William Carlos Williams
PoemTalk #147, Discussing William Carlos Williams' "By the road to the contagious hospital", feat. Imaad Majeed, Irene Torra Mohedano, and Gabriel Ojeda-Sague
Listen to the complete recording and program notes for the episode at Jacket2
PoemTalk #30, Discussing William Carlos Williams' "Flowers by the Sea" and "The Red Wheelbarrow," March 28, 2010
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
PoemTalk #1, Discussing William Carlos Williams' poem "Between Walls," December 2, 2007
Listen to the complete recording. See this [text-audio alignment]
Poetry Workshop: Various Poets; "Translation Workshop"
The recordings below were originally compiled and published from
Keele University, England, by Dr. Richard Swigg in 1992 and 1993.
PennSound gratefully acknowledges the scholarship and editing
of Dr. Swigg in making this Williams sound archive available.
Reading for the National Council of Teachers of English and Columbia University Press Contemporary Poets
series. January 9, 1942
- The Red Wheelbarrow (0:11):
- Tract (2:34):
- The Defective Record (0:28):
- To a Poor Old Woman (0:27):
- A Coronal (0:40):
- To Elsie (1:45):
- The Wind Increases (0:27):
- Classic Scene (0:28):
Complete recording (7:04): MP3
"The Red Wheelbarrow" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
Reading for The Library of Congress Recording Laboratory. May 5, 1945
- Sonnet 1909 (Martin and Katherine) (0:54): MP3
- Paterson: The Falls (1:44): MP3
- Peace on Earth (0:46): MP3
- Postlude (1:01): MP3
- Pastoral (When I was younger) (0:41): MP3
- Pastoral (The little sparrows) (0:44): MP3
- Dawn (0:45): MP3
- Portrait of a Woman in Bed (1:12): MP3
- Sympathetic Portrait of a Child (0:48): MP3
- Spring Strains (1:09): MP3
- Dedication for a Plot of Ground (incomplete) (1:34): MP3
- Love Song (I lie here thinking of you) (0:35): MP3
- Overture to a Dance of Locomotives (1:53): MP3
- Complaint (0:42): MP3
- The Cold Night (0:42): MP3
- Primrose (1:04): MP3
- Queen-Anne's-Lace (0:55): MP3
- To a Friend Concerning Several Ladies (1:57): MP3
- Youth and Beauty (0:27): MP3
- The Thinker (0:34): MP3
- The Nightingales (0:21): MP3
- Widow's Lament in Springtime (0:55): MP3
- Light Hearted William (0:31): MP3
- Spring and All (1:04): MP3
- The Farmer (0:40): MP3
- The Eyeglasses (0:52): MP3
- Shoot it Jimmy! (0:26): MP3
- To Elsie (1:50): MP3
- The Red Wheelbarrow (0:15): MP3
- Rigamarole (0:57): MP3
- It is a Living Coral (1:33): MP3
- The Bull (0:51): MP3
- The Botticellian Trees (0:46): MP3
- Flowers by the Sea (0:32): MP3
- The Yachts (2:12): MP3
- The Term (0:25): MP3
- A Sort of a Song (0:34): MP3
- The Dance (In Brueghel's great picture) (0:38): MP3
- Burning the Christmas Greens (2:30): MP3
- In Sisterly Fashion (0:26): MP3
- The World Narrowed to a Point (0:24): MP3
- The Hounded Lovers (0:43): MP3
- The Cure (0:40): MP3
- The Rose (The stillness of the rose) (0:27): MP3
- Perfection (0:32): MP3
