Jackson Mac Low
& Anne Tardos

Assorted Performance Pieces 1955–2002
Books, 2006
book (with CD) available
from Granary
1. Merzmix
2000 (excerpt) (1:56) by Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos
Voices: Jackson Mac Low, Anne Tardos; Flute: Andrew Bolotowsky; Electronic Realization: Tardos
2. Milarepa
Quartet for Four Like Instruments (3:53), by Jackson Mac Low, 1982
Flutes: Andrew Bolotowsky, Robert Dick, Barbara Held, Susan Stenger, 1982
3. Guru-Guru
Gatha (excerpt) (2:12), by Jackson Mac Low, 1975
Voice: Jackson Mac Low, 1976
4. A
Piece for Sari Dienes (3:55), by Jackson Mac Low
Voices, Percussion Instruments: Jackson Mac Low and Anne
Tardos, 1990
5. 1st
Milarepa Gatha (6:13), by Jackson Mac Low, 1976
Voice: Jackson Mac Low; Trombone: James Staley, 1982
6. Tara
Gatha (5:52), by Jackson Mac Low, 1975
Voices: Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1984
7. Four
Vocabularies in Memoriam Armand Schwerner (2:43),
by Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1999
Voices: Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 2000; Electronic Realization: Anne
Tardos, 2000
8. Black
Tarantula Crossword Gathas (excerpt) (3:38), by
Jackson Mac Low, 1973
Voice: Jackson Mac Low, 1974
9. A
Vocabulary for Sharon Belle Mattlin (5:21), by
Jackson Mac Low, 1973
Voices include: Susan Musgrave, George Macbeth, Sean O'Huigin, bpNichol, and Jackson Mac Low, 1974
10. 5th
Bluebird Asymmetry (2:30), by Jackson Mac Low,
Voices include: Susan Musgrave, George Macbeth, Sean O'Huigin, bpNichol, and Jackson Mac Low, 1974
11. Refrigerator
Defrosting-Pseudoglossolalia (4:29), by Anne
Tardos and Jackson Mac Low
Percussion: Anne Tardos, 1975; Voices: Anne Tardos and Jackson Mac Low, 1984
12. Free
Gatha 1 and Free Gatha 2 (5:19), by Jackson Mac
Low, 1978 and 1981, respectively
Voices: Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1993
13. Vocabulary
Gatha for Malcolm Goldstein (6:17),
by Jackson Mac Low, 1978
Violin: Malcolm Goldstein, 1989
14. Gatha
in C for Theresa Salomon (4:12), by Jackson Mac
Low, 2000
Violin: Theresa Salomon, 2002
15. Phonemicon
from "Hereford Bosons 1" (excerpt) (3:02), by
Jackson Mac Low, 1984
Voices: Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos
All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2007 by Jackson
Mac Low and Anne Tardos.
Used with permission of the Estate of Jackson Mac Low. Distributed by PennSound.