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Una colección de grabaciones en español.

1. Páginas de los poetas:

2. El proyecto de las lecturas de radio

  • producido por Rosanne Limoncelli y Ernesto Livon-Grosman
  • organizada por Ernesto Livon-Grosman

In the 1980s, together with Rosanne Limoncelli, I started the Radio Reading Project, a series of recordings and interviews in English and Spanish with poets from South and North America. The recordings, all made at NYU radio studio, were a public extension of some of the exchanges that are still so prevalent today. These readings and interviews covered a long range of topics, from the poetics of translation to the politics of performance. Today, presented as a whole in a new digital format as part of the PennSound archives, these readings and interviews lay out a network of artists that in some cases never met each other beyond this site yet they all share an interest in discussing what a poetics of the Americas might be.     —Ernesto Livon-Grosman

3. Sur & North: VideoPoesia

Jorge Perednik

  1. Retrato del poeta con Juan L. Ortiz video
  2. Alí Babá video
  3. Retrato (Redux) video
  4. Poetarzan video
  5. Lisuras video
  6. Los argentions somos derechos y humanos video
  7. El Gran Derrapador video

Raúl Zurita

  1. De Canto a Su Amor Desparecido video
  2. Pastoral de Chile video
  3. Desierto de Atacama video
  4. Me Llamo Raquel video

Renia María Rodrígez

  1. Celine y las mueres video
  2. Las Brutas video
  3. Clientas video

Roberto Cignoni

  1. mensaje video
  2. e e cummings' 1:351 video

4. Las Traducciones de Clayton Eshleman

5. Las Afinidades Electivas

In Argentina, the poet Alejandro Méndez took on a collaboration based on a visual arts project already underway by Roberto Jacoby with Ramona magazine. This task has also been taken on in many neighboring countries in order to chart a literary map where affinities, differences, and unexpected connections coexist in an ongoing, collective construction.

los autores incluyen:

  • Susana Villalba, "La muerte de Freud" (6:20): MP3
  • Reynaldo Jimenez, "borra" (4:03): MP3
  • Bárbara Belloc, "Svevo" (1:34): MP3
  • Juan Desiderio, "No es la Alhambra" (0:54): MP3
  • preguntas o problemas:
  • en español: Carlos Soto,
  • in english: Rebekah Caton,

These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the author. © 2009 by the author. Used with permission. Distributed by PennSound.