Paul Blackburn
N.B. Numerous Blackburn recordings, by him and ones he made, at the UCSD Blackburn collection.
PoemTalk #59, discussing Paul Blackburn's "7th Game: 1960 Series"
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
Reading at Blackburn's home with Howard Lindh, Summer 1971
"[Lindh Howard] reading his poems at Paul Blackburn's home (Summer 1971). Blackburn reads from the June
Journal 1971. Also, Blackburn and his son Carlos T. attempting to talk."
Recorded on audiocassette. Featured in the Joris and Peyrafitte tape collection.
Sound Warning: The sound levels in this recording vary greatly, especially in the first 4 minutes. Some parts may be inaudibly quiet, while others may be very loud. Consider keeping you device's volume as low as possible.
Complete Recording (25:30): MP3
Reading at SUNY Cortland, April 1, 1971
Blackburn reads poems from The Nets (1961), The Cities (1967), In. On. Or About The Premises
(1968) and The Journals
- Introduction (0:32): MP3
- Call It The Net (2:41): MP3
- The Net of Moon (2:08): MP3
- The Net of Place (3:34): MP3
- Brooklyn Narcissus (2:37): MP3
- Park Poem (1:48): MP3
- Hot Afternoons Have Been In West 15th Street (2:33): MP3
- The Unemployment Bureau (0:59): MP3
- 7th Game : 1960 Series (2:38): MP3
- Faces: 1 (2:48): MP3
- This Couldn't Happen Again (0:36): MP3
- She Holds His Hand (0:38): MP3
- Ritual: 7 (1:50): MP3
- The Franklin Avenue Line (1:05): MP3
- The Yawn (0:30): MP3
- Clickety-Clack (2:52): MP3
- The Necessary Goddess (1:20): MP3
- The Proposition (1:31): MP3
- Introduction to A Dull Poem (2:42): MP3
- A Dull Poem (2:41): MP3
- Sunflower Rock (2:33): MP3
- This Is Not The Same As Sharing Anyone Else's Despair (2:29): MP3
- It Might As Well Be Spring (1:40): MP3
- "For a long time you were lonely..." (0:33): MP3
- I Pass, You Pass (0:27): MP3
- Invocation to Venus (0:20): MP3
- Ten Years (1:39): MP3
- Birds: Amsterdam (2:38): MP3
- Train to Amersfoort (1:40): MP3
- Wet (0:38): MP3
- Gin (3:03): MP3
- Selections from November 1967 Journal (5:55): MP3
- The Game (1:28): MP3
- Musee Des Augustins: Toulouse (1:27): MP3
- The Probability (0:41): MP3
- From March 1968 Journal (3:03): MP3
- Rituals Preparatory to the Voyage (1:53): MP3
- Peeing All Over the Peninsula (5:54): MP3
- The Request (0:41): MP3
- My Sainted (1:02): MP3
- It Takes an Hour (2:03): MP3
- Introduction to 'This Is The Way The World Begins' (1:06): MP3
- This Is The Way The World Begins (6:11): MP3
- Introduction to November 1969 Journal (1:20): MP3
- Selections from Novemember 1969 Journal (8:45): MP3
Complete Reading, Part one (1:00:00): MP3
Complete Reading, Part two (43:57): MP3
(recording courtesy of Bernie Earley, Full Time Lecturer, Department of English, SUNY Cortland)
"7the Game: 1960 Series" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 59.
