Photo courtesy of Jacket
A staged reading of
Bob Perelman's The Alps
produced by
Sarah Arkebauer & Michelle Taransky
will be performed today,
6:00 PM in the Arts Café
@ Kelly Writers House, Philadelphia
Jacket 39’s Bob Perelman feature
edited by Kristen Gallagher
Kristen Gallagher:
Bob Perelman:
Biographical Note
Rae Armantrout:
Bob Perelman’s Grammatology
Charles Bernstein:
The Importance of Being Bob
Louis Cabri:
Al Filreis:
The President of This Sentence:
Bob Perelman’s History
Kristen Gallagher:
Teaching Bob Perelman’s “The Story of My Life”
Alan Golding:
“Time to translate modernism into a contemporary idiom”:
Pedagogy, Poetics, and Bob Perelman’s Pound
Nada Gordon:
To the Reader (On Bob Perelman’s To the Reader)
Rob Halpern:
Restoring ‘China’
Lyn Hejinian:
Dreaming Something Else
Andrew Klobucar:
Bad Dreams:
Sense as Censorship in Bob Perelman’s The Future of Memory
Michael Magee:
‘Nearer to us Than the Present’:
Bob Perelman in the 90s, then and now
Nicole Markotić:
Three poems
Peter Middleton:
After Marginalization
Kit Robinson:
“Before Water,” After Years:
Bob Perelman and the Turn to History
Joshua Schuster:
For Bob Perelman:
An Ordinary Day in the Philadelphia of the Mind
Tim Shaner:
‘My Summer with Bob’:
A Paratactic Essay (in Co-production w/ Bob Perelman)
Susan Stewart:
Playing Bodies, a work in paintings and poetry
by Francie Shaw and Bob Perelman
Chris Stroffolino:
Fear Of Money…
Marjorie Welish:
For Best Results, Try…
Bob Perelman in conversation with Chris Alexander:
“Flat Motion”
Bob Perelman in conversation with Bruce Andrews:
New York, September 10, 2009
Bob Perelman in conversation with Peter Nicholls
Francie Shaw and Bob Perelman
in conversation with
Kristen Gallagher and Chris Alexander