John Wieners
PoemTalk #43, discussing John Wieners' "The Acts of Youth," June 13, 2011
listen to the Complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
Reading at the Guggenheim Museum, NY, October 29, 1999
- intro (0:29): MP3
- Tuesday Afternoon (2:30): MP3
- Espionage (0:38): MP3
- For Marlene Dietrich (1:42): MP3
- Wrapped Up in an Indian Blanket (0:49): MP3
- After Bryon's Maid of Athens (1:09): Mp3
- The Old Man (1:29): MP3
- The Garbos and Dietrichs (1:01): MP3
- Stationary (0:41): MP3
- Thirty (0:22): MP3
- Autumn in New York (1:12): MP3
Reading from the Poetry Project at St. Mark's, NY, November 7, 1996
- intro (0:45): MP3
- Billie (1:06): MP3
- Rap (0:50):MP3
- Apparition (0:42)MP3
- Consolation (1:24): MP3
- Deprivation (0:51): MP3
- Inoperable (0:46): MP3
- Private Estate (1:20): MP3
- Just an Ordinary Joe (1:13): MP3
- Times Square (0:10): MP3
- After Symond's Venice (5:32): MP3
introduced by Robert Gluck, interview with Kevin Killian follows
Reading from the Poetry Project at St. Mark's, April 25, 1990
Reading from Brooklyn College, NY, 1988
- About Himself (1:05): MP3
- Solitary Pleasure (1:43): MP3
- Two Barbarians (1:42): MP3
Hanuman Presents! reading at the Poetry Project, New York May 18, 1984
Poetry Reading at Allentown Community Center, February 19, 1976
Courtesy of The Poetry Collection of the University Libraries, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
Reading from WBCN Radio, Boston, 1972
- Loss (0:40):MP3
Note: This version of "Loss" appears to be a broadcast of a recording of a
reading given by Wieners at St. Mark's Poetry Project on January 6, 1971. This
recording was later included on the double LP The World Record: St. Mark's
Poetry Project 1969-1980. This less degraded version of the recording is available
below. The identical audio quality of "A Superficial Estimation" indicates that
it, too, most likely comes from the 1971 St. Mark's reading.
- A Superficial Estimation (3:16): MP3
- The Garbos and Dietrichs (1:03): MP3
Reading and Lecture, August 17, 1972 (1:40:40): MP3
- prefatory comments (3:29): MP3
- Advice (2:44): MP3
- A Poem for Painters (7:26): MP3
- The Magic of This Summer [excerpt] (9:26): MP3
- A Dark Brew (7:50): MP3
- Playboy (25:16): MP3
- Children of the Working Class (4:42): MP3
- By the Bars (3:38): MP3
- For Ed Dorn (2:04): MP3
- on the word "Beth" in the poem "Advice" (2:15): MP3
- The Lanterns Along the Wall (8:48): MP3
- on Laura Riding and giving up poetry (5:07): MP3
- on process, classicism and the conjunction of poetry and truth (13:13): MP3
- on Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) (3:37): MP3
- A Poem for Painters (9:44) MP3, Transcription of final two sections, last few minutes of recording plus full poem
Reading and Lecture, August 15th (1:51:43): MP3
- Prefatory comments (2:08): MP3
- Anniversary (2:51): MP3
- San Francisco, 1958 (1:59): MP3
- With Meaning (5:33): MP3
- Act #2 (3:43): MP3
- The Garbos and Dietrichs (1:32): MP3
- The Old Man (1:43): MP3
- Beauty never as mine (1:04): MP3
- L'invitation au Voyage II (1:50): MP3
- On splitting words into fragments and the chronology of poems (4:00): MP3
- You Talk of Going But Don't Even Have a Suitcase (1:54): MP3
- Impasse (1:27): MP3
- For Huncke (6:05): MP3
- Joy (1:20): MP3
- Hillside (1:28): MP3
- San Francisco (1:36): MP3
- Feminine Soliloquy (2:14): MP3
- Acceptance (0:58): MP3
- A poem for the old man (1:17): MP3
- On Sunday (0:32): MP3
- The Serpent's Hiss (1:16): MP3
- Desperation (2:33): MP3
- The Acts of Youth (4:20): MP3
- On the poetry of affect and the impetus for writing (8:35): MP3
- On being an artist, imitating styles and the self (7:51): MP3
- On writing what you don't know, repetition modifying experience and activity as art (7:35): MP3
- On the contemporary in Weiners' poems and navigating different moralities (7:26): MP3
- On homosexuality in poems and society's attitude toward the sexual condition (17:01): MP3
- On the communication explosion (2:03): MP3
- On locating the I, love poetry and practicing writing (7:43): MP3
"The Acts of Youth" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 43.
