| A great wind lifted these cardboard panels | |
| Horizontal in the air. At once the perspective with the horse | |
| Disappeared in a bigarrure of squiggly lines. The image with the crocodile in it became no longer apparent. | |
| Thus a great wind cleanses, as a new ruler | |
| Edits new laws, sweeping the very breath of the streets | |
| Into posterior trash. The films have changed-- | |
| The great titles on the scalloped awning have turned dry and blight-colored. | |
| No wind that does not penetrate a man's house, into the very bowels of the furnace, | |
| Scratching in dust a name on the mirror--say, and what about letters, | |
| The dried grasses, fruits of the winter--gosh! Everything is trash! | |
| The wind points to the advantages of decay | |
| At the same time as removing them far from the sight of men. | |
| The regent of the winds, Aeolus, is a symbol for all earthly potentates | |
| Since holding this sickening, festering process by which we are cleansed | |
| Of afterthought. | |
| A girl slowly descended the line of steps. | |
| Lengthening arches. The intensity of minor acts. As skaters elaborate their distances, | |
| Taking a separate line to its end. Returning to the mass, they join each other | |
| Blotted in an incredible mess of dark colors, and again reappearing to take the theme | |
| Some little distance, like fishing boats developing from the land different parabolas, | |
| Taking the exquisite theme far, into farness, to Land's End, to the ends of the earth! | |
| But the livery of the year, the changing air | |
| Bring each to his end close decline goal fulfillment. Leaving phrases unfinished, | |
| Gestures half-sketched against woodsmoke. The abundant sap | |
| Oozes in girls' throats, the sticky words, half-uttered, unwished for, | |
| A blanket disbelief, quickly supplanted by idle questions that fade in turn. | |
| Slowly the mood turns to look at itself as some urchin | |
| Forgotten by the roadside. New schemes are got up, new taxes, | |
| Earthworks. And the hour becomes light again. | |
| Girls wake up in it. | |