

Three Poems by Eric Satie and Martin Spinelli


SPIN04.01 and RIFT04.01 are copyright (c) 1995. See below for full notice. Click here for EPC HOTLIST

.................Veritable False Preludes (for a dog).............. 

                                Severe Reprimand

                                                   fadb fadb
give away
                                                   B B B B
                                                   G G G G
                                                     ^a #c f b
like the same
                                                     A A
                                                     F F
                                               ^a #c f b
                                                    A A
                                                    F F
                                              G A D ^d

..............Prelude of the Heroic Door in the Sky...............

                         Without Numbers

                                                       c   ^b    a
                                                 _ _ f d  g f d ^b
Calm and deeply soft.
                                                  D D ^G A  B
                                                  C B  B C ^G
F e
f D
e e
                                                   G  F ^E    a
                                                   D ^E ^b
                                                  ^f  e ^g _ #C
with reference

                                         D   E  
                                         d  #G  
                                         b   b   g g
                                        ^g _ a _ E E
very sincerely silienced.
                                  a a
                                  d d
                                         d g b g
                                        #f d e d
In a timid step
                                         e e d d 
                                         a a a a
                             ^e ^f
               ^f   ^b  a ^f  g  g     c
                e _ ^E #c  e  E ^d _ _ e
avoid any exaltation of sacrilige
                A  ^f   A  ^f     D
                G  ^a   G  ^a     F
              _ C   d _ C   d
without pride
               _ a c  #f c
                 f     b
                            #c a b #f
                             g     #a
                             E #G

....................Ahead of the Latest Thoughts..................


                                       fgad fgad fgad fgad fgad
The bottom is very friendly, isn't it true?
                                       f#gad fgad fgad fgad gg#g
slowly ambivilent.

                          Dawn Serande

                          A  #F   A                              
                         #F   D  #F
                          D _ B _ D
without light
                          d  bb  d
                                        #F      A    A
                                         D     #F   #F
                                         B _ _  D _  D
Linger, but decently.
                                                #C  #C
                                             #D.#A. #A. _
                                                           a a
                                                  ^b^b     f f
                                           ggga bb d d _ _ d d
Someone is at the door.
                                           a g   a g   a g   A   A
                                           g d   g d   g d  #F  #F          
                             _     _     _ d.d. _ D  D
put your hand in your pocket
                                           b. b. b.  b. b. b.

and pretend.
                                     g.  c.
                                     b.  a.

RIF/T: An Electronic Space for Poetry, Prose, and Poetics
Editors: Kenneth Sherwood and Loss Pequeño Glazier
ISSN#: 1070-0072
Version 4.1 Spring 1995

SPIN04.01 and RIFT04.01 copyright (c) 1995. All rights revert to author(s) upon publication. Texts distributed by RIF/T, e-poetry@ubvm, or the Electronic Poetry Center (Buffalo) may not be republished for profit, in any form, without the express consent of author(s) and notification of the editors, but may be freely circulated among individuals for personal use, providing that this copyright statement is included. Public archiving of complete issues only, in electronic or print forms, is permissible, provided that no access fee is charged.

Responses, submissions, and queries to: E-POETRY@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU