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From "Down To Write You This Poem Sat" at the Oakville Gallery

  1. Charles Bernstein, "Phone Poem" (2011) (1:30): MP3
  2. Caroline Bergvall, "Love song: 'The Not Tale (funeral)' from Shorter Caucer Tales (2006): MP3
  3. Christian Bôk, excerpt from Eunoia, from Chapter "I" for Dick Higgins (2009) (1:38):  MP3
  4. Tonya Foster, Nocturne II (0:40) (2010) MP3
  5. Ted Greenwald, "The Pears are the Pears" (2005) (0:29): MP3
  6. Susan Howe, Thorow, III (3:13) (1998):  MP3
  7. Tan Lin, "¼ : 1 foot" (2005) (1:16): MP3
  8. Steve McCaffery, "Cappuccino" (1995) (2:35): MP3
  9. Tracie Morris, From "Slave Sho to Video aka Black but Beautiful" (2002) (3:40): MP3
  10. Julie Patton, "Scribbling thru the Times" (2016) (5:12): MP3
  11. Tom Raworth, "Errory" (c. 1975) (2:08): MP3
  12. Jerome Rothenberg, from "The First Horse Song of Frank Mitchell: 4-Voice Version" (c. 1975) (3:30): MP3
  13. Cecilia Vicuna, "When This Language Disappeared" (2009) (1:30): MP3
  1. Guillaume Apollinaire, "Le Pont Mirabeau" (1913) (1:14): MP3
  2. Amiri Baraka, "Black Dada Nihilismus" (1964) (4:02):  MP3
  3. Louise Bennett, "Colonization in Reverse" (1983) (1:09): MP3
  4. Sterling Brown, "Old Lem " (c. 1950s) (2:06):  MP3
  5. John Clare, "Vowelless Letter" (1849) performed by Charles Bernstein (2:54): MP3
  6. Velimir Khlebnikov, "Incantation by Laughter" (1910), tr. and performed by Bernstein (:28)  MP3
  7. Harry Partch, from Barstow (part 1), performed by Bernstein (1968) (1:11): MP3
  8. Leslie Scalapino, "Can’t’ is ‘Night’" (2007) (3:19): MP3
  9. Kurt Schwitters, "Ur Sonata: Largo" performed by Ernst Scwhitter (1922-1932) ( (3:12): MP3
  10. Gertrude Stein, If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso (1934-35) (3:42): MP3
  11. William Carlos Willliams, "The Defective Record" (1942) (0:28): MP3
  12. Hannah Weiner, from Clairvoyant Journal, performed by Weiner, Sharon Mattlin & Rochelle Kraut (2001) (6:12): MP3

Selected by Charles Bernstein (read more about his choices here)

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Anne-Marie Albiach Reads 'État,' 2007

Posted 7/27/2024

We wrap up this week this week by highlighting a recently-added recording of Anne-Marie Albiach reading her first book, État, in its entirety at Hotel de Ville in Neuilly, France. This segmented set, which includes twenty-four tracks in total, was recorded by Walter Feldmann on October 10, 2007. Those looking to explore État will benefit from checking out the EPC digital edition of Keith Waldrop's excellent 1989 translation, originally published by Awede Press.

On PennSound's author page for Albiach, there are a number of home recording sessions, including a 1993 recording of « H II » linéaires and a 2005 recordings of ETAT and UNE GÉOMÉTRIE (triptych), along with a 2000 reading as part of the Paris-based Steel Bar reading series, and shorter recordings made for Grey Suit and Kenning. We're also proud to be able to present a trio of broadcasts from France Culture Radio (from 1978, 2003, and 2004) as well as a 2015 tribute to the poet and translator held at the IMEC (Institut Mémoires de l’édition contemporaine) in Paris.

Charles Bernstein's 2012 Jacket2 commentary post marking the poet's passing includes this appraisal of her talents, written on the occasion of her volume, Figured Image: "Anne-Marie Albiach's words are never alone on the page, having each other for company, just as they find here ideal companionship in Keith Waldrop’s translation. In Figurations de l’Image, Albiach pursues her rigorous investigation into the possibilities of measure, the perceptible, luminescence, vulnerability, memory, contour, ardor, breath, oscillation, remonstration, trajectory, disparity, abstraction, antecedence, disparity, refraction, trace, tapestry, rehearsal, reverberation, and the irreparable. In these poems, the figures refute image as they bank, relapse, surge, palsy, recollect. Albiach scores space to twine time, abjures rhyme to make blank shimmer in the mark." You can read more of Bernstein's remembrance here, and browse our Anne-Marie Albiach author page here.

Revisiting the EPC@20 Celebration

Posted 7/24/2024

Today we're revisiting EPC@20, the two-day celebration of two decades of the Electronic Poetry Center, which was held at SUNY-Buffalo in the fall of 2014 to celebrate the archive's twentieth anniversary. EPC@20 featured readings, talks, and performances by poets who've had a close affiliation with the site over its lifespan. 

The proceedings on Thursday, September 11th  began with an afternoon session that included talks by Steve McCafferyDanny Snelson, Laura Shackelford, cris cheekElizabeth Willis, and Loss Pequeño Glazier. Evening performances followed in two sets: the first featuring Tammy McGovern, Snelson, and Wooden Cities with Ethan Hayden; the second with Joan Retallack, cheek, and Tony Conrad.

Friday, September 12th began with afternoon readings and talks by Myung Mi Kim, Retallack, Charles Bernstein, and a panel talk featuring Bernstein, Glazier, Jack Krick, Shackelford, and Snelson. The celebration concluded with evening performances from Glazier, Willis, and Bernstein.

Video and audio recordings of the proceedings are available here. The program for the celebration can be found here.

From the Floating World: A Memorial Tribute to Jerome Rothenberg

Posted 7/23/2024

We're excited to start off this new week with a newly posted recording of "From the Floating World: A Memorial Tribute to Jerome Rothenberg," which was held at New York's Milton Resnick - Pat Passloff Foundation on June 24th of this year.

Our own Charles Bernstein served as emcee for the memorial, which started off with a welcome from Alex Paul Chapin and Geoffrey Dorfman. Pierre Joris offered a eulogy and Charlie Morrow said the Kaddish, while Bruce Andrews, Susan Bee, Lee Ann Brown, Steve Clay, Michael Heller, Bob Holman, Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese, Nicole Peyrafitte, and Cecilia Vicuña shared remembrances and read favorite poems from Rothenberg. 

Both audio and streaming video of the event, running over one hundred minutes, is available now on PennSound's Jerry Rothenberg author page, were you'll also find well over 350 individual tracks taken from dozens of events spanning more than half a century. These include readings, interviews, panel discussions and talks, albums, performances, podcasts, films, and more. and don't forget about our Rothenberg holdings at Jacket2, where we were honored to host Jerry's commentary series, "Poems and Poetics," since our launch, and our Reissues section archives complete runs of the groundbreaking journals Alcheringa (1970–1980, co-edited with Dennis Tedlock) and New Wilderness Letter (1977–1984).

Want to read more? Visit the PennSound Daily archive.