Posted 3/28/2025
Filreis begins his program notes at Jacket2, by discussing the provenance of both the poem and its recording: "The poem was published in the poetry collection Alien Abduction in 2015. (This was his first book of poems since Inseparable of 2008, so we assume 'Polar Night' was written around then but not in time to be included in the 2008 book.)" He then frames the program through that collection, noting "Our discussion of the poem aligns well with a comment made by Dorothea Lasky about Alien Abduction as a whole: 'Warsh listens closely to everything, and in this book we find the mix of everything that makes up life... In it too we find a life that is always strange because it is living and constantly changing.'"
You can listen to this latest program, listen to and read and the poem, and learn more about the show here. PoemTalk is a joint production of PennSound and the Poetry Foundation, aided by the generous support of Nathan and Elizabeth Leight. Browse the full PoemTalk archives, spanning more than two hundred episodes, by clicking here.
Posted 3/26/2025
In light of last week's cowardice on the part of Columbia University, we thought it might be worthwhile to remember another historic moment when the school's student body needed to serve as a moral compass for a wayward administration: namely the 1968 campus occupation, during which beloved poet David Shapiro — famously pictured at right sitting at the desk of university president Grayson L. Kirk, smoking one of his cigars.
A precocious and prolific polymath, Shapiro first hit the cultural scene as a teenager, working as a professional violinist with several orchestras and publishing his first work in Poetry at the age of sixteen. That infamous photo was taken during the end of the first of three tenures at Columbia: he earned his BA in 1968, returned for a Ph.D. in 1973, and eventually joined the faculty. Beyond his own poetry, Shapiro published both art and literary criticism, along with work as a translator and editor (perhaps most notably, An Anthology of New York Poets with Ron Padgett). His influence was felt widely and he will be missed by many.
We direct listeners to Shapiro's PennSound author page, where you can browse a small collection of more recent recordings, including a pair of Segue Series events and a reading for Dia Art Foundation, and a 1976 ten-year memorial for Frank O'Hara at the Poetry Project, which also featured Joe LeSeuer, Patsy Southgate, Jane Freilicher (reading James Schuyler), Anne Waldman as MC, Kenneth Koch (reading "Awake in Spain"), Carter Ratcliffe, Tony Towle, Patsy Southgate, and Peter Schjedahl. Our most recent addition to the page, sent to us by Peter Gizzi after Shapiro's passing, is a pair of recordings from a 2004 visit to UMass Amherst, which includes both a talk on painters Fairfield Porter and Jasper Johns and a lengthy reading. Click here to start exploring.
Posted 3/24/2025
In "What She Said," Prevallet presents us with a lengthy inventory of questions asked of an unnamed "she," which casts a wide net, encompassing all manner of somatic and psychological experience, and occasionally folds back on itself, before evolving into a more objective narrative in the final section. It's undergirded by Brent's subtle soundscape, which blends a foundation of menacing drones, atonal guitar chime, and orchestral gravity with periodic overlays of ticking typewriters and threshing clacks, and Prevallet's performance here is just as musical and important, wavering from sedate calm to a more fervent delivery, sometimes speaking naturalistically and other times veering into stop-start Creeley-style hesitations, which interact beautifully with the sounds around it. Click here to listen now. It will be nine and a half minutes well spent.
Want to read more? Visit the PennSound Daily archive.