- The Last Turn (0:47): MP3
- The Aftermath (0:39): MP3
- The Yellow Chimney (0:52): MP3
- Raleigh Was Right (0:53):MP3
- A Night in June (12:55):MP3
Complete recording (57:37): MP3
"The Red Wheelbarrow" and "Flowers by the Sea" are also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
Reading at NBC Studios, Washington DC, for the Library of Congress Recording Laboratory. October
18, 1947
- The Semblables (1:59): MP3
- The Catholic Bells (1:44): MP3
- Perpetuum Mobile: The City (3:21): MP3
- Paterson II iii: (excerpt) 'Look for the nul' to 'Alone, watching the May moon above the/trees' (2:45): MP3
- Paterson I i: (excerpt) 'Paterson lies in the valley under the Passaic falls' to 'after a long flight to his cote'
(7:42): MP3
- Paterson I iii: (excerpt) 'There is no direction' to 'it drives in among the rocks fitfully' (10:40): MP3
Complete recording (28:14): MP3
Reading for a Columbia Records 78 rpm disc in the Series "Pleasure Dome: an audible anthology of modern
poetry read by its creators," ed. by Lloyd Frankenberg. May 20, 1949
- The Young Housewife (0:35): MP3
- The Bull (0:46): MP3
- Poem ('As the cat') (0:15): MP3
- Lear (1:18): MP3
- The Dance ('In Brueghel's great picture') (0:38): MP3
- El Hombre (0:10) : MP3
Complete recording (3:45): MP3
Reading recorded by Richard Wirtz Emerson, 9 Ridge Road, Rutherford, NJ. Probably broadcast in Voices,
WOSU, Columbus. October 7, 1950
- Choral: The Pink Church (3:04): MP3
- Portrait of a Lady (0:45): MP3
- Tract (2:50): MP3
- Pastoral (0:40): MP3
- A Poem for Norman Macleod (0:39): MP3
- To Waken an Old Lady (0:32): MP3
- The Red Wheelbarrow (0:16): MP3
- This is Just to Say (0:20): MP3
- The Bull (0:56): MP3
- Perpetuum Mobile: The City (2:58): MP3
- Poem ('As the cat') (0:43): MP3
- Danse Russe (0:43): MP3 [text-audio alignment]
- The Widow's Lament in Springtime (1:01): MP3
- The Dance ('In Brueghel's great picture') (0:40): MP3
- Lear (1:26): MP3
- Mama (0:27): MP3
- New Mexico (0:28): MP3
- The Lion (1:20): MP3
- St Francis Einstein of the Daffodils (1:41): MP3
Complete recording (21:27): MP3
"The Red Wheelbarrow" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
Reading and Commentary at UCLA. November 15, 1950
- Introduction (1:47): MP3
- In Sisterly Fashion (0:34): MP3
- The Dance ('In Brueghel's great picture') (0:57): MP3
- Franklin Square (0:49): MP3
- Raleigh Was Right (1:01): MP3
- Commentary (1:15): MP3
- At the Faucet of June (1:18): MP3
- The Universality of Things (0:54): MP3
- Rigamarole (1:14): MP3
- To Elsie (2:14): MP3
- Spring and All (1:52): MP3
- The Pot of Flowers (0:49): MP3
- Commentary (3:14): MP3
- It is a Living Coral (2:45): MP3
- All the Fancy Things (0:37): MP3
- Commentary (6:06): MP3
- Paterson: The Falls (1:58): MP3
- Commentary (3:06): MP3
- Poem ('As the cat') (0:27): MP3
- Between Walls (0:17): MP3
- Conclusion (3:24): MP3
Complete recording (36:53): MP3
"Between Walls" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 1.
