–100’” in "On Discreteness: Event and Sound in Poetry," special issue of ESC/ English Studies in Canada 33:4 (Dec. 2007) (available via Project Muse).

Hélène Aji, "’Writing (as) (and) thinking’ ”: Charles Bernstein’s Work in ’Language" in Etudes Anglaises (Volume 59 –2006/3)

Jerome McGann, The Point Is to Change It: Poetry and Criticism in the Continuing Present (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2007) cf.: Ch. 6, "Private Enigmas and Critical Functions, with Special Thanks to the Poetry of Charles Bernstein (written 1990-1991)"; Appendix to Chapter 6: “The Simply” (written 1991); ch.7: "From Sight to Shenandoah" (written 1996)

Leevi Lehto, "Against the idea of Poetry," Foreign Literary Studies, Wuhan, China, Vol. 29, No. 2 April 2007 (English tr. of Lehto’s preface to Runouden puolustus. Esseit ja runoja kahdelta vuosituhannelta): pdf.

Jerome McGann, The Scholar’s Art: Literary Studies in a Managed World (University of Chicago Press, 2006)

Lin Yupeng, "Poeitcs of Charles Bernstein and American Language Poetry" [in Chinese], Foreign Literary Studies [Wai Guo Wen Xue Yan Jiu] (2007, 29:2)

Jack Foley, review of Zukofsky Selected, in Poetry Bay (2006-2007)

Lianggong Luo, "Translate Poetic Ideas "On LANGUAGE Poetry and Its Translation," Foreign Literature Studies, 2010 #6

W. B. Worthen, Print and the Poetics of Modern Drama (Cambridge University Press. 2005): chap. 3:iii, "Lines of Subjection: Language writng, poetry, and performance"

Ambrozy Paulina, (Un)concealing the Hedgehog: Modernist and Postmodernist American Poetry and Contemporary Critical Theories, {pdf link]: Adam Mickiewicz University Press, Poland, 2012 [discussion of "Artifice of Absorption" and "For Love Has Such a That If It Is Portrayed It Dies

Logan Esdale, The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poetry (2005)

Ben Friedlander, on Dark City, &c. in Simulcast (Tucaloosa: U of Alabama Press, 2004)

Tim Peterson, on Susan Bee and Bernstein’s appearance at the Analagous series in Mappamunde (2004)

Susan Schultz, "Of Time and Charles Bernstein's Lines: A Poetics of Fashion Statements", Jacket 14 (2001); also chapter in Poetics of Impasse (University of Alabama Press, 2004)

Javant Biarujia, "Charles Bernstein: Creating aive Disturbance", Boxkite #3 (Australia, 2004)

Henry Sussmann, "Prolegema to any Present and Future Language Poetry," in The Task of the Critic: Poetics, Philosophy, Religion (2005); also: MLN 118.5 (2003)

Pierre Joris, Rough Trades, American Book Review (Feb./March 1993), also in A Nomad Poetics (Middltetown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 2003)

Garrett Caples, "A Consumer Guide to Charles Bernstein", Tin Lustre Mobile (web; 2003)

Dubravka Djuric, chapter on work overall in Jezi, Poexija, Postmodernizam (Beograd: Oktoih, 2002)

Susan Vanderborg, "'A Writing of Absolute Necessity": Charles Bernstein's Language Paratexts", Chapter V of PhD dissertation (Stamford, 1996); revised and published as "'The Constitution of Public Space': Charles Bernstein's Lanaguage Paratexts" in Paratexutal Communities: American Avant Garde Poetries since 1950 (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2001)

Seungnam Jeong, "The Repossession of the Word: Charles Bernstein's Poetics and Politics", English Language and Literature [Journal of the English Language and Literature Association of Korea, Seuol], Vol. 46. No. 4 (2000) 1111-1128

Paul Quinn, "Bernstein's Republics: The Horizon of Language", PN Review 136, Nov.-Dec. 2000, 27:2 (2000)

Andrew Epstein: Verse vs Verse: "The Language Poets Are Taking Over the Literary Academy," in Lingua Franca (September 2000): pdf

William Gillespie, "Is Charles Bernstein a Political Poet?", ebr 11 <> c. 2000

Mike Kelleher, "Charles Bernstein in the 20th Century, A Brief Revue of Poetic Values" on "Today's Not Opposite Day", The Transcendental Friend (#11, 9/99):

Robert Sheppard, "The Poetics of Poetics: Charles Bernstein, Allen Fisher and ’the poetic thinking that results'. Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, 3.1, April 1999 (College of St. Marks and St John, Plymouth, UK)

Antoine Caze, "Form as Freedom in the Poetry of the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Group" (on "Dysraphism"), in Freedom and Form: Essays in Contemporary American Poetry, ed. Esther Giger and Agniezka Salska (Lodz: Wydawnictwo Univwersytetu Lodzkiego, 1998)

Paul Auster, "Twenty-five Sentences Containing the Words Charles Bernstein" (1990), Why Write? (Providence: Burning Deck, 1996) and collected in Talking to Strangers (Picador, 2019): pdf

Hank Lazer, "Charles Bernstein’s Dark City: Polis, Policy, and the Policing of Poetry", American Poetry Review 24:5, Sept./Oct. 1995; collected in Opposing Poetries (Northwestern Universit/y Press, 1996), vol 2, pp. 123-146.

Bob Perelman, "Error and Power: The Poetry of Charles Bernstein and Edward Kamu Brathwaite, MLA Annual Convention (1992); American Literary History (1994); rpt in The Marginalization of Poetry: Language Writing and Literary History (Princeton University Press, 1996).

John Shoptaw, "The Music of Construction: Measure and Polyphony in Ashbery and Bernstein", in The Tribe of John: John Ashbery and Contemporary Poetry, ed. Susan Schultz (University of Alabama Press, 1995). pp. 219-280.

Rosemary Huisman, The Written Poem: Semiotic Conventions from Old to Modern English (Bloomsbury 20000"" -- some remarks on The Poems of the Nude Formalism

Susan Bee, "Design Elements in Nude Formalism and Fool’s Gold" in Talking the Boundless Book: Art, Language, and the Books Arts, ed. Charles Alexander (Minneapolis: Minnesota Center for Book Arts, 1995)

Linda Reinfeld, "Bernstein’s Pharmacy" in Language Poetry: Writing as Rescue (University of Louisiana State University Press, 1992)

Ken Edwards, "Three or Four Things I Know about Charles Bernstein,"The Many Review (UK; #6, 1990)

Esteban Pujals, "Sentido en excesso: La poesía de Charles Bernstein,"Zurgai (1989: Spain)

Discussion of individual works within an essay or chapter

Vladimir Felshenko, "In Search of the Poetic Function:  American ‘Language Poetry’ Revisits Russian Formalism," in Зборник Матице српске за славистику, Vol. 2024, No. 106, pp. 9–27): pdf ( 2024)

Delphine Grass, Translation as a Creative-Critical Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2023): discussion of "Test of Poetry"

Grzegorz Kosc, "The Autobiographical Prose of Poets" in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Contemporary American Poetry, ed. Craig Svonkin and Steven Gould Axelrod (2023)

Carrie Conners,."Laugh Lines:Humor, Genre,and Political Critique in Late Twentieth-CenturyAmericanPoetry: chapter 2, "Bursting at the Seams" on H. Mullen in comparation ot With Strings (University of Mississippi Press, 2022)

"Post-Avant Translation Practices: Language Poetry in Austria & The Low Countries" by Michel Delville, Thomas Eder, and Hans Vandevoorde in modernism/modernisty; print plus vol 8, cycle 1 (August 8, 2023) & introduction to the forum: ""Literary Neo-Avant-Gardes – Historicizing the Politics of Form" by Lars Bernaerts, Vincent Broqua, and Sabine Müller

Andrew Epstein, "Language Poetry," in The Cambridge Introduction to American Poetry since 1945 (Cambridge University Press, 2022)

Two overviews of Language poetry in "American Experimental Poetry: Resonances and Transfers," ed. Vladimir Feshchenko, Literature of the Two Americas, Institute of World Literature, Gorky center of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow (2022)
Marjorie Perloff. From Language Poetry to New Concretism: The Evolution of the Avant-Garde (English): pdf
Vladimir Feshchenko. Linguocentric Poetry in the USA and in Russia: Trajectories of Interaction (Russian): pdf

Eldin Milak and Shawn Normandin."Translinguistics and Time in Postmodern North American Poetry" in International Journal of Literary Humanities, 20:2 (January 2022)

Peter Middleton, Expanding Authorship (University of New Mexico Press, 2021): chapter on L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E plus inter alia.

