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Michael McClure

PoemTalk #144, Discussing Michael McClure's "Ghost Tantras," feat. Selena Dyer, Jonathan Dick, Jerome Rothenberg

Listen to the complete recording and read program notes at Jacket2.

Rebel Roar: The Sound of Michael McClure

Rebel Roar: The Sound of Michael McClure explores the poetry and thoughts of one of the original Beat poets. McClure's relationship and influence on Jim Morrison, Bob Dylan, and the '60s counter-culture are examined. Through readings and candid discussion of his work, new light is shed on the artist Dennis Hopper considers one of the most important American dramatic and poetic voices.

Berkeley Video and Film Festival/DiscMakers Award/2008.

Aurora Award/Gold Award/2004.

Watch on Vimeo: External Link

Rockdrill CD #9, Ghost Tantras, Poems 1955-1991, Published by the Contemporary Poetics Research Centre, Opic Nerve for Birkbeck College, 2005.

  1. Song: 'I Work with the Shape' (0:23): MP3
  2. For the Death of 100 Whales (2:26): MP3
  3. Peyote Poem (5:18): MP3
  4. O giddy blank white page (1:24): MP3
  5. Ode to Jackson Pollock (4:01): MP3
  6. The Column (5:07): MP3
  7. The Flowers of Politics I (1:50): MP3
  8. The Flowers of Politics II (1:36): MP3
  9. Intro to "Ghost Tantras" (2:12): MP3
  10. Ghost Tantra #39 (1:14): MP3
  11. Ghost Tantra #51 (1:05): MP3
  12. Ghost Tantra #49 at SF Zoo, 1966 (see related video at the bottom of this page) (4:40): MP3
  13. Ghost Tantra #49 [with Terry Riley] (2:14): MP3
  14. Viet Nam Song (1:32): MP3
  15. Written after Finding a Dolphin's Skull (2:48): MP3
  16. Baja-Outside Mexicali (1:42): MP3
  17. from "Rare Angel" (1:37): MP3
  18. For Robert Creeley (1:03): MP3
  19. El Cerro Es Nuestro! (1:19): MP3
  20. Freewheelin's Tattoo (1:30): MP3
  21. Watching the Vulture (1:02): MP3
  22. Memories from Childhood (0:40): MP3
  23. Action Philosophy (1:21): MP3
  24. Action Philosophy [with Ray Manzarek] (3:17): MP3
  25. Leadbelly Blues (1:20): MP3
  26. Maybe Mama Lion [with Ray Manzarek] (5:24): MP3

Rockdrill CD #10, Rebel Lions, Poems 1991-2004, Published by the Contemporary Poetics Research Centre, Opic Nerve for Birkbeck College, 2005.

  1. Indian (2:40): MP3
  2. Indian [with Ray Manzarek] (3:01): MP3
  3. Spanish Roses [with Ran Manzarek] (2:58): MP3
  4. Acid Memento One (1:14): MP3
  5. Acid Memento Two (1:13): MP3
  6. Beginning with a Line by di Prima (3:38): MP3
  7. Field 8 (1:53): MP3
  8. haikus from 'Rain Mirror' (6:32): MP3
  9. Dharma Devotion #7 (0:40): MP3
  10. Dharma Devotion #67 (0:50): MP3
  11. Dharma Devotion #32 (0:53): MP3
  12. Dharma Devotion #36 (0:49): MP3
  13. Dharma Devotion #67 (0:52): MP3
  14. Dharma Devotion #99 (0:59): MP3
  15. Plumstone #1/Vain Vanity Vanitas [with Terry Riley] (6:34): MP3
  16. from 'Cracked Goddess' (5:34): MP3
  17. from 'Mysteriosos' (2:46): MP3
  18. from 'The Beard' (4:52): MP3
  19. Plum Stone #3 [with Terry Riley] (2:40): MP3
  20. Fuck Ode (9:38): MP3

I Like Your Eyes Liberty with Terry Riley, recorded by SRI Moonshine, 2004

  1. Evil (2:38): MP3
  2. The Beat (2:56): MP3
  3. Plum Stones (3:02): MP3
  4. Each Side (15:37): MP3
  5. Doorways (6:40): MP3
  6. Grahhrr (3:19): MP3
  7. Coming (6:34): MP3
  8. Red Purple Rose (13:51): MP3
  9. Finale (5:34): MP3

There's a Word! with Ray Manzarek, recorded at The Noe Valley Ministry by Rare Angel Music, San Francisco, 2001

  1. Beat Moves On (2:57): MP3
  2. For Willie Dixon (8:25): MP3
  3. Maybe Mama Lion (5:23): MP3
  4. For Jim Morrison (7:32): MP3
  5. Paragon of Danger (3:20): MP3
  6. Cowboy (3:17): MP3
  7. So The Owl Hoots (5:58): MP3
  8. High Heelz (3:53): MP3
  9. Spank Me With A Rose ((Deep Mud Medley)) (5:22): MP3
  10. Music Haikus (6:50): MP3
  11. Stanzas in Turmoil (14:21): MP3