Reading at St. Mark's Poetry Project, NY, January 6, 1971 (date tentative)
- Complete recording (42:38): MP3
Reading at St. Mark's Poetry Project, 1970 (date tentative)
- Complete recording (37:22): MP3
From The World Record:
readings at the St. Mark's Poetry Project, 1969-1980
- Loss (0:37): MP3
- Elizabeth Taylor is My Sister (3:12): MP3
Discussion with Walter Lowenfels, Alan DeLoach and Lillian Lowenfels, March 24, 1969
- Complete recording (53:01): MP3
Poetry reading at the Spring Arts Festival, University at Buffalo, March 19, 1968
Courtesy of The Poetry Collection of the University Libraries, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
Reading at St. Mark's Church, January 3, 1968
- Complete reading (51:52): MP3
Reading, SUNY-Buffalo, November 30, 1967 or possibly Feburary 15, 1967
Complete Reading (45:54): MP3 thanks to the Slought Foundation
- L'invitation Au Voyage II (2:46): MP3
- "Hope your neighbors don't care..." (1:05): MP3
- "Oppression, war breeds famine, plague..." (0:33): MP3
- What Happened? (1:10): MP3
- "He will take me far beyond..." (0:38): MP3
- Billie (0:43): MP3
- Clarification and Wonders - Spots in My Eyes (4:11): MP3
- "As I put out my cigarette tonight in bed..." (2:29): MP3
- Unutterable (0:40): MP3
- Ina O'Shea (1:19): MP3
- Where'd Our Love Go? (1:54): MP3
- Poem (Unidentified) (0:37): MP3
- A Poem for Vipers (1:36): MP3
- Sunset (1:59): MP3
- For Hunke (2:48): MP3
- Mermaid's Song (1:08): MP3
- "Let the heart's pain slack off..." (1:11): MP3
- The Suicide - Address to the Woman (0:36): MP3
- For Jan (0:50): MP3
- Confession (3:06): MP3
- Cocaine (1:08): MP3
- Moon Poems (1:02): MP3
- The Serpent's Hiss (0:50): MP3
- "The music loses..." (0:46): MP3
- "A lady plucks a lute above my head..." (0:39): MP3
- "I walk under the distant stars..." (1:19): MP3
- Perfect (0:40): MP3
- A Poem for the Old Man (1:24): MP3
Reading at the Unterberg Poetry Center, 92nd Street Y, New York, NY, October 24, 1966
With Robert Creeley
Complete reading (21:33): MP3
- Introduction by Ed Sanders (1:06): MP3
- Diana (0:51): MP3
- Invocation to Summer (0:58): MP3
- Invitation Au Voyage II (1:51): MP3
- Love (0:41): MP3
- Time (0:43): MP3
- Nocturne (1:46): MP3
- Holy Orders in Life (0:47): MP3
- The Garbos and Dietrichs (1:06): MP3
- Billie (0:49): MP3
- LSD (1:09): MP3
- Only Lust Rules There (1:01): MP3
- A poem for vipers (1:17): MP3
- A poem for Painters (7:25): MP3
Recording courtesy of the Unterberg Poetry Center
- a poem for record players (1:40): MP3
- a poem for Painters (7:20): MP3
- a poem for the old man (1:42): MP3
- "Wracked by beauty..." (0:56): MP3
- Dion Doyle (0:52): MP3
- "Grieving battle of swing..." (0:55): MP3
- A Poem to Dawn (1:19): MP3
- Cocaine (2:20): MP3
- Watchmen, What of the Night? (3:46): MP3
- My Mother (0:51): MP3
Complete reading (22:19): MP3
Reading at the Berkeley Poetry Conference, July 14, 1965
- Robert Creeley intro (2:17): MP3
- Chinoiserie (1:01): MP3
- Night Boat to Cairo (2:36): MP3
- The Mole Proposes Solitude (1:54): MP3
- For Denise Levertov (0:19): MP3
- Despair is Given Me (0:51): MP3
- Moon Poems (2:15): MP3
- The Imperatrice (1:42): MP3
- Tuesday 7:00 PM (1:52): MP3
- Le Chariot (0:51): MP3
- Procrastination (1:30): MP3
- The Suicide (2:18): MP3
- untitled (SF Poem) (1:53): MP3
Complete reading (19:18): MP3
Poetry Reading, Date and Location Unknown, Possibly March 14, 1965
Courtesy of The Poetry Collection of the University Libraries, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
Reading, SUNY Buffalo, September 19, 1965
Complete recording (33:47): MP3
- A Poem for Cocksuckers (1:23): MP3
- A Poem for the Old Man (1:31): MP3
Reading from "A Superficial Estimation" (begins in progress) at St. Mark's Poetry Project
- Complete recording (13:04): MP3
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial
and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to
the author. © 2009-2014 John Wieners Trust. Used with permission of the John Wieners
Trust. Distributed by PennSound.