Andrea Applebee, "The Real Ambassadors: Reflections on the Politics of Poetic Representation," Tupelo Quarterly 22, Nov, 2020

Olesya Bondarenko, "Inherently Political: Rancerian Philosophy and Language Poetry" in Poetics of Politics Textuality and Social Relevance in Contemporary American Literature and Culture, ed. Sebastian M. Herrmann, et al. (Heidelburg: Universistat Verlag, 2018)

Elina Siltanen, Experimentalism as Reciprocal Communication in Contemporary American Poetry: John Ashbery, Lyn Hejinian, Ron Silliman (John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2016)

Michael Marcinkowski, "Artifice and Representation in Ambient Literature," in Ambient Literature blog, Jan. 12, 2017

Ian Bailey, “Ever Thought of Teaching … L -A = N = G = U = A = G = E Writing and Experiments, in Use of English, Autumn 2017, Vol. 69 Issue 1, pp 32-36

James Matthew Wilson, The Fortunes of Poetry in an Age of Unmaking (Bismark, ND: Wiseblood Books, 2015) and "The Nihilism and Hypocracy of Language Poetry" in The Imaganzative Conservative (2016)

Ben Hickman, Crisis and the US avant-garde : poetry and real politics, ch. 6, "Figures of Inward" (Edinburgh University Press, 2015)

Albena Lutzkanova-Vassileva, The Testimonies of Russian and American Postmodern Poetry: Reference, Trauma, and History (Bloomsbury, 2014)

Grzegorz Kosc, "The Autobiographical Prose of Poets" in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Contemporary American Poetry, ed. Craig Svonkin and Steven Gould Axelrod (Bloomsbury, 2013)

Tom Fisher, "Making Sense: Jacques Rancière and the Language Poets," Journal of Modern Literature Volume 36, Number 2, Winter 2013

Dan Disney, "‘Let Me In!’ Opacity and Illumination in an Age of Technological Reproduction," Journal of Language, Literature, and Culture 60:3, 2013

Timothy Morton, "Ecology as Text, Text as Ecology," The Oxford Literary Review 32.1, pp. 1-17 (2010). And, related: “Escritura Ecologica, La Tempestad 10.65 (March, 2009), 94– 97

Kornelia Freitag and Katharina Vester, eds., Another Language: Poetic Experiments in Britain and North America in Transnational and Transatlantic American Studies(Lit Verglag, Muenster, 2008): Heinz Ickstadt, “Verbal Abstraction and the Democratic Promise of Natural Speech: Tensions and Temptations in Contemporary American Poetry” “[on refusing to universalize marginalization in A Poetics]and Sabine Sielke, "How Experimental Is It?" a close reading “Whose Language”

Marjorie Perloff, "Representing Speech in Conceptual Poetry," discusses "Lives of the Toll Takers, in Dibur #1 (2016)

Maeera Y. Shreiber, “Secularity, Sacredness, and Jewish American Poets 1950–2000” in The Cambridge History ofJewish American Literature (CUP, 2015)

Alex Houen, Powers of Possibility: Experimental American Writing Since the 1960s; see chapter 5 (Oxford University Press, 2013)

Johanna Drucker on Veil in Spec Labs (University of Chicago Press, 2009): pdf

Joshua Schuster, "Jewish Counterfactualism in Recent American Poetry," Shofar 27.3 (Spring 2009)

Rae Armantrout, on "Sentences My Father Used" in "Irony and Postmodern Poetry," in her Collected Prose (San Diego Singing Horse, 2007); rpt from Moving Borders.

Alan Golding, "Language Writing, Digital Poetics, and Transitional Materialities," in New Media Poetics, ed Adelaide Morris and Thomas Swiss (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006)

Chris Goode, “‘These Facts Variously Modified’: American Writers in an Information Economy” (on “In Particular”), in “The Darkness Surrounds Us”: American Poetry [Issue 114, ed. Robin Purves and Sam Ladkin, The Edinburgh Review #114 (2005)

Karen Alkalay-Gut, “The Poetry of September 11: The Testimonial Imperative” in Poetics Today 26:2 (Summer 2005) Rachel DuPlessis, "Lyric Ambivalence: the ’Aversive’ Tradition," presented at American Comparative Literature Association, March 2005

Gerald Bruns, The Material of Poetry: Sketches for a Philosophical Poetics (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2005)

Jerome McGann, "Beauty, the Irreal, and the Willing Assumption of Disbelief," Critical Inquiry 30 (Summer 2004)

David Caplan, Questions of Possibility: Contemporary Poetry and Poetic Form (New York: Oxford, 2004 [discussion, in final chapter on ballad, of "Rivulets of the Dead Jew"]

Marjorie Perloff, "Seductive Vienna," Modernism/modernity 10.2 (2003) 221-238; from Vienna Paradox (New York: New Directions, 2004) [discussion in first chapter of "Gertrude and Ludwig's Bogus Journey"]

Simon Perril, “Language Poetry" in A Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry, Blackwell, 2003
Donald Wessling, Bakhtin and the Social Moorings of Poetry (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2003)

John Wilkenson, "Too-Close Reading: Poetry and Schizofrenia", Assembling Alternatives , ed. Romana Huk (Wesleyan University Press, 2003)

Craig Dworkin, discussion of Veil in Reading the Illegible (Northwestern University Press, 2003)
Marorie Perloff, 21st-century Modernism: The New Poetics (Blackwell, 2001)

Timothy Yu, "Form and Identity in Language Poetry and Asian American Poetry", Contemporary Literature, 41:3 (Fall 2000)

John Shoptaw, "Lyric Cryptography", Poetics Today 21:1 (Spring 2000)

Antoine Caze, "Margins of Theory, Theory of Margins" (on "Artifice of Absorption"), in The Mechanics of the Mirage: Postwar American Poetry, ed. Michel Delville and Christine Pagnoulle (Belgium: Liège University English Department Press, 2000)

Peter Middleton, "Patriarchal Poetry: Fathers and Sons in Contemporary Poetry" in Subverting Masculinity: Hegemonic and Alternative Versions of Masculinity in Contemporary Culture , ed. Russell West and Frank Lay (Rodlopi, 2000)

John R. Woznicki, "Poetry of Play, Poetry of Purpose: The Continuity of American Language Poetry," Moria: A Poetry Journal, vol. 2 Issue no. 4, (2000)
Marjorie Perloff, "Multiple Pleats: Some Applications of Michel Serres's Poetics", Configurations 8:187-200 (2000)

Aronson, Béa, Bernstein’s ’Dysraphism’: Dysfunction and Thrombolysis: A Twentieth Century Condition, Found Object, 2000 Fall; 9: 89-106

