PoemTalk #113, Discussing Robin Blaser's "A Bird in the House", feat. Kristin Prevallet, Jed Rasula, and Brian Teare
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
In conversation with Robert Hass, UC Berkeley, Cloud House Poetry Archives, November 5, 2008
Direct URL: MOV
Reading at Evergreen State College, February 5, 2007
Direct URL: M4V
Courtesy of Leonard Schwartz
- Part One (10:50): MP3
- Part Two (22:52): MP3
- Part Three (7:06): MP3
- Part Four (5:55): MP3
- Part Five (7:12): MP3
Reading at Woodland Pattern Bookstore - Milwaukee, October 2, 2004
- Introduction (3:13): MP3
- For Don Allen (5:14): MP3
- Reading (56:09): MP3
Reading at the Cultural Centre, Vancouver East, 2003
- Introduction (2:08): MP3
- Opening Comments (2:14): MP3
- Psyche (1:31): MP3
- As If By Chance (4:55): MP3
- the tired century and ultimate image (2:43): MP3
- the universe is part of ourselves (0:55): MP3
- Skylight Smoking a Ramses Cigarette, a Gift in a Pink Box (3:04): MP3
- Tumble-Weed (1:47): MP3
- Home (0:36): MP3
- Sophia Nichols (2:58): MP3
- Comments and Introduction of Meredith Quartermain (2:00): MP3
- Oh! (1:19): MP3
- Glass Road (1:04): MP3
- who, who, who, who (1:17): MP3
- good morning (2:00): MP3
- So (0:41): MP3
- did you ever see an angel (0:36): MP3
- when Nietzsche said (0:23): MP3
- the builders next door (1:08): MP3
- everyday, the carpenter (0:34): MP3
- woke this morning (0:15): MP3
- so Eros has a mind (0:31): MP3
- Mr. and Mrs. Sew-and-Sew (1:01): MP3
- In Remembrance of Matthew Shepard (1:38): MP3
- Well, I heard it on the grapevine (0:36): MP3
- Being (2:10): MP3
- a song (1:39): MP3
Complete Recording (43:07): MP3
Reading at The Kootenay School of Writing, Vancouver, 1997
- July 26, 1997 (49:18): MP3
- Introduction to "Great Companion: Dante Alighieri" (2:29): MP3
- "Great Companion: Dante Alighieri" (45:09): MP3
Great Companion: Dante Alighieri - Universita d'Annuzio, April 22, 1997
Complete Recording (37:46): MP3
- Introduction to "Great Companion: Dante Alighieri" (5:25): MP3
- "Great Companion: Dante Alighieri" (22:17): MP3
- Summary and explanation of the final section of "Great Companion: Dante Alighieri" (9:40): MP3
- Q&A and discussion (cut off) (8:56): MP3
Complete Reading (1:05:46): MP3
On "Night Waves," hosted by Patrick Wright, BBC Radio Three, January 22, 1997
"Relocating the High Lyric Voice" (featuring John Kinsella, Denise Riley, Peter Blegvad & Iain Sinclair):
Lecture on Robert Duncan - Buffalo, 1996
Complete Lecture: (41:02): MP3
- Language and Modernism (3:40): MP3
- About Emerson (2:42): MP3
- Reading from Giorgio Agamben (3:59): MP3
- The "Elf" Of It (15:45): MP3
- The Self in Postmodern Poetry (3:56): MP3
- Poetry and Philosophy (3:02): MP3
- Quotes from Cavell and Emerson (4:39): MP3
Reading at The Kootenay School of Writing, Vancouver, 1995
June 4, 1995 Part 1 (22:04): MP3
- Introduction (2:40): MP3
- Reading from Martha Nussbaum's "The Fragility of Goodness" (2:41): MP3
- "Even on Sunday" (13:14): MP3
June 4, 1995 Part 2 (14:56): MP3
- "Image-Nation 25 (Exody)" (10:01): MP3
- "nomad" (1:24): MP3
"Collapse" - A Reading from The Holy Forest, University of British Columbia, June 3, 1995
Complete Reading (36:30): MP3
This CD comes from an issue of Collapse Magazine, published in
1996. The reading, which took place at the University of British
Columbia's Frederic Wood Theatre, occurred at a conference held
in honor of Robin Blaser's seventieth birthday entitled "The
Recovery of the Public World, a celebration of his poetry and
his poetics."