Wednesdays at 4Plus, University at Buffalo, March 18, 1998

Complete Reading (49:03): MP3

Love Lion with Ray Manzarek, recorded at The Bottom Line by Shanachie Entertainment Corp., New York City, 1993

  1. Action Philosophy (3:10): MP3
  2. Love Lion Blues (5:08): MP3
  3. In Memoriam : For Jim Morrison (5:13): MP3
  4. Maybe Mama Lion (4:58): MP3
  5. Indian (2:56): MP3
  6. Antechamber of the Night (14:07): MP3
  7. Czechoslovakia (2:58): MP3
  8. High Heelz (4:41): MP3
  9. Paragon of Danger (3:04): MP3
  10. Spanish Roses (2:52): MP3
  11. A Breath (0:38): MP3
  12. Rose Rain (1:13): MP3
  13. Stanzas in Turmoil (15:54): MP3

Excerpts from an Interview with Clemente, March 1991

Reading with Robert Duncan at SFSU, February 16, 1983

  1. Robert Duncan: introductory remarks (2:38): MP3
  2. Robert Duncan: Walking on Kearny Street (1:03): MP3
  3. Robert Duncan: Descriptions of Imaginary Poetries (3:30): MP3
  4. Robert Duncan: Stuff ark mower bottle (1:24): MP3
  5. Michael McClure: And cold tired empty to be so spread in air (1:29): MP3
  6. Michael McClure: La Plus Blanche (1:01): MP3
  7. Michael McClure: Mad Sonnet (1:07): MP3
  8. Michael McClure: We're in the middle of a deep cloud (0:44): MP3
  9. Robert Duncan: RE- (2:06): MP3
  10. Michael McClure: Cousin to the mole and mold (2:03): MP3
  11. Michael McClure: Ode to Jackson Pollock (3:38): MP3
  12. Robert Duncan: A Set of Romantic Hymns (13:00): MP3
  13. Michael McClure: A Fantasy and Courtly Poem (1:37): MP3
  14. Michael McClure: Yes Table (1:46): MP3
  15. Michael McClure: Rant Block (4:18): MP3
  16. Robert Duncan: A Poem of Despondencie (3:56): MP3
  17. Michael McClure: The Rains of February (1:49): MP3
  18. Michael McClure: How beautiful gravity is (1:20): MP3
  19. Michael McClure: How beautiful gravity is (second reading) (0:28): MP3

Charles Olson Memorial Lectures, SUNY Buffalo, March 18-27, 1980

First Lecture: "Scratching the Beat Surface," March 18, 1980

  • (1:00:05): MP3

Second Lecture Discussion, March 20, 1980

Third Lecture: "Into the Theater," March 25, 1980

  • (1:24:59): MP3

Poetry Reading, March 27, 1980

Ghost Tantras, published 1979 by S Press as tape #56 and as #74, August 30, 1978

Recorded by Michaeal Köhler, August 30th 1978 at the author’s home in San Francisco

  • Recording Part 1 - Ghost Tantras (15:48): MP3
  • Contains: Ghost Tantra No. 51, 50, 39, 95, 96, 58, 67, 68, 69, 71, 52, 53, 54
  • Recording Part 2 - Antechamber (22:10): MP3

Richard Moore USA: Poetry Documentary with Brother Antonius, 1966

Reading at the Lion House, San Francisco Zoo, Summer 1966

Grahhh! (Michael in the Lion's Den) (3:40): MP3

Recorded by Bruce Conner.

Michael McClure Reads to Lions, 1964 and 1966

Video is an excerpt from a 1966 episode of Richard O. Moore's television series U.S.A. Poetry, McClure reads "Tantra 49" from Ghost Tantras (1964).
The mp3 here is a 1964 reading of this poem, cut 12 in the Rockdrill CD at the top of this page. This recording was made by Bruce Conner.
The MP3 linked here is differenet dub of this recording (from Robert Creeley's collection) -- (4:07):

Watch on

Reading for Auerhahn Press at International Music Hall, November 26, 1963

  • From Dark Brown (4:56): MP3
  • From Ghost Tantras (5:25): MP3

Optic Nerve Videos, various dates

  • Hail Thee Who Play! (2:14) Link
  • The Human Be-In (4:19) Link
  • Ghost Tantras (6:42) Link
  • The Beard (6:25) Link
  • Psychedelics (6:17) Link
  • Humming Bird Sangha (6:07) Link
  • Ode to Jackson Pollock (4:10) Link
  • Acid Mementos (2:49) Link
  • Raven's Feather (1:46) Link
  • Beginning With a Line by Diprima (4:15) Link

For Monk, date and location unknown

Reading from Ghost Tantras with Robert Creeley, hosted by Creeley in Placitas, New Mexico, date unknown

Complete recording (9:20): MP3

These sound and video recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2014 Michael McClure and Harper College (for "Rebel Roar: The Sound of Michael McClure"). Used with the permission of Michael McClure. Distributed by PennSound.