Graca Capinha, " Crane, Duncan, and the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poets", ASA Conference, Montreal (1999)

Charles Altieri, "Avant-Garde or Arrière-Garde in Recent American Poetry", Poetics Today 20:4 (1999)

Lance St John Butler, Registering the Difference (Manchester University Press, 1999): on "Live Acts"
Charles Altieri, Postmodernisms Now (Penn State University Press, 1998)

Christopher Beach, "Antiabsorptiveness and Contemporary American Poetry: New Principles of Pleasure" in New Definitions of Lyri, ed. Mark Jeffreys (New York: Routledge, 1998)

David Caplan, "Who’s Zoomin Who?: The Poetics of and" Postmodern Culture Vol. 8, No. 1 (September, 1997)

Jerome McGann, from Sight to "Shenandoah", Bellingham Review XX:1 (1997)

Edwin Morgan, "Language, Poetry, and Language Poetry", Edinburgh Review 97 (1997)

Loss Glazier, "Jumping to Occlusions," Postmodern Culture 7, no. 3 (1997)

Charles Altieri, "Some Problems about Agency in the Theories of Radical Poetics", Contemporary Literature 37:2 (1996)

Paul Naylor, "(Mis)Characterizing Charlie: Language and the Self in the Poetry and Poetics of Charles Bernstein", Sagetrieb 14:3 (1996)

Jeffrey T. Nealon, "Politics, Poetics, and Institution: "Language Poetry" in Double Reading: Postmodernism after Deconstruction (Cornell University Press, 1996)

Kevin Stein, Private Poets, Worldly Acts: Public and Private History in American Poetry (Ohio University Press, 1996)

Jerzy Kutnik, "Postmodern Language-centered Writing and the Question of Ideology: A Polish Perspective", Journal of American Studies of Turkey 4 (1996) : 3-13.

George Kalamaras, Reclaiming the Tacit Dimension: Symbolic Form in the Rhetoric of Silence (Albany: SUNY Press, 1994) Misko Suvakovic, "Primer: jezicka poezij (language poetry)", in Prolegomena Za Analicku Estetiku (Novi Sad, Yugoslavia: Cetvrti Talas, 1995)

Hannah Mockel-Rieke, "Die `unvollendendete Moderne": Language Poetries und die amerikanische Lyrik der 80er Jahre", Amerika studien / American Studies (Munich), 40:1 (1995)

Geoff Ward, Language Poetry and the American Avant-Garde (British Association for American Studies Pamphlet 25, 1993)

Norman Finkelstein, "The Utopia of Language", in The Utopian Moment in Contemporary American Poetry (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1993)

Jerome McGann, Reading "The Simply", in Contemporary Poetry Meets Modern Theory, ed. Antony Easthope (Harvester-Wheatsheaf (UK), 1991; University of Toronto Press, 1993)

Jerome McGann, discussion of various poems in Black Riders (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993)

Vernon Shetley, "The Return of the Repressed: Language Poetry and New Formalism", concluding chapter in After the Death of Poetry (Durham: Duke University Press, 1993)

Brian McHale, "Making (Non)Sense of Postmodern Poetry" in Language, Text and Context, ed. Michael Toolan (Routledge: 1992)

Christopher Beach, "Reappropriation and Resistance: Charles Bernstein, Language Poetry, and Poetic Tradition", concluding chapter of ABC of Influence: Ezra Pound and the Remaking of American Poetic Tradition (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992)

Marjorie Perloff, "How It Means" in Radical Artifice (University of Chicago, 1992); rpt from Ashbery issue of Verse (1991)

Marjorie Perloff, Poetic License (Northwestern University Press, 1990)

Jerome McGann, "Private Enigmas and Critical Functions, with Particular Reference to the Writing of Ch. Bernstein", New Literary History (1991)

Leslie Scalapino, "Pattern as Qualitative Infinity: The Unit as a Book,the Book as a Unit", The Sophist, Poetics Journal (1987), rpt. in How Phenomena Appear to Unfold (Hartford: Potes & Poets, 1990)
Albert Gelpi, "The Geneology of Modernism: Contemporary American Poetry", Southern Review, Summer 1990

George Hartley, Textual Politics and the Language Poets, Indiana University Press (1989)
Marjorie Perloff, "New Nouns for Old", in Exploring Postmoderism, ed. M. Calinescu and D. Fokkema (Utrecht: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 1988)

Jerome McGann, "Contemporary Poetry: Alternate Routes", Critical Inquiry (1987); rpt. in Politics and Poetic Value, ed. Robert von Hallberg (University of Chicago Press, 1987); rpt. in McGann’s Social Values and Poetic Acts, Harvard University Press (1988)

Charles Vandersee, on "Surface Relectance" (review of On Equal Terms) in South Atlantic Review, 51: 3 (1986): pdf

Marjorie Perloff, "L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poetry in the ’80s", American Poetry Review (1984) (rpt. Dance of the Intellect, Cambridge University Press, 1985)

Michael Davidson, "Discourse in Poetry: Bakhtin and the Extension of the Dialogical", Code of Signals/Io (1983)


The Kinds of Poetry I Want: Essays and Comedies
Jerome McGann in Critical Inquiry
Norman Finkelstein, Restless Messenger
Billy Millis, Elliptical Movements
Rob McLennon
Aurora Bernardini in Sibila
Thomas Fink, Jacket2 (forthcoming)
Turkish translation of Auster's foreword in Buzdokuz

Poetry Has No Future Unless It Comes to End (with Davide Balula)
Feng Yi. Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature 8:4 (2024): pdf
Johanna Drucker, review of Poetry Has No Future Unless It Comes to an End -- Substack (2023)
Chris Mustazza, "It Do the Poets in Different Voices: Generative AI Voices, the Uncanny, and the Poetry Audio Archive" in Iperstoria 24 (2024) (pdf)

Pataquerical Ballad, two vols: translation of "The Pataquerical Imagaination: The Promise of Bent Stiudies" and commentary / performative extenstion by Runa Bandyopadhyay: English and Bengali volumes (Kolkata: Sopan, 2024).
Johanna Drucker's review of this book (2024)

Doubletalking the Homophonic Sublime
Norman Finkelstein in Restless Messengers (Nov. 2021)

Gig Ryan, "The Aversion of Conformity," in Australian Book Review (March 2022): tear sheet
Brian Stefans, "This Working Title Will Be Replaced: Charles Bernstein’s Forever Forthcoming," in boundary 2 (2021)
Feng Yi, Poetry in Review (July 31, 2021)
Jeremy Sigler, [profile] “The Yid and Yang of of Poet Charles Bernstein,” Tablet (April 26, 2021)
Runa Bandyopadhyay, "Flip to Flog Upside Down" in Sybil(& in Portugues in Sibila) (2021)
Jefferson Hanson, “Tribute to the Critic of Tone Jam: Remarks Off Bernstein’s Topsy-Turvy,” Altered States
Paul Bove on "Echologs" at Harvard Univ. Press blog
The Bookseller

The Course
Feng Yi, Fence Constant Critic (2020)
Mark Wallace , Thinking Again (2023)

Don Yorty blog
Neeli Cherkovski in The Broolyn Rail (2020)
Douglas Messerli, Hyperallergic (Dec, 8, 2018)
Feng Yi, “Entanglement of Echoes in Near/Miss,”JELL (Journal of English Language and Literature), Seoul, S Korea, 64:2 (2018): pdf
Runa Bandyopadhyay, (Kolkata, W. Bengal) & tr. Jacket2
Best lists: Christian Bok, Derek Beaulieu

