The first typescript

— Part I —

[Page 1]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 1

1             dele
pinchball Some sounds, of course, it is almost impossible to reduce to writing, as, for example, the hollow "skaw" and murmur produced by a multitude of skaters, or the roar of an excited crowd, but in listening to these sounds, it is useful to remember that we may often obtain a key tone to work onxx upon by closing the ears--just as a  


The Skaters painter can often find the prevailing
A poem in five     parts  tint of a confused mass of objects dele
 Part  ChapteXXXXXXr 1 by partly closing the eyes." dele
Three Hundred Things 
Description of the actual scene. Abe. His way with children. First digression: Portrait of a Spendthrift. His bad habits. Nobody to help him. "Only a mother could ever love a guy like that." Possibility of happiness in another world. Life after death--a possibility? A kind of musical night is invoked. The poet thinks of friends and other people he has known. Abe again. A child's devotion. Penmanship. The forest at dawn. At sunset. The natural habits of animals. Instinct it general. Can animals think? What makes the human brain tick? Second digression: Wind and its Effects. Parabolas. Return of a beloved likened to the lengthening season. Paris. The Skaters' Waltz. Her handout. "Weasel-face." Dandruff and what to do about it. Leaves of the Ginko tree. Photo. Phantom Poodles. "I have to watch Charlotte." Cremated Alive. Silkworms. The Points. The man in the hall. The Critique of Pure Resin. "Blue-bottles drive me crazy!" Good-bye. Bubble Balloons.dele
and became      dele
These      decubels xxxxxxxxx decibels quite       dele
Are a kind of flagellation, an entity of sound expert      
Into which being enters, and is it      
Their colors on a warm February day
Make for masses of inertia, and hips
Prod out of the violet-seeming into a new kind
Of demand that stumps the absolute because not new
In the sense of the next one in an infinite series
But, as it were, pre-existing or pre-seeming in
Such a way as to contrast funnily with the unexpectedness
And somehow push us all into perdition.

Here a scarf flies, there an excited call is heard.

The answer is that it is novelty
That guides these swift blades oer the ice
Projects into a finer expression (but at the expense
Of energy) the profile I cannot remember.
Colors slip away from and chide us. The human mind
Cannot retain anything except perhaps the dismal two-note theme
Of some sodden "dump" or lament.  (Leave in).dele

The feet of the animals
Scrape the ground.

There is meaning in the evident mastery
Of someone who tries to show you the trick in such a way as will be understandable to all

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 2]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 2


And all who come may understand, and go away
Before night reaches the this shore.dele

"The person," Abe, is lonelydele
As that Weenix "Head of a Man," or an old and discolored umbrella.
Near the postoffice calender with its amazing digits cool companydele
The colored perfume of "sense" appropriations makes a kind of shroud
Of mere slips and postscripts of meaning--here is the central orifice
Of all the gigantic vocabulary of meaning, like a garden with a central spot or flower.dele
A granite terrace extends out into so much that is fresh and green
As though buoyed up by the negation of its own dishonoring weight.
Here skulks and ethereal man. The children used to crowd around with toys and goodies,dele
He... always had a kind word or some little thing for them.dele
He used to offer them presents of candy or lollipops...dele

In suppressing the iron links that chain you to the grim desire of realitydele
Be careful not to substitute gold ones,dele
The execrable charity of platinum cufflinks that viewsdele
Darkness and disaster surrounding us,
Mass piZZZZZZZ Masts pitched on the slow and denominating tide of ice,dele
The perpetual calendar of rubies, emeralds and sapphires
And other precious stones, gleaning the heart of runnels of
The milk of human kindness, down to my last unspent dollar,
Gladness of waking, sportive humor after the that terrible strangenessdele
Of being asleep, yet the leather film that still confidesXXXXXXXX confines usdele
Asks in vain theXXX of the pear-shaped head of the a governor striding into the roomdele
Black as pitch after an uneasy night applying seals to the brown scroll
Of debtor's prison, jail and panic
Under the uneasy awnings of a careless life.         heliocopterdele
Not everything is picknicking on the campus,
Harlotry and perfections, toddling over green fields         flakesdele
Breathless with ectoplasm, from the long run, by heliocopterdele
Shirttails hanging out nurtured by coalfields
Who have taught you to exist in the Pyreness of confusion           pyresdele
That is your youth's living image and damnation.

Abe lifted the bottle slightly closer to his knee.dele
The barman (disquieting personage) raised the bottom of a tumblerdele
(Snow, flirt and piano) to the level of someonedele
Imbibing various personal flares. A jackdaw of           Absorbingdele
Undrifting dark, dust rose of the center of gray
Bottles: wheedled cabs broached the theater'sdele
Indigo and marble resonances. A guy got out.dele
"Where we are that factor encrusts dental snow XXXXX workdele
On the umbilical low summits of average pleasure.dele
A guy's mother is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX lug's mother is his true measure, anddele
No mother could love an ugly boob like that," and, like a tailordele
Removing the tape measure, "Bats flot around town; sSome,dele
Not all, will roost; the others fry stupefactiondele
For wise guys' wry brains. {The commuter trainsdele
Pull slowly away from the planet. Time is a smudge,dele
Reckoned by district attorney's impute.dele
Square box of decay mixing grain and grapedele
To fraulein's necklace, short-circuited systems of abuse."dele

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 3]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 3


I'm going. It can escape me.
When we look through a railway tunnel, it looks as though the way out
At the other end were smaller than the way in at this;
But we know they are of the same size.
The lines of brass round the key-hole follow the same rules.
The lines that draw nearer together are said to "vanish."
The point where they meet is their vanishing point.dele

Objects, as they recede, appear to become smaller.
All horizontal receding lines have their vanishing point upon the line of sight.

The receding lines of the road, the grass edges, the walls--
All parallel lines xxxxxx retiring lines have the same vanishing point as each other.dele
The front of the farmhouse is so much foreshortened.
The white feathers of chickens in the snow seem outlined in gray or black.
The frozen pump's encrusted with ice which seems gray-blue against the white of the snow.
The lamp casts monstrous shadows.
The most difficult of all is an arrangement of hawthorn leaves in different tones of color.
The leaves can easily be obtained in different tones of color.dele
Upon the benzine bottle put the ro XXX rubber stopper that has the metal nozzledele
And join the bellows and the tubing. Now lightdele
Your alcohol lamp, and in its flame hold with your headxxxx right hand the platinum point,dele
And with your leftXXXX head work the bulb steadily and continuously.dele
All flies upward. My gosh, white scraps
From the scrap-basket, that were the snow-chickens
Fly upward as to some ceiling-roost, covered with platinum dust.
The rooster screaming among the grape and hawthorn leaves is upeneded.
A shallow wooden drawer shot open; what looked like shallow, dust-covered wooden discs spilled out on the turkey carpet
Whose linted scarlet threads adhered to the porous surface.
The color will have penetrated the muslin and gone a little way into the willXXXX wooldele
Still irregular grayish patches still stood out on the dust-covered part of the surface
Contrasting with the dark of the newly-stretched pleats, like a dark delta in some flat, sandy river valley;
An illusion destroyed by the ham-shaped flecks of leaves spotting the regular surface
(You will find that leaves are not alike in the character of the surface: some are covered with hairs, like the mulleins; or have a strong smell; these will take almost any quality of color.                 quantitydele
Perhaps you had better begin upon such leaves.) So it was thaXXXXXXXXXXXXX The spilled threadsdele
Merged upward with the moan of the leaves; the teakettle boiler emitted one last small white puffdele
From the spilled threads of the workbasket a kind of wap emergedAAoAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAdele
of steam                                       steam enginedele

As I sat watching the child's indifference
The rest was handed to me, on condition that I make no signdele
Of the sea mating to embellish with landdele
On condition that the weight of the testimony pass from minddele
Into oblivionXXXXXXXX marriagedele
The sea decided to embellish with landdele
Shudders of the young polyhphonist. The economy of feardele
Blazes our nights with spectral thunder.

 keep for next page

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 4]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 4

4 dele

Sitting watching the indifference of a child, the young polyphonist
Grows, precisely, away from the musical night invoked by prestidigitation
The smoke-covered alley thought better about. A sail
Which vanishes has no more adherence.
Therefore we should give over this absence, petrifying coal-dust
The way leagues of imps do. "The ship came sailing up the," and so on,
But as the water surface ripples, the whole light changes. Skies are aghast.
Some defacing of private property goes on, and the wild life in this region is polluted.
You answered him in lying articles. The column never appeared again.
So wails one possible answer next to the discreet head of the young cartomancian.

Baroque dummies of fallen mist could, in a pinch
Unwind the false patinas you've read about. Through a hole in the
Cardboard case half full, the skaters can be seen.
At this stage everything depends on a special bottle
Covered by its tin case, and a second glass beneath
The bottle in its position, now nor two bottles instead.dele
Again, the cases are put over the bottles, and again they
Are raised, nipping the special bottle with its
Two linings, and the space for the glass to stand within its
OfXX Dumb patina. There are many false starts, and you candele
Choose among them. Obliged to play with two or more, you
May not know the skaters' false chips, in the night of turns
Coming back once again the the anchor of morning. In your arms
lie the pasteboard remains. Now your only choice is to begin over.
Secretly dip the point of the glass rod in oil of vitriol, and touch the mass.

Few of them were present on that occasion:
The teacher, and a few friends. Abe thought of a child's devotiondele
To penmanship. It is necessary to trace each letterdele
Of the alphabet quite a few times to get them right.
The "c's" and "i's" can resemble each other quite a lot.
Now loosen the writing a little, and presently it will spread
On the farm landscape. The squares are clalled "White" and "Black" whatever their actual color may be.
For invisible writing, dip a quill in some goose grease and write
On the pad. Then dust some powedered charcoal over the surface
And the magic writing will appear. For plain writing
Try beginning with an easy word, such as "neck"
If you want the whole pad to be a success. The magic words can appear.dele
On an easily prepared pad.dele

Old sol was just reappearing on the tangent slope

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 5]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 5

 5 Adele

We children are ashamed of our bodies
But we laugh and, demanded, talk of sex again
And all is well. The waves of morning harshness
Float away like coal-gas into the perennial sky.dele
[Toilet training provokes an instinct of happiness in the adult.]dele
But how much survives? How much of any one of us survives?
The articles we'd collect--stamps of the colonies
With greasy cancellation marks, mauve, magenta and chocolate,
Or funny looking dogs we'd see in the street, or sofa cushions, particularly bright remarks.dele
One man collects bullets. An Indianapolis, Indiana, man collects slingshots of all epochs, and so on.

