We'd like to dedicate this, our first issue, to the memory of Douglas
Oliver, the featured reader on this disc, who died in the spring of 2000.
Thanks to Anselm Berrigan for lending us his recordings of Douglas and
to Alice Notley for giving us permission to use them.
We are sorry to note that Gil Ott passed away during the preparation
of this CD, but we feel fortunate to be able to share his voice with you.
Our condolences to his wife Julia, and daughter, Willa.
We'd like to thank everyone who helped make the CD possible, especially
Buck Downs, kari edwards, Susan Maynard, Bill Corbett, George Logan at
In the Night Studios, Molly at Molly's Bookstore in Philly for letting
us hold a fundraiser, Frank Sherlock who let us hold a fundraiser at his
La Tazza Poetry series, and to all the people who sent us subscriptions
ahead of time.
If you would like to have your work considered for an upcoming issue,
please send a recording on an audio CD or standard cassette tape to:
POBox 22521
Philadelphia, PA 19110
For a copy of this CD send $11 to the above address.
For information on the artists please email the editors at CAConrad13@aol.com or minor.american@sbcglobal.net.
- CAConrad & Magdalena Zurawski, editors