Talking with Lisa Samuels
of Laura Riding
(Parts 1, 2 & 3)
now has
a Canadian portal
Barney Rosset:
Godfather of independent publishing
Evergreen Review online
Black Mountain College
75th anniversary celebration
this week
Black Mountain’s legacy continues
The women of
Looking for
” emerging poets currently engaging specific elements
of [Charles] Olson’s poetics,
such as use, measure, breath, line, sound, and speech”
Geof Huth attempts to swallow
”Ketjak2: Caravan of Affect”
in one big gulp
12 ways of reading “Lit”
gets Huth half the way there
or maybe just 28%
Mark Morford on David Foster Wallace
A.O. Scott on Wallace
Every piece Wallace ever wrote
for Harper’s in PDF
The troubled lives of the Comma Bombers
Paul Lawrence Dunbar: Legacies
Cleveland Poetics: the blog
The end
not of publishing
but of BS
Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror
33 years later
Politics without the sermons
Joyce Carol Oates’
Schedule for
The Frank Stanford Literary Festival
next month in
Fayetteville laureate
struggles with medical bills
Nietzsche on the value of reading slowly
the “Netflix of magazines”
Judith Rechter’s Wild West
Why some writers should retire,
Mr Updike
Mary Bonina’s Living Proof
Bowdlerizing fairy tales
bin Laden the poet
How to give good blurb
The poet Amber Tamblyn
The Canterbury Tales
are going digital
A Malayalam translation of modern Swedish poetry
Lee Sharkey’s A Darker, Sweeter String
Slammin’ in Berlin
Just north of
social investing
saves a bookstore
The books of Oscar Wilde
Eilieen D’angeo on G. Emil Reutter
Minority language poetry
in the Philippines
Lillian Caesar
works in the tongues
of the
Talking with Jason Kirkey
When writer’s block is something more
than a strip of
Talking with Pete Brown
How to write poetry – not
An exercise in
literary self-portraits
Talking with Philip Pardi
Philosophy at Auburn
Teaching Philosophy 101
That first non-academic job
Humor gets no respect
Sarah Palindromes
What we smell
we dream
The 10 most expensive art books
sold on Abe Books
in 2008
The Babar retrospective
Is Metallica too loud?
Young adult fiction & presidential politics
Shutting out negative criticism
a Sol Lewitt retrospective
is emerging
“Should group sex be public art?”
The quilts of Gee’s Bend
come to Philly
How Winston Churchill
save British art
Logos gone wild
at the conventions
Open studios at the
Brooklyn Naval Yard
Francis Bacon, make your bed
It’s so much harder when you’re dead
Baader Meinhof film
alienates all