Subtracted from our collections, though, these go on a little while, collecting aimlessly. We still support them.
But so little energy to tide them over! And up the swollen sands
Staggers the darkness fiend, with the storm fiend close behind him!
True that Ture, melodious tolling does go on in that awful pandemonium,dele
Certain resonances are not utterly displeasing to the frightened terrified eardrumdele
Some paroxysms are dinning of tambourine, others suggest piano room or organ loft

For the most dissonant night charms us, even after death. This, after all, may be happiness: tuba notes awash on the great flood, ruptures of xylophone, violins, limpets, grace notes, the musical instrument called serpent, viola da gambas, aeolian harps, pinball machines, electric drills, que sais-je encore!dele
The performance has rapidly reached your ear; silent and tear-stained, in the post-mortem shock, you stand listening, awash
With memoiries of hair in particular, part of the welling that is part of you,
The gurgling of harp, cymbal, glockenspiel, triangle, temple block, English horn and metronome! And still no presentment, not feeling of pain before or after. The passage sustains, does not give. And {Thus} you have come far indeed.dele

Yet to go from "not interesting" to "old and uninteresting,"
To be surrounded by friends, though late in life,
To hear the wings of the spirit, {though} far...dele
Why do I hurriedly undrown myself to cut you down?
"I am yesterday," and my fault is personal, eternal currentdele
   yourI do not expect myXX constant attendance, knowing myself insufficient for your present demandsdele
And I have a dim {presentiment} that I am that other "I" with which we began.dele
My cheeks as blank walls to your tears and eagerness
Fondling that other, as though you had let him forever get away.

The evidence of the visual henceforth replaced
By the great shadow of trees falling over {an active} life.dele

The great problem is a child's devotion
To this normal and shapeless entity...dele

And the young polyphonist seizes a penholder, to writedele
Across that dirt rose that is our "scraps," the little punishment boothdele
Forgotten as the words fly briskly across bringing meaningXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX each timedele
Bringing down meaning as snow from a low sky, or rabbits flushed from a wood.
How strange that the narrow perspective lines
Always seem to meet, although parallel, and that an insane ghost could do this,
Could make the house seem so much farther in the distance, as bands of yellowXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXdele

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 6]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 6

6      Bdele

Seemed it to the horse, dragging the sledge of a perspective line.
Dim banners in the distance, to die... And nothing put to rights.
  EllenCarol wondered at the pigs in their cages,dele

At so much snow, but it is to be littered with waste and ashes
So that cathedrals may grow. Out of this spring builds a tolerable fair XXXXXdele
Affair of brushwood, the sea is felt behind the oak wands, noiselessly pouring.
Spring with its promise of winter, and the black ivy once again
On the porch, its yellow perspective bands in place
And the horse nears them and weeps.

So much has passed through my mind this morning
That I can give you but a dim account of it:                       many things
First the plasterers, the pen with maying sheavesXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and the din of so much to be done,dele
And the holly gatherersXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX On account of so short a time, the noon          dismaying
whistle has already blown
Some minutes ago, and it is already after lunch. The men are returning to their positions around the cement mixer
And I try to sort out what has happened to me. The bundle of Gerard's letters
And that alXX awful bit of news buried on the back page of yesterday's paper.dele
Then the news of you, this morning, in the snow. Sometimes the interval
of bad news is so brisk that... And the human brain, with its tray of images
Seems a sorcerer's magic lantern, projecting black and orange cellophane shadows
On the distance of my hand... The very reaction's pursey puny,dele
And when we seek to move around, wondering what arXX our position is now, what the arm of that chair.dele

A great wind lifted these cardboard panels
Horizontal in the air. At once the perspective with the horse
Disappeared in a bigarrure of squiggly lines. The image with the crocodile in it became no longer apparent.
Thus a great wind cleanses, as a new ruler
Edits new laws, sweeping the very breath of the streets
Into posterior tashXXXX trash. The films have changed--dele
The great titles on the scalloped awnings have turned dry and blight-colored.
No wind that does not penetrate a man's house, into the very bowels of the furnace
Scratching in dust a name on the mirror--say, and what about letters,
The dried grasses, fruits of the winter--gosh! Everything is trash!
Thus wind points to the advantages of decay
At the same time as removing them far from the sight of men.
The regent of the winds, Aeolous, is a symbol for all earthly potentates
Since holding this sickening, festering, process by which we are cleansed
Of afterthought.
                  A gril sloXXXXXXXX girl slowly descended the sin XXXX line of steps.dele

The wind and treason are partners, turning secrets over to the military pooiXXXX police.dele

The whitest police that came in your night, bringing snow to the parched DHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHdele

Lengthening arches. The intensity of minor acts. As skaters elaborate their distances,
Taking a separate line to its end. Returning to the mass, they join each other
Blotted in an indescribable exceptional mess of dark colors, and again reappearing to take the themedele
Some little distance, like fishing boats developing from the land different parabolas,
Taking the exquisite theme far, into farness, to Land's End, to the very ends of the earth!.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 7]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 7


But the livery of the year, changing airdele
Brings each to his turn. Leaving phrases unfinisheddele
Gestures half-sketched against woodsmoke.Now oozes the abundant sapdele
And in girls' throats the sticky words, half-uttered, half undesireddele
SpreadXX annual unction. A blanket unbeliefdele
Quickly supplanted by idle questions that fade in turn.dele
Slowly the moods turns to look at itself in the mirror of an urchindele
Left by some road-bed... New schemes are gotten up, new taxes,dele
Earthworks spring up apace. Now all-conquering Soldele
gilds each new found reason with the celluloid coating of truthdele
And girls wake up in it.dele
                          For these reasonsdele
It is best not leave the house. Because there isdele
Error in the exactness of air. As flames are fanned, so the wishful thinking arisesdele
That bears its own prophets, pointed refusals. And as a wishdele
Settles down at the end of along spring day, over smudged heather and watered shoot, and dried rush fielddele
So fatal error gushes, ap ap XXXXXXXXXXXXXX is plaited into thoughts still unborn.dele
The pose must be resumed. Is it being falsifieddele
To be forever involved, tragically, with one's own image?dele

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 8]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 8

7 dele


But the year XXXXX livery of the year, {the} changing airdele
Brings each to his turn end. Leaving phrases unfinisheddele
Gestures half-sketched against woodsmoke. The abundant sap
Oozes in girls' throats, the sticky words, half-uttered, unwished for,
A blanket disbelief, quickly supplanted by idle questions that fade in turn.dele
   # ?
Slowly the mood turns to look at itself as some urchin
Forgotten by a road-bed. the roadside. New schemes are gotten up, new taxes,dele
Earthworks. And the hour becomes light again.
Girls wake up in it.
                      For these reasonsdele
For these reasons It is best to remain indoors. B, because there is errordele
In so much precision. As flames are fanned, wishful thinking arises
Bearing its own prophets, its pointed refusals ignoring. And just as a desiredele
Settles down at the end of a long spring day, over heather and watered shoot and dried rush field
So {fatal} error is plaited into thoughtXXXXXXX desires not yet born.dele
Therefore the post must be resumed (is being falsified
To be forever involved, tragically, with one's own image?)
The cooler studio light suddenly invaded by theXXX a long casement--values were the onedele
She knows now. But the floor is pulled a part byXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX being gradually pulled apartdele
Like elastic under those limpid feet.                   slowlydele

{ The most you can say is that she does return.}dele
{ And that the added time for thoughtsXXXXXXXX long thoughts,"a bed of nails," could not, in any case, have been avoided.}dele
{ The skaters waltz. She had been asked not to participate that day}dele

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 9]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 9

But is the egg suggesting the quietnessdele
Of its forms. And sleep is beamsdele
For its {patronizing} dome.unshucked     "Oh shucks!"dele
The Waldteufel disc is volume, geometrical beautydele
Its slabs cannot keep up with the hungering into breathdele
And final dreams.dele

But XXXX                But an architecturedele
But an architecture Made like us of rain commands a viewdele
Of its plain, steered away, Parnassus viewed through a windshieldXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX harmonious like the sea or the tops of trees.dele
But when you get closer its sadness is small and appreciable.dele

Also the feeling of being lived, looking for people,dele
And the gradual peace and relaxationdele
That boils down, through rings of cold and fatiguedele
Smearing much of the day into fatigue feardele
At finding you not in, bloody from beating doors indele
And incomprehensible.dele

And mouth of sea applied to your casedele
Forever at odds with, and yet draining.dele
Triggered to a partial coneXXXX zone of understandingdele
Of the myths of fading daylightXXXXX (Six o'clock again.)dele
                        Time     The birdsdele
               one           double.dele
The sea, each time, has no rhyme.dele
It can be held in your hand.dele
All this must go into a letter:dele
At once the kindness and friendly clausedele

Beating, turbulent on the stalls of death.dele
The roofs quickly returned what you haddele
Thought of them before. Day with a violet awl,dele
OrA chisel, in that land of dust and dreams.dele

But tThere is no personal involvement: leaves of the gingko treedele
Mad a frame for the photo. A woman advances out of the thicket woodsdele
Holding a book, for which her hand is too small, and whose titledele
Although printed in large letters, cannot be distinguished.dele

That is all, except a spot of white or black in the bottom cornerdele
Like phantom poodles, and a jagged row of gray at the top,             violetdele
MeltingExtending a little down one side,;and she is slightly turned inside her dress.dele
As watching at somethingdele
The color of death promulgated to the rank of blossomsdele

Is drawing breath again for feardele
And its implements, and would enter the transparent years of lifedele
Which is carelessness, isdele
Mind drifted from its triple cannon, to the starting line.dele

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 10]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 10

the importance of       
alabaster beetles 

(And Helga, in the minuscule apartment in Jersey Citydele
Is wearing the same kind of violet dress, the color of deathdele
Promulgated to the rank of blossoms, is drawing breath againdele
Against the dark fires of the city, fear and its implementsdele
Pursuing, once and for all, all chance of rest. And would enterdele
The quiet years, a transparent block set down in the middle of lifedele
As in a suburb. But alas, life is carelessness.dele
And the violet, colorless depths of that cube but repeateddele
As though by accident, in fringes here and there,dele
On some sudden ledge. Or in the faded backs of a musical albumdele
On the piano rack, raft of the windsdele

And Helga, in the miserable apartment in Jersey City
Is reacting violet to the same kind of dress, is drawing death
Again in blossoms against the reactionary fire.. pulsing
and knowing nothing to superb violet distances that intercalate
This city. Is the death of the cube repeated. Or in the musical album.

It is time now for a general understanding of
The meaning of all this. The meaning of Helga, importance of the setting, etc.
A description of passionate blues, etc. Labels on bottles
And all kinds of discarded objects that ought to be described.
But can one ever be sure of which ones?
Isn't this a death-trap, wanting to put too much in
So the floor sags, as under the weight of a piano, or piano-legged girl
And the whole house of cards comes dinning down around one's ears!

But this is an important aspect of the question
Which I am not ready to discuss, am not at all ready too
This leaving-out business. On it hinges the very importance of what's novel
Or autocratic, or dense or silly. It is as well to call attention
To it by exaggeration, perhaps. But calling attention
Isn't the same thing as explaining, and as I said I am not reday
To line phrases with the costly stuff of explanation, and shall not
Will not do so just at the moment. Except to say that the carnivorous
Way of these lines is to devour their own nature, leaving
Nothing but a bitter impression of absence, which as we know involves presence, but still.
Nevertheless these are fundamental absences, struggling to get up and be off themselves.