The Language Letters / L=A=N-G=U=G=E Facsimile / L= Bk +
Emmanuel Laugier, "Impliquer le langage Format américain, l’intégrale (1993-2006) de Collectif - L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, le livre, in Matricule des Anges, Dec. 2021 #228: pdf
2020: Bob Perelman, ALH
Solveig Daugaard, Textual Cultures 13:20
Michael Coffey in Bomb (2020)

Pitch of Poetry
Publisher’s Weekly
(Jan. 2016)
Library Journal (March 2016)
Jake Marmer , "A Jellyfish With a Jew’s Ear, for the Millions: Avant-garde trickmaster Charles Bernstein’s mass appeal is evident in his new collection of essays," Tablet Magazine (March 19, 2016)
Frank Davy, "Bernstein’s More Perfect Pitch of Poetry," London Poetry Mic (April 2016)
Al Filreis, Jacket 2 (April 2016)
John Amen, "Pitch of Poetry: Iterations of the Avant Garde,"X-Peri (April, 2016)
Li Zhimin, "Cut continuously for more perfection: Reflections of Charles Bernstein’s avant-garde poetics on basis of Pitch of Poetry," Foreign Literature Studies, 39:2, April 2017
TLS, Jules Smith, "Charles Bernstein’s Aestheitc Probe," Sept. 2, 2016
Australian Book Review, John Hawke, "Making Strange: An Instructive Introduction to Bernstein’s Energetic Advocacy," Oct. 2016
Choice, Highly Recommended, Jan. 2017 & "Outstanding Academic title"
Art in America, March 2017
Tim Dean,  ALH Online Review, Series X, April 2017
Douglas Messerli, Hyperallergic (April 9, 2017)
J. Peter Moore, American Literature, Volume 89, Number 4, December 2017
American Literature: The Twentieth Century: “Poetry” by James Gifford and Margaret Kongol in The Year's Work in English Studies (Oxford, 2018): pdf

Best lists: Guardian, Rumpus, Eyewear

Versatorium & Lux books (German translation):
Stefan Schmitze , Fixpoetry (May 2017)
Jan Kuhlbrodt, Signaturen Magazine (2017)
Franx Hoffner, Fixpoetry, (April 2015)
Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung, Feb. 25 2015
Harvard Crimson (April 15, 2014) (article on Waterhouse/Bernstein seminar)
Jan Kuhlbrodt, Signaturen Magazine (2014)
Elke Engelhardt, Fixpoetry (Dec. 4, 2013)

Blanco Immóvil
Rodríguez Saavedra, Proyecto Patrimonio (2014)
Marcello Cohen, Outra Parte (Buenos Aires, Nov. 20, 2014)
Carlosalcorta ~ Literatura y arte
(Dec. 2, 2014
Santiago García Tirado, Quimera, # 376 (Spain, March, 2015)
Luis Muniz, La Nueva Espagna,(June 11, 2015)

Diego Badez, Booklist (2013)
Grace Cavalieri, Washington Independent Review of Books (pdf) (March 2013)
rob mclennan’s blog
Kacy Muir, Northeast Pennsylvania Weekender  (The Times Leader, Wilkes Barre, PA) April 3, 2013, rated WWWWW (5 star/highest)  [Wilkes-Barre, PA]
Al Filries, introduction to April 16 Penn launch.
Caleb Beckwith, Volta
Josh Cook, Bookslut (May 2013)
Frank Davey, London Open Mic (May 2013) 
Tom Beckett, Galatea Resurrects #20 (May 2013)
Jake Marmer, "Charles Bernstein Makes Lovely Cacophony in his Latest Collection: Secular Avant Garde Poet’s Most Jewish Work" in Forward
Reed Cooley, American Reader vol 1, 5/6  May/June 2013
Jed Rasula, Provincetown Arts Summer 2013: pdf
Mary Weston, Cleaver#2, Summer 2013
Sean Singer, The Rumpus, Nov. 8, 2013 
Mark Ford, TLS, Nov. 22, 2013
Adam Fitzgerald, The American Reader, January 2014 
Gan Wenping, "Border and Possibility: On Bernstein’s New Collection Recalculating," Foreign Literary Studies [Wai Guo Wen Xue Yan Jiu] 36:4 (Wuhan, China, 2014)
Andrei Codrescu on Recalculating, Codrescu's web site (2024) & Black Bar Quarterly Review of Books

Attack of the Difficult Poems
Jared Demick, The Jivin’ Ladybug, April 2011
Joel Brouwer, "In Praise of Promiscuous Thinking", Poetry Foundation, June 2011
Norman Fischer, everyday zen, April/May, 2011
Toronto Globe and Mail, April 23, 2011
Chris Jones, Times Higher Education, June 23, 2011
Douglas Messerli, Los Angeles Review of Books, July 28, 2011: reprinted here
Thomas Fink, press 1, Fall, 2011
Norbert Hirschhorn, Eyewear, Sept. 21, 2011
Michael Hennessey, Attention Span, Sept. 2011
Scott Wilkerson, Word for Word, Feb. 2012
Rachel Abramowitz, "The Importance of Being Difficult: Charles Bernstein’s Attack of the Difficul Poems", The Kenyon Review, Winter 2012
Rosemary Winslow, "A Poetics of Social Acts," American Book Review, Volume 33, Number 2 (January/February 2012)
Stephen Ross, TLS, March 2, 2012
Gerald Bruns, "Anarchic inventions: On making poetry present," Jacket2, July 2012
Václav Paris, "Poetry in the Age of Digital Reproduction: Marjorie Perloff’s Unoriginal Genius, and Charles Bernstein’s Attack of the Difficult Poems," Jourrnal of Modern Literature, 35:3 (2012)
Joshua Weiner, "A Hazard of New Fortunes" in Los Angeles Review of Books (Sept. 19, 2012)
Gary Thomas Morse, "Text in the City: Difficult Language," Talonbooks.Com (Nov. 7, 2012)
Adelaide Morris, American Literature, 85:4 (2013)

All the Whiskey in Heaven
Publisher’s Weekly, 2/20/10 starred review
David Kaufman, "Sensible Swoons," Tablet Magaizne,  (Feb.)
TimeOut New York (March)
Jake Marmer, "Fussing on the Cliff, Is This What You Call the Jewish Avant-Garde?", Forward, (March 26, 2010)
Yunte Huang, Santa Barbara News Press (March 28. 2010)
Daisy Fried, The New York Times Book Review (April 11, 2010); jpg clipping
Ken Tucker, Entertainment Weekly (April 16, 2010
Jeff Simon, Buffalo News (April 11, 2010)
Tim Griffin, Bookforum (April 14, 2010)
The New York Times Book Review, Editors’ Choice (April 18, 2010)

Richard Demming, Boston Review, June 2010
JBunce, Hub Pages (June 2, 2010)
John Herbert Cunningham, The Quarterly Conversation, “Poetry’s Ulysses: All the Whiskey in Heaven"
(June 7, 2010)

Mark Scroggins,The Rumpus (July 8, 2010)
Mary Maxwell,Provincetown Arts (Summer 2010)
New Pages (September 2010
Tom Lewek, Critical Frame (September 2010)
David Lau, Lana Turner #(3, 2010)
Harriet Zinnes, Hollins Critic 48.2 (2011): 18+
Stephen Ross, The Wolf #24, "Through Fog and Fumbling Shadow" (Spring 2011)
Kaplan Harris, Postmodern Culture (20:3, 2010) "A Zine Ecology of Charles Bernstein’s Selected Poems"
Norbert Hirschhorn, Eyewear, Sept. 21, 2011
Benjamin Myers, Connotation Press, October 2011
Stephan Delbos, The Prague Post, May 30, 2012
Fred Dings, World Literature Today, July 2012
Jason Guriel, "Words Fail Him: The Poetry of Charles Bernstein" Parnassus (vol. 33, 2013) <>
Todd Swift, All the Whisky in Heaven, Poertry London, Summer 2013

Girly Man

Arc Poetry Magazine: Elizaberth Bachinsky #64 (Summer 2010): p. 150. 
Boston Review: David Greenberg, “When That Becomes This” partly on "War Stories" (July/August 2011)
Brooklyn Rail
: Gordon Tapper (March 2007)
Buffalo News: R.D. Pohll 10/13/06
EBR: "Either You’re With Us and Against Us: Charles Bernstein’s Girly Man, 9-11, and the Brechtian Figure of the Reader (2008)
Experimental  Fiction and Poetry:
Jefferson Hansen (2008)
David Kaufman, "Rattling the Chains of American Poetry : Charles Bernstein’s unique blend of polemic, parody and just plain invention" (12/21/06)
Harvard Review: Kathleen  Rooney (Spring 2007)
Jacket 33: Dan Thomas-Glass (July 2007)
Kansas City Star: Robert Hicks review (12/31/06)
Klassekampen (Norway): Martin Glaz Serup (4/7/2007) (Norweigan)
Allen Mozak on Girly Man For the Birds, Dec. 2009)
The Line Break: Tom Holmes on 12x12
The New Review: Douglas Messerli, "The Possibility of Rectitude" -- on Let’s Just Say (2005)
Philadelphia Inquirer: Thomas Devaney (2/18/07)
Poetry Project Newsletter: Chuck Stebelton (April-June, 2007)
Poetry Magazine: Ange Mlinko & David Yezzi (May 2007)
Post IV: Maurice Devitt, "Girly Man: poetry as reality TV" (Irish Center for Poetry Studies, c. 2012
Publishers Weekly (8/28/2006)
The Quarterly Conversation by John Herbert Cunningham (Feb. 2009)
Meredith Quartermain on World on  Fire
Stanza: Ton van ’t Hof, (in Dutch)
Susan Schultz on "Some of These Daze" in "’World Trade Center’: Wrting after 9/11," the coda to A Poetics of Impasse in Modern and Contemporary American Poetry (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2005).
Ron Silliman on World on Fire; and als
o on two poems from Let’s Just Say: Silliman on "In Particular" and Silliman on "Thank You for Saying Thank You" (2003-4); Silliman on Girly Man (2006)
Talisman: Corinne Robins (#34 Winter/Spring 2007)
William Watkin’s Blog   (March 15, 2007)
Verse: Thomas Fink (Feb. 2007)
Washinton Post: Robert Pinsky’s "Poet’s Choice" (1/28/07)
Foreign Literature Studies [Wai Guo Wen Xue Yan Jiu], 33:6, 2011(Wuhan, China),
Wei Xiaofei, "The Grape of Sapped Language Poetry: On Charles Bernstein’s Girly Man
Michelle Strizever on Reading Red at Smithsonian Library blog (2012)
Top ten for Pinky’s Rule in Art in America, Raphael Rubinstein (12/27/11)
H.K. Rainey, "Mis-Seaming of Perception and Time in Charles Bernstein’s The Sophist in chirrup! headspace blog (March 8, 2010
H.K. Rainey, "A Crystalline Confusion: Charles Bernstein’s The Sophist, in chirrup! blog (Feb. 8, 2010)
Allen Mozek, on Republics of Reality at For the Birds blog (Dec. 1, 2009)
Diego Braga Norte,  Histórias da Guerra in Revista Paradoxa, Sao Paulo
Todd Swift on Eyewear
Nate Pritts on Parsing in Puella Mea Pulp #1 (2008)
Vriezen, Islets/Irritations (2007) (Dutch)
Zoe Brigley [Thompson],
“The Big Grey Ir-Elephant: The Play ff Language In The Marx Brothers' Scripts and in Charles Bernstein's L=A N=G=U=A=G=E Poetry” in A Century of Marx Brothers, ed. Joesph Mills (Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007): pdf
Janne Nummela,  Runouden puolustus [A Defense of Poetry] in  Kiiltomato.Net (2006)
Rita Dahl, Runouden puolustus (2006)
Markku Paasonen, Runouden puolustus, Helsingin Sanomat (9/30/06)
Douglas Messserli, Let's Just Say, The New Review 2:2 (2005)
Yunte Huang, on With Strings, Boston Review
Caroline Bergvall, on A Conversation with David Antin, Jacket 22 (2003)
Brandon Lorver, introcution to Zinc Bar (NY) reading (20024): jpg

