Mind of Winter
January 20, 2022
- Watch complete program on our YouTube channel
- Al Filreis - "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens
- Discussion/Close Reading
January 28, 2021
- Watch complete program on our YouTube channel
- Al Filreis - "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens
- Discussion/Close Reading
January 30, 2020
- Watch complete program on our YouTube channel
- Al Filreis - "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens
- Erin Burke - The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
- Peyton Toups - "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost
- Heidi Kalloo - "The Ballad of Ronald Hunter Jr" by Chester Ray Maternick
- Briar Essex - "Horses in the Snow" by Roberta Hill
- Maya Berardi - "February Evening in New York" by Denise Levertov
- Maya Arthur - "The Snow Fairy" by Claude McKay
- Andrés González-Bonillas - Rainbow Crow, a Lenape Legend
January 31, 2019
- Watch complete program
- Introduction
- Al Filreis - "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens
- Lilli Leight (C’19) - from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
- Amber Rose Johnson (G’21) - "It is Winter" by Jasmine Reid
- Devin Esch - "Second Winter" by Oliver Bendorf
- Perren Carillo (C’19) - from "Tributaries" by Ramona Ausubel
- Ashley Barrett (C’19) - "Crossing the Square" by Grace Schulman
- Jessica Lowenthal - Closing
January 25, 2018
- Watch complete program
- Introduction
- Taije Silverman - "What You Don't Remember"
- Syd Baloue - "Address to a Haggis", "A Red, Red Rose", and "John Anderson my jo, John" by Robert Burns
- Zoe Stoller - "It sifts from leaden sieves" by Emily Dickinson
- Jacob Kind - on Game of Thrones
- Yolanda Wisher - "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden
- Gina DeCagna - "The Egoist" and "Winter Garden" by Pablo Neruda
- Ari Lewis - "Ice Man" by Haruki Murakami
- Josh Bolton - Ole and Trufa ( A Story of Two Leaves ) by Issac Bashevis Singer
- Jessica Lowenthal - "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens and Closing
January 26, 2017
- Watch complete program
- Introduction
- Lily Applebaum - from South by Ernest Shackleton
- Carlos Price-Sanchez - "Music" by Frank O'Hara
- Clare Lombardo - from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
- Pallavi Wakharkar - from Winter by Adam Gopnik
- John Odera - "Roots" by George Gathiani
- Regina Salmons - Emily Dickinson poems 50, 141, 320, and 942
- Carmen Machado - from The Brief History of the Dead by Kevin Brockmeier
- Jessica Lowenthal - "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens and Closing
January 21, 2016
- Watch complete program
- Introduction
- Al Filreis - close reading "Polar Low" by Joseph Massey
- Destiny Bingham - from Between the Shades of Grey by Ruda Sepetys
- Henry Steinberg - from "The Skaters" by John Ashbery
- Ashley Stinnett - Invierno by Junot Diaz
- Rachel Reynolds - from Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard
- Chase Matecun - "Climate Change" by Lisa Sheilds and another poem
- Connie Yu - from "Snowflake / different streets" by Eileen Myles
- Julia Bloch - from "Midwinter Day" by Bernadette Mayer
January 22, 2015
- Watch complete program
- Introduction
- Al Filreis - "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens
- Nadia Laher - "A Child's Christmas in Wales" by Dylan Thomas
- Max Wang - from Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
- Amanda Silberling - "Snow and Dirt Rain" by Richard Siken
- Alex Stein - "By the Road" by Ian Frazier
- Jack Nessman - from The Road by Cormac McCarthy
- Mingo Reynolds - "Bees Make the Best Pets" by Jack Mingo
- Greg Djanikian - "The Curtain" by Hayden Carruth and "Why God Invented the Cold" by Catie Rosemurgy
- Closing
January 23, 2014
- Watch complete program
- Introduction
- Julia Bloch and Lily Applebaum - "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens
- Jess Bergman - from Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
- Andrew Beal - from "The Wendigo" by Algernon Blackwood
- Alina Grabowski - from "White Angel" by Michael Cunningham
- Kevin Platt - from Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin
- Amanda Wolkin - from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl and "Snowball" by Shel Silverstein
- Gabriel Ojeda-Sague - from Angels in America by Tony Kushner
- Closing
January 24, 2013
- Watch complete program
- Introduction
- Al Filreis - "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens
- Gwen Lewis - "Date a Girl Who Reads" by Rosemarie Urquico and "The Winter's Wind" by John Keats
- Jay Kirk - from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
- Nick DeFina - from Littlefoot by Charles Wright
- Ali Castleman - from War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
- David Poplar - "Storm" by James Tate
- Allison Wattenbarger - from "The Dead" by James Joyce
- Closing
January 26, 2012
- Due to technical difficulties, sound is only available for part of the program.
- Watch complete program. Sound starts at 34:13.