Reading and Commentary recorded by Eyvind Earle at his home in Hillview Park Avenue, Van Nuys, San Fernando Valley,
California. November 16, 1950
- In Sisterly Fashion (0:30): MP3
- Tract (3:16): MP3
- Smell! (1:00): MP3
- Flowers by the Sea (0:40): MP3
- The Poor (0:53): MP3
- To Elsie (2:20): MP3
- This is Just to Say (0:39): MP3
- Impromptu: The Suckers (4:24): MP3
- All the Fancy Things (0:37): MP3
- It is a Living Coral (1:47): MP3
- Young Sycamore (0:44): MP3
- The Cod Head (0:57): MP3
- The Bull (1:19): MP3
- Poem ('As the cat') (0:17): MP3
- Perpetuum Mobile: The City (3:25): MP3
- The Widow's Lament in Springtime (1:10): MP3
- Arrival (0:20): MP3
- Great Mullen (1:17): MP3
- Queen-Anne's-Lace (0:54): MP3
- Overture to a Dance of Locomotives (incomplete) (0:41): MP3
Complete recording (27:51): MP3
"Flowers by the Sea" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
Interview on The Mary Margaret McBride Show, WJZ Radio. December 4, 1950
- The Red Wheelbarrow (0:08): MP3
- A Black Black Cloud (0:07): MP3
Complete recording (25:03): MP3
"The Red Wheelbarrow" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
Reading and Interview with John W. Gerber, January 13, 1951
Recorded by John W. Gerber at 9 Ridge Road, Rutherford, New Jersey in June 1950. Broadcast January 13, 1951 by either
- A Black Black Cloud (0:05): MP3
- Danse Russe (0:41): MP3
- This is Just to Say (0:14): MP3
- Ol' Bunk's Band (0:46): MP3
- Portrait of a Lady (0:42): MP3
- El Hombre (0:13): MP3
Complete Recording (48:10): MP3
Speech on presenting the Russell Loines Award for Poetry to John Crowe Ransom, National Institute of
Arts and Letters, New York. May 25, 1951
- Complete recording (3:21): MP3
Reading and Commentary recorded by Kenneth Burke at his home in Andover, NJ. June 21, 1951
- The Desert Music (13:09): MP3
- The Cod Head (incomplete) (0:55): MP3
- Burning the Christmas Greens (2:41): MP3
- A Sort of a Song (0:31): MP3
- Commentary on A Sort of a Song (): MP3
- Paterson I iii (excerpt): 'How Strange you are, you idiot!' to
'his mind drinks of desire' (1:53): MP3
- Tract (2:58): MP3
- Apres le Bain (0:20): MP3
- Spring is Here Again, Sir (1:13): MP3
- May 1st Tomorrow (1:15): MP3
Complete recording (27:18): MP3
Interview on The Mary Margaret McBride Show, WABC Radio. September 26, 1951
- A Black Black Cloud (0:07):
- Complete recording (26:59): MP3
Reading and Commentary at Harvard University. December 4, 1951
- Commentary (1:46): MP3
- A Marriage Ritual (1:39): MP3
- Burning the Christmas Greens (2:36): MP3
- The Visit (3:08): MP3
- The Lion (1:15): MP3
- Spring and All (2:01): MP3
- This is Just to Say (two readings) (1:46): MP3
- On Gay Wallpaper (0:45): MP3
- Flowers by the Sea (0:51): MP3
- To a Poor Old Woman (0:36): MP3
- The Yachts (3:02): MP3
- History (6:05): MP3
- Virtue (1:00): MP3
- Smell! (1:05): MP3
- Struggle of Wings (incomplete) (2:33): MP3
- To Greet a Letter-Carrier (0:20): MP3
- At the Bar (0:19): MP3
- These (1:37): MP3
- Perfection (0:49): MP3
- Fertile (0:21): MP3
- Chanson (1:30): MP3
- Design for November (0:52): MP3
- Commentary (2:05): MP3
- Picture of a Nude in a Machine Shop (0:52): MP3
- The Hurricane (0:26): MP3
- Venus Over the Desert (1:07): MP3
- The Birth of Venus (4:16): MP3
Complete recording (45:52): MP3
"Flowers by the Sea" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
Paper read at the symposium "Will the Creative Arts Thrive or Degenerate during the Next Fifty
Years?" Niagara Frontier Convocation, University at Buffalo.