Tim Allen, "UnCircumstraint' and Gravid Americun" review of With Strings, Stride on line: " (2003)
James Longenbach, review of With Strings, Yale Review (Oct. 2002)
Jefferson Hansen, review of With Strings, Rain Taxi (Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring 2002)
Thomas Fink, review of With Strings, Jacket #19 (Oct. 2002) copublished with Verse
Elizaberth Fodaski, With Strings, in Provincetown Arts, vol. 17, 2002/2003
Jesper Olsson, "Charles Bernstein driver poesins sprak dit det sllan vistas", Svenska Dragbladet, 21 January 2002, "Under Strecket", p. 7
Max Winter, "With Strings", Poetry Project Newsletter #190, Spring 2002
Keith Eliot, With Strings, Terrible Work (UK): ", 2002
R. D. Pohl, "Disclaimers Are Necessary" (on With Strings), Buffalo News, 12/2/01
With Strings: short review in Publishers Weekly, Oct. 22, 2001
Holland Cotter, "Poetry Plastique," "In Galleries", The New York Times,February 23, 2001
Harriet Zinnes, Poetry Plastique, Denver Quarterly 36 (Spring/Summer 2001), 213-216
Republics of Reality reviewed by Susan Schultz, Verse, Vol. 18, #s 2&3 (2001)
Ethan Paquin, John Palattella, David Kellog, Three short reviews of Republics of Reality, Boston Review, 26:2, April/May 2001
Patrick Pritchett, Republics of Reality, on line edition of Rain Taxi (Summer 2000)
Manuel Brito, Republics of Reality, Nerter #2 (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain: 2000-2001)
Susan Schultz, Republics of Reality, Verse (Vol. 18, 2 and 3, 2000?)
James Shivers, Republics of Reality, Washington Review, Vol. XXVI, no. 4, December/January, 2000/01
Paul Quinn, "Bernstein's Republics: The Horizon of Language", PN Review 136, Nov.-Dec. 2000, 27:2 (2000)
Paul Quinn, "Letter from Buffalo," TLS, 6/30/00
Tim Wood, "Politics, Poetics, and Laughter Against Tears", ArtsDFW.Com (2000)
Timothy Gray, My Way, American Literature 72:3, pp. 663-664 (2000)
Publishers Weekly, March 27, 2000 (p. 72-3), Republics of Reality
R.D. Pohl, Republics of Reality, Buffalo News, May 7, 2000
Antoine Caze, My Way, Verse, Vol. 16, No. 3 /Vol. 17, No. 1 (2000)
Antoine Cazé, My Way, Sping 2000, Sources; in French
Dean Young, Close Listening, Text and Presentation: Journal of the Comparative Drama Conference (Vol. 21, April 2000, pp. 182-184)
Geoff Ward, My Way, Boston Review (October/November 1999)
My Way, Rain Taxi (#14, Summer 1999)
Andrew Osborn, My Way, Chicago Review, Vol. 45, No. 3/ 4 (1999)
Norman Weinstein, My Way (American Letters & Commentary #11, 1999)
Brian Henry, My Way, Stand (New Series: 1:4, 1999, Leeds, UK) and L A G N I A P P E: Poetry and Poetics in Review (1:3, 1999)
Paul Quinn, "Rattling the Chains of Free Verse": My Way and Log Rhythms, TLS (4/30/99)
Corinne Robbins, Close Listening, American Book Review, May-June, 1999
Molly McQuade, My Way, Washington Post (4/25/99:X04)
Keith Tuma, "Midnight at the Oasis: Performing Poetry inside the Spectacle", on Close Listening, Modernism/Modernity 6.1 (1999)
Michael Thurston, "Writing the Elephant: Five Books on Modern Poetry", on Close Listening, College Literature 26:3 (1999), 249-260
Dubravka Djuric, Close Listening, Nezavisni (Novi Sad 1/15/99); Samizdat #4 Fall/Winter (1999)
Corinne Robbins, Little Orphan Anagram, American Book Review, Jan.-Feb. 1999
James Shivers, Close Listening, Washington Review, XXIV:4, Dec./Jan. 1998/99
Short Reviews of My Way: Publisher's Weekly (1/25/99), Booklist (12/15/98), Kirkus (12/15/98), Library Journal (2/99)
W. B. Keckler, on "A Test of Poetry", Sulfur 42 (1998)
R. D. Pohl, "A Poet-Critic Lashes out at literary 'mediocracy'", review of My Way, Buffalo News (12/6/98)
Jerome Sala, Close Listening, The Poetry Project Newsletter #172, Dec./Jan. 1998/99
Gerald Schwartz, Close Listening, Rain Taxi, Autumn 1998
Jan Pug, A Poetics and The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, l’Esprit createur (Lexington, KY: XXXVIII:4)
Martin Earl, "A Well Tempered Pencil, being a review in verse of Charles Bernstein's polemic, A Poetics, Revista Critica de Ciéncia Sociais #47 (Feb. 1997).
Kenneth Goldsmith, Talespin, Sulfur 41 (1997)
Kevin McGuirk, "Rough Trades and the Currency of Poetry," Canadian Review of American Studies27:3 (1997)
Nico Vassilakis, The Suject, Taproot Reviews #9/10 (1996)
Stephen Burt, "Adding to the Stock of Available Reality: on The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poets", Poetry Review 3:86, pp. 21-14 (UK), Fall, 1996
Sharon Dolan, "Arguing Poetry: How Contemporary Poets Write About Poetry", AWP Chronicle, 29:3 (December 1996)
Jeffrey Timmons, Dark City, Taproot Reviews #7/8 (1995)
Liz McMillen, "A Haven for Poet-Scholars: Buffalo’s poetics program bridges the divide between creative writing and critical theory", Chronicle of Higher Education, July 28, 1995, p. A12.
Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Dark City, Sulfur #36, 1995
Tony Door [Douglas Rothchild], Live at the Ear, The Poetry Project Neweletter, Feb./March 1995, vol. 156
Andre Lefevere, A Poetics, Comparative Literature Studies (32:1, pp. 79-81, 1995)
Dark City, Publishers Weekly, March 28, 1994, and Booklist, May 15, 1994 v90 n18 p1660(1)
Jefferson Hansen, Dark City, Washington Review of the Arts (date unknown)
John Palattella, "Learning to Be Contemporary Somewhere in the Middle of Modernism", A Poetics, Contemporary Literature (XXXV:1, 1994; pp. 183-194)
Paul Mann, The Politics of Poetic Form, Contemporary Literature (XXXV:1, 1994; pp. 171-181)
Jefferson Burns, Dark City, Washington Review of the Arts (1994)

