Special TRANSPOESIS Issue of

RIF/T: An Electronic Space for Poetry, Prose, and Poetics
ISSN#: 1070-0072
Version 4.1 © Spring 1995

                 ----/   T R A N S P O E S I S   /----

          |  TRANSLATION--n., 1. expression in another |
          |  language [* see below], systematically    |
          |  retaining _ORIGINAL SENSE_.               |

Ningun problema tan consustancial con las letras y con su modesto misterio como el que propone una traduccion.
J. L. Borges, 'Las Versiones Homericas', Discusion, 1957

No problem is as completely concordant with literature and with the modest mystery of literature as is the problem posed by a translation.

Contributing Guest Editor: Ernesto Livon Grosman
Editors: Kenneth Sherwood and Loss Pequeño Glazier

RIFT04.01 copyright (c) 1995. All rights revert to author(s) upon publication. Texts distributed by RIF/T, e-poetry@ubvm, or the Elect ronic Poetry Center (Buffalo) may not be republished for profit in any form without express consent of author(s) and notification of the editors, but may be freely circulated, among individuals, for personal use providing that this copyright statement is included. Public archiving of complete issues only, in electronic or print forms, is permissible, providing that no access fee is charged. Responses, submissions, and queries to: E-POETRY@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU

Brief technical and subscription information or the original Transpoesis call for submissions

RIF/T Version 4.1

Four Poems from Haiti translated by Jack Hirschman and Robert Anbian

Derivations/Deviations: texts written in a responsive mode

Chapbook Extension of RIF/T 04.01