And this, thus, is a portion of the subject of this poems
Which takes the form of a snow storm XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is in the form of falling snowdele
That is, that the individual flakes are not essential to the importance of the whole's becoming so much of a truism
That their importance is again put i XXXXXX called in question, to be denied further out, and again and again like this.dele
Hence, neither the importance of the individual flake,
Or the importance of the whole impression of the storm, if it has any, is what it is
But the rhythm of the series of the repeated jumps, from abstract into positive and back into a slightly less diluted abstract.

Mild effects are the result.

I cannot think any more of going out into all that, will stay here
With my mild schmerzen. Besides the storm is almost over.
Having frozen the face of the bust into a strange style with the lips
An the teeth the most distinct part of the whole mess.

It is this madness to explain...

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 11]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 11

 8   9    F Where, exactly, is the sky?dele

What is the matter with plain old-fashioned cause-and-effect?
Leaving one alone with romantic impressions of the trees, the sky?
Who, actually, is going to be fooled one instant by these phoney explanations,
think them important? So back we go to the old imprecise, feelings, the
common knowledge, the importance of duly suffering and the occasional glimpses
of some balmy felicity. The world of Schubert's lieder. I am fascinated
though by the urge to get out of it all,and the urge to return to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX by goingdele
Further in and correcting the whole mismanaged mess. But am afraid I'll
Be of no help to you. Goodbye.

As balloons are to the poet, so to the ground
Its varied assortment of trees. The more assorted they are, the
Vaster his experience. Sometimes
You catch sight of them on a level with the top story of a house,
Strung up their for publicity purposes. Or like those bubbles
Children make with a kind of ring, not a pipe, and probably using some detergent
Rather than old fashioned soap and water. Where was I? The balloons
Drift thoughtfully over the land, not exactly commenting on it,
These are the range of the poet's experience. He can hide in trees
Like a hamadryad, but wisely prefers not too, letting the balloons
Idle him out of existence, as a car idles. Traveling faster
And more furiously across unknown horizons, belted into the night
Wishing more and more to be unlike someone, getting the whole thing
(so he believes) out of his system. Inventing systems.
We are a part of of some system, thinks he, just as the sun is part of
The solar system. Trees brake his approach. And he seems to be wearing but
Half a coat, viewed from one side. A "half-man" tlook inspiring the disgust of honest folkdele
Returning from chores, frozen milk, the pump heaped high with a chapeau of snow,
the "No Skating" sign as well. But it is here that he is best
Face to face with the unsmiling alternatives of his nerve-wracking existence
Places squarely in front of his dilemma, on all four before the lamentable spec-
tacle of the unknown.                         this
Yet knowning where men are coming from. It is this, to hold a candle up to the album.dele

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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— Part II —

[Page 12]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 12

II-A dele

Part II

Pyrography. Running Amok. The West Wind.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Solitude '63. The Windward and Leeward Islands. Lines Written during a Period of Insanity. Loving You? Election Day. La Glu.XXXXXXX On a Separate Dying. The Sentimental Image. TheXXX A Fork in the Road. Poor People. His Own Invention. In Which All Ends Badly. The Chase. Iris Becomes a Mother Father. In Which All Ends Badly. An Invention: the Telephone. Waking and Felt there a Certain Rightness. A Well of Fire The Flame Fighters. A Well of Fire The Avalanche. But Sort of the Sleeves.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The New Job. The Bluff


Under the window marked "General Delivery"...

{And didn't mind that being too warm like that, waking up todele
The new rules, exploited almost as soon as planted.} In this hutmentXXXXXXXdele
Hutment or abode I'll invoke "mitred domes" and suchlikedele
Awaking to this penitential psalm nowdele
That purgatory's ways have endeddele
In sleep and satisfaction for each one.dele

I have decided to write you this poem of misdemeanorsdele
This volume is geometrical beauty,
Its slabs cannot keep up with the hungering into breathdele
And final dreams

But is [?] the egg suggesting the quietness
Of its forms. And sleep is beams
For its retracted dome.

But, as we saw, sleep is all foursdele
A beautifully written but inaccurate
Directive charged with savage lisping
A personal memento engraved in the sidewalk
Tormenting the absolute future into lines of acceptance.
Ready to dispatch the elegant part of this
And all ears for the equation you remain on the sill:
Nothing to be prepared for this sleep.dele

At once the kindness and friendly clausedele
And mouth of sea applied to your casedele
Forever at odds with, and yet draining.dele

This should be a letter telling you of changes dele
At once the kindness and friendly clausedele
Throwing you a minute to one side
Of how this tossing looks harmonious from a distance
Like sea or the tops of trees, and how
Only when one gets closer is its sadness small and appreciable.
It can be held in the hand

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 13]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 13


(no space here)

[All this must go into a letter.]dele
Also the feeling of being lived, looking for people,
And the gradual peace and relaxation
That boil down, through rings of cold and fatiguedele
Smearing much of the day into feardele
At find you not in, bloody from beating down doors, and incomprehensibledele

But an architecuredele
Made of us like rain commands a viewdele
Of its plain. There's nothing leading to its footman's empathy. It is the attraction of this mucusdele
But there's no personal involvement
These sudden bursts of hot and cold
Are wreathed in shadowless intensity
Whose moment saps them of all characteristics
Thus beginning to rest you at once know.

Once there was a point in these islands,
Coming to see where the rock has rotted away,
Buying milk, and becoming a poiXXX tiny point in the distance.dele

But war's savagery... Even the most patient scholar, now
Could hardly reconstruct the old fort exactly as it was
That trees continue to wave over it. That there is also a small museum somewhere inside
That the history of costume is a no less fascinating study than the history of great migrations.
I'd like to bugger you all up
Deliberately falsify all your old suck-ass notions
Of how chivalry is being lived. What goes on in beehives.
But the whole nasty rotten mess, deliberate XXXXXXXXXXX misunderstandings includeddele
Problems about the tunic button etc. How much of any one person is there.

Still, after bananas and spoonbread in the shadow of the old walls
It is cooling to return to the shadow of eaves in the shower
That probably fell while we were inside, examining bowknots
Old light-bulb sockets, places where the whitewash had begun to flake
With here and there an old map or illustration. Here's one for instance--
Looks like a weather map... or a coiled bit of wallpaper with a design
Of faded hollyhocks, or abstract fruit and gumdrops in chains

The wind soughs carefully in the umbrella pines.
How nice to lie on one's back, looking up
Into that worlXXXX bird-hopping world of flecked sunlight and shadow.dele
But how is it you are always indoors, looking through at too-heavilyXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX peering at too-heavily cancelled stamps through a greasy fingerprinted magnifying glass?dele
And slowly the incoherencies of day melt in
A general wishful thinking of night
To peruse certain stars over the bay.
Cataracts of peace pour from the poised heavens
And only fear of snakes prevents us from passing the night in the open air.
The day is definitely at an end.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 14]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 14

II-C dele

Old heavens, you used to tweak us above us
Standing like rain whenever a salvo... Old heavens
You lying there above the old, but not ruined, fort,
Can you hear, there, what I am saying?

For it is you I am parodying
Your invisible denials. And the almost correct impressions
Corroborated by newsprint, which is so fine.
I call to you there, but I do not think that you will answer me.

For I am condemned to drum my fingers
On the closed lid of this piano, this tedious planet, earth
As it winks to you through the aspiring, growing distances
A last spark before the night.

There was much to be said in favor of storms
But you seem to have abandoned them in favor of endless light.
I cannot say that I think the change much of an improvement.
There is something half-fearful in these summer nights that go on forever...

We are nearing the Moorish coast, I think, in a bateaudele
I wonder if I will have any friends there
Whether the future will be kinder to me than the past, for example,
And am all set to be put out, finding it is notXXXXXX to be not.dele

Still, I am prepared for this voyage, and for anything else you may care to mention
Not that I am not afraid, but there is very little time left
You have probably made travel arrangements, and know the feeling.
Suddenly, one morning, the little train arrives in the station, but oh, so big,

It is! Much bigger and much faster than anyone told you.
A bewhiskered student in an old baggy over coat much too big for him is waiting to take it.dele
"Why do you want to go there" they all say. It is better in the other direction
And so it is. There people are free, at any rate. But where you are going nobody is.

Still there are parks and libraries to be visited "la Bibliotheque Municipale"
Hotel reservations and all that rot. Old American films dubbed into the foreign language
Coffee and whiskey and cigar stubs butts. Nobody minds. And rain on the bristly wool of your topcoat.dele
I realize now that I never knew why I wanted to come.

Yet I shall never return to the past, that attic.
Its sailboats are perhaps more beautiful than these, these I am leaning against,
Spangled with diamonds and orange and purple stains             life
Bearing me once again in quest of the unknown. These sails are like itself to me.dele

I heard a girl say this once, and cried, and brought her fresh fruit and fishes,
Olives and golden baked loaves. She dried her tears and thanked me.
Now we are both setting sail into the purplish evening.
I love it! This cruise can never last long enough for me.

But once more, office desks, radiators--No! That is behind me.
No more dullness, only movies and love and XX laughter, sex and fun.dele
The ticket seller is blowing isXX his little horn--hurry before the window slams downdele
The train we are getting onto is a boat train, and the boats are really boats this time.

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| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 15]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 15

II-D dele

But I heard the heavens say--Is it right? This continual changing back and forth?
Laughter and tears and so on? Mightn't just plain sadness be sufficient for him?
No! I'll not accept that any more, you bewhiskered old caverns of blue!
This is just right for me. I am cozily ensconced in the balcony of my face

Looking out over the whole darn countryside a beacon of satisfaction
I am. I'll not trade places with a king. Here I am then, continuing yet ever beginning
My perennial voyage, into new memories, new hope and flowers
The way the coasts glide past you. I shall never forget this moment

Because it consists of purest ecstasy. I am happier now than I ever dared believe
Anyone could be. And we finger down the dog-eared coasts...
It is all passing! It is past! No, I am here,dele
Bellow the coasts, and heCC even the heavens roar their assentdele

As we pick up a lemon colored light horizontally
Projected into the night, the night that heaven
Was kind enough to send, and I launch into the happiest dreams
Happier once again, because tomorrow is already here!

Yet certain kernels remain. Clouds that drift past sheds dele
Read it once in the official bulletin. We shan't be putting out today.dele
The old stove smoked worse than ever because rain was coming down its chimney.
Only the bleary eye of the fog accosted one through the mended pane.

Outside the swamp water lapped the broken wood step.
Nearby a rowboat was moored in the alligator-infested swamp.
Somewhere, from deep in the interior of the jungle, a groan was heard.
Could it be...? Anyway, a rainy day--wet weather.

The whole voyage will have to be cancelled.
It would be possiXXXXX impossible to make connectio XXXXXXXXXX different connections.dele
Anyway the hotels are all full at this season. The junks packed with refugees
Returning from the islands. Sea-bream and flounder abound in the muddied waters...

