Olivier Cadiot
Reading at SUNY-Buffalo, on November 16, 2001, with Anne Portugal
From Red, Green, & Black

Cadiot & Charles Bernstein reading from Cadiot's French text and their translation of the poem.
Complete Reading (20:19): MP3
Readings at the Centre international de poésie Marseille, 1990–91
- Monsieur Solo (May 1990) (4:52): MP3
- Lettres (cf. Denière de Rimbaud) (November 1991) (2:43): MP3
These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only.
All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2006 Olivier Cadiot and Charles Bernstein.
Used with permission of Olivier Cadiot. Distributed by PennSound.