- well I was walking up (1:21): MP3
- of is the word love without the initial consonant (2:34): MP3
- As If By Chance (5:17): MP3
- Image-Nation 18 (an apple (3:11): MP3
- Even On Sunday (13:59): MP3
- a bird in the house (2:06): MP3
- Muses, Dionysus, Eros (2:57): MP3
- rose (4:26): MP3
- Opening discussion of Great Companion: Robert Duncan (7:08): MP3
- Great Companion: Robert Duncan (11:24): MP3
- in the tree tops (2:39): MP3
- Mappa Mundi (6:28): MP3
Complete Reading (1:06:13): MP3
- Introduction by Robert Creeley (10:07): MP3
- Introduction to Cups (2:49): MP3
- Cups, parts 1 - 12 (12:49): MP3
- Of the Land of Culture (4:08): MP3
- A Bird in the House (1:43): MP3
- In the Tree Tops (Michaux) (2:34): MP3
- Image Nation 24 from Exody (30:50): MP3
Reading for Wednesdays @ Four Plus, University of Buffalo, April 24-25, 1991
April 24 - "Check Out Your Lintels: Poetry and Doors" (1:07:04): MP3
- Reading from "The Practice of Everyday Life" (3:55): MP3
- Poetry and Philosophy (2:41): MP3
- Public Space (1:14): MP3
- Interlunar Thoughts (1:28): MP3
- War and Entertainment (2:27): MP3
- Aids (4:21): MP3
- As If By Chance (4:40): MP3
- Doors and Etmyologies (5:03): MP3
- On Discourse (13:19): MP3
- William James letter to C.S. Peirce (0:57): MP3
- Descartes and Humes (5:16): MP3
- Skepticism (3:02): MP3
- God and the World (2:29): MP3
- The Unspeakable (0:58): Mp3
- Even on Sunday (13:05): MP3
April 25 - "Homotextualism" (2:13:57): MP3
- Introduction to Homotextuality (4:04): MP3
- Bernstein on Homotextuality (3:07): MP3
- Blaser on Homosexual Texts (15:55): MP3
- On Code (3:02): MP3
- Gay Communities (8:06): MP3
- Criticism and Context (5:48): MP3
- Shared Poetics (8:07): MP3
- Otherness and Relation (9:33): MP3
- Sappho and Classics (10:38): MP3
- Wittgenstein and Reference (5:26): MP3
- St. Teresa and "Mystic Speech" (8:19): MP3
- Sexual Desire (6:29): MP3
- On Marquis de Sade (7:07): MP3
- Homosexuality and Poetry (9:03): MP3
- Outsiderdom (6:13): MP3
- Eros Unrequited (4:44): MP3
- "Titillation" (8:28): MP3
- Models of Text (7:20): MP3
Complete Recording (4:05:42): MP3
Lecture 1, part 1 (46:19): MP3
- Introduction by Robert Creeley (5:20): MP3
- Preliminary Remarks to the Lecture (2:15): MP3
- Poetry and Positivisms (4:39): MP3
- Reading Olson's Poetry (3:44): MP3
- On Lucretius (3:58): MP3
- Silence, the Word, and the Sacred (cut off) (23:33): MP3
Lecture 1, part 2 (38:57): MP3
- God and Human Nature (5:32): MP3
- Violence (3:06): MP3
- "The Fragility of Goodness" (3:21): MP3
- Search for the Poetic (5:31): MP3
- On Hölderlin (10:39): MP3
- On Broch (9:06): MP3
Lecture 2, part 1 (46:09): MP3
- Preliminary Remarks (1:01): MP3
- The "No Thing" (12:51): MP3
- Relations to Words (13:12): MP3
- Moving Forwards (12:56): MP3
- Blaser's Reflections (5:17): MP3
Lecture 2, part 2 (26:00): MP3
- Blaser's Past (3:34): MP3
- Robert Duncan and God (4:04): MP3
- Ernst Kantorowicz (3:33): MP3
- Hannah Arendt (3:04): MP3
- Blaser's Own Cosmology (1:59): MP3
- The Theological Metaphysical Past (5:01): MP3
Lecture 3, part 1 (44:45): MP3
- Introduction (2:57): MP3
- Reading from "The Death of Virgil" (2:44): MP3
- Examples of Positivisms (13:03): MP3
- On Mallarmé (13:21): MP3
- Mallarmé's Problem (4:02): MP3
- What Shall We Do Now? (6:28): MP3
Lecture 3, part 2 (44:03): MP3
- Olson and Myth (2:24): MP3
- Passages from Olson and Talmudic Texts (5:04): MP3
- Spangler on God and Music (10:30): MP3
- Bach's Passacaglia (20:49): MP3
- From Bach to Olson (4:21): MP3
Poetry reading, concluding Olson lectures, March 24, 1987
- Introduction (0:40): MP3
- "When they sit in consilium..." (2:11): MP3
- "For me, every author is absolutely other..." (0:39): MP3
- Further (2:19): MP3
- The Pause (2:40): MP3
- A conversation poem (1:08): MP3
- Romance (1:08): MP3
- Apologies for Repetitions (5:29): MP3
- Gathering (0:56): MP3
- Image-Nation (half and half) (4:18): MP3
- Robert Graves: In Memoriam (19:40): MP3
- Steps (poem for Allen Ginsberg) (4:32): MP3
- "I've always liked the notion of the mind as a frying pan..." (5:22): MP3
- To Whom It May Concern (1:49): MP3
Complete reading (54:05): MP3
