Susan Stewart
Program One: Reading
- Sung from the generation of Air (5:15): MP3
- Apple (3:52): MP3
- Bees (1:38): MP3
- Braid (2:32): MP3
- Dark the Star (0:21): MP3
- Ellipse (4:02): MP3
- Two Brief Views of Hell (2:56): MP3
- What You Said About the Moon (0:42): MP3
- Pear (2:04): MP3
- The Rose (1:30): MP3
- Scarecrow (2:01): MP3
- from Lessons From Television (2:07): MP3
- Lost Rules of Usage (1:08): MP3
- Wings (1:37): MP3
- X/Cross (0:16): MP3
- To You and for You (2:10): MP3
- Zero (0:26): MP3
Program Two: Conversation
Complete conversation (43:08): MP3
Producer: Charles Bernstein
Recording Engineers: Chris Mustazza and Julie Sheets
Reading English translations of poems by Milo De Angelis, Wexler Studio at the Kelly Writers House, June 26, 2015
From Theme of Farewell and After Poems, edited and translated by Susan Stewart and Patrizio Ceccagnoli, 2014. Reproduced with permission of the University of Chicago Press.
da Tema dell'addio (2005)
- Milano era asfalto, asfalto liquefatto. Nel deserto / Milan was asphalt, liquid asphalt. In the desert (0:44): MP3
- Non è più dato. Il pianto che si trasformava / Nothing more can be done. The crying that turned (0:49): MP3
- Tutto era già in cammino. Da allora a qui. Tutto / Everything was already on its way. From then to here. All (0:56): MP3
- Quando su un volto desiderato si scorge il segno / When on a beloved face you catch a glimpse of the sign (0:34): MP3
da Quell'andarsene nel buio dei cortili (2010)
- Era buio. Il centro di agosto era buio / It was dark. August was dark at its center (0:34): MP3
- Ho saputo, amica mia, / I found out, my friend (0:33): MP3
- Ecco l'acrobata della notte, il corpo / Here is night's acrobat, the body (0:23): MP3
- È tardi / It's late (0:38): MP3
da Incontri e agguati (2015) [New translations]
- Vicino alla morte tutto è presente / In death's vicinity everything is present (0:25): MP3
- Non puoi immaginare, amico mio, quate cose / You can't imagine, my friend, how many things (0:25): MP3
- Morirai invaso dalle domande / You will die invaded by questions (0:19): MP3
Reading with Charles Bernstein for Fantasy Reading No. 4 at Bowery Poetry, New York, June 7, 2015
- Introduction (3:02): MP3
- Field in Winter (1:23): MP3
- Pine (3:25): MP3
- A Language (3:25): MP3
- Inscriptions for Gas Pump TVs (1:01): MP3
- Piano Music for a Silent Movie (3:10): MP3
- Atavistic Sonnet (1:21): MP3
- Two Poems on the Name of Vermeer: Toward the Lake & From the Lake (3:03): MP3
- Four Lack Songs (1:07): MP3
- A Clown (4:50): MP3
- The Knot (1:03): MP3
- If You Were One of the Travelers, the Guests (4:23): MP3
- Field in Spring (0:49): MP3
Complete reading (33:54): MP3
The Forest (04:20): MP3
Reading on The Life of Poetry Program on WHYY Philadelphia, April 6, 2010
- The Owl (2:45): MP3
After reading "The Owl" Susan discusses how the poem touches on the feeling of mystery associated with an actual experience.
- Moon at Morning (1:25): MP3
After reading "Moon at Morning" Susan explains that she wrote the poem for a book about the moon by Enid Mark.
Complete recording: MP3
With Herman Beavers, Bob Perelman, Kathy Lou Schultz, George Economou, Greg Djanikian, Emily Steiner, and Susan Stewart
Complete recording (1:22:23): MP3
from Columbarium (2:05): MP3
Saturday reading (2:22): MP3
complete reading (37:25): MP3
Pear (1:56): MP3
Quiver (1:39): MP3
Rewind (2:43): MP3
Unknown Reading
Complete Reading (30:10): MP3
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only.
© 2015 Susan Stewart. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Distributed by PennSound.