New at PennSound
- Three new Old Songs albums of archaic Greek performances: Corinna (2020),
Callimachus (2022), and Sappho (2024),
produced by Mark Jiclking and Chris Mason
- Stanley Silverman and Richard Foreman theatrical collaborations, with performances ranging from 1974 through 2018
- Dennis Barone reading the poetry of Pascal D'Angelo, home recording, January 20, 2025
- George Quasha reading syntactic sentience, Barrytown, NY, December 13, 2024
- Kate Colby reading in the Wexler Studio at Kelly Writers House, October 17, 2024
- Peter Cole, DA Powell, and Luke Roberts readings for Boise State Reading Series, Fall 2024
- Khonsay: Poem of Many Tongues, a film by Bob Holman and Steve Zeitlin, 2015
- Jerome Rothenberg memorial program, June 24, 2024
- Rachel Blau DuPlessis's complete grid of Drafts, 1988–2024
- George Quasha reading the laryngeal uterus of the word, Barrytown, NY, June 17, 2024
- Piotr Gwiazda reads from Grzegorz Wróblewski's Dear Beloved Humans, February 7, 2024
- Adam Fieled reading from Something Solid: Portal-Ways
- Leonard Schwartz with Simon Carr at Bowery Gallery, 2024
- Michael Ruby reading from Close Your Eyes, Visions, 2023
- David Shapiro reading and talk for UMass Amherst Visiting
Writers Series, Spring 2004
- Anne-Marie Albiach reading ÉTAT, Hotel de Ville, Neuilly, France, October 10, 2007
- Spring 2024 Boise State Reading Series: Christina Piña, CAConrad, Jennifer Moxley, Endi Bogue Hardigan, Rob Schlegel, and Ian Dreiblatt
- Belladonna* GIST #2 featuring Kaleem Hawa and Rachelle Rahmé, Center for Brooklyn History, March 23, 2024
- George Quasha reading strange beauty by stranger attraction, Barrytown, NY, March 18, 2024
- Richard Foreman at Segue / Artist Space, New York City, March 16, 2024
- Belladonna* GIST #1 featuring Peter Myers and Jameson Fitzpatrick, Brooklyn Central Library, February 24, 2024
- Six Poems by Giovanni Fontana
- Barbara Henning reading with Jaime Manrique, St. Mark's Poetry Project, January 27, 1993
- George Quasha reading crossroads angelics, Barrytown, NY, December 30, 2023
- Charles North reading for the William Corbett Poetry Series, MIT Virtual Event, April 21, 2022
- VOX Audio Collection, 2005–2011
- Fall 2023 readings at Boise State University's Hemingway Center: Peter Gizzi,
Dan Beachy-Quick, Srikanth Reddy, and Alice Notley
- New author page: Davide Balula
- Hugh Seidman: New Author Page
- Paul Dutton's Oralizations, actuellecd, 2005
- Richard Foreman's production of John Zorn's Astronome,
2010, film by Henry Hills
- Jena Osman and Adam Pendleton reading for the launch of A Very Large Array, Artbook @ MoMA PS1 Bookstore, October 21, 2023
- The Swan 20: Dorota Czerner, September 2, 2023
- Tracie Morris and Tongo Eisen-Martin performing for the Flow Chart Foundation, Hudson, NY, September 22, 2023
- Harryette Mullen on Morton Marcus's "The Poetry Show," KUSP, March 18, 1987
- Ann Lauterbach reading at 'T' Space, Rhinebeck, NY, July 8, 2017 and July 16, 2023
- Ron Padgett reading for the Yale Literary Magazine, November 1, 2022
- A reading with Chris Martin and Adam Wolfond, February 15, 2023
- Julia Bloch reading Valley Oak for PoemADay, August 12, 2023
- Clark Coolidge, The Painter's Poet: a talk on Philip Guston, Poets House, April 4, 2013
- Philip Whalen reading at National Poetry Festival, Allendale, MI, July, 1971
- Lew Welch reading The Song Mt. Tamalpais Sings, Planning and Conservation League, date unknown
- Philip Whalen reading at the Unicorn Bookshop, Santa Barbara, February 6, 1967
- Performance of Louis Zukofsky's "A"-24 Act I at UCSD New Writing Series, April 11, 1986.
- Leslie Scalapino reading in the USCD New Poetry Series, May 9, 1979
- Jerome Rothenberg and Bertram Turetzky Performing For Poet's Voice and Contrabass, 1984
- Hoa Nguyen reading at Kelly Writers House, February 28, 2023
- Joan Retallack reading and conversation for Kelly Writers House Fellows Program, February 20–21, 2023
- Barbara Henning and Maureen Owen reading from Poets on the Road, May 27, 2023
- Ron Silliman and Lyn Hejinian reading, November 6, 1995
- Robert Creeley reading for Lannan Foundation, Los Angeles, April 16, 1990
- Thin Air Lectures with Ron Silliman, Alice Notley, Bernadette Mayer, and Ron Padgett, St. Marks Church, May 1988
- Kass Fleisher interview on The Bear River and the Making of History, Access Utah, Utah Public Radio, June 25, 2004
- Cliff Fyman reading, San Francisco, CA, June 11, 2023
- Charles Olson reads from Maximus Poems IV, V, VI, c. 1969
- The Marginalization of Poetry, Segue Series at Double Happiness, NYC, March 22, 1997
- Adam Fieled reading from Equations: The Thesis Episodes, Carriage Hill, Plymouth Township, 2023
- New videos for Aaron Kramer
- Thomas Devaney reading at Wexler Studio, Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania, May 30, 2023
- New video of Joan Retallack for Alternative Poetries and Alternative Pedagogies Reading and Discussion at the Kelly Writers House, February 28, 2001
- Clark Coolidge reading from A Book
Beginning What and Ending Away for 80 Langton Street Writers In Residence Readings,
October 15–21, 1979
- Vincent Katz reading at Green Arcade, SF, November 18, 2022