December 7, 1951
Reading and Commentary at Princeton University. March 19, 1952
- Introduction (9:04): MP3
- Portrait of a Lady (0:56): MP3
- El Hombre (0:27): MP3
- Tract (3:19): MP3
- Pastoral ('The little sparrow') (1:07): MP3
- Smell! (1:05): MP3
- Queen-Anne's-Lace (1:27): MP3
- Great Mullen (1:40): MP3
- Waiting (1:26): MP3
- The Hunter (0:35): MP3
- Arrival (0:26): MP3
- The Widow's Lament in Springtime (1:07): MP3
- Commentary (1:40): MP3
- To Elsie (2:16): MP3
- The Red Wheelbarrow (1:42): MP3
- This is Just to Say (0:46): MP3
- Poem ('As the cat') (1:47): MP3
- Flowers by the Sea (0:53): MP3
- To a Poor Old Woman (0:30): MP3
- The Catholic Bells (1:46): MP3
- The Sea-Elephant (1:52): MP3
- Commentary (1:39): MP3
- A Unison (2:42): MP3
- Commentary (1:50): MP3
- The Desert Music (15:33): MP3
Complete recording (58:43): MP3
"The Red Wheelbarrow" and "Flowers by the Sea" are also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
At the Conference of the Indiana College English Association,
Hanover College, Indiana. May 16, 1952
Morning Address
- Smell! (1:18): MP3
- Paterson II iii (excerpt): "Look for the nul" to "endless and indestructible": (3:28): MP3
Complete Morning Address - Lecture, Reading, Commentary (35:06): MP3
Evening Address
- Portent (0:55): MP3
- The Botticellian Trees (1:34): MP3
- Flowers by the Sea (1:00): MP3
- Commentary (1:45): MP3
- To a Mexican Pig- Bank (two readings) (1:37): MP3
- To a Poor Old Woman (1:18): MP3
- Pastoral ('When I was younger') (1:22): MP3
- To Elsie (2:56): MP3
- On Gay Wallpaper (1:39): MP3
Complete Evening Address - Reading and Commentary (18:04): MP3
"Flowers by the Sea" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
Reading and Commentary at the 92nd Street YM-YWHA Poetry Center, New York. January 27, 1954
- A Sort of Song (0:50): MP3
- Burning the Christmas Greens (3:51): MP3
- A Vision of Labor: 1931 (3:54): MP3
- The Yellow Chimney (0:54): MP3
- Franklin Square (two readings) (1:46): MP3
- Labrador (1:11): MP3
- The Apparition (1:10): MP3
- The Maneuver (0:31): MP3
- The Horse (0:44): MP3
- The Act (1:10): MP3
- Seafarer (1:16): MP3
- The Three Graces (1:13): MP3
- Commentary (1:51): MP3
- Paterson: Episode 17 (6:18): MP3
- Commentary (1:44): MP3
- Ol' Bunk's Band (1:26): MP3
- A Unison (3:13): MP3
- The Descent (2:30): MP3
- The Yellow Flower (5:02): MP3
- The Host (5:06): MP3
- Spring and All (1:50): MP3
- The Orchestra (4:21): MP3
- Between Walls (0:38): MP3
- On Gay Wallpaper (1:45): MP3
- Fish (6:05): MP3
Complete reading (1:15:46): MP3
"Between Walls" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 1.
Interview on The Mary Margaret McBride Show, WABC Radio.
March 25, 1954
- A Black Black Cloud (0:07): MP3
- The Host (3:34): MP3
- The Orchestra (3:36): MP3
Complete recording (10:24): MP3
Interview on the NBC radio series Anthology.
