PoemTalk #28, Discussing Spicer's "Psychoanalysis: An Elegy"
Listen to the complete recording and read program notes for the episode at Jacket2.
Kevin Killian Reads Jack Spicer, 1991
- Reading Imaginary Elegy 1 on June 7, 1991 (2:39): MP3
- Reading Imaginary Elegy 2 on June 7, 1991 (3:29): MP3
The Holy Grail, July 15, 1965
- Introduction (2:15): MP3
- Jack Spicer's Remarks (0:37): MP3
- The Book of Gawain (6:37): MP3
- The Book of Percival (6:18): MP3
- The Book of Lancelot (5:44): MP3
- The Book of Gwenivere (6:38): MP3
- Applause (0:23): MP3
- The Book of Merlin (7:19): MP3
- The Book of Galahad (6:31): MP3
- The Book of The Death of Arthur (7:11): MP3
Complete reading (49:36): MP3
Complete reading [higher quality] (49:45): MP3
Poetry and Politics Lecture for the Berkeley Poetry Conference at the University of California, Berkeley, July 4, 1965
Partial recording [higher quality] (38:15): MP3
Recording from the Ben Tripp Tapes (1:17:45): MP3
Courtesy of Simon Pettet
Vancouver Lectures
June 13, 1965:
Lecture 1, part 1 (1:24:18): MP3, RealAudio
Lecture 1, part 2 (1:14:00): MP3, RealAudio
June 15, 1965:
Lecture 2, part 1 (1:26:11): MP3, RealAudio
Lecture 2, part 2 - second half of this section to come (44:16): MP3, RealAudio
[excerpt on Wallace Stevens's serial poems (3:27): MP3]
June 17, 1965:
Lecture 3, part 1 (1:27:06): MP3, RealAudio
Lecture 3, part 2 (29:00): MP3, RealAudio
Peter Gizzi's edited and annotated transcription of these lectures, The
House that Jack Built, was published by Wesleyan University Press, 1998.
This electronic edition of the lectures is presented in cooperation with
Peter Gizzi and Robin Blaser, for the Estate of Jack Spicer.
Spicer reads Language in its entirety — Vancouver, June 1965
- Thing Language (14:10):
- Love Poems (7:30):
- Intermissions (2:35):
- Transformations (2:51):
- Morphemics (3:27):
- Phonemics (5:46):
- Graphemics (8:45):
Recording courtesy of the Robert Creeley estate.
Jack Spicer speaks and reads from Language (full work)The second of two shows edited by Mark Weiss in 1975. Based
on recordings from the Spicer estate. [The opening comments are
from the 4th Lecture on Poetry & Politics
at the Berkeley Conference on July 14th 1965. - P.Gizzi]
Complete program (58:03): MP3
Spicer reads Language (44:43): MP3
From Book of Magazine Verse, 1965
Complete recording (20:25): MP3
, RealAudio
From Exact Change 8: "Imaginary Elegies," April 11, 1957
Complete recording (11:10): MP3
Reading “One Night Stand”, c. 1957
Complete recording (42:19): MP3
Courtesy of Simon Pettet
Spicer reads three early poems
"The Song of the Bird in the Loins" (1:08): MP3 [Collected Poetry, p. 62]
"The Dancing Ape" (0:51): MP3 [CP, p. 25]:
"Psychoanalysis: An Elegy" (2:54): MP3 [CP, p. 31]
Complete reading (4:52): MP3; RealAudio
"Psychoanalysis: An Elegy" is also featured on PoemTalk Episode 28.
Reading from "Billy the Kid" and "The Holy Grail", Date and Location Unknown
- Complete recording (21:44): MP3
Recording from the Maureen Owen Collection of Greenwich Village Poetry, at the Yale Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Reading of Early Poems (incomplete), Date Unknown
- Complete Recording, (12:00)MP3
- Recording courtesy of Michael Davidson
These sound recordings are being made available for
noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material
belong to the estate of the author. © 2004-2010 the Estate of Jack Spicer. Used
with permission of the Estate of Jack Spicer. Distributed by PennSound.