They areXXX in fact represent the background of the island economy.dele
That, and cigar rolling. Please leave your papers at the desk as you pass out,
You know. "The Wedding March." Ah yes, that's the way. The couple descend
The churXXXX steps of the little old church. Ribbons are flung, ribbons of clouddele

And the sun seems to be coming out. But there have been so many false alarms...
No, it's happened! The storm is over. Again the weather is fine and clear.
And the voyage? It's on! Listen everybody, the ship is starting,
I can hear its whistle's roar! We have just time to make it to the dock!

And away they pour, in the sulfoursXXXX urous sunlightdele
To the aqua and silver waters where stands the glistening white ship
And into the great vessel they pour, a motley and happy crowd
Chanting and pouring down hymns on the surface of the ocean...

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 16]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 16

II-E dele

Pulling, tugging us along with them, by means of streamers
Golden and silver confetti. Smiling, we laugh and sing with the revelers
But are not quite certain that we want to go--the dock is so sunny and warm
That majestic ship will pull up anchor who knows where?

And full of laughter and tears, we sidle once again with the other passengers
The ground is heaving underfoot. Is it the ship? It could be the dock...
And with a great whoosh all the sails go up... Hideous black smoke belches forth from the funnels
Staining the gold carnival costumes with the gaiety of its jet-black soot

And, as into a tunnel the voyage starts
Only, as I said, to be continued. The eyes of those left standing on the dockare wet
But ours are dry. Into the secretive, vaprous night with all of us!
Into the unknown, the unknown that loves us, the great unknown!

So man nightly
Sparingly descends

The birches and the hay         all of him
Pruned, erect for vital contact. As the separate mists of day slip
Uncomplainingly into the atmosphere. Loving you? The question sinks into

That mazy business
About writing or to have read it in some book
To silently move away. At Gonnosfanadiga the pumps
Working, argent in the thickening sunset, like boys' shoulders

And you return to the question as to a calendar of Novemberdele
Again and again consulting the surface of that enormous affair
I think not to have loved you          but the music
Petting the enameled             slow-imagined stars
 hornpipe? dele
 fireworks?A concert of dissatisfaction whereby            gutter and dust seepdele
To engross the slowXXXX mirrored image and its landscape.dele
City in dirt, favorable mirth.

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| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 17]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 17


As when
         through darkness and mist
                                   the pole-bringer
                    am convinced that                                 demandingly watches
I thinkXXXXX these things are of some importance.dele

Firstly, it is a preparing to go outward
Of no planet limiting the enjoyment
Of motion--hips free of embarrassment etc.

The figure 8 is a perfect symbol
Of the freedom to be gained in this kind of activity
The perspective lines of the barn are another and different kind of example
(Viz."Rigg's Farm, near Aysgarth, Wensleydale", or the "Sketch at Norton")dele
In which we escape ourselves--putrefying mass of prevarications etc.--
In remaining close to the limitations imposed.

Another example is this separate dying
Still keeping in mind the coachmen, servant girls, duchesses, etc. (cf. Jeremy Taylor)
Falling away, rhythm of too-wet snow, but parallel
With the kind of rhythm substituting for "meaning."

Looked at from this angle the problem of death and survival
Ages slightly. For the solutions are millionfold, like waves of wild geese returningdele
Scarcely we know where to turn to avoid suffering, I mean {in} springdele
There are so many places.
                           As a man will leave his wife

The question of separation--"corps et biens"--is rapidly answered
By movement, parallel, unwinding movement, in the nicest sense.
It is the balance between strings and winds, between winds and percussion, that provides the overture.

So, coachman-servile, or scullion-slatternly, but each place is taken.dele

The lines that draw nearer together are said to "vanish."
The point where they meet is their vanishing point.

* * *

Parallel lines, as they recede, vanish to a point.dele
Horizontal, receding lines, if they are below the level of the eyes, appear to rise.dele
Horizontal, receding lines, if they are above the level of the eyes, appear to descenddele

Spaces, as they recede, appear to become smaller.

But another, more urgent question imposes itesleXXXXXX itself--that of poverty.dele
How to excuse it to oneself? The wetness and coldness? Dirt and grime?
Uncomfortable, unsuitablemXlodgings, with a depressing view?dele
The peeled geranium flowering in a rusted tomato can,
Framed in a sickly ray of sunlight, a tragic chromo?

A broken mirror nailed up over a chipped enamel basin, whose turgid waters
Reflect the fly-specked calendar--with ecstatic Dutch girl clasping tulips--
On the far wall. Hanging from one nail, an hoXXld old velvet hat with a tattered bit of veiling--last remnant of former finery.dele
The bed well-made. The whole place scrupulously made clean, but cold and damp.dele

All this, wedged into a pyramidal ray of light, is my own invention.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 18]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 18


Under a reddish-brown and greenish picture of excited beagles and calm huntsmen
A mass of squalling and retching arose from the messed-up crib.
The newborn offspring was given the name of Charles.
It He grew up to become a successful business executive.dele

But to return to our tomato can--those spared by the goats
Can be made into a practical telephone, the two halves being connected by a length of wire.
You can talk to your friend in the next room, or around corners.
An American inventor made a fortune with just such an invention.X XXXXXXXXXX contraption.dele

The branches tear at the sky--

The blight is on the snow of inert spacedele
Footage to dig under you    so
Things too tiny to be remembered in recorded history--the backfiring of a bus
    In aOn a certainXXXXXXXXXXXX {street} in Paris {street} in 1932, and all the clumsy seductions and amateur paintings donedele
Clamber to join in the awakening (the levee with its chocolate)
To take a further role in my determination. These clown-shapes
Filling up the available space for miles, like acres of red and mustard pom-poms
Dusted with a pollen which we call "an air of truth." Massed mounds
Of Hades it is true. I propose a general housecleaning
Of these true and valueless shapes which pester us with their raisons d'etre
Whom no one (that is their weakness) can ever get to like.
                         kidnappers dele
(On with the parade: the killers had poacedXXXXXX parked their automobile behind some black shrubbery.dele
Meanwhile Doris all unsuspecting was walking in the backyard with her lover.
Her father, the fire-chief, had told her he refused to have him inside the house
But he was off battling flames that day, a mysterious fire having broken out
In the Jones & Co. warehouse, the latest in a mysterious ofXXXXXXXXXXXXX series of firesdele
Which had the nerves of the whole town on edge. Hearing a noise behind some bushes, Arthurdele
(that was the name of Lois' boyfriend) dashed into the side yard. Returning
Around the edge of the clapboard house he was suXX astonished to note Lois' disappearancedele
Already , behind the ragged foliage, on the back seat of the black Pontiac,
Not wanting the gag to be thrust into her mouth).

There are moving parts to get out of order,
However in the flame fountain. Add gradually one ounce, by measure, of sulphuric acid
to five or six ounces of water in an earthenware basin. andXXXX add to it,X also gradually, about three-dele
Quarters of an ounce of graunulated zinc.
A rapid production of hyrdrogen gas will instantly take place. Then add,
From time to time, a few pieces of phosphorus of the size of a pea.
A multitude of gas bubbles will be produced, which will fire on the surface of the effervescing liquid.
The whole surface of the liquid will become luminous, and fire balls, with jets of fire,
Will dart from the bottom, through the fluid with great rapidity and a hissing noise.

Sure, but a simple shelter from this or other phenomena is easily contrived.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 19]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 19


But how luminous the fountain! Its sparks seem to aspire to reach the sky!
And so much energy in those bubbles. A wise man could contemplate his face in them
With impunity, but fools would surely do better not to approach too close
Because any intense physical activity like that implies danger for the unwary and the uneducated. Great balls of fire!
In my day we used to make "fire designs",takeXXXX using a saturated solution of nitrate of potash.dele
Then we used to take a smooth stick, and using the solution as ink, draw with it on sheets of white tissue paper.
Once it was thoroughly dry, the writing would be invisible.
By means of a spark from a mouXXX smouldering match ignite the potassium nitrate at any part of the drawing,dele
First laying the paper on a plate or tray in a darkned room.
The fire will smoulder along the line of the invisible drawing until the design is complete.

Meanwhile the fire fountain is still smouldering and welling
Casting off a hellish stink and wild fumes of pitch
Acrid as jealousy. And it might be
That flame-writing might be visible right there, in the gaps in the smoke
Without going through the bother of the solution-writing.
A word here and there--"promised" or "beware"--you have to go the long way round before you find that the entrance to that side is closed.
The phorphorecent liquid is still heaving and boiling, however.
And what if this insane activity were akind of d XXXXXXXXXXX itself a kind of drawingdele

Of April sidewalks, and young trees bursting into timid leaf
And dogs sniffing hydrants, the fyry of spring beginning to back up along their veins?

Yonder stand a young boy and a girl leaning against a bicycle.
The iron lamppost next to them isXX disappear into the feathery, unborn leaves that suffocate its top.dele

A postman is coming up the walk, a letter held in his outstretched hand.
This is his first day on the new job, and he looks warily around
Alas not seeing the hideous bulldog bearing down on him like sixty, its hellish eyes fixed on the seat of his pants, jowls a-slaver.
Nearby a young woman is fixing her stocking. Watching her, a fellow chap with a hatdele
Is about to walk into the path of a speeding XX hackney cabriolet. The line of lamppostsdele
Marches up the street in strict array, but the lamp parts
Are lost in feathery bloom, in which hidden faces can be spotted, for this is a puzzle scene.
The sky is white, yet full of outlined stars--it must be night,
Or an early springtime evening, with just a hint of dampness and chill in the air
Memory of winter, hint of the autumn to come,
Yet the lovers congregate anyway, the lights twinkle slowly on.
Cars move steadily along the street.
It is a scene worthy of a poet's pen, yet it is the fire-demon
Who has created it, throwing it up on the dubious surface of a phosphorecent fountain
For all the world like a poet. But love can appropriate it,
Use or mis-use it for its own ends. Love is stronger than fire.

