The first typescript

[Page 4]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 4

4 dele

Sitting watching the indifference of a child, the young polyphonist
Grows, precisely, away from the musical night invoked by prestidigitation
The smoke-covered alley thought better about. A sail
Which vanishes has no more adherence.
Therefore we should give over this absence, petrifying coal-dust
The way leagues of imps do. "The ship came sailing up the," and so on,
But as the water surface ripples, the whole light changes. Skies are aghast.
Some defacing of private property goes on, and the wild life in this region is polluted.
You answered him in lying articles. The column never appeared again.
So wails one possible answer next to the discreet head of the young cartomancian.

Baroque dummies of fallen mist could, in a pinch
Unwind the false patinas you've read about. Through a hole in the
Cardboard case half full, the skaters can be seen.
At this stage everything depends on a special bottle
Covered by its tin case, and a second glass beneath
The bottle in its position, now nor two bottles instead.dele
Again, the cases are put over the bottles, and again they
Are raised, nipping the special bottle with its
Two linings, and the space for the glass to stand within its
OfXX Dumb patina. There are many false starts, and you candele
Choose among them. Obliged to play with two or more, you
May not know the skaters' false chips, in the night of turns
Coming back once again the the anchor of morning. In your arms
lie the pasteboard remains. Now your only choice is to begin over.
Secretly dip the point of the glass rod in oil of vitriol, and touch the mass.

Few of them were present on that occasion:
The teacher, and a few friends. Abe thought of a child's devotiondele
To penmanship. It is necessary to trace each letterdele
Of the alphabet quite a few times to get them right.
The "c's" and "i's" can resemble each other quite a lot.
Now loosen the writing a little, and presently it will spread
On the farm landscape. The squares are clalled "White" and "Black" whatever their actual color may be.
For invisible writing, dip a quill in some goose grease and write
On the pad. Then dust some powedered charcoal over the surface
And the magic writing will appear. For plain writing
Try beginning with an easy word, such as "neck"
If you want the whole pad to be a success. The magic words can appear.dele
On an easily prepared pad.dele

Old sol was just reappearing on the tangent slope