Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mary Ellen Solt,
a pioneer of vispo,
has died


Some translations Ms. Solt
might have approved of:

Ron Padgett of Francis Picabia

Sean Bonney’s Baudelaire


Literary bloggers
seen as a threat


Of UbuWeb the Magnificent,
an interview


A survey of British poetry
in the 1990s


Scream on!


The Mersey Sound


A NY Times obit
for Nazik al-Malaika


Talking with
Ric Royer


The 2007 Bay Area
Poetry Marathon

day 2
is today


Some terrific readings coming up
at Moe’s Books, in

Monday, July 2:
The Bootstrap Book of Poetic Journals

Monday, July 9:
Michael McClure & Diane DiPrima

Monday, July 23:
David Bromige & Richard Denner




has a blog


One press
that is doing very well,
thank you


Viewing Christa Wolf
from the right


A profile of


Published is published!


Fact & fiction
in Günter Grass’


Problems of the midlist
black novelist


Language anxiety


Google & the news


Fiction vs. fiction
in the trial of
JT Leroy




Sir Salman
in the Sea of Blasphemy


Internationalizing graduate education
by teaching in English


The anti-God market




Talking with
Mario Vargas Llosa


Last-chance attempts
to save the Barnes


77 Million Paintings


The cost of “free admission


1,000 films to see
before you die