The proof of this is that already the heaving, sucking fountain is paling away
Yet the fire-lines of the lovers remain fixed, as if permanently, on the air of the lab.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 20]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 20

II-I dele

             though ?dele
Not for long now. And {now} they too collapsedele
Giving, as they pass away, the impression of a bluff
Its craggy headlands outlined in sparks, Its top crowned with a zigzag
Of grass and shrubs, pebbled beach at the bottom, with flat sea                   glides ?
Holding a few horizontal lines. Then this vision, too, {passes slowly} {slowly passes} away.dele

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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— Part III —

[Page 21]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 21

Part III

After the Lesson. The Widows. The Portuguese Man-of-War. Loan Sharks. dele
"Frei aber Einsam." The West Wind.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX If at All. The West Wind. Someone dele
You Have never Seen. Dressed in the Dull Reds and Grays of the Eleventh FHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDHDDDdele
Century. The Exile. The Study. The Book of Caverns. La Glu. Une CCCCdele
La   MereX de plus en plus agitee. Golf. Nine. Shadow Buff. The Boat Race. dele
Bommerangs. Saved! The Divine Helmet. Poetry likened to a Bommerang. dele
The Course of Time. Magazine Subscriptions. Card Tricks. How to tell dele
a Card Thought of. Youth, Old Age and Death. Servitude. Only the crater dele
of becoming--a Sealed Consciousness. Kraut und Ruben. In Stilled Pieces. dele
A Decorative Frieze. Gonnosfonadiga. Going Home a Different Way. The Storm Fiend. Cast Adrift. dele
"Par une Mere de plus en plus agitee."XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Storm Signals. An Egg-Cup Fountain. The Avalanche.dele
The Rainbow. The Relapse.dele

Now you must shield with your body if necessary (you
Remind me of some lummox I used to know) the secret your body is.
Yes, you are a secret and you must NEVER tell it--the freezing vapor
Of the stars would quickly freeze you to death, like a tear-stiffened handkechief
In some liquid air. No, but this secret is in some way the fuel of
Your living apart. A hearth-fire picked up in the glow of the polished
Wooden furniture and picture frames, something to turn away from and move back to--
Understand? This is all a part of you and the only part of you.

Here comes the answer: is it because apples grow
On the tree, or because it is green? An average day you may never know
 indentHow much is pushed into the night, nor what may return
To sulk contentedly, half asleep and half awake
By the arm of a chair pointed into
The painting of fire, or reach, in a coma
Out of the garden for foreign students.
Be sure the giant would know falling asleep, but the frozen droplets reveal
A mixed situation in which the penis
Scored the offer by fixed marches into what is.
One black spot remained.

If I should... if I said you were there
The... towering peace about us might
Hold up the way it breaks--the monsoon
Move a pebble, to the plumbing contract, cataract.
There has got to be only-- there is going to be
An accent on the portable bunch of grapes
The time the mildewed seas cast the
Hygrometer too far away. You read into it
The meaning of tears, the survey of our civilization.dele

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 22]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 22


     Only one thing exists: the fear of death. As widows are a prey to loan sharks
     And Cape Hatteras to hurricanoes, so man to the fear of dying, to the
     Certainty of falling. AND JUST SOXXXXXXXXXXX And just so it permits him to escape from time to timedele
     Amid fields of boarded-up posters: "Objects, as they recede, appear to become smaller
     And all horizontal receding lines have their vanishing point upon the line of sight,"
     Which is some comfort after all, for our volition to see must after all condition these phenomena to a certain degree.
     But it would be rash to derive too much confidence from a situation which, in the last analysis, scarcely warrants it.
     What I said first goes: sleep, death and hollyhocks
     And a new twilight stained, perhaps, a slightly unearthlier periwinkle blue,
     But no dramatic arguments for survival, and please no magic justification of results.

Uh.... stupid song... that weather bonnet protected
It is all gone now. But
The apothecary biscuits dwindled. All must pay.
In wedge-shaped zinc compartments, where a little spectraldele
Cliffs, teeming over into irony's
Gotten silently inflicted on the passes
Morning undermines, the daughter is.

   Its oval armor
   Protects it then and the poisonous filaments hanging down
   Are armor as well or are they the creature itself, screaming
   To protect itself? An aggressive weapon, as well as a plan of defense?
   Nature is still liable to pull a few fast ones, which is why I can't emphasize enough
   The importance of adherence to my original planXXXX program. Remember,dele
   No hope is to be authorized, except in exceptional cases
   To be decided on by me. In the meantime, back to dreaming
   Your only important activity. Last night I dreamt of a wayside fen.
   Full of leaves, such as the strawberry, potentilla, goose-grass, buttercup, dandelion and many wayside plants.dele
   When the stalk or principal vein is too succulent or thick, it would be well to pare it down, to permit of easier rubbing.dele

"The most difficult of all is an arrangement of hawthorn leaves
In different tones of colour, and intended for a title-page or elaborate mount,"dele
But the sawing motion of desire, throwing you a minute to one side
And then the other, will, I think, forgXXXX permit you to forget your dreams for a little while.dele
In reality you place far too much importance on them. "Free but Alone"
Ought to be your motto. If you dream at all, place a cloth over your face:
TheXXX Its expression of satisfied desire might be too much for some spectators.dele

   The west wind grazes my cheek, the droplets come pattering down
   What matter now, whether I wake or sleep?
   The west wind grazes my cheek, the droplets come pattering down
   A vast design shows in the meadows parched and trampled grasses
   In reality a game of "fox and geese" has been played there, but the real reality,
   Beyond truer imaginings, is that it is a mystical design, full of a certain signficance,

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 23]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 23


Burning, sealing its way into my consciousness.

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| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 24]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 24


     Burning, sealing its way into my consciousness.
     Smooth out the sad sand flowers, pick up where you left offdele
     But leave me immersed in dreams of sexual imagery:
     Now that the homecoming geese unfurl in waves on the west wind
     And cock covers hen, the farmhouse dog slavers over his bitch, and horse and mare go screwing through the meadow!
     A pure scream of things arises from these various sights and smells
     As steam arises from a wet shingle, and I am happy once again
     Walking among these phenomena that seem familiar to me from my earliest childhood.

We put everything in order.dele
A museum of thought was the result.dele

     The page ended just at the burnt edge,dele
     The reader's puckered lips. He is looking for "milk"dele
     In the directory, but this volume ends with the "MI"'s.dele
     Another time will do as well, at school last yeardele
     Or elsewhere, in praise of bushes or wandering.dele

And someone I have never seendele
Is thinking of me right now.dele

   Perhaps she, in her waydele
   By the day's "last rays", reads my letter.dele
   I promised and never sent.dele
   On flat landscapes the projections occur.dele

And one wishes to escape civilization.dele
A world of alien diseases is best,dele
Tyrant fruits, and big-voiced birdsdele
Bespeaking the awe of peace in orange grovesdele
By seaweed fires.dele

   At home the bespectacleddele
   Reader of newsprint shuns the baroque kiosk.dele
   Dirt darkness and destruction abounddele
   In the so-called modern "paradise"--he thinksdele
   As the trolley draws closer--a sheaf of newsprintdele
   Perpendicular to the thorax--is the one you draw close todele
   And say goodbye to, and wait for and return todele
   And hunger for inspiration from, in leafy enchantmentdele
   Of urban dusk. But somehow the mirth of everything rolls us alongdele
   Laughing and tired, and commenting on our journeydele
   Before it happens, and leaves us at the end.dele

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 25]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 25


That one daydele
It was a question of me, or that people maydele
Have spoken of me, is one and the same.dele
An exile from the life of city streetsdele
For firmly than if placed on some desert islanddele
In the middle of nowhere, in the Pacific's vast anonymous stretches.dele

The gray wastes of water surround
My puny little shoal. Sometimes storms roll
Tremendous billows far up on the gray sand beach, and the morning
After, odd tusked monsters lie stinking in the tropic sun.
They are inedible. For food, there is only
Breadfruit, and berries garnishedXXXXXXXXX garnered in the jungle's inner reaches,dele
Wrested from scorpion and poisonous snake. Fresh water is a problem.
After a rain you will find some nestling in the hollow trunk of a tree, or in hollow stones.

One's only form of distraction is really
To climb to the top of the one tall cliff to scan the distances.
Not for a ship, of course--this island is far from all the trade routes--
But in hopes of an unusual sight, such as a school of dophins at play,
A whale spouting, or a cormorant bearing down on its pray.
So high this cliff is that the pebble beach far below seems made of gravel.
Halfway down, the chaffs and crows look like bees.
Nearby are the nests of vultures, cXX they cluck sympathetically in my directiondele
(Which will not prevent them from rending me limb from limb once I have kicked off
Further down, and way over to one side, are nests of eagles,
Always fussing, fouling their bigs nests, they always seem to manage to turn their backs to you.
The glass is low; no doubt we are in for a storm.

Sure enough; in the pale gray nand orange distances, to the left, a
Waterspout is becoming distinctly visible. Beautiful, but terrifying;
Delicate, transparent, like a watercolor by that 19th century Englishman whose name I forget
(I am beginning to forget everything on this island; if only I had been allowed to bring my ten favorite books with me--
But a weathered child's alphabet is my only reading material--luckily,
some of the birds and animals on the island are pictured in it--the albatross, for instance--that's a name I never would have remembered)

It looks as though the storm-fiend were planning to kick up quite a ruckus
For this evening. I had better be getting back to the tent,
Make sure everything is shipshape, weight down the canvas with extra stones,
Bank the fire, and prepare myself a little hard-tack and tea
For the evening's repast. Still, it is rather beautiful up here

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 26]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 26


Watching the oncoming storm. Now the big cloud that was in front of the water-spout
Seems to be lurching forward so that the waterspout, behind it, looks more like a three-dimensional perspective photograph.
Above me the sky is a luminous, silver gray. Yet rain, like silver porcupine quills, has begun to be thrown down. All the lightning is still contained in the big black cloud however. Now thunder claps belch forth from it,
Causing the startled vultures to fly forth from their nests. I really had better be getting back down, I suppose.

Still it is rather fun to linger on in the wet,
Letting your clothes get damXXX soaked. What difference does it make? No one Will scold me for it,dele
Or look askance. Supposing I catch cold? It hardly matters; there are no nurses or infirmeries here
To make an ass of one. A really serious case of pneumonia would suit me fine.
Ker-choo! There, now I'm being punished for saying so. Aw, what's the use.
I really am starting down now. Goodbye, Storm-fiend. Goodbye, vultures.

In reality of course the bourgeois apartment I live in is unlike a desert island.
Cozy and warm it is, with a good library and record collection. The fridge stacked with toothsome victuals; the medecine chest with the latest wonder drugs.
Yet I feel cut off from the life in the streets.
Automobiles and trucks plow by me, spr XXXX spattering filthy slush on my garments.dele
The man in the street turns his face away. Another island-dweller, no doubt.
In a store or a crowded cafe, you get a momentary impression of warmth:
Steam belches out of the expresso machine, fogging the panes with their modern lettering
Of a type that has only been available for about a year. The headlines offer you
In giant type, news that is so new you can't realize it yet. A revolution in Brazil! Think of it! Bullets flying through the air, men on the move;
Great passions inciting to massive expenditures of energy, changing the lives of many individuals. Yet it is all offered as "today's news," as if we somehow had a right to it, as though it were a part of our lives
That we'd be silly to refuse. Here, have another--crime or revolution? Take your pick.

