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Semyon Khanin / Семен Ханин

Poetry readings in the Wexler Studio at Kelly Writers House, October 7, 2019 / Чтение в Студии звукозаписи им. Векслера Дома писателей им. Келли в Университете Пенсильвании, 7 октября, 2019

  1. "I was riding my bike, the one that got stolen afterwards..." / «я ехал на велике, который сперли потом» (1:30): MP3
  2. "I was riding my bike, the one that got stolen afterwards..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (1:37): MP3
  3. "glue's not quite right..." / «клей неудачный» (0:50): MP3
  4. "glue's not quite right..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (0:48): MP3
  5. "folklore class field trip to an island..."/ «фольклорная практика на острове» (1:30): MP3
  6. "folklore class field trip to an island..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt and Eugene Ostashevsky; read by Platt (1:34): MP3
  7. "let me tell you a story from back when I was still a burglar..." / «вот такая история из того времени, когда я еще воровал» (2:48): MP3
  8. "let me tell you a story from back when I was still a burglar..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (2:50): MP3
  9. "let's reschedule the hypnosis session for Tuesday..." / «давайте перенесем сеанс гипноза на вторник» (0:55): MP3
  10. "let's reschedule the hypnosis session for Tuesday..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt and Eugene Ostashevsky; read by Platt (1:01): MP3
  11. "that is, in other words..." / «то есть, другими словами» (2:30): MP3
  12. "that is, in other words..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (2:05): MP3
  13. "take her to the gardens..." / «своди ее в сады...» (1:22): MP3
  14. "take her to the gardens..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt and Eugene Ostashevsky; read by Platt (1:16): MP3
  15. "for a start..." / «для начала...» (1:17): MP3
  16. "for a start..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (1:19): MP3
  17. "the professor had his quirks..." / «у профессора свои заморочки» (1:42): MP3
  18. "the professor had his quirks..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (1:39): MP3
  19. "they were checking at length and it finally checked out..."/ «довольно долго сверяли, наконец сверили» (0:56): MP3
  20. "they were checking at length and it finally checked out..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (0:50): MP3
  21. "if I tell myself to remember the way ..."/ «если скажу себе запомнить дорогу» (1:32): MP3
  22. "if I tell myself to remember the way ..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (1:24): MP3
  23. "at the bus station takes shape..."/ «нарисуется на автовокзале» (2:27): MP3
  24. "at the bus station takes shape..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (2:50): MP3
  25. "so when the motor conked out at the intersection..."/ «ой как заглох мотор на перекрестке» (1:06): MP3
  26. "so when the motor conked out at the intersection..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (1:02): MP3
  27. "there are more certain possibilities..."/ «бывают варианты и вернее» (1:16): MP3
  28. "there are more certain possibilities..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (1:14): MP3
  29. "you fear and anticipate, when will it come..."/ «и боишься, и ждешь, когда он наступит» (3:16): MP3
  30. "you fear and anticipate, when will it come..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (3:16): MP3
  31. "I awoke among the sleeping..."/ «я встал среди спящих» (2:08): MP3
  32. "I awoke among the sleeping..." —translated by Kevin MF Platt; read by Platt (2:09): MP3

Reading at Hunter College, New York, April 28, 2017 / Семен Ханин (Рига, Латвия), читает в Колледже Хантера, Нью-Йорк, 28 апреля 2017

Direct URL: MKV

Video filmed by Charles Bernstein / Видео, снятое Чарльзом Бернштейном

Poetry readings in the Wexler Studio at Kelly Writers House, November 17, 2016 / Чтение в Студии звукозаписи им. Векслера Дома писателей им. Келли в Университете Пенсильвании, 17 ноября, 2016

  1. "lips groping for..." / «нащупывая губами...» (2:45) MP3
  2. "why did I keep yelling I'm an electrician..." / «зачем я так кричал, что я электрик...» (1:14) MP3
  3. "do not think he is homeless..." / «не подумай, что это бездомный...» (1:25) MP3
  4. "it's kind of dumb to say goodbye in advance..." / «как-то глупо прощаться заранее...» (1:48) MP3
  5. "monument to a palm tree..." / «пальме памятник...» (2:33) MP3

Interview with members of the Orbita group: Vladimir Svetlov, Sergej Timofejev, Semyon Khanin, Artur Punte. Conducted by Kevin M. F. Platt. November 17, 2016 / Интервью с членами группы «Орбита»: Владимир Светлов, Сергей Тимофеев, Семен Ханин, Артур Пунте. Разговор вёл Кевин М.Ф. Платт. 17 ноября 2016

Interview (Russian) / Интервью на русском языке (48:04) MP3

Readings at Your Language My Ear I, April 23, 2011 / Чтение на симпозиуме Твой язык моё ухо I, 23 апреля 2011

  1. "there they go crawling over goosebumps..." / «еще какие-то поползут по мурашкам» (00:54) MP3
  2. "there they go crawling over goosebumps..."—translated by Charles Bernstein, Eugene Ostashevsky, and Matvei Yankelevich; read by Bernstein (1:28) MP3
  3. "lips groping for the mouths..." / «нащупывая губами горлышко…» (2:23) MP3
  4. "lips groping for the mouths..."—translated by Julia Bloch, Kevin M. F. Platt, Maya Vinokour, and Alexander Zapol; read by Platt (2:45) MP3

Bilingual Video Poems / Двуязычные Видео-поэмы

Semyon Khanin / Семён Ханин: "talk with me..."—«поговори со мной...»; video by Katrina Neiburga, English subtitles by Lena Shakur

from Orbita on Vimeo

These recordings are available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2019 Semyon Khanin. Recordings used with the permission of Semyon Khanin. Distributed by PennSound.