Incomplete reading (slightly clearer audio) (42:34): MP3
Reading at the Portland Poetry Festival, August 9, 1986
Complete recording (37:40): MP3
- Introduction (3:19): MP3
- Steps (for Allen Ginsberg) (4:43): MP3
- "I've always liked the notion of..." (5:41): MP3
- In Memoriam for Robert Graves (16:11): MP3
- Whom for Boys and Girls (1:33): MP3
- Advice (0:52): MP3
- To Whom It May Concern (1:29): MP3
- To Whom It May Concern (read again) (1:13): MP3
Reading at the San Francisco Poetry Center, February 11, 1976
Part One (31:19): MP3
- Introduction (1:26): MP3
- "Windows" (2:38): MP3
- "Sofia Nichols" (2:11): MP3
- "The Cry of Merlin" (3:12): MP3
- "Image-Nation 11" (1:40): MP3
- "Image-Nation 13 the telephone" (2:36): MP3
- "Image-Nation 14" (2:07): MP3
- "Origin" (0:41): MP3
- "Suddenly," (0:51): MP3
- "Gathering" (1:05): MP3
- "Earth condenses as it forms..." (2:35): MP3
Part Two (31:23): MP3
- On Intellectuals (4:57): MP3
- On "Image-Nation 12" and language (2:30): MP3
- "I've got no place to go" (4:09): MP3
- Revolutions (9:47): MP3
- Pysche, forms, and language (5:12): MP3
- On Jack Spicer (3:55): MP3
The Astonishment Tapes, Vancouver, Spring 1974
These are the full recordings edited and transcribed by Miriam Nichols for The Astonishment Tapes Talks on Poetry and Autobiography with Robin Blaser and Friends (University of Alabama Press, 2015)
- Session 1.1 (31:33): MP3
- Session 1.2 (29:19): MP3
- Session 1.3 (32:15): MP3
- Session 1.4 (27:39): MP3
- Session 2.5 (31:33): MP3
- Session 2.6 (30:55): MP3
- Session 2.7 (29:31): MP3
- Session 2.8 (25:14): MP3
- Session 3.9 (30:50): MP3
- Session 3.10 (31:23): MP3
- Session 3.11 (31:17): MP3
- Session 3.12 (26:22): MP3
- Session 4.13 (47:29): MP3
- Session 4.14 (56:13): MP3
- Session 5.15 (30:52): MP3
- Session 5.16 (30:38): MP3
- Session 5.17 (31:29): MP3
- Session 5.18 (18:44): MP3
- Session 6.19 (31:17): MP3
- Session 6.20 (34:22): MP3
- Session 6.21 (31:52): MP3
- Session 6.22 (29:49): MP3
- Session 7.23 (30:56): MP3
- Session 7.24 (30:12): MP3
- Session 7.25 (23:21): MP3
- Session 7.26 (21:04): MP3
- Session 8.27 (45:33): MP3
- Session 8.28 (45:38): MP3
- Session 8.29 (30:49): MP3
- Session 8.30 (30:43): MP3
- Session 9.31 (31:07): MP3
- Session 9.32 (30:50): MP3
- Session 9.33 (32:10): MP3
- Session 9.34 (32:16): MP3
- Session 10.35 (31:51): MP3
- Session 10.36 (32:02): MP3
- Session 10.37 (31:47): MP3
- Session 10.38 (31:44): MP3
- Session 10.39 (31:50): MP3
- Session 10.40 (35:19): MP3

Reading at the University of British Columbia, 1970
Complete Recording: MP3 (19:40)
- Translation (0:33): MP3
- Winter Words (0:34):MP3
- The Stories (0:43): MP3
- In a Dark (0:18): MP3
- The Prints (0:27): MP3
- Love (0:26): MP3
- The Private I (0:54): MP3
- Song (0:26): MP3
- 1st Tale: Over (0:34): MP3
- 2nd Tale: Return (1:26): MP3
- At Last (0:41): MP3
- Aphrodite of the Leaves (0:26): MP3
- The City (0:48): The City
- The Translator: A Tale (1:08): MP3
- Sophia Nichols (1:58): MP3
- A Gift (0:49): MP3
- Bottom's Dream (0:47): MP3
- The Finder (1:07): MP3
- Out of the Window (1:03): MP3
- Merlin (0:56): MP3
- The Cry of Merlin (2:05): MP3
- envoi (0:51): MP3
Reading in Vancouver, British Columbia, June 1965
Complete reading (15:32): MP3
- The Moth Poem (13:48): MP3
- The Translator: a Tale (1:44): MP3
(recording courtesy of the estate of Robert Creeley)
- Episode #8, "The Inferno," November 24, 2003 (28:38): MP3
- Introduction by Leonard Schwartz (1:07): MP3
- Image Nation 13: Telephone (2:47): MP3
- Discussing Image Nation (2:33): MP3
- Discussing The Irreparable (4:42): MP3
- Blaser discussing his new poetry (2:25): MP3
- Blaser discussing his dual citizenship (1:49): MP3
- Responsibility in language (1:15): MP3
- As If By Chance (4:58): MP3
- Discussing As If By Chance (4:20): MP3
- Language as a source of poetry (2:41): MP3
- Episode #57, "Mythscape," 2004 (29:59): MP3
- Episode #133, "The Holy Forest," March 11, 2007 (45:03): MP3
Also of Interest
- Simon Fraser University Digitized Collections, 1971-1977: Link
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author.
© 2017 by Robin Blaser. Used with permission of Robin Blaser. Distributed by PennSound.