None of this makes any difference to professional exiles like me, and that includes everybody in the place.
We go on sipping our coffee, thinking dark or transparent thoughts...
Excuse me, may I have the sugar. Why certainly--pardon me for not having passed it to you.
A lot of bunk, none of them really care whether you get any sugar or not.
Just try asking for something a little more difficult and see how far it gets you
Not that I care anyway, being an exile. Nope, the motley spectacle offers nointerest whatever for me--
And yet-- and yet I feel myself caught up in its coils--
Its imperfectuo f XXXXXXXXXXXXXX defectuous movement is that of my reasoning powers--dele
The main point has already changed, but the masses continue to tread the water
Of backward opinion, living out their mandate as though nothing had happened.
We step out into the street, not realizing that the street is different
And so it shall be all our lives; only, from this moment on, nothing will ever be the same again. Fortunately our small pleasures and the monotony of daily existence
Are safe. You will wear the same clothes, and your friends will still want to see you for the same reasons--you fill a definite place in their lives, and they would be sorry to see you go.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 27]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 27


There has, however, been this change, so complete as to be invisible;
You might call it... "passion" might be a good word,
I think we will call it that for easy reference. This room, now, for instance, is all blue, instead of blb v XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX black and white instead of blue.dele

A few snowflakes are sinking in the airshaft, across the way
The sun was sinking, casting gray
Shadows on the front of the buildings.

Lower your left shoulder.
Stand still and do not see-saw with your body.

Any more golfing hints, Charlie?

Plant your feet squarely. Grasp your club lightly but firmly in the hollow of your fingers.
Slowly swing well back and complete your stroke well through, pushing to the very end

When putting, grasp the club firmly, swing back very slowly, and go well through with the stroke.

"All up and down de whole creation"
Like magic lantern slides projected on the wall of a cavern--castles, enchanted gardens, etc.
I am slowly coming round. But please don't ask for any news.

The traditional anagrams of moonlight
Projected on those walls--chunks of meaning in them--
A Your story that subsides quietly into plain historical fact.dele
You have, in fact, chosen the traditional images of youth, old age, and death
To keep harping on this traditional imagery.

For childhood you chose a wreath of rosesdele
As fitting the season and the general mood.dele
Maturity is symbolized by a shepherd's crookdele
To bring errant sheep back to the path.dele

Later life is a clock with the hands magnetized at noon
Unable to go back or forward, in the surprise of pain
And its amaze. Hips of trees that protect noon squatters
looking for flowers in the grass.

With death an angry fist
Summoning the injured family home
After a lifetime of errata. In these four pictures
The total history of mankind is enchained. The reader

Will not have been taken in.
He will have managed to find out all about it, the way people do.
so   The moonlight congress backs out then. And with a crydele
He throws the whole business into the flames: books, notes, pencil diagrams, everything.

No, the only thing that interests him is day
And its problems. Freiheit, freiheit!
To be out of these dusty cells once and for all
Has been the dream of mankind ever since the beginning of the universe.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 28]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 28

III-H Gdele

His  day is breaking over the eastern mountains, at least that's the way he tells it.
Only the crater of becoming--a sealed consciousness--resists the profaning mess of the sun.
You who automatically sneer at everything that comes along, except your own work, of course,
Now feel the curious force of the invasion; its soldiers, all and some,

A part of you the minute they appear. It is as though workmen in blue overalls
Were constantly bringing on new props and taking others away: that is how you feel the drama going past you, powerless to act in it.
To have it all be past! To wake suddenly on a hillside
With a valley far below--the clouds--the kind that are flat on the bottom, with long tails,dele
Roll away, leaving a plastron of ill feeling...dele
AndXXX in some bright environment daftdele
Imaginary cohorts join the fraydele

The cuisine of this place has driven me maddele
I shall have to run away--I been so long away from you--dele
There is a cheaper figure, however, called "The Talking Hand."dele
Quite a number of these make a good decorative frieze.dele

You might try interspersing them with separate flowers--dele
Peonies and violets are good to begin with--oh I knowdele
You don't want to hear the rest of it--Sardinia violetsdele
especially those from the region of Gonnosfanadiga, rapturouslydele
snatched from the surrounding slopes talk more about the storms inhabitants,dele
charcteristics--loving to go out at night--etc.)dele
--how the storm fiends lie in wait in mid-summer, athirst for calamity.dele
When through soft air callingdele
Distant day resounds to this cry: Postpone the evil! underliningdele
The reply you feel sweating out a dreamdele

That the fragments are castrated, caught up in tunnelsdele
And spat out like commands. And the whole thing definitely turns on itselfdele
To return exactly to you.dele

That is the penance you have already done;
January, March, February. We are living toward a definition
Of the peacefullest appetite, then you see
Them standing around limp and hungry like adjacent clouds.

Soon there is to be exchange of ideas and
Far more beautiful handshake, under the coat of
Weather is undecided right now.
Postpone the explanation.
The election is to be held tomorrow, under the trees.

You felt the months keep coming up
And it is December again,
The snow outside. Or is it June full of sun
And the prudent benefits of sun, but still the postman comes.
The true meaning of some of his letters is slight--

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 29]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 29


Another time I thought I could see myself.
This too proved illusion, but I could deal with the way
I keep returning on myself like a plank
Like a small boat blown away from the wind.

It all ends in a smile somewhere.
Notes to be taken on all this,
And you can see in the dark, of which the night
Is the continuation of your ecstasy and apprehension.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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— Part IV —

(First version)

[Page 30]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 30


The Stamp Album. From Pagoda Land. A Bird Brain. Youth and Shrubbery.

I love staying in igh s XXXXXX at nightdele
To take down the stamp album
Weeping over the dry holes
And those where only a printed drawing of the stamp is
Like this New Zealand number coated with poisonous
Reptiles--what color could it be? Possibly
A pale cabbage green
Or this Hungarian one with two heads
Of founders of the Communist party in pale blue
With the eyebrows inked in in deeper blue

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 31]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 31


The Stamp Album   

Though certain of my eyes
Final meeting with you, the way we live through
These silent periods without fear or surprise
I believe I shall write you (here a red bird breathes,
a little red ink bleeds onto the page; you see
The mildness does go on) to tell you what your brother has done.

Looking through some of my old poems
To get inspiration for things to talk to you about
I had lost track of the time. It was only
With a secret feeling of delight
I realized tho XXXX all those around me had long since gone to beddele
And I all alone in the eye of darkness.

These moments, one catches
As they come along, afraid to believe too much
In the happiness that might result
Or confide too much of one's love and fear, even in
Oneself. It was thus that I turned to the dark
As to a mirror, an enchanted smile.

These moments of the "population"
Of the night by the body are not wasted:
The next day the body returns
In costumes "of all nations" holding hands
In a chain of freedom. And,
As one might back a car into a garage
I remained in my chair, steady with sleep, with the desire of sleep.

I think sometimes the things you take up in your hands
Mean all of you, and the proof of this
Is that you are always part of me
In my nearest dreams. In the forest of unknowledge,
Sege overtopping the canyon of unproved reality
Deeper thanXX man's soul, and the tremendous sun, rising,dele

That is the proof of everything
And, in reality, proves so little. Why is it then,
We are obliged to turn sideways
Facing each other in the tremendous, but embraceable,
Glare that subdues everything around us?
This is space in which only we may stand.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 32]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 32

With still the madness
Of everything harking back through the years.
Perhaps sleep is only another thing, a piece of bark
You bent to XXXXXXXX stooped to pick up long ago.dele
Shortly after that the red bird flew quietly away.
Or a crumb of moss, too tiny to be clearly seen.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 33]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 33


The Stamp Album   

Though certain of my eyes'
Final meeting with you: how we move through
Certain events without fear or surprise
I believe I shall write you (here a red bird breathes,
A little red bleeds onto the page,
The mildness does go on). The distant, purple

Stamp album:'s my image of you.dele
So many dried, torn, utterly uninteresting images you both conceal:
Of work, play and piety; centennial expositions,
Of the 75th anniversary of a state, or the founding of the Hungarian Communist Party
I believe it is time we had a look at them.dele

And so it is with a secret feeling of delight I realize I am
All alone once again in the skittish darkness,
Leaning toward the magnifying glass, or the tweezers, or the little glass of water.

One seizes these moments as they come along, afraid
To believe too much in the happiness that might result
Or confide too much of one's love and fear, even in

Oneself. Thus it was, once, long ago         (an enthusiastic?) dele
I oXXX In our former period, I turned to the dark and enchanted smile.dele
These moments of "population"
Of the night by the body are not wasted:
The next day the body returns,dele
A multitude of bodies, dressed in the costumes of many landsdele
And holding a chain of freedom in their hands.dele

The first few links are a theme the stamps never tire CCCCCCCCCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLCLLdele
Breaking theXXXXXXXXXXXX whose shattered the poisonousdele

I think sometimes the things you take up in your hands
Mean all of you, and the proof of this
Is that you are always a part of me, even in my dreams.
When I pick up some humble object
From my desk, turning it between two fingers, carelessly
It means you. In a moment the pane

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 34]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 34


Will be ablaze with drops of rain
Like theXXX tears in the eye of sad presidentsdele
On these endless rolls of cancelled stamps.dele
In the forest of unknowledge, sedge
Overtops the canyon of unprovedn realitydele
And thought is drowned out by the roaring of the cascades of ignorance;

That the proof of everything
Really proves so little. With still the madness
Of everything barking through the years.
Perhaps sleep is only another thing, a piece of wood

You stopped to p XXXXXXXXXXXXX stooped to pick up years ago.dele

Shortly after that the bird flew curiously away.dele
Or crumb of moss, too tiny to be clearly distinguished.

The day was gloves.

How far from the usual statement
About time, ice--the weather itself had gone.

I mean this: through the years
You have approached an inventory.
And it is now that tomorrow
Is going to be the climax of your casual
statement about yourself, begun
So long ago in humility and false quietude.

The sands are frantic
In the hourglass. But there is time
To change, to utterly destroy
That too-familiar image
Lurking in the glass
Each morning, at the ege of the mirror.