March 26, 1954
- The Descent (1:46): MP3
- The Host (3:25): MP3
- The Orchestra (3:33): MP3
Complete recording (21:10): MP3
Talk on the NBC radio series Collector's Item. March 28, 1954
- Complete recording (5:03): MP3
Reading at his home in Rutherford, NJ. June 6, 1954
- The Descent (1:40): MP3
- To Daphne and Virginia (5:10): MP3
- The Orchestra (3:48): MP3
- For Eleanor and Bill Monahan (3:57): MP3
- The Yellow Flower (3:03): MP3
- The Host (3:30): MP3
- Of Asphodel, That Greeny Flower I (excerpt):
'Of Asphodel, that greeny flower' to 'to sing to you'; 'My heart rouses' to end of Book I (0:55): MP3
- The Botticellian Trees (0:57): MP3
- Flowers by the Sea (0:30): MP3
- The Yachts (3:06): MP3
- The Catholic Bells (2:11): MP3
- Smell! (1:10): MP3 [text-audio alignment]
- Fish (5:06): MP3
- Primrose (1:28): MP3
- To Elsie (2:30): MP3
- Between Walls (0:15): MP3 [text-audio alignment]
- On Gay Wallpaper (0:47): MP3
- The Red Lily (1:08): MP3
- Seafarer (1:03): MP3
Complete reading (43:12): MP3
"Between Walls" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 1.
"Flowers by the Sea" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
Interview with Francis Mason on Voice of America, NBC Radio. June 18, 1954
- Reads "The Descent" (7:20): MP3
Reading for the Voice of America, NBC Radio. 1954
- Poem ('As the cat') (0:16): MP3
- The Young Housewife (0:40): MP3
- Light Hearted William (0:37): MP3
- The Dance ('In Brueghel's great picture') (0:42): MP3
- The Bull (0:55): MP3
- The Yachts (2:45): MP3
Complete reading (5:59): Complete reading
Lecture: "The Modern Poem," Oreon E. Scott symposium, "The
Writer and His Public,"
Washington University in St. Louis. May 8, 1955
- Complete recording (57:02): MP3
Reading and Commentary at the University of California, Berkeley. May 19, 1955
- Spring and All (1:28): MP3
- Commentary (0:36): MP3
- The Pot of Flowers (0:41): MP3
- Commentary (1:08): MP3
- Rain (2:22): MP3
- The Botticellian Trees (1:19): MP3
- Commentary (0:57): MP3
- To a Mexican Pig-Bank (two readings) (0:58): MP3
- To a Poor Old Woman (0:46): MP3
- Commentary (0:36): MP3
- The Catholic Bells (2:05): MP3
- A Poem for Norman Macleod (1:33): MP3
- Danse Russe (1:34): MP3
- The Late Singer (0:40): MP3
- Commentary (1:04): MP3
- At the Faucet of June (1:14): MP3
- The Avenue of Poplar (1:09): MP3
- The Sun (1:26): MP3
- A Sort of a Song (0:34): MP3
- Commentary (0:38): MP3
- The Dance ('In Brueghel's great picture') (0:49): MP3
- Commentary (0:35): MP3
- The Gentle Rejoinder (0:51): MP3
- Seafarer (0:56): MP3
- Commentary (0:44): MP3
- May 1st Tomorrow (1:32): MP3
- A Unison (2:51): MP3
- Commentary (4:35): MP3
- The Descent (1:51): MP3
- To Daphne and Virginia (4:55): MP3
- The Orchestra (3:37): MP3
- Asphodel, That Greeny Flower I (excerpt): 'I speak in figures' to end of book I (3:22): MP3
Complete recording (50:59): MP3
Reading and Commentary at the University of California,
Santa Barbara. June 1, 1955
- Seafarer (1:02): MP3
- A Unison (2:57): MP3
- Commentary (5:49): MP3
- The Descent (1:38): MP3
- To Daphne and Virginia (5:31): MP3
- The Orchestra (3:34): MP3
- Asphodel, That Greeny Flower I (excerpt): 'I speak in figures' to end of book I (3:16): MP3
- Commentary (3:32): MP3
- The Ivy Crown (3:42): MP3
- Asphodel, That Greeny Flower: Coda (5:09): MP3
Complete recording (38:14): MP3