Reading (presumably in San Francisco, July 1971 — date and location are uncertain)
- Introduction (1:13): MP3
- Blackburn's Introductory Comments (1:56): MP3
- Paris-Toulouse Train (4:26): MP3
- The Tissues (2:43): MP3
- Introduction to Peeing All Over the Peninsula (1:58): MP3
- Peeing All Over the Peninsula (5:26): MP3
- from the November Journal (8:43): MP3
- [Untitled] ("sundaysundaysundaysundaysunday") (1:13): MP3
- We Definitions (0:17): MP3
- "Sailboat reflected in the lake" (0:20): MP3
- Li-Ke-Un (0:12): MP3
- "Anything you want" (0:18): MP3
- Along the San Andreas Fault, Along the Santa Fe Trail (for Mike McClusky) (1:14): MP3
- As It Ends (1:20): MP3
- The Assassination of President McKinley (3:04): MP3
Complete recording (36:02): MP3
(recording courtesy of Robert Creeley)
Reading, Unknown Location, c. 1969-1970
- Complete recording (35:43): MP3
PennSound only link to full reading with Donald Hall, Diane Wakoski, John Thorpe, and Ebbe Borregaard: MP3
- Oh shake it up baby (4:43): MP3
- Paris and not spring either (0:51): MP3
- What you do is pick 'em up and pack 'em in (1:27): MP3
- The Expensive Meal (0:59): MP3
- Off and Running (3:28): MP3
- Facing South (0:34): MP3
- Signals: 3 (0:31): MP3
- Birds: Amsterdam (3:14): MP3
- Gin (3:33): MP3
- Train to Amersfoort (1:57): MP3
- Paris-toulouse Train (2:37): MP3
- Musée des Augustins: Toulouse (1:26): MP3
- Valencia: Winter (0:59): MP3
- Fog (0:53): MP3
- The Probability (0:50): MP3
- Cutting the Mustard (0:21): MP3
- Malaga, Port (1:08): MP3
- Chase Death (1:21): MP3
- The Quality (1:18): MP3
- As It Ends (0:41): MP3
- The Net of Place (3:50): MP3
- Night Cappy (3:27): MP3
- The Metamorphosis (1:04): MP3
- Motivations: 1 (0:14): MP3
- The Assassination of President McKinley (3:06): MP3
- Getting a Job (0:55): MP3
- Two Songs for the Opp (0:43): MP3
- On the Rocks (2:05): MP3
- The Slogan (1:11): MP3
- A Dull Poem for Louis Zukofsky (5:10): MP3
- Scoffing It (0:33): MP3
- Sunflower Rock (2:24): MP3
- It Might As Well Be Spring (1:37): MP3
- Pre-Lenten Gestures (5:46): MP3
- Ritual: 7 (1:40): MP3
- She Holds His Hand (1:18): MP3
- L'orcus (0:21): MP3
- Faces: 1 (2:37): MP3
- The Proposition (1:31): MP3
- Who Needs Legs? We Do (1:18): MP3
- Poor Dog (2:14): MP3
- translation of Guillaume de Poitiers' "Farai un vers, pos mi sonelh" (4:53): MP3
- translation of Peire Vidal's "Estat ai gran sazo" (4:28): MP3
- City Sunset (0:51): MP3
- The Interview with F. Scott Mcnut (1:02): MP3
- The Tissues (2:43): MP3
- The Request (0:47): MP3
- My Sainted (0:48): MP3
- Ritual 17: It Takes An Hour (4:29): MP3
- Buzz (2:27): MP3
- Mary Jane (2:41): MP3
- The Candidate (0:28): MP3
- Jazz 1968 (0:24): MP3
- A Structural Problem (0:33): MP3
- From November Journal: Fire (7:58): MP3
Complete reading (1:55:31): MP3
Reading at St. Marks, 1969
With introduction by Anne Waldman and Sam Abrams
Reading available at UCSD archives: External link
Recording, 1966
Includes excerpts from "Lines", "Trees", "Words", "A Miracle Has Happened", "There Are Doors", "How to Sublet an Apartment to Friends",
"The Unemployment Bureau", "Spring Thing", "So Who Needs Legs We Do", "Laurel", "Cancer Ejaculations", "Going Up", "Flowers All
over the Wall", Two Poems after Li Po ("Resentment" and "Poem to a Dead Girl"), "The Assassination of President McKinley",
"Face 1", "The Necessary Goddess", "Origins", "You Light It", "Between Sets", "Ya Lift a Cold One", "The Young", "Listening to
Sonny Rollins at the Five Spot", "The Voices (for Alma - October Sun)", "The Man Turned against Himself", "Getting a Job",
"Flexibility or the Rich", "Park Poem", "Here They Go", "Ritual VI", "The Gathering Winter Fuel", "This Couldn't Happen Again",
"She Holds His Hand", "Pals Together", "Sunflower Rock", two poems: "Cockcrow Barcelona" and "It Was Noted after the Panel
Discussion", "Think I Know", "The Bones", "Scoffing It", "The Old Days", "Democracy in California (Napalm)", "Blues for Austryn
Wainhouse", "That Things Go Well Is My Whole Spiel", "It's a Matter of Tracing It All Back", "The Flower Phantom Strikes Again",
"The Geologist", "Rockhound", "The Weathers", "Eat", "More of It", "Style", "The Differences", "O Whence Are You Going", "The
Eastern Slopes", "Measure the Takers", "The Forty Five", "Chicken Soup", and "Bags"
Courtesy of Simon Pettet
Also of Interest:
Robert Kelly discusses Blackburn's dedication to recording poetry (5:30): MP3
(recording courtesy of Steve Evans / The Lipstick of Noise)
Paul Blackburn on PennSound Daily
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational
use only. © 2012 the Estate of Paul Blackburn. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Distributed by PennSound.