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Presented by just buffalo literary center and the Electronic Poetry Center Registration | Local Accommodation/Logistics Sponsors | Participants | Schedule & Program
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Featured poets will read, perform, and exhibit works that currently define the state of the art in digital poetries. An emphasis will be made on presenting internationally influential practitioners whose contributions have yet to be publicly recognized in the US. This will be the first presentation of such works in this range and depth in a single venue. The festival will take place over three and a half days. Pre-festival events on the afternoon of the 18th will inaugurate the festival. Then, from the 19-21st, there will be three full days of morning and afternoon panels highlighted by featured readings in the afternoons and evenings. Panels and round table discussions will provide the opportunity for digital practitioners, scholars, and electronic editors/publishers to engage in conversations on crucial, controversial, and/or critical questions about these evolving forms. Though digital poetry has been part of other digital conferences, "E-POETRY, 2001: An International Digital Poetry Festival" promises to be an historic literary event since it will be the first festival devoted exclusively to this emerging form of literary practice so crucial to the 21st century. We hope it will prove a landmark literary event as well as a coming of age event for current practice of digital poetry. Please set aside these dates in your calendar and plan to join us in Buffalo for this event! Loss Pequeño Glazier Festival Director Director, Electronic Poetry Center Ed Taylor Executive Director just buffalo literary center REGISTRATION Note: Open registrations for E-Poetry 2001 are no longer being accepted. You may, however, register on a space-available basis. If you have a special reason for wishing to attend the conference, please send an e-mail describing your interest. We may not be able to accommodate all requests. Participants are asked to register at their earliest convenience. There will be no charge for festival participants except for a possible nominal admission charge for the three evening events. Early registration is particularly helpful to us. To register send a message indicating your interest to epc@acsu.buffalo.edu with "REGISTRATION FOR E-POETRY 2001" in the subject line of your message. Please include your name, e-mail address and URL for your work (if applicable), institutional affiliation (if any), main area of interest in the medium, and city/state or city/country. LOCAL ACCOMMODATION/LOGISTICS Most daytime events for the E-Poetry 2001 festival will be held at the Buffalo-Niagara Marriott Hotel, 1340 Millersport Highway, Amherst, New York. This location is across the street from the State University of New York at Buffalo's Amherst campus and it has the advantage of being in a small commercial zone loaded with a variety of hotels that are a 2 minute walk from the festival. Evening readings and receptions will be held in the city of Buffalo; we will try to coordinate transportation via student volunteers, carpools, etc., to get you to Buffalo for evening events. Please consult our Local Accommodation/Logistics page for information about getting there, hotels, meals, and weather.
SPONSORS The Electronic Poetry Center, SUNY Buffalo just buffalo literary center, Buffalo, New York Poetics Program, Dept. of English, SUNY Buffalo College of Arts & Sciences, SUNY Buffalo. Sponsored by TDN: Computers with Buffalo Built-In. Special thanks to Louis J Slovinsky |