Reading and Commentary at UCLA. May 1955
- Introduction (5:42): MP3
- The Botticellian Trees (0:59): MP3
- Commentary (1:01): MP3
- Flowers by the Sea (0:32): MP3
- Commentary (1:25): MP3
- Primrose (2:29): MP3
- Commentary (1:35): MP3
- Spring and All (1:31): MP3
- Commentary (1:22): MP3
- Commentary (0:56): MP3
- To Elsie (2:25): MP3
- Commentary (1:09): MP3
- On Gay Wallpaper (0:58): MP3
- Commentary (0:58): MP3
- The Red Lily (1:13): MP3
- Commentary (2:02): MP3
- The Sun (1:34): MP3
- Commentary (0:42): MP3
- A Sort of a Song (0:38): MP3
- Seafarer (1:31): MP3
- Commentary (2:40): MP3
- May 1st Tomorrow (2:06): MP3
- A Unison (2:56): MP3
- Commentary (2:03): MP3
- The Sea-Elephant (2:15): MP3
- Commentary (7:04): MP3
- The Descent (1:47): MP3
- Commentary (0:39): MP3
- To Daphne and Virginia (4:49): MP3
- Commentary (0:47): MP3
- The Orchestra (3:36): MP3
- Commentary (3:22): MP3
- Shadows (3:40): MP3
- Asphodel, that Greeny Flower: Coda (6:06): MP3
Complete recording (1:15:57): MP3
"Flowers by the Sea" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
Reading and Commentary recorded by Eyvind Earle at his
home in Hillview Park Ave., San Fernando Valley, Van Nuys, California. May 1955.
- Peace on Earth (0:46): MP3
- The Botticellian Trees (1:01): MP3
- Commentary (0:28): MP3
- Flowers by the Sea (0:43): MP3
- Commentary (0:42): MP3
- Spring and All (1:27): MP3
- On Gay Wallpaper (0:49): MP3
- Commentary (0:50): MP3
- Primrose (1:24): MP3
- The Red Lily (1:14): MP3
- The Sun (1:34): MP3
- A Sort of a Song (0:43): MP3
- May 1st Tomorrow (1:27): MP3
- A Unison (2:41): MP3
- Commentary (1:54): MP3
- The Descent (2:33): MP3
- To Daphne and Virginia (5:25): MP3
- The Orchestra (3:39): MP3
- The Yellow Flower (2:51): MP3
- The Host (3:34): MP3
- The Mental Hospital Garden (4:50): MP3
- Asphodel, That Greeny Flower I (excerpt): 'I speak in figures' to end of book I (3:56): MP3
- The Ivy Crown (3:16): MP3
- Shadows (3:06): MP3
- Asphodel, That Greeny Flower: Coda (excerpt): 'Inseparable from the fire' to 'which John Donne',"where the
recording breaks off (4:23): MP3
Complete recording (59:03): MP3
"Flowers by the Sea" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
Interview on "A Tribute to Ezra Pound,"
broadcast by WYBC, Yale University Radio. December 5, 1955
- Complete recording (1:04:24): MP3
Reading and Commentary at the University of Puerto Rico. April 1956
- Reads "Asphodel I," complete recording (14:07): MP3
Interview with John Wingate on Nightbeat, WABD television. September 4, 1957
- introduction (0:44): MP3
- on practicing medicine and writing poetry (1:59): MP3
- on the Greenwich Village poets and separating from the crowd (4:15): MP3
- on Ezra Pound (5:26): MP3
- on Carl Sandburg and Robert Frost (3:43): MP3
- on his links to alleged communist causes and letting people speak (2:51): MP3
- on television (0:33): MP3
- on Madison Avenue (0:37): MP3
- on Adlai Stevenson, Dwight Eisenhower, and John F. Kennedy (1:23): MP3
- on the place of religion in his life (1:15): MP3
- on what he would like to be remembered for (0:33): MP3
- closing remarks from John Wingate (0:36): MP3
Complete recording (24:03): MP3
Interviews with Walter Sutton. Recorded October 11 & 20, November 3 & 15,
- Complete recording (1:59:38): MP3
Interviews with Stanley Koehler. March 29 & 30, 1962
