Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos
Open Secrets

Intermedia Foundation CD
can be purchased from EIF
Open Secrets features
Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos performing works for multi-track voices;
and Robert Bethea, Andrew Bolotowsky, Daniel Goode, and Gabriela
Klassen performing instrumental pieces. Winds/Instruments for
flute, clarinet, trombone, violin, and narrator, could well become
a classic of new music, not only being beautiful, but also displaying
Mac Low's witty use and love of words.
1. Free
Gatha 1 & 2 (5:14), by Jackson Mac Low, 1978 and 1982,
Voices: Jackson Mac Low, Anne Tardos
2. Lucas
1 to 29 (24:30) For One or More Instrumentalists
(in memoriam Morton Feldman and for the musicians of Germany),
by Jackson Mac Low, 1990. Flute: Andrew Bolotowsky; Clarinet:
Daniel Goode; Trombone: Robert Bethea; Violin: Gabriela Klassen
3. 38th
and 39th Merzgedichte in
Memoriam Kurt Schwitters (1:53) by Jackson Mac
Low and Anne Tardos, 1993. Voices: Jackson Mac Low, Anne Tardos
4. Winds/Instruments
(18:59) by
Jackson Mac Low, 1980. Flute: Andrew Bolotowsky; Clarinet: Daniel
Goode; Trombone: Robert Bethea; Violin: Gabriela Klassen; Voice:
Jackson Mac Low
5. Milarepa
Quartet for Four Like Instruments (3:50) by Jackson Mac Low,
Flutes: Andrew Bolotowsky, Robert Dick, Barbara
Held, and Susan Stenger.
6. Milarepa
Gatha (5:17) by
Jackson Mac Low, 1976. Voices: Jackson Mac Low, Anne Tardos
7. Phoneme
Dance in Memoriam John Cage (5:05) by Jackson
Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1993. Voices: Jackson Mac
Low, Anne Tardos
8. Thanks (9:57)
by Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, 1993. Voices: Jackson Mac
Low, Anne Tardos
All rights to this recorded material belong to the
author. © 2007 by Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos.
Used with permission of Anne Tardos for the estate of Jackson Mac Low.
Distributed by PennSound.