- Lindsey Todd - from "Spring Love Noise and All" by David Antin
- Kate Herzlin - from Beloved by Toni Morrison
- Rolf Potts - "In Which Snow is made by a Kenyan," by George Saunders
- Zoe Kirsch - from The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid by Bill bryson
- Diamond Irwin - “Santaland Diaries," by David Sedaris
- Leslie Krivo-Kaufman - from A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote
- Sam Apple - from Last Kings of Thule by Jean Malaurie
January 26, 2011
- Watch complete program
- Jessica Lowenthal - Introduction
- Al Filreis - “The Snow Man” by Wallace Stevens
- Emily Harnett - writing from The New Yorker by E.B. White
- Jamie-Lee Josselyn - from “Affliction” by Russell Banks
- Trisha Low - “The Fair Young Wife” by Helen Adam
- Molly O'Neill - “The Cremation of Sam McGee” by Robert Service
- Alex Marcus - from Fight for Your Long Day by Alex Kudera
- Max McKenna - from “Gifts for Orphans” by Arthur Rimbaud
- Bob Perelman - “Scenes on Ferry and River -- Last Winter’s Nights” from Specimen Days by Walt Whitman
January 28, 2010
- Complete program - QuickTime video
- Al Filreis - on "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens
- Litty Paxton - "True Love" and "Ecstacy" by Sharon Olds and "Snow Melting" by Gjertrud Schnackenberg
- Kelly Diamond - "Let It Snow" by David Sedaris
- James La Marre - from Songs to Joannes by Mina Loy
- Lily Applebaum - "Into the Dusk-Charged Air" by John Ashbery
- Zoe Dare-Attanasio - from "Twilight in Italy" by D.H. Lawrence
- Michelle Taransky - from Discrete Series by George Oppen and from Goat in the Snow by Emily Pettit

January 29, 2009
- Complete program - QuickTime video
- Jessica Lowenthal - Introduction
- Al Filreis - "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens
- Sam Sharf - from "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote
- Kathy De Marco - from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Roald Dahl
- Lance Wahlert - from The Ice Palace by Tarjei Vesaas
- Blair Borish - from The Jungle
- Greg Djanikian - "Year's End" by Richard Wilbur and "When I First Saw Snow" by Greg Djanikian
- Allison Harris - from Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
- Zach Ferris - "Death Be Not Proud" by John Donne
January 24, 2008
- Jessica Lowenthal - Introduction
- Kim Eisler - "January" by William Carlos Williams, "A City in Winter" by Frank O'Hara
- Danny Goldstein - from "Eskimo Love" by Max Apple
- Cecilia Corrigan - "Alcanac Breakup" by Cecilia Corrigan
- Dick Polman - "The Only Rose" by Yves Bonnefoy
- Jillian Budd - Untitled by Jillian Budd
- Adrian Khactu - "Misbegotten Son" by Adrian Khactu
- Jessica Lowenthal - "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens
January 18, 2007
- Jessica Lowenthal - introduction to the event
- Al Filreis - discussion of Stevens' "The Snow Man"
- John Carroll - "Sudden Snow", "A Warm Day for December", and "Poem" by Frank O'Hara
- Brooke Palmieri - "The March of the Ottoman Turks" by Brooke Palmieri
- Mingo Reynolds - from The Brothers K by David James Duncan
- Anna Levett - from The Facts of Winter by Paul Lafarge
- Sam Allingham - "Something She Told Me" by Sam Allingham
- Arielle Brousse - "Housed in Winter" by Marge Piercy and "February" by Margaret Atwood
January 19, 2006
- Jennifer Snead - introduction to the event
- Al Filreis - discussion of Stevens' "The Snow Man"
- Julia Bloch - poems by Julia Bloch ("In the Cardigan of the Mind," "Night Flight," excerpts from "Letters to Kelly Clarkson," "Pilot's Bay," "Seasonal Affective Disorder")
- Erin Gautsche - "Ohio" (by Erin Gautsche)
- Janine Catalano - Calvin Trillin's "Speaking of Soup"
- Kenny Goldsmith - the "Groundhog Day" section of Goldsmith's The Weather
- Beth Kephart - Michael Ondaatje excerpt entitled "Frozen Ice"
- Jim Gardner - reading from "The Dead" by James Joyce
January 26, 2005
Program (PDF)
- Al Filreis - Introduction
- Jamie-Lee Josselyn & Phil Sandick - Celebration of Al's 20th year of teaching at Penn
- Al Filreis - "The Snow Man" by Wallace Stevens
- Samantha Barrow - "LA Rte 82" by Samantha Barrow
- Samuel Wilcocks - Shakespearean song
- John Timpane - "Winter beforelight" by John Timpane
- Alicia Oltuski - "Ice Fishing"
- Miriam Mann Guerrero - Excerpt from The Snow Falcon by Stuart Harrison
- Matthew Abess - "Sestina díInverno" by Anthony Hecht
- Jennifer Snead - "Why Stop at Salmon?" by Jennifer Snead
- Emily Missner - Excerpt from The Winter Room by Gary Paulsen
- David Grazian - "Horses and Men in Rain" and "Man and Do on an Early Winter Morning" by Carl Sandburg, "Before Air Conditioning" by Donald Rumsfeld
- Conni Bille - "These Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, "Winter" by Conni Billi, "Lines for Winter" by Mark Strand
January 22, 2004
Program (PDF)
- Al Filreis - Introduction and a reading of Wallace Stevens' "The Snow Man"
- Erin Sweeney - "Forecast"
- Andrew Zitcer - "Zero Tolerance for Gurgling" and two short poems by George Herbert and Ibn Gabirol
- Greg Djanikian - "After the First Snow"
- Phil Sandick - a reading from from Wordsworthís The Prelude
- Aaron Levy - a reading from from Emma Kayís Worldview
- Pat Green - "The Snow Arrives After Long Silence" by Nancy Willard
- Jennifer Snead - Farewell
January 31, 2002
- Greg Djanikian
- Allie D'Augustine ("Derivations")
- Bob Perelman
- An Lam
- Kathy Lou Schultz
- Pamela Zinn (on piano)
- Blake Martin
- Andrew Zitcer (untitled poem)
- Heather Starr, live from Taos ("Winter Solstice")
- Mike Magee, live from Providence