Unpublished poems and fragments from the first typescript:



One page, dated “1/1/[19]64”

Two distinct corrections campaigns: (1) black ink and (2) red ball-pen. The few circled words seem to indicate (as it is often the case in Ashbery's manuscripts) dissatisfaction or hesitations on the writer's part.

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, “Lists”

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Long the days
Shepherded out of November
Into the most northern and calmest of
     New{Profit} areas.dele

The plumes
Pungent together announce
The white stalk bristling of its time
        a{To} forwardness.dele

As though a song {broke}dele
  severed{Out of} the wood.dele

The closed ground
Open on kind thoughts, tears, sweetmeats and confusiondele
Because this started out of the ground.
Dear triangle,dele

The weather abhors you
To prop up
The new storm with shrugging wood of
{The} lace of private saintsdele
Into days drier {than} beyond belongingdele
Privy to everything
Arranged, worried about

Desperately leading the new year over mountains{.}dele
Your ballots looked like this. Yellow in a white year.

Growing out to the nickname
Creating what I am, I,
Put off, waiting separately

Sold to the trunk
Sold to the leaves

Worn out by others' eyesight, (pressed by {violent} delightdele
Pressed by delight Suggesting a varied climatedele
Displaying all old cares.
