Tango with Cows | Танго с коровами: Book Art of the Russian Avant-Garde, 1910-1917 Русское авангардное книжное искусство, 1910-1917
Image of "Haulhorsies" (Kruchenykh, 1913) from Getty slideshow of Explodity (1913)
PennSound is especially pleased to present a remarkable archive of audio files
accompanying the exhibition "Tango with
Cows: Book Art of the Russian Avant-Garde 1910-1917," held at the
Getty Research Institute from November 18, 2008 to April 19, 2009. In addition to a
full set of recordings of highlights from the books on display in the
exhibition, we present the recordings from Explodity: An Evening of Sound Poetry held at The Getty
Center on February 4, 2009. Additional media, including images of the books and
video footage of the performances, can be found at the Getty Research Institute
website here.
Most accessible site for facsimiles, transliterartion, and audio from from Getty and Nancy Perloff here
Threesome (Troe), cover by Malevich, 1913
Tango with Cows | Танго с коровами
Selections from the exhibition read by Oleg Minin, PhD, Dept. of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Southern California
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Akhmet” / «Ахмет» 0:51 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Zabyl povesitsia” / «Забыл повеситься» (Forgot to hang myself) 0:42 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Pugal' pistolet” / «Пугаль пистолет» (Scaredity pistol) 0:31 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Vzorval'...” / «Взорваль» (Explodity...) 0:39 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Pugal' k ustam” / «Пугаль к устам» (Gun to the mouth) 0:35 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Tyanutkoni” / «Тянут кони» (Haulhorsies) 1:04 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Tyanut konei” / «Тянут коней» (They haul horsies) 1:07 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Esli by toshnila” / «Если бы тошнился» (If you were puking) 0:48 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - «Три стихотворения» из «Помада» (Three poems) from Pomada 2:19 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - «Три стихотворения» из «Те ли ли» (Three poems) from Te li le 1:37 : MP3
- Velimir Khlebnikov—Велимир Хлебников - “Nash kochen’ ochen’ ozabochen” / «Наш кочень очень озобочен» (Let us all be heads of lettuce) 0:32 : MP3
- Velimir Khlebnikov—Велимир Хлебников - «Бо бэ о би» / “Bo beh oh bee” 1:23 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - отрывок из «Заумная гнига» / Excerpt from Zaumnaia gniga (Transrational boog) 2:37 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Kushai, khudogi” / «Кушай, худоги» (Eat Artniks) 0:49 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Gud paravoza” / «Гуд паравоза» (Drone of the enjin) 0:51 x : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Bessmert’e” / «Безмертье» (Immortality) 0:36 x : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Shocratez” / «Шократез» 0:41 x : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Ostryzhka” / «Острыжка» (Sbelching) 0:47 x : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Kho Bo Ro” / «Хо бо ро» 0:26 x : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Upacha chume” / «Упаче чуме» 0:25 x : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Iskarioty vy nikudy” / «Искариоты вы никуды» (Iscariots you good for nothing) 1:13 x : MP3
- Velimir Khlebnikov—Велимир Хлебников - “Zakliatie smekhom” / «Заклятие смехом» (Incantation by Laughter) 1:57 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - “Vysoty” (Heights) / «Высоты» 0:52 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh—Алексей Кручёных - отрывок из «Победа над солнцом» / Excerpt from Pobeda nad solntsem (Victory over the sun) 2:47 : MP3
- Pavel Filonov—Павел Филонов - отрывок из «Пропевень о проросли мировой» / Excerpt from Propeven’ o prorosli mirovoi (A Chant of Universal Flowering) 1:06 : MP3
- Velimir Khlebnikov—Велимир Хлебников - отрывок из «Деревянные идолы» / Excerpt from Derevyannye idoly (Wooden Idols) 0:29 x : MP3
- Velimir Khlebnikov—Велимир Хлебников - “Kuznechik” / «Кузнечик» (Grasshopper) 0:32 x : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh and Velimir Khlebnikov—Алексей Кручёных и Велимир Хлебников - отрывок из «Игра в аду» / Excerpt from Igra v adu (A Game in Hell) 1:15 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh and Velimir Khlebnikov—Алексей Кручёных и Велимир Хлебников - отрывок из «Игра в аду» / Excerpt from Igra v adu (A Game in Hell) 1:23 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh and Velimir Khlebnikov—Алексей Кручёных и Велимир Хлебников - отрывок из «Игра в аду» / Excerpt from Igra v adu (A Game in Hell) 1:15 : MP3