John Bowers, "L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poetry", Dark City, The Bookpress (Ithaca, NY: Oct. 1994)
Geoffrey O’Brian, introduction, Poetry Pilot (newsletter of the American Academy of Poetry), Fall 1994, p. 6.
Dale Heininger, note on Dark City, Private Arts 89 (Chicago, 1994), pp. 437-37
Calvin Bedient, "The Retreat from Poetic Modernism" (A Poetics), Modernism/modernity (I:3, 1994; pp. 221-31)
Belle Randall, A Poetics, Common Knowledge (3:3, p. 176; Winter 1994)
Joseph Torra, "The Alternative Continuum", A Poetics, in Agni Review (1993 or 94, pp. 172-73)
Peter Baker, A Poetics, College Literature (20:2, pp. 219-21; 1993)
Alan Golding, A Poetics, American Literature (Vol. 65, #1, March 1993: 173-4)
Meredith Quartermain, "Magnificent Cacophany", A Poetics, West Coast Line (#9:95-99, 1993)
Glyn Maxwell, A Poetics, TLS (1/29/93)
Susan Smith Nash, Islets/Irritations, Washington Review (XIX:1, p.24, June/July 1993)
Leevhi Lehto, "Rebellious Charles Bernstein and the Usualness of the Unusual" {Insurgent Charles Bernstein and the Commonness Of Uncommon] (interview/article), Helsingin Sanomat (Helsinki, 1/17/93, p.B3)
John Leonard, A Poetics, Journal of the Australasian Language and Literary Association (rec’d Feb. 1993, pp. 101-106)
Ange Mlinko, A Poetics, lift (#12:70-72, May 1993)
Roger Riggins, Islets/Irritations and A Poetics, Home Planet News (#36, 9/93)
William Pratt, A Poetics, World Literature Today (Autumn 1993)
Tom Beckett, Islets/Irritations in Taproot (1993)
Rachel DuPlessis, A Poetics, Sulfur (31:1992)
Susan M. Schultz, A Poetics, Postmodern Culture (3:1;1992)
Keith Tumma, Rough Trades, Sulfur (30:1992)
H. L. Hix, A Poetics, Harvard Review (1:1992)
R. D. Pohl, A Poetics, The Buffalo News (5/3/92)
Virginia Quarerly Review (unsigned), A Poetics (1992)
Marcel Cornis-Pope, Politics of Poetic Form, American Book Review (1991)
Don Wellman, Politics of Poetic Form, O.Ars (1991)
Avery E.D. Burns, Absent Father in Dumbo, Lift (1991)
Charles Palau, Politics of Poetic Form, intent. (1991)
Laurie Abbott, Politics of Poetics Form, Whole Earth Review 70 (1991): pdf
Fernando Galvan, "Absent Father", Syntaxis (1991)
Bruce Campbell, The Sophist, Raddle Moon (1991)
Allan Kozinn, "Blind Witness News", New York Times 12/9/90 (I:83)
John Tritica, The Politics of Poetic Form, American Poetry, Vol. 7, Iss. 3, (Fall 1990)
Sibila Petlevski, "Pogled na novije americko pjesnistvo", Republica (Zagreb, 1990)
Joel Lewis, "1NK M4THEM4T1CS", Poets & Writers (1990)
Pierre Joris, Politics of Poetic Form, UCSD Archive Newsletter (1990)
Hank Lazer, "The Politics of Form and Poetry's Other Subjects: Reading Contemporary American Poetry," review of Politics of Poetc From in American Literary History, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Autumn, 1990)
Dbravka Djurik, Politics of Poetic Form, Knjizevna rec (1990: Beograd)
Daniel Barbiero, Artifice of Absorption, Aerial (1990)
Susan Smith Nash, Artifice of Absorption, Aerial (1990)
Steve Abbott, Senses of Responsibility, Poetry Flash (1990)
Nick Lawrence, Politics of Poetic Form, Lift (1990)
Rod Mengham, Content’s Dream, Textual Practice (1989)
Burt Kimmelman, S.--P. Martin, Daniel Barbiero, Dennis Barone, WR Boreman on Artifice of Absorption, Paper Air (1989)
Michael Duff, Artifice of Absorption, Contact/II (1989)
Hank Lazer, "Radical Collage": The Sophist & Artifice of Absorption, The Nation (1988); rpt., Lazer, "Outlaw to Classic: The Poetry of Ron Silliman and Charles Bernstein," Opposing Poetries (Evanston: Northwest University Press, 1996), pp. 6-18.
Harold Beaver, Content’s Dream, Parnassus (1988)
Jerome McGann, Don Byrd, Bruce Campbell: "Three Responses to `The Sophist’", Sulfur (1988)
Eds. [Jack Amariglio et al], "On Language Poetry", Rethinking Marxism 1:4 (1988)
George Hartley, The Sophist, Temblor (1988)
Lee Bartlett, Content’s Dream, American Poetry (1988)
George Hartley, The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, American Poetry (1988)
Mac Wellman, Content’s Dream, Performing Arts Journal (1988)
Bruce Campbell, Veil, Temblor (1988)
Joey Simas, tr. J. Gugliemi, "Notes sur quelques poets americains," Action Poetique (1988)
Noel Peattie, Artifice of Absorption, Sipapu (1988)
Linda Reinfeld, "As Slope of Mind": The Sophist & Artifice of Absorption, American Book Review (1988)
Marjorie Perloff, Content’s Dream, Michigan Quarterly Review (1987)
Bill Bamberger, Artifice of Absorption, New Pages (1988)
Stephen--Paul Martin, Content’s Dream, Central Park (1987)
Linda Reinfeld, Content’s Dream, Temblor (1987)
Joseph Simas, Content’s Dream, Poetics Journal (1987)
Michael Duff, The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, Contact II (1987)
De Villo Sloan, Content’s Dream, Southern Humanities Review (1987)
A.L. Nielson, The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, Gargoyle (1987)
Burton Hatlen, Content’s Dream, Sagetrieb (1986)
Hank Lazer, "The Crisis in Poetry", Content’s Dream, The Missouri Review (1986)
Genevieve Stuttaford, ed. Content’s Dream, Publisher’s Weekly (1986)
Geoffrey O’Brien, The Maternal Drape (tr.), The Village Voice (1986), rpt. Poetry Flash (1987)
Deborah Stone," Profile," New Zealand Herald (1986)
Lee Bartlett, "What is Language Poetry?", Critical Inquiry (1986)
Ken Edwards, Content’s Dream----"Best Books of 1986", City Limits (London), 1986
Don Wellman, "Sound’s Suggestions" (Islets/Irritations), Sagetrieb and Credences (1986)
Larry Price, "Edit Is Act: Some Measurement for Content’s Dream", Line (1986)
Richard Silberg, Content’s Dream, Poetry Flash (1986)
P. Smith, Content’s Dream, Choice (1986)
Michael Golston, "Beachcombing Through Whimsey", Senses of Responsibility, Jimmy & Lucy's House of "K" (1986)
John Byrum, Content’s Dream, Small Press (1986)
Lee Bartlett, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, American Literary Scholarship (Duke University Press, 1985)
Joan Retallack, Resistance, The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, and the Difficulties, Parnassus (1985)
David Bromige, The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, Poetics Journal, (1985)
Tony Green, The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, Splash (1985)
David Lloyd, The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, Poetics Journal (1985)
Benjamin Hollander, Resistance, Sulfur (1985)
Ben Friedlander, Resistance, Jimmy and Lucy’s (1985)
Jean Day, Resistance, Jimmy and Lucy’s (1984)
Peter Middleton, The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, Reality Studios (1984)
The Year’s Work in English Studies, The English Association and John Murray (London), The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book (Vol. 66 for 1985, London)
Geoffrey O’Brien, Resistance, The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book, Village Voice Literary Supplement (1984)
Mitch Highfill, Islets/Irritations, The Poetry Project Newsletter (1984)
Gerald Burns, "How to Nonread", Sulfur (1984)
Ken Edwards, Islets/Irritations, Reality Studios (1984)
Kenneth Funsten, Islets/Irritations, Los Angeles Times(1983)
Ronald Bailey, "Poetry in Review", New York Arts (1983)
Steve Roberts, "Reading Eye Lets", Poetics Journal (1983)
Burton Hatlen, Controlling Interests, Sagetrieb (1982)
Douglas Messerli, "Rhythms of the `Language’ Poets", MLA Annual Convention, New York (1982) in Green Integer blog (2008)
Mac Wellman, "Language Outlaws" on Poetic Justice (1981)
Douglas Messerli, Stigma, Village Voice Literary Supplement (1982)
John (Mac) Wellman, Controlling Interests, Washington Review (1982)
Douglas Messerli, "Making the Mind Whole: Controlling Interests, " Paper Air (1982); rpt My Year 2004: Under (Los Angeles: Green Integer, 2008) & Reading With My Lips blog (2024)
A. L. Nielson, Controlling Interests, Gargoyle (1982)
Craig Watson, "Three Books by Charles Bernstein", Sulfur (1982)
Richard Hammersly, Review in Lobby (UK) by R.H.
Paul Green, Senses of Responsibility, Reality Studios (1980)
Andrei Codrescu, Controlling Interests, Baltimore City Paper (1980)
John Yau, Shade, The Poetry Project Newsletter (1978)
David Ingnatius, Marat/Sade, The Harvard Crimson (1970)
: note typographical error in first line introduced with the digitization: "Paradise Note" should be "Paradise Now" (the Living Theater piece); poster

Reviews of Shadowtime:

NEW YORK—July 2005
Opera News, Oct. 2005 (Arlo McKinnon)
Paris Transatlantic
, Sept. 2005 (Nicholas Rice)
New York Newsday, July 26 (Daniel Schlosberg)
New York Sun,
July 25 (Fred Kirshnit)
Mappemunde, July 24 (Tim Peterson)
Sequenza 21, July 23 (David Salavage)
Fait Accompli, July 22 and July 23 (Nick Piombino)
Seen & Heard (Bruce Hodges)
The Philadelphia Inquirer, July 23 (David Patrick Stearns); also in Andante
The New York Times, July 23 (Anthony Tommasini)
Poetics List, July 23 (Donald Wellman)
The Philadelphia Inquirer, July 21 (David Patrick Stearns)
The New York Times, July 17 (Jeremy Eichler)
New York Press, July (Allan Lockwood)
Newark Star-Ledger, July 10 (Willa Conrad)
PennCurrent, July 7 (Judy West)
Stanford Magazine July/August

RUHR TRIENNIEL, Bochum (Germany) October, 2005
Westfälische Rundschau (Sonja Müller-Eisold), Oct. 4, 2005
Waz, Oct. 4, 2005
NRZ, Oct. 4, 2005 (Johannes Glauber)
Westdeutsche Zeitung (Sophia Willems)

LONDON—July 2005

Stride Magazine, July (Ira Lightman)
TLS, July 22 (Andrew Porter)
Seen and Heard, July, 2005 (Anne Ozorio)
Classical Source (July 2005) ( Richard Whitehouse)
musicircus, July (Rob Witts)
The Observer Review (Guardian/UK), July 17 (George Hall)
The Evening Standard, July 11 (Fiona Maddocks)
The Guardian, July 8, 2005; preview/interview (Andrew Clements); also in All About Jewish Theater