- The Descent (excerpt) (0:22): MP3
- The Orchestra (excerpt) (0:06): MP3
Complete recording (31:52): MP3
- reads William Carlos Williams's "The Dance" (1:07): MP3
- reads WCW's "Burning the Christmas Greens" (5:38): MP3
- reads WCW's "History of Love" (0:30): MP3
- reads WCW's "When Structure Fails Rhyme Attempts to Come to the Rescue" (2:05): MP3
- reads WCW's "The Birth of Venus" (3:04): MP3
- reads WCW's "The Sound of Waves" (filne name is incorrect) (1:32): MP3
- reads WCW's "The Dish of Fruit" (0:19): MP3
- reads WCW's "The Act" (1:26): MP3
- reads WCW's "Lear" (1:33): MP3
"This Is Just to Say"
- Read in Rutherford, NJ, June 1950 MP3
- Read in Rutherford, NJ, August 1950 MP3
- Read in Van Nuys, Calif., November 16, 1950 MP3
- Read at Harvard University, December 4, 1951 MP3
- Read at Princeton University, March 19, 1952 MP3
text (via poets.org)
[see text-audio alignments of all five singles]
"Between Walls"
- Read at UCLA, November 15, 1950 MP3
- Read at the 92nd Street YM-YWHA Poetry Center, New York MP3
- Read at Williams' home in Rutherford, NJ MP3
(0:18) text
Also featured on PoemTalk Episode 1.
"To Elsie"
- Read January 9, 1942 (1:45): MP3
- Read at the Library of Congress, May 5, 1945 (1:50): MP3
- Read at UCLA, November 15, 1950 (2:14): MP3
- Read at Van Nuys, Calif. November 16, 1950 (2:20): MP3
- Read at Princeton University, March 19, 1952 (2:16): MP3
- Read at Hanover College, Indiana, May 16, 1952 (2:56): MP3
- Read in Rutherford, NJ, June 6, 1954 (2:30): MP3
- Read at UCLA, May 1955 (2:25): MP3
"The Red Wheelbarrow"
- Read January 9, 1942 (0:11):
- Read for the Library of Congress, May 5, 1945 (0:15): MP3
- Read on an interview for the Mary Margaret McBride Show, December 4, 1950 (0:08): MP3
- Read at Princeton University, March 19, 1952 (1:42): MP3
[see text-audio alignments of all four singles]
Also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
"Flowers By the Sea"
- Read for the Library of Congress, May 5, 1945 (0:32): MP3
- Read in Van Nuys, San Fernando Valley, California, November 16, 1950 MP3
- Read at Harvard University, December 4, 1951 (0:51): MP3
- Read at Princeton University, March 18, 1952 (0:53): MP3
- Read at Hanover College, Hanover, Indiana, May 16, 1952 (1:00): MP3
- Read at his home in Rutherford, New Jersey, June 6, 1954 (0:30): MP3
- Read at UCLA, May, 1955 (0:32): MP3
- Read in Van Nuys, San Fernando Valley, California, May, 1955 (0:43): MP3
Also featured on PoemTalk Episode 30.
Oral History
David Ignatow interviews Flossie Williams, Rutherford, NJ, 1974
(30:26): MP3
- No Ideas But In Things (4:48) Link
- I Saw The Figure 5 in Gold (4:50) Link
Also of Interest:
- Symposium on Williams' "To Elsie" conducted by Al Filreis,
Bob Perelman,
Kristen Gallagher, and Shawn Walker (1:33:41):
Of Related Interest:
Richard Swigg Talking about Williams and Tomlinson (24:41) : MP3
Special thanks to Jonathan Gorman and Danny Snelson for their assistance in segmenting these recordings, as well as
Braverman and Chris Yeager, who re-coded the Williams page.
These sound recordings are being made available
for noncommercial and educational use only. © 2006
by the estates of William Eric Williams and Paul H. Williams.
Used by permission of the heirs of William Carlos Williams and New
Directions Publishing Corp., agent for the heirs. Distributed
by PennSound.