- Alexei Kruchenykh and Velimir Khlebnikov—Алексей Кручёных и Велимир Хлебников - отрывок из «Игра в аду» / Excerpt from Igra v adu (A Game in Hell) 0:38 : MP3
('x' indicates that the recording was not in the exhibition)
Explodity: An Evening of Transrational Sound Poetry | Взорваль: вечер трансрациональная звуковая поэзии
 Wednesday, February 4, 2009
By invoking the revolutionary zaum'
(transrational) poetry of the Russian avant-garde – as exemplified by
the great poets Velimir Khlebnikov and Alexei Kruchenykh – this
evening's performance explores the link between early sound experiments
and what came to be known, in the post-World War II era, as sound poetry – a
movement very much alive today. (from the Getty's Explodity page, where you can find video documentation of these readings and much more)
- Welcome by Nancy Perloff, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Collections, Getty Research Institute (3:46): MP3
- Introduction by Gerald Janecek, Professor of Russian, University of Kentucky (8:57): MP3
Velimir Khlebnikov's Word Transformations
With Oleg Minin and Christian Bök
- (Boh-beh-o-bee is the lipsong) / «Бобэоби пелись губы», 1914 (1:21) : MP3
- "Kuznechik" (Grasshopper) / «Кузнечик», 1908–1909 (1:07) : MP3
- "Nash kochen' ochen' ozabochen" (Let us all be heads of lettuce) / «Наш кочень очень озобочен», 1914 (1:02) : MP3
- "Zakliatie smekhom" (Incantation by laughter) / «Заклятие смехом», 1910 (3:01) : MP3
- Pavel Filonov - Excerpt from "Propeven' o prorosli mirovoi" (Chant of universal flowering) / Павел Филонов - отрывок из «Пропевень о проросли мировой», 1915 (1:26) : MP3
Alexei Kruchenykh's Alogical Poetry
With Oleg Minin and Allison Pultz (Introduction by Gerald Janecek)
- "Akhmet" / «Ахмет», 1912 (1:13) : MP3
- "Tyanutkoni" (Haulhorsies) / «Тянут кони», 1913 (1:02) : MP3
- "Tyanutkonei" (They Haulhorsies) / «Тянут коней», 1913 (0:58) : MP3
- "Zabyl povesitsia" (Forgot to hang myself), «Забыл повеситься», 1913 (0:39) : MP3
- "Vzorval' ognia pechal' " (Explodity of fire sorrow) / «Взорваль огня печаль», 1913 (0:35) : MP3
- "Pugal' pistolet" (Scaredity pistol) / «Пугаль пистолет», 1913 (0:39) : MP3
Khlebnikov and Kruchenykh's "Beyonsense"
With Oleg Minin and Steve McCaffery
- Introduction by Gerald Janecek (1:16) : MP3
- "Rusakli poiut" (The mermaids sing), excerpt from Dereviannye idoly (Wooden idols) / «Русалки поют», отрывок из «Деревянные идолы», 1915 (0:50) : MP3
- "Bezsmert'e" (Immortality) / «Безмертье», 1917 (0:44) : MP3
- "Shchiusel' biuzi niabe" / «Щюсель бюзи нябе», 1915 (2:03) : MP3
- "Vysoty: Vselenskij yazyk" (Heights: Universal language) / «Высоты: всекенский язык» 1914 (1:37) : MP3
- "Dyr bul shchyl" with the poet's introduction, / «Дыр бул щыл», с введением поэта, 1913 (1:32) : MP3
Steve McCaffery, David Gray Chair of Poetry and Letters, University at Buffalo
Introduction by Nancy Perloff (1:21) : MP3
Historic Repertoire
"The Birds" by Aristophanes / «Птицы» Аристофана, 360 BCE (1:28) : MP3
"Sound-Rel" by Raoul Hausmann / «Звук-Рел» Рауля Хаусмана, 1919 (1:50) : MP3
"Le bonbon" by Robert Desnos / «Ле Бонбон» Роберта Десноса, 1923 (0:48) : MP3
"Epithalame" by Clement Swenssen, / «Эпитал» Клемента Свенссена, 1947 (1:14) : MP3
Excerpt from "Jappements à la lune" by Claude Gauvreau / Отрывок из «Jappements à la lune» Клода Гаврова, 1982 (1:30) : MP3
Personal Repertoire
"Cappucino: a Suffix Structure" (2:55) : MP3
"This Face of Mine Enemy" (2:22) : MP3
Zaum' Acrostic for Marjorie Perloff (5:29) : MP3
On a line of Artaud's (3:08) : MP3
Christian Bök, Professor of English, University of Calgary
Introduction by Nancy Perloff (1:02) : MP3
Historic Repertoire
Excerpt from "Dunes" (French Version) by F. T. Marinetti, 1914 (4:02) : MP3
"Seepferdchen und Flugfische" by Hugo Ball, 1916 (1:20) : MP3
"Karawane" by Hugo Ball, 1916 (0:55) : MP3
"Totenklage" by Hugo Ball, 1916 (1:58) : MP3
Excerpt from the First Movement of Ursonate by Kurt Schwitters, 1922–1932 (4:40) : MP3
"Aria of the Three-Horned Enemy" from The Princess of the Stars by R. Murray Schafer, 1981 (3:31) : MP3
Personal Repertoire
"Valuvula" (2:01) : MP3
"Noyta CCCP" (1;12) : MP3
"The Doomsday Song (for Friedrich Nietzsche on the Death of Superman)" (1:15) : MP3
Excerpt from "Mushroom Clouds" in The Cyborg Opera (2:18) : MP3
Excerpt from "Synth Loops" in The Cyborg Opera (1:58) : MP3
"Ubu Hubbub" (3:47) : MP3
See also Ubu's Futurism page.
This PennSound resource edited by Danny Snelson in collaboration with the Getty Research Institute. Special thanks to Nancy Perloff, Evelyn Sen, and Beth Brett. © 2009 J. Paul Getty Trust. These recordings are made available strictly for
noncommercial and educational use through PennSound. All rights to this recorded material belong
to the J. Paul Getty Trust. Used with permission. Distributed by PennSound.