— May 2004
Süddeutsche Zeitung, May 27, 2004: text only;   jpeg image of page,   pdf of page (Wolfgang Schrieber
Frankfurter Allgemeine, May 27, 2004 (Juliana Spinola)
Die Welt, May 28, 2004 (Egbert Tholl); virtually same review in Stuttgarter Zeitung, May 27, 2004
Niederlandeweb, May 24,. 2004
Münchener Merkur, May 27, 2004
(Markus Theil)
Berliner Zeitung, May 27, 2004 (Klaus Georg Koch)
Augsburger Allgemeine, May 27, 2004 Rüdiger Heinze)(jpg file)
Südwest Press, May 27, 2004 (Jürgen Kanold) (gif file)
Abendzeitug, May 27, 2004  (Marianne Reßinger(jpg file)
Die Zeit, June 3, 2004 (text only); or: link to newspaper site (Claus Spahn)

Music & Vision, June 3, 2004 (or: text only version) (Tess Crebbin)
Seen and Heard, June 2004 (John Warnaby)
Süddeutsche Zeitung, May 27, 2004(English translation)
The Guardian, May 28, 2004 (Andrew Clements)
Financial Times, May 27, 2004 (Shirley Apthorp)
Sunday Times, June 6, 2004 (Paul Driver)
The Independent, June 24, 2004 (Keith Potter)
Gema News (English version) (Reinhard Schulz)
Radical Philosophy 127 (Sep/Oct 2004) (Esther Leslie)

Festival d’Automne press dossier
Süddeutsche Zeitung, May 27, 2004 (traduction française)
Omar Berrada Entreitien -- Les Lettres française, 26 Octobre 2004
Le Figaro, 28 Octobre 2004 (Jacques Doucelin)
Le Monde, 31 Octobre 2004 (Pierre Gervasoni)

Earlier Reviews and Commentaries:
Excerpt from "Doctrine of Similarity" with a commentary by Roger Kamenetz, published in the Forward (NYC), March 2004
See Richard Toop’s program notes on Scene II, "Les Froissements d’Ailes de Gabriel"
Preview in The Prospect, 4/29/04
Review in The Times, London, March 17, 2004
Review in The Guardian, March 16, 2004
Review of "Opus Contra Naturam,", February 2004
Preview of NY production by Paul Griffiths, New York Times (June 4, 2004)
Bernard Holland, Doctrine of Similarity, New York TImes (March 30, 2000) 92nd Street Y, part of "Perspectives: Maurizio Pollini".

General Discussion of Language Poetry
Poetry Flash
Language issue (1979): pdf
Joel Lewis, Introduction of Language Poetry, Poets & Writers Magazine, Sept./Oct. 1990


Herman Rappaport, "Dark Sayings: Warbling Words", MLA Annual Convention, New Orleans, 12/30/2001
Jonathan Monroe, "Gender, Miscommunication, and Levels of Address in Ashbery, Waldrop, and Bernstein", presented at the MLA Annual Convention, 12/29/93
Loss Glazier, "Sounding Bernstein", the Twentieth Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville, February, 1996.
John Palattella, "Hodgepodgelodge: Dark City" (1995) (ms, in UCSD archive)
Alan Golding, "Formal and Ideological Rupture in Language Writing", Midwest MLA Conference (1989)

Reference Works

The Literary Enclyopedia, entry by Nerys Williams (2009)
Logan Esdale, “Charles Bernstein” entry in The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poets and Poetry (2005)
Contemporary Poets (London: St. James Press; New York: St. Martin’s Press 1985); entry by Paul Christianson; updated 2001
Encyclopedia of American Poetry: The Twentierh Century, ed. Eric L. Haralson (London: Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001), entry by Tim Woods
American Literary Scholarship : Anita Plath Helle, "My Way in Poetry: The 1940s to the Present" - Volume 1999, Issue 1 1999
Postmodern Fiction: A Bio--Bibliographic Guide, ed. Larry McCaffery (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1986); entry by Ron Silliman
Dictionary of Literary Biography: Contemporary Poets, Vol. 2 (Gale Research, 1996); entry by Loss Pequeno Glazier
Contemporary Jewish-American Dramatists and Poets : A Bio-Critical SourceBook, ed. Joel Shatzky & Michael Taub (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1999)
Henry Sayre, "Avant--Garde and Experimental Writing," in Columbia Literary History of the United States (1988)
Eric Mottram, "Recent American Poetics", in The New Pelican Guide to English Literature: American Literature, ed. Boris Ford (1988)
Director, Job Development Services, and Associate Director, The Cultural Council Foundation Artists Project (CETA) (1979-81). The Artists Project employed 300 artists and was the largest public-employment program for artists since the WPA (as part of the Comprehensive Employment Training Act of the Carter administration).

Editor, Merck Minutes (national tabloid journal for community pharmacists) (1984-1989)

Abstracts Editor, Modern Medicine of Canada (1977-78)

Free-lance writer, numerous medical publications and healthcare media producers (1976-1989)

Editor, Health Manpower Consortia Newsletter, United Hospital Fund (1976)

Staff Associate, Council on Municipal Performance (a public interest research group) (1975)

Health Eduction Coordinator, Freedom Community Clinic, Santa Barbara , California (produced pamphlets and broadsides on STDs and their treatment and organized sex education programs for schools (1973-75)

Editor, Harvard Yard Journal (1968-69) (literary magazine)

I Had to Buy a Ticket to the Matinee
by David Keyser at the Loeb Drama Center Experimental Theater (1969)
Marat/Sade by Peter Weiss, at Adams House; Leonard Lehrman, music director (1970)
The Bow and the Gun by Lionel Abel, at Adams House (1970)
Comings and Goings — montage of Harold Pinter’s Old Times,Samuel Beckett’s Come and Go," and the transcript of the trial of the Chicago 8, at Adams House (1971)
Editor, Writing (1971-72): xerox magazine of writing from Adam’s House
Senior Thesis, "Three Compositions on Philosophy and Literature" (A Reading of Gertrude Stein’s Making of Americans, and other works, through Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations) (1972)
Member, Adams House Commitee

Bollingen Prize for American Poetry (2019): lifetime achievement and Near/Miss (PennToday, WHYY, Philadelphia Inquirer, The New York Times)

Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences (2006-)

The 2025 America Award for a Lifetime Contribution to International Writing
Janus Pannonious Grand Prize for Poetry (2015)
The Beltran Family Award for Innovative Teaching & Mentoring at the Kelly Writers House (University of Pennsylvania) (2018-19)

Münster Prize for International Poetry (2015)
Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, University of Pennsylvania (2009)
Dean’s Award for Innovation in Teaching, University of Pennsylvania (2005)
State University of New York Distinguished Professor (2002)
Roy Harvey Pearce/Archive for New Poetry Prize of the University of California, San Diego; for lifetime contribution to poetry and scholarship (1999)
New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship (1995 and 1990)
University of Auckland Foundation Fellowship (1986)
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship (1985)
National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship (1980)
William Lyon McKenzie King Fellow at Simon Fraser University (1973)
ASCAPLUS Award (concert division): awarded annually each year from 1993 to 2018

Finalist, Lenore Marshall / Nation prize best book of the year, Republics of Reality (Academy of American Poetry, 2000)
Finalist, Foreword Reviews 2001 poetry Book of the Year, With Strings

Phi Beta Kappa (of Alpha) (1972)
Adams House Coat-of-Arms (1972)
Award of Excellence for Journalism, The New York Times and St. Bonaventure University (for editing Science Survey, high school newspaper; 1968)
Yale Club of New York Book Award (outstanding high school student; 1968)

April 4, 2019 birthday/retirement celebration at Penn

HONORARY DEGREES (honoris causa)

M.A., University of Pennsylvania (2004)
Litt.D., Ohio Wesleyan University (2022)

A.B., Harvard College [Philosophy concentration](1968-1972)
Bronx High School of Science (1964-1968)
Date of Birth: April 4, 1950
Married to Susan Bee (Laufer)
Children: Emma (1985-2008) and Felix (b. 1992)