The thing is that your continuitydele
Is never what is expected,dele
Thus... In the end we have yourdele
Complete image just the samedele
Just as the setting of a play never changes.dele
We areXXXXXX The voyage has not yet begun.dele

The train is still in the station.
You only dreamed that it was in motion.
So there is freedom to be moved
Again. To slowly raise oneself
Hand over hand, lifting one's entire weight
By oneself. Forget there was ever

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 35]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 35

A possibility
Of some more politic movement.
That freedom, courage
And pleasant company could exist.
That has always been
Behind you. You have never wanted

The equation your heart was set on.
So back into the night
Of stamps. I'll take that one
                                  in pale blue, the eyebrows of paler blue inked in with all
Of Sun yat Sen--it will just fit                the passion of dele
Into the album. Meanwhile, a tragedy             which the
Is unfolding on the upper story.                  yellow
To you, an earlier litigation                    isdele
Wind hard in the tops                            capable
of trees I think there is a funny sandbardele

Beyond the old boardwalk

Your intrigue makes you understand.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 36]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 36

                       However, today
(Snowflakes floating down a dark airshaft)
Is more to me. The way
My exile is picked out on your territory; you laughed
But could not subjugate me to your sway
As in some bright laundry theXXX daftdele
And holyXXXX wholly imaginary suds work into the fraydele
Commenting. Better that they waft

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 37]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 37

A few snowflakes are falling in the airshaft
And my exile is full of meaning to me in this way.
The minute the door shut behind me I laughed
And gripping the jamb of the door, began to sway
Backward and forward, daft
With the sensation of loneliness, a fray
Of colored sensations that waft
Peacefully across the gray
Of ordinary feelings, like stXX small craftdele
When they put up storm signals late in May
Henceforth, a prisoner on a bobbing raft
Of differencXXXXXXXXX indifference, I'd ofXX raftdele
Of feelings to sort out. {That one daydele
It was a question of me, or that people maydele
Have spoken of me,} was one and the same: no shaftdele
Could now wound me, no craft
Perplex. Across the way
The sun was sinking, casting gray
Shadows on the front of the buildings. I laughed
Again, feeling sadness waft
Like a soothing current. The sway
Of melancholy had officially begun, could fray
A curtain. Daft

                     half dele
Little birds harped on it; daft
I remembered a peach orchard, like a raft
Of fragrant blossoms, another dayXXXXXXXXXXX to fraydele
It was a prairieXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX a path through hushed seas. Another daydele
It was the same, orXX as tall graXXX reeds swaydele
And yet things remain the same. Thus one may
Live on and on, mindless of peanuts that waft
Their smell your way, like a shaft.
The old janitress laughed
To hear us there

He will have managed to
find out all about it, the
way that people do.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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— Part V —

[Page 38]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 38

From Pagoda Land dele


A Funny Grace. The "Second Position." Man's Indifference Explained. Apology for Human Life. Drunkenness and Its After-Effects. No matter how kind you are to other people, they will hate you for being yourself. A wish formulated for future periods of temperance and relaxation. The British Tea Industry and Its Development. A History of Tea. From Pagoda Land. Gipsy Tea-Leaves. Past Masters of Eloquence. Rapid View of the Houses of Parliament. Brief discussion of the parliamentary System. A "Bird Brain." Pencils and Pens. The Colors of the Spectrum. A Dusty Road. All'Osteria Venti. A Sound of Peeing. The Avalanche. Wednesday Morning. Appendix. The Constellations.

The wind thrashes the maple seed-pods,
The whole brilliant mass comes spattering down.

This is my fourteenth year as governor of C___ province.
I was little more than a lad when I first came here.
Now I am older, but scarcely any wiser.
So little are white hairs and a wrinkled forehead a sign of wisdom!dele

We were waiting for you under the broom-tree.
We called but you did not come.

I keep a pocket diary
In which I note down random jottings and impressions.
Today I wrote, "The spring is late this year.
In the early mornings there is hoar-frost on the water-meadows
And delicate papery ice shields the frozen mud on the highway."dele
If you go out to the western gate, will anybody be likely to meet you?

The wind continues its tiresome threnody
In the {baggy branches of the} eucalyptus.{' baggy branches}dele

There are only a few travelers on the Z high road.dele
Eyes XXXXX From behind slatted shutters a pair of black eyes are watching them.dele
They areXXX belong to the wife of P, the high-school principal.dele

It was forty-odd years ago I first saw you
Coming over the self-same track.

And I still go out to meet you.
The screen door bangs in the rising wind, one of the hinges is loose.
And together we look back at the house.
It could use a coat aX of paintdele
Except that I am too poor to hire a workman.dele
I have all I can do to keep body and soul together
And soon, even that relatively simple task may prove to be beyond my powers.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 39]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 39

I thought I saw you on the Recamier couch.
Maybe this was just another one of my visions.

Once when coffee and tea were offered
Or the Veranda of the wild {root} flower{-root} palacedele
You appeared wearing mended stockings which did not match.
The other guests have long since forgotten the disgrace, but I have not forgotten.
Nor can I believe your embarrassment has been so short lived.dele
Each of us offered flowers to the other. Mine was geraniums
And water lilies in a rusted metal can.
Yours was just a bunch of old dandelions.dele

That was a good joke you played on the other guests.
A joke of silence.

The last tadpoles have turned into frogs.dele
The spring, though mild, is incredibly wet
The roof leaks onto this page the desk, blurring the handwriting.dele
If only there was enough money to repair the roof!
Suddenly, as fish become a ducks, leave the side of a streamdele
The rain stops, and the wind starts beating among the tiles

I have spent the afternoon blowing soap bubbles
And am no longer fit for the company of my fellow humans.

Seventeen years in the capital of Foo-Yung province
A-hii-y! A-hii-y!dele
Surely woman isXX was made for somethingdele
Besides almost continual fornication, interrupted by menstrual cramps.

The birch-pods come clattering down on the moss-grown marble pavement.
And a curl of smoke stands above the triangular wooden roof.

Engineer Y said, "The clouds hang in the heavens
Like hungry hawks above a cornfield." It is time
To go inside now,
To slam the back door, and curl up with the misery of a good book.

How many scrolls in your library
How many illustrious fronds decking the branches of your family tree!

True, but ancestors aren't everything.
Even good breeding isn't everything.
A lot depends on the will to good behavior,
And quiet, natural manners.

The "second position"
Comes in the seventeenth year,
   Watching the meaningless girations of flies above a sill.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
To the top                              

[Page 40]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 40

The wind has dropped, but the magnolia blossoms still
Fall with a plop onto the dry, spongy earth.
The evening air is pestiferous with gnats. (midges)dele
We walk back to the house taking our time about it
Because there is nothing for dinner
Only hot water and a couple of shit-smeared eggs.

There is only one way to complete the puzzle:
By finding a roof-shaped peaceXXXXX piece that is lime-green fading to buff at one edge side.dele

I had thought of announcing my engagement to you
The day of the first full moon of X month.

Though it is only the beginning of March, a few
Russet and yellow wall flowers are blooming in the border
Protected by some moss-grown, fragmentary masonry.
Termites are at work in the long central roof-beam.

One morning you appear at breakfast
Dressed, as for a voyage, in your worst suit of clothes.
And over a pot of coffee, or, more accurately, rusted water
Announce your intention of leaving me alone in this cistern-like house.
In your own best interests I think I shall decide not to believe you.

A curious wooden vehicle you have, neither cart nor sled.
The wooden runners swish quite merrily over the oozy grass.
You had thought it only big enough for one but in reality it holds two quite comfortably.

In the distance, academic spires.
We are approaching M, a sub-prefecture of Z province.           (lively)dele
Here we shall find food, a night's lodging, and, if we are lucky, intelligent conversation.

"Hard-boiled eggs and honey
Have ever been my principal sustenance.
A little water taken at dawn, in the evening some seaweed-broth
And someXXXXXXXX With perhaps some corn-sugar crystals on special feast-daysdele
Are enough for the sage. Cinder-block cushions on a granite couch
He finds Are too soft for him; he and weeps with gentle rage."dele
The tiresome old man is telling us his life story.
He was born, it seems, long ago, near the frontiers of D district
In the heart of the famous pitch-pine forests there. A lifetime ofXX among treesdele
Has made him sallow and listless; his heart is like a fungus
Deep in the heart of some dismal wood.dele
"At thirty-two I came up to take my examinations at X university.
The W U wax factory, it seemed, wanted a new general manager.dele
I was the sole applicant for the job, but it was refused me.
So I have preferred to finish my life
In the quietude of this floral retreat."

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
To the top                              

[Page 41]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 41


The passions that inhabit a man!
And the belief that, with them, everything will somehow turn out all right!

"R was a formean on the XX P-Q ranchdele
After a brilliant caree XXXXXX beginning as a poetdele
He feel love with a ewe from a neighboring farm. hacienda.dele
His name is unknown in the university
And in the wooden pavillion of the Lotus Court.
He spends all his time reciting poetry to an empty corral."

Tomorrow our way lies beneath strange cliffs,
Across murky currents and impossible champaigns.
I suggest that we both get a little shut-eye.dele
I guess I All night long I shall be muttering apologies.dele
There is nothing worse than being drunk on apricot brandy
Unless it is waking up the next morning, your
Head encircled by midges gnats.dele
A servant girl in a triped dress brings you a pot of cold water to wash in.
But the logey feeling persists until well into the afternoon.
 HowI long for future periods of temperance and relaxation!dele

There is less drunknness in China than elsewhere.
True, they sing the delights of wood-alcohol
With all the passion of which the Yellow Race is capable.
Yet tea, the fermented and dried leaves of the tea-shrub steeped in boiling water, is the national beverage.

The British, though not averse to hard liquor, are a nation of tea drinkersdele
Their liners have a habit of scouting the seven seas in search of the ephemeral brewdele
Alas, the capricious bush is partial only to certain shades and climates.dele
Often the tea-captain must push on to the furthest shores of sullen Cathaydele
To satisfy the whims of his regent. There, a slit-eyed potentatedele
Regales him in the Tea Palace over a steaming pot of an unnamed brew.dele

The British tea industry has had a phenomenal rise in the last hundred years.dele
Britons are the biggest tea-consumers, followed by the United States and Norway.dele
In Bolivia last year some 7 millions ofXX gallons of scalding tea was serveddele
In little bowls, while the Peruvians like to sip it through a porcelain tube.dele

But all this is nothing in comparisondele
To the interest in fortune-telling via tea-leaves.dele
A creful fortune-teller can discerndele
Signs peculiar--wreathed woodsmoke, a mounted cowboydele
With spurs and holster, or a cat arching its back on some roof.dele
Sometimes a necklace of diamonds, or a snake, or a speeding express traindele
Or barred windows, are among the shapes assumed by the capricious herb.dele

We are still sitting in the courtyard of the little inn
Near an open drainage ditch. The wind has dropped again
And the sun, on the backs of our necks, feels quite warm.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
To the top                              

[Page 42]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 42

 And stooped to pick
a tiny, yellow flower. 


You see, though you thought I was in love with you
I actually gave you the worst mark on the test.

Winter with its discouragement XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXdele
Shifts the scene   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXdele

His great-grandfather studied with d'Indy at the Schola Cantorum.dele

A sound of peeing interrupted by cornflowers

There is perfection in the feeling that I might have died.

It is the property to be lifted again
Alive with rebuttaldele
In itself a clever context, and cold fringe
To be gotten got out of the shadow, a hole.dele

In the April rain, little to distinguish--
The outline of the blockhouse
Its steps nothing more than wood splinters.

Peaches are darkening on the western wall
Of Tee Hee Palace.
The sun has rested there too long.

Only a XX sobbing--, certain note--dele
Breathes, in the transparent, deafening flood.

Only a little discontinuity
In space, the mother of distance.

Extending your lives into a kind of penumbra.

The trout are circling under water--

How cold and dismal is your hospital,dele
How beautiful and silent the gray walls of that clinic!dele

Past Masters of eloquencedele
Glisten on the pages of your book
Like mountains veiled by water or the sky.
You can disappear into the moment.

You were happy in that prison
Next to the sea where slow boats come and godele
By the land XXXXXXXXXXXX Or over the land, checkered with prosperity and strife.dele
To know how to get out of There, how to breathe.dele
In another sense it is quiet i  XX and beautifuldele

Heads in hands, waterwfall of simplicitydele
The delta of living in into everythingdele
Childhood, death and old agedele
Are upon usdele

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 43]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 43


The pump is leaking--I shall have to have it fixed.

Like that marvelous thing you haven't learned yet.

Your knotted hair,
Around your shoulders
A shawl the collors of the spectrumdele

The parcels pin you to the doorXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.dele

To refuse the square hive
Out of autonomy, clearing. XXXXXXXXXX postpone the highestdele

The apples are all getting tinted
In the cool light of autumn
Life is erupting throughXXXXXXX breaking youdele
Though you know it not.dele

The constellations are rising
In perfect order: Taurus, Leo, Gemini.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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— Part IV —

(Second version)

[Page 44]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 44


The wind thrashes the maple seed-pods,
The whole brilliant mass comes spattering down.

This is my fourteenth year as governor of C province.
I was little more than a lad when I first came here.
Now I am old but scarcely any wiser.
So little are white hairs and a wrinkled forehead a sign of wisdom!

To slowly raise oneself
Hand over hand, lifting one's entire weight.;dele
To forget there was a possibility
Of some more politic movement. That freedom, courage
And pleasant company could exist.
That has always been behind you.

An earlier litigation: wind hard in the tops
Of the baggy eucalyptus.

Today I wrote, "The spring is late this year."dele
In the early mornings there is hoar-frost on the water meadows.dele
And ice papers over the frozen mud ruts on the highway."dele
If you go out to the western gate, will anybody be likely to meet you?

The day was gloves.

How far from the usual statement
About time, ice--the weather itself had gone.

I mean this*: through the yearsdele
You have approached and inventory.dele
And it is now that tomorrow
Is going to be the climax of your casual
Statement about yourself, begun
So long ago in humility and false quietude.

The sands are frantic
In the hourglass. But there is time
To change, to utterly destroy
That too-familiar image
Lurking in the glass
Each morning, at the edge of the mirror.
The train is still in the stationdele
You only dreamed it was in motion.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
To the top                              

[Page 45]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 45


There are only a few travelers on Z high road.
From behind the shutters a pair of black eyes are watching them.dele
They belong to the wife of P, the high school principal.

It was forty-odd years ago I first saw you
Coming over the self-same track.

And I still walk out to meet you.
The screen door bangs in the wind, one of the hinges is loose.
And together we look back at the house.
It could use a coat of paint
Except that I am too poor to hire a workman.

I have all I can do to keep body and soul together.
And soon, even that relatively simple task may prove to be beyond my powers.

That was a good joke you played on the other guests.
A joke of silence.

One seizes these moments as they come along, afraid
To believe too much in the happiness that might result
Or confide too much of one's love and fear, even in

The spring, though mild, is incredibly wet.
I have spent the afternoon blowing soap-bubbles
And am unfit for the company of my fellow humans.

And so it is with a feeling of delight I realize I amdele
All alone in the skittish darkness.dele
The birch-pods come clattering down on the moss-grown marble pavement.
And a curl of smoke stands above the triangular wooden roof.

Seventeen years in the capital of Foo-Yung province!
A-hii-y! A-hii-y!
Surely woman was born for something.
Besides continual fornication, interrupted retarded only by menstrual cramps.dele

I had thought of announcing my engagement to youdele
On the day of the first full moon of X month.

Engineer Y said, "The clouds hang in the heavens
Like hungry hawks above a cornfield." It is time
To go inside now, and curl up with the misery of a good book.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
To the top                              

[Page 46]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 46
The "second position"
Comes in the seventeenth year,
Watching the meaningless gyrations of flies above a sill.

The wind has stopped, but the magnolia blossoms still
Fall with a plop onto the dry, spongy earth
The evening air is pestiferous with midges.
                      of dele
There is only one way to completeing the puzzle: that is light greendele
By finding a willow-colored lime light green roof-shaped piece shading to buff at one side.dele

It is the beginning of March, a few
Russet and yellow wall flowers are blooming in the border
Protected by moss-grown weed [???] mossgrown, fragmentary masonry.dele
Termites are at work in the long central roof beam.

One morning you appear at breakfast
Dressed, as for a voyage, in your worst suit of clothes.
And over a pot of coffee, or more accurately rusted water
Announce your intention of leaving me alone in this cistern-like house.
I thinkXXXXXXX In your own best interests I think I shall decide not to believe you.dele

I think there is a funny sandbar
Beyond the old boardwalk
Your intrigue makes you understand.

"At thirty-two, I came up to take my examinations at the university.dele
The U wax factory, it seemed, wanted a new general manager.
I was the sole applicant for the job, but it was refused me.
So I have preferred to finish my life
In the quietude of this floral retreat."

The tiresome old man is telling us his life story.

The trout are circling under water--

Masters of eloquence
Glisten on the pages of your book
Like mountains veiled by water or the sky.

These moments of "population"dele
Of the night by the body are not wasted. wholly useless.dele

Only a sobbing, certain noteXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXdele
Breathes, in the transparent, deafening flood.XXXXXCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCKCdele
Heads in hands, waterfall of simplicity.
The delta of living into everything.
The pump is leaking--I shall have to have it fixed.dele

Your knotted hair
Around your shoulders
A shawl the colors of the spectrum

Like that marvelous thing you haven't learned yet.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
To the top                              

[Page 47]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 47

To refuse the square hive,dele
                            postpone the highest...dele

The apples are all getting tinted
In the cool light of autumn.dele

The constellations are rising
In perfect order: Taurus, Leo Gemini.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
To the top                              

Unordered fragments

[Page 48]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 48

use to end Part III dele

When through soft air calling
Day distantly resounds with this a cry: Postpone the evil! underlining
The reply you feel sweating out the a dreamdele

That the fragments are {castrated,} caught up in mouths dele
And spat out like commands. And the whole thing definitely turns on itself
To return exactly to you.
That is the penance you have already done:dele
January, March, February. We are living towards a possible definition
Of {the} peaceful{lest} appetite, then you seedele
Them standing around limp and hungry like adjacent clouds.

Soon there is to be exchange of ideas and
Far more beautiful handshake, under the coat ofdele
Weather is undecided right now.
Postpone the explanation.
The election is to be held tomorrow, under the trees.

You felt the months keep coming up
And it is December again.
The quietxxxxx snow outside. Or is it June full of sundele
And the prudent benefits of sun, but still the postman comes.
[The true meaning of some of these letters is meager.]dele

Another time I thought I could see myself.
This too proved illusion, but I could deal with the way
I keep returning on myself like a plank
Like a small boat blown away from the wind.dele

It all ends in a smile somewhere.
Notes to be taken on all this,
And you can see in the dark, of which the night
Is the continuation of your ecstasy and apprehension.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
To the top                              

[Page 49]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 49

It was caught in strings,
A "public instruction."
How far from the usual statement
About time, ice--the weather itself had gone.

The day was gloves.

I think there is a funny sandbar
Your face's milk Use at 
Beyond the old boardwalk end ofdele
Your intrigue makes you understand. IV  

The captain's sigh.

I've enjoyed having them and
No dishonor black uncorked

To you, an earlier litigation
Wind hard in the tops
Of the committee laying wreaths
Pointing down the story, unsung and ungathered,
A seal on that day's comics.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 50]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 50

It had been "damned" or dammed up:
 tipplingAfloat on its platform the [multiplying] reflector gave a little crydele
As your naked justicer hovered {over}dele

Like that marvelous thing you haven't learned yet.
All the air protrudes on your breathing theory
 that(You used to say everything breathed).dele

The fourteen-year-old mist is plumbed
By Plato in one of his books:dele
The wWoven story of his conical sandbox.dele

It seemed a bird was perched in the tree.dele
You had broken a small bone in your wrist
Extending your lives into a kind of penumbra.

How cold and dismal is your hospital,
How beautiful and silent the white walls of that clinic!dele

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
To the top                              

[Page 51]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 51

But often a breathing space
Comes, as when yellow bands, or stale green ones, infest some wood
Through which a tiger walks on flint paws. All states of human excitement
and anguish can be observed in the animal kingdom. The lion drew close to Androcles.
Horses can think faster than men, as well as move faster
The sound of hoofs silences the chariot's voluptuous squeak.
Adrool over this keyboard I remember some cat or badger, and offer up sad, fond thoughts to you
{But nothing escapes the intensity of minor acts.}dele
{The chestnutsXXXXXXXXXXXXX}dele

The chestnuts

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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[Page 52]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 52
"The person" is lonely
As that Weenix "Head of a Man," or an old and discolored umbrella.
Near the postoffice calendar with its amazing digits
The colored perfume of "sense" appropriations makes a kind of shroud
Of mere slips and postscripts of meaning--here is the central orifice
Of all the gigantic vocabulary of meaning, like a garden with a central spot:
A granite terrace extends out into so much that is fresh and green
As though buoyed up by the negation of its own dishonoring weight.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
To the top                              

[Page 53]

Ashbery: “The Skaters,” first typescript, page 53


I'm going. It can escape me.
When we look through a railway tunnel, it looks as though the way out
At the other end were smaller than the way in at this,
But we know they are of the same size.
The lines of brass round the keyhole follow the same rules.
The lines that draw nearer together are said to "vanish."

Objects, as they recede, appear to become smaller.
All horizontal receding lines have their vanishing point upon the line of sight.

The receding lines of the road, the grass edges, the walls--
All parallel retiring lines have the same vanishing point as each others.dele
The front of the farmhouse is so much foreshortened
The white feathers of chickens in the snow seem outlined in gray or black.
The frozen pump's encrusted with ice which seems gray-blue against the white of the snow.
The lamp casts monstrous shadows. All flies upward. My gosh, white scraps
The mostXXXXXXXX From the scrap-basket, that were the snow-chickensdele
Fly upward as to some ceiling-roost, covered with platinum dust.
The rooster screaming among the grape and hawthorn leaves is upended.
A shallow wooden drawer shot open; what looked like dust-covered, wooden discs spilled out onto the turkey carpet
Whose linted scarlet threads adhered to the porous surface.
The color will have penetrated the muslin and gone a little way into the wool
Still irregular grayish patches still stood out on the dust-covered part of the surface
Contrasting with the newly-stretched pleats, like a dark delta in some flat, sandy river valley;
An illusion destroyed by the ham-shaped flecks of leaves spotting the regular texture
(You will find that leaves are not alike in character: some are covered with hairs, like the mullein's, or have a strong smell;
Perhaps you had better begin upon such leaves.) The spilled threadsdele
Merged upward with the moans of the leaves; the boiler emitted one last small white puff.dele

Blazing our nights with spectral thunder, the young polyphonist
Grows, precisely, away from the musical night eX invoked by prestidigitation:dele
A smoke-covered alley. A sail
Which vanishes has no more adherence.
Therefore we should give over this absence, petrifying coal-dust,
The way legions of imps do. "The ship came sailing up the," and so on,
But as the water surface ripples, the whole light changes. Skies are aghast.
Some defacing of private property goes on, and the wild life in this region is polluted.

| Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV (1st version) |
| Part V | Part IV (2nd version) | Fragments
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