| (The kidnappers had parked their automobile behind some black shrubbery. | |
| Meanwhile Doris all unsuspecting was walking in the back yard with her lover. | |
| Her father, the fire-chief, had told her he refused to have him inside the house | |
| But he was off battling flames that day, a mysterious fire having broken out | |
| At the Jones & Co. warehouse, the latest in a series of fires | |
| Which had the nerves of the whole town on edge. Hearing a noise, Arthur-- | |
| That was the name of Lois' boyfriend--dashed into the side yard. Returning | |
| Around the edge of the clapboard house he was astonished to note Lois' disappearance, | |
| Already, behind the ragged foliage, on the back seat of the black Pontiac, | |
| Not wanting the gag to be thrust into her mouth). | |
| There are moving parts to be got out of order, | |
| However, in the flame fountain. Add gradually one ounce, by measure, of sulphuric acid | |
| To five or six ounces of water in an earthenware basin. Add to it, also gradually, about three-quarters of an ounce of granulated zinc. | |
| A rapid production of hydrogen gas will instantly take place. Then add, | |
| From time to time, a few pieces of phosphorus the size of a pea. | |
| A multitude of gas bubbles will be produced, which will fire on the surface of the | |
| effervescing liquid. | |
| The whole surface of the liquid will become luminous, through the fluidXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and fire balls, with jets of fire, | |
| Will dart from the bottom, through the fluid with great rapidity and a hissing noise. | |
| But how luminous the fountain! Its sparks seem to aspire to reach the sky! | |
| And so much energy in those bubbles. A wise man could contemplate his face in them | |
| With impunity, but fools would surely tdo better not to approach too close | |
| Because any intense physical activity like that implies danger for the unwary and the uneducated. Great balls of fire! | |
| In my day we used to make "fire designs," using a saturated solution of nitrate of potash. | |
| Then we used to take a smooth stick, and using the solution as ink, draw with it on sheets of white tissue paper. | |
| Once it was thoroughly dry, the writing would be invisible. | |
| By means of a spark from a smouldering match ignite the potassium nitrate at any part of the drawing, | |
| First laying the paper on a plate or tray in a darkened room. | |
| The fire will smoulder along the line of